Hey guys! So I am sorry for the delay on this chapter but I made it a little longer to make up for it. This is the last chapter for this story and I really enjoyed writing a more playful, flirty storyline for this couple. Now, I have another long fic in mind but I am going to do a one or two-shot for playful kiss first. So, I hope you have enjoyed this one, and thanks again for all the support!
Yi Jeong slipped quietly into Woo Bin's room and his friend barely spared him a glance as he put on his watch. "How's Ga Eul?"
"Better." Yi Jeong sighed tiredly. "The cold wore her out though so we are going to stay an extra day. I want her to rest more before getting back on a plane."
Woo Bin nodded, tight lines around his mouth as he reached for the jacket on the bed. "I doubt she's slept well since this vacation," he stressed the word sarcastically, "started."
"No. Plus, the stress of everything has made her exhausted."
"And whose fault is that?"
Yi Jeong sighed at the harsh snap and rubbed his eyes. "We need to talk Woo Bin."
At the prolonged silence, Yi Jeong decided his friend was even more upset than he originally believed. "If it makes you feel any better, I will never forgive myself for calling Ga Eul… What I did." He finished weakly not able to say the words again. "Or letting her get hurt because of them."
"You didn't just hurt her feelings. You almost..." He shook his head in disbelief. "What the hell were you thinking, Yi Jeong? Do you have any idea what could have happened to her?" Woo Bin growled furiously. "If you had not been able to get to shelter or if we had not found you in time? Ga Eul almost sacrificed her life to keep you warm when it was your dumb ass that put yourself in that situation in the first place!"
"I know."
"I have watched you do a lot of dumb things when you get mad, So Yi Jeong" he continued darkly and gestured to his hand. "And I thought that one took the cake but this… I never would have believed you would actually endanger Ga Eul."
"I won't do it again." Yi Jeong swore quietly, his voice revealing his sincerity. "I promise."
Woo Bin glared at him. "And the next time you have something to say about my relationship with Chu Ga Eul then say it to me."
Yi Jeong clenched his jaw slightly and met his friend's eye with a hard glare. "Fine. So what is your relationship with my woman, Woo Bin?"
Woo Bin narrowed his eyes. "Right now? If I thought I could steal her from you, I would."
This made a churning of dread and jealousy burn deep in his stomach and he narrowed his eyes in warning but Woo Bin wasn't finished. "Ga Eul is the first woman to love us. To love each of us and not expect a damn thing in return. Do you honestly believe I, Ji Hoo, or even Gu Jun Pyo wouldn't somewhat fall in love with her?"
"Yes actually." Yi Jeong snapped angrily. "Because she's mine. I claimed her first, Woo Bin."
"And you've done such a great job of honoring her," Woo Bin replied hotly. "This weekend really makes me believe you deserve her."
"It doesn't matter if I deserve her." Yi Jeong stood up with a low growl. "She's still mine and if you take one step towards her while I am gone—"
"I could kill you on my worst day," Woo Bin said flatly and without a trace of apology. "So your threats are nothing but a waste of time. Besides," he threw down his cufflink in annoyance. "Love comes in all different forms, Yi Jeong. Just because I love Ga Eul doesn't mean I want her in my bed."
This made Yi Jeong stop in surprise and blink at him. "You don't?"
"Of course not, you pabo." His friend barked in exasperation. "No more than you wanted Geum Jan Di in yours but were still furious at Gu Jun Pyo and punched his lights out when he pretended to dump her."
"Oh," Yi Jeong mumbled before frowning suspiciously. "Then why did you hug her?"
"For fuck's sake, Yi Jeong." Woo Bin threw up his hands. "It was a hug. Not a passionate embrace."
"Well, it certainly looked like one!
"Then next time just come and punch me!" Woo Bin shouted back at him. "Or call me the cheap flirt. But if you ever raise your voice to Ga Eul again, I will you kill myself."
This drained his anger and Yi Jeong sank back down in the chair. "If I ever speak to Ga Eul like I did this weekend again, I will ask you too."
Woo Bin sighed and came to sit next to him. "You have the worst overreaction button I have ever seen. You almost kill yourself in a fucking blizzard all because you saw me hug Ga Eul. Which by the way, I have done a billion times in these past three years."
Yi Jeong's face turned thunderous once more at this particular statement and Woo Bin chuckled even as he rolled his eyes. "Oh knock it off."
"I can't help it," he mumbled darkly. "Other men touching her makes me see red. Even if it's just you or Ji Hoo."
"You have it bad." Woo Bin laughed softly. "Maybe even worse than Gu Jun Pyo. Which I never would have thought possible."
Yi Jeong absorbed this with a nod. "I love her. In a way, I didn't know it was possible to love someone."
"I know." His friend glanced at him in amusement before sobering slightly. "There is nothing going on between me and Ga Eul."
"I know." Yi Jeong admitted with an apologetic grimace. "Ga Eul told me."
"Pabo." Woo Bin scrubbed his face tiredly. "I won't lie and say sometimes I don't wish she were available but I know she belongs to you. So, I have not let any feelings develop beyond sisterly love and protection."
Yi Jeong nodded and looked at his hands. "I'm sorry."
"Well, if Ga Eul has decided to forgive you for this weekend, then so will I." Woo Bin gave him a stern glare. "But don't do it again. We may be brothers, Yi Jeong but I won't allow anyone to hurt her. Not even you."
"I am going to hold you to that."
Woo Bin smiled slightly and sighed. "Are you still going to Sweden?"
"Yeah," he admitted softly. "Ga Eul wants me too. She wants me to get back my hands. She promised to wait for me though."
"She will."
"I know." Yi Jeong lifted his head and looked at Woo Bin intently. "That's the other thing I wanted to talk to you about. I want you to look after her while I am gone."
Woo Bin nodded somberly. "I can do that."
"I don't know what my grandfather might do once he finds out about—"
"Don't worry." His friend interrupted firmly. "I won't let him touch Ga Eul."
"Thank you."
They sat together silently for a while before Yi Jeong stood up with a groan. "I hate to do it but I should probably go wake her up. She hasn't eaten in almost two days."
"Good idea." Woo Bin rose to follow him and Yi Jeong gave him a tentative stare. "Are we okay?"
"Almost." His friend nodded slowly before hitting him again, only slightly lower than before and this time, Yi Jeong knew Woo Bin had been holding back at the cabin. And he distantly wondered if he would ever be able to give Ga Eul children.
"Now we're good." Woo Bin sang as he opened the door with a smirk. "See you downstairs."
Ga Eul walked carefully down the stairs to the lodge dining hall, trying not to outwardly wince. Her muscles were overly stiff and sore from being in the cold yesterday. And although, she was used to her joints locking up after prolonged time in the cold, she didn't want to frighten the others.
Yi Jeong who was waiting for her immediately frowned though at the obvious difficulty she was having despite her best attempts to hide it.
"I'm fine," Ga Eul told him softly before he could ask. "Just sore."
"Let me help—"
"No." She gently pushed his hand away. "I don't want to worry the others."
Yi Jeong gave her an annoyed glare. "Well, they will just have to be worried." And not giving her a chance to argue, he simply placed his arm around her waist so she could lean her weight into him. "Come on."
Ga Eul sighed, letting him guide her the rest of the way down and she saw Woo Bin and the others immediately become alarmed at the sight of her limping and relying heavily on Yi Jeong for support.
"Ga Eul," Woo Bin said in concern. "Are you all right?"
"I'm fine, Sunbae." She laughed slightly. "Just sore and Yi Jeong is being overprotective."
"Get used to it." Yi Jeong growled with a small kiss to her temple. "Sit. I will grab your breakfast."
"I can do—"
"Chu Ga Eul," all four boys yelled in exasperation and her lips twitched. "Never mind."
Gu Jun Pyo rose from the table and made his way to her. "Go get her food, Yi Jeong. I will take Ga Eul."
Knowing better than to argue with the F4 leader, she let Yi Jeong pass her over and as they finished walking to the others, she could admit it was necessary to lean into the large man for extra support. Jan Di who was used to seeing Ga Eul lock up in the winter air was not as alarmed and shot her friend a sympathetic grimace. "Your knee?"
"No." Ga Eul moaned as Jun Pyo help lower her down into the chair. "My back."
Jan Di made a motherly cluck and reached up to feel along her spine. "Ouch. I can feel your muscles spasming."
She nodded as Jan Di rubbed easily. Years of friendship knowingly soothing her aching muscles but catching the nervous stares from Woo Bin and Ji Hoo, she sent over a small smile. "Sleeping on concrete and under bridges leaves traces. Long periods in the cold or when it's going to rain makes it flare sometimes. I will be fine by this afternoon but in the mornings I tend to get stiff."
Jun Pyo looked over to Jan Di for confirmation and his fiancé nodded. "She's telling the truth. She is always slightly achy in the winter. She's aggravated it but it won't last long. By this afternoon she will be skiing again."
"No, she won't." Woo Bin and Ji Hoo barked at the same time and Ga Eul laughed. "I will stay inside today, Sunbae. Don't worry."
Jun Pyo in uncharacteristically sweet gesture reached over to take her hand with a soft murmur. "Ga Eul...Why didn't you tell me?"
Ga Eul squeezed his hand comfortingly. "Because my past can't be changed. And I didn't want you feeling bad about a situation you couldn't do anything about. Besides, it's over. My father and I are fine now. We got ourselves off the streets and although the memories sometimes sting, I don't really think about that time much anymore."
"My mother—"
"Is not you."
Jun Pyo met her eye and she saw the guilt in his expression but she only shook her head. "My father losing his job was not your fault, Sunbae. Nor was it Geum Jan Di's."
"I'm still sorry."
"Don't be." Ga Eul said firmly. "I wouldn't change a thing. If Geum Jan Di hadn't met you, I would never have met So Yi Jeong. And I would take being homeless again three times over before I changed that. In fact," she swept a loving gaze over all three men who were sitting there looking at her tenderly. "I would take being homeless again over anything that prevented me from having any of you in my life."
Gu Jun Pyo leaned across the table and kissed her forehead and Jan Di smiled at him. "I wouldn't change a thing either… Well, except for the fact that you steal my covers at night."
He laughed huskily, the weight of guilt lifting now that he knew Ga Eul didn't hold any grudges over what his mother tried to put her through again. "Well, you put your cold feet on me all night long, so I figure we're even."
"Nmm," Jan Di stuck her tongue at him teasingly and the group laughed as the Shinhwa executive grinned in rare playfulness. "We will talk about the covers situation later."
"Ick," Woo Bin groaned. "Can we please change the subject? I want to enjoy my breakfast."
Jan Di laughed as Yi Jeong returned to the table with a bowl of fruit for her and some water. "Here. I didn't know what your stomach could handle so I went light. But if you want something else…"
"No honey, this is fine. Thank you."
He smiled quietly at the endearment since it had fallen naturally off her lips and he lay a kiss to the top of her head. "What were you talking about?"
"About me attempting the downhill again today." Ga Eul said breezily and his mouth dropped. "What? Ga Eul!"
She laughed at the alarm in his voice and shook her head. "I was kidding."
"Not funny." Yi Jeong snapped and she saw the anxiety in his eyes. The trauma of last night as he attempted to warm her still too fresh for any teasing. "Don't worry, Yi Jeong." Ga Eul took his hand. "I don't plan on doing anything today but sitting in front of the fire with a good book."
"That's all she is cleared for anyway," Ji Hoo broke in and pointed at her firmly. "Doctors orders."
Ga Eul rolled her eyes but decided the F4 hovering was going to be a little more incessant than normal for a while. "I will behave. I promise."
"Thank you." Yi Jeong chuckled and laid a long kiss on her lips despite the presence of his friends. "I love you."
"I love you too."
"Awww." The table exploded and Yi Jeong rolled his eyes good-naturedly to Ga Eul. "Ignore them."
"I was planning on it."
With one last kiss, Yi Jeong settled beside her and carefully watched her eat. Her appetite seemed to have returned since she managed to eat most of the fruit he had brought over along with a cup of tea. However, he could tell her energy was still low and once she had finished, he dipped his head to the door. "Grab that book sweetheart. I will come join you by the fire in just a minute."
"Okay." She stood up stiffly and waved to the others before beginning her long trek to her room. "I will help her." Jan Di offered with a wince since it was obvious Ga Eul's back was still locked up. "I will also see if I can find her heat pad or something from the lodge. It should help loosen up her muscles."
The guys all sighed together once they alone, relief filling them for the first time since Yi Jeong and Ga Eul were reported missing.
"Damn. What a trip." Ji Hoo groaned and rolled his neck tiredly. "And poor Ga Eul. We have known her for almost three years and I've never even noticed her getting stiff in the cold."
"I have," Jun Pyo said slowly. "Now that I look back on it. But never enough to raise my suspicion."
"Me either." Woo Bin sighed guiltily before looking over to Yi Jeong curiously. "You did though. I remember you asking Geum Jan Di once why Ga Eul was limping…"
Yi Jeong nodded darkly. "I even tried to take her to the doctor one night when I saw her struggling at the porridge shop. She refused to let me though. Telling me she was only tired from being on her feet."
"Good lord," Jun Pyo rubbed his eyes with a muted chuckle. "Our women make our stubbornness look manageable."
They all nodded in agreement before Woo Bin clapped Ji Hoo on the shoulder. "Come on. That's enough drama for one weekend. The storm finally lifted last night and I am ready to hit the slopes."
"Sounds good to me." Ji Hoo grabbed his coat with a nod. "We'll be back in a few hours."
"Try not to get lost." Jun Pyo told them dryly. "I've reached my rescue quota for at least a year."
They laughed and waved as they headed out together and Jun Pyo waited until they were out of earshot before turning to Yi Jeong. "All right. Out with it."
"Whatever favor you are about to ask me."
Yi Jeong grinned over his cup. "What makes you think I am going to ask you for a favor?"
Jun Pyo simply gave him a bored expression. "Do I need to remind you how long we've been friends? Besides, you had the same look on your face that time you accidentally spilled paint over Woo Bin's new leather jacket. The one he had imported specifically from Milan and you begged me to take the fall so you wouldn't have to go to your exhibit with a black eye."
"Oh yeah…" Yi Jeong nodded at the memory. "I forgot about that one."
"I didn't." Jun Pyo rubbed the back of his head. "He tackled me so hard, I am half convinced my amnesia episode was a delayed reaction from it."
"Sorry." Yi Jeong laughed. "Once I get to Sweden and get my hand fixed, I will make you a special pot for the Shinhwa hotel lobby."
"You better. Especially after this weekend." Jun Pyo lips twitched in amusement. "So what do you want this time?"
"You know the shack you found me and Ga Eul in last night?"
"Yes." Jun Pyo said slowly. "What about it?"
Yi Jeong only grinned and Jun Pyo's eyes widened. "You want me to—"
With a long groan, Jun Pyo thumped his head down on the table. "I hate you." Yi Jeong smiled and stood up to pat his back as his friend vehemently cursed the day he decided to ask him to play in the sandbox when they were three. "Thank you, Gu Jun Pyo."
"Yeah, yeah." Jun Pyo grumbled and batted his hand away. "But I want two pots for this."
"No." Woo Bin ripped the skis from her hand with a firm shake of his head. "Absolutely not."
"Woo Bin," Ga Eul rolled her eyes. "It's been a year since Yi Jeong and I were lost. I am completely defrosted by now."
"Look at my face." Woo Bin pointed to himself. "Does anything on my face make you think that I am going to let you ski, snowboard, or do anything remotely outside this weekend?"
"Woo Bin," Ji Hoo called out warningly and Woo Bin huffed for a moment before reluctantly handing her back the skis with a dark glare at the student doctor. "Fine. But if anything happens, you get to be the one to call Yi Jeong."
Ga Eul snorted and rose on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek. "I will be careful and promise to stay in sight of the lodge this time."
"You better." Woo Bin mumbled with a smile before shooing her away playfully. "All right. Go have fun before I change my mind."
"Thank you."
Ga Eul pulled down her hat over her ears and headed outside, grateful for the deep clean air filling up her lungs. She closed her eyes as the cold air nipped her cheeks and fought off a wave of melancholy. It had officially been a year since that night in the cabin with So Yi Jeong where they finally expressed everything they had been bottling inside. He left for Sweden less than a month later.
And despite missing him desperately, Ga Eul was pleased by his progress with his mentors. His hand was slowly regaining its former strength and Yi Jeong's love for the art was returning instead of viewing it as a curse of his family legacy. Her love and encouragement showing him that he could be a great potter without having to sacrifice the people he loved or the life he truly wanted for himself.
Yi Jeong had been very careful with her though. He made sure the Shinhwa umbrella and Song family reputation completely covered her before he let his grandfather find out about their relationship. And even then it was a messy fight between the two hot-headed men.
Especially since So Yoon Hee refused to ever accept a common woman as a future granddaughter. But Yi Jeong had made it clear he didn't care about his grandfather's blessing so the two men were forced to reach a reluctant understanding. While they weren't technically speaking to each other as long as Yoon Hee didn't try to approach her, Yi Jeong would continue his work with the museum.
Ga Eul hoped his family would someday make peace with her for Yi Jeong's sake but for right now it was enough just to know they wouldn't come after her. She looked around the slope and waved to Jan Di who was playing with Gu Jun Pyo.
The Shinhwa president had come home from New York since Jan Di and he tried never to go more than four months without seeing each other. This time though, he had wanted to take everyone back to the lodge for the weekend for their annual ski trip and while Ga Eul was glad to get away, being here without Yi Jeong made her miss him even more.
She sighed as she clipped on her skis and remembering her promise to Woo Bin decided to stick to the smaller trails. Fighting with her laces, she was only barely aware of someone in a black ski suit and goggles coming up beside her with a husky laugh. "Need some help?"
"No thanks." Ga Eul muttered as she adjusted her shoe again. But as he only continued to stand next to her, she lifted her head with an annoyed sigh. "Sorry but if you are looking for some snow bunny to play with, I already have a boyfriend."
"Hmm," the man nodded before lifting his goggles and Yi Jeong's amused eyes twinkled brightly at her. "Glad to hear it."
"Yi Jeong," Ga Eul gasped in disbelief. "But you-you—"
Before she could finish her shocked rambling, Yi Jeong grabbed her wrist with a heated moan and yanked her into his chest, his lips crashing down over her. She clutched his shoulders and felt her heart racing wildly. He dropped his pole to wrap his hand into her hair and pulled her in even closer until you couldn't have fit a piece of paper between them.
"You're really here." Ga Eul mumbled against his mouth as he continued to brush his lips slowly over hers. "I thought—"
"I wanted to surprise you." Yi Jeong panted harshly. "But I couldn't wait any longer."
"Yi Jeong," Ga Eul kissed him again and she felt him moving her slowly back to the line of trees and out of view of the others. His hands desperately trying to find her flesh buried under the many articles of clothing and she giggled at his frustrated growl. "Damn layers."
She wrapped her arms around his neck as he pinned her against the tree and pressed his body fully into her. "I've missed you."
"Me too." He tucked his face into her neck and moaned in relief as he finally managed to find her flesh under the three sweaters she was currently sporting. His hands stroking frantically along her ribs as though he was trying to convince himself she was really there.
They didn't say anything for a while but once they were both more in control, Yi Jeong finally lifted his head to brush his lips slowly over her jaw. "Hi."
"Hi." Ga Eul shook her head. "I can't believe you are here. I wasn't expecting to see you until next month when I flew out to Sweden."
"I know." Yi Jeong moved her hair out of her eyes with a deep breath. "But I couldn't wait any longer to see you."
She tucked her face into his chest and he closed his eyes at the low sniffle. "I'm sorry sweetheart. It's been too long."
She nodded and clung to him. "I can't go a year without you again."
"Me either." Yi Jeong assured her quietly as he pressed kisses into her head. "Don't cry, Ga Eul."
"I'm sorry." She whimpered. "I am just so glad you're here."
He smiled and rocked her slowly until she stopped trembling. She finally managed to lift her head and stare at him happily. "In case it wasn't obvious, I like my surprise."
"Good." Yi Jeong hummed before taking her hand. "But I'm not done."
"What?" Ga Eul frowned as he led her over to his snowmobile. "Where are we going?"
"Get on and find out." Yi Jeong handed her a helmet and she hurriedly climbed in behind him. "If we get lost again, Woo Bin will kill us."
"Don't worry. He assured her with a laugh. "The guys already know about this. They won't come looking for us anytime soon."
She grinned and wrapped herself tightly around him. He drove steadily for such long time, she briefly wondered if he was just planning on driving them all the way back to his studio in the city when he finally stopped in the middle of the heavy forest.
"We need to walk the rest of the way."
She took his hand with a bemused smile as he led her down a windy path. "Yi Jeong what are you…" She trailed off as they suddenly came into view of a small cabin light up against the dark trees and she gasped. "Is that—"
"Mm-hmm," Yi Jeong encircled her from behind with a grin. "Our shack."
She stared in disbelief at the transformation of the rickety cover they had taken over a year ago. The collapsing porch was now restored and enlarged with a banister surrounding the edge. Two rocking chairs sat next to the new large windows. The paint gleamed glossy and the low glow from inside beckoned them warmly. "I can't believe it. How did you do—"
"Gu Jun Pyo did it actually." Yi Jeong kissed the inside of her neck with a low purr. "He managed to track down the person who originally owned it for me. Which took a lot of Shinhwa influence and paperwork trudging to even find the records since it had been abandon for so long but he finally managed it. They agreed to let me buy it anonymously since they just wanted to be rid of it. And I had it refurbished which took about another six months to complete, but." Yi Jeong tucked his chin over her shoulder. "It's officially ours now."
"Yi Jeong, thank you." Ga Eul whispered shakily and he smiled against her cheek. "Jun Pyo put the deed in a fake name for me so it can't be traced. So, we can come here whenever we want and no-one will be able to find us."
He laughed and took her hand. "Come on. Come see the inside."
Ga Eul followed him up the steps and gaped at the new interior. The small fireplace had been expanded and was roaring with strong flames. A large leather sofa took up space along the wall under the deep window which held a view of the night sky. The wood floor glistened under their feet with a thick carpets and shelves lined up prettily along the walls holding photos of the two of them and some of the F4 and Geum Jan Di.
He had added a full kitchen and the rich smell of fresh coffee filled her nose. "It's wonderful."
"They built a bedroom onto the back," Yi Jeong gestured to the hall. "Along with restoring the bathroom."
She wrapped him in a tight hug. "I love it."
"Good." He dipped his head over to the section of floor in front of the fireplace. "Did I forget anything?"
She turned and immediately snorted at the sight of a large bearskin rug in front of the crackling flames but instead of the canister of whiskey like she had originally imagined for Yi Jeong's fantasy, there were two wine glasses and her favorite bottle waiting for them.
"Not a thing."
Yi Jeong kicked the door close with his foot and leaned forward with a low growl. "Now about these layers."
Ga Eul giggled as she sank into the deep rug. "Just don't catch my hair on fire this time."
"Mmm." Yi Jeong mumbled as he settled on top of her with an appreciative growl. "I make no promises."
Afterward, she lay loose and warm in his arms. His hand stroking her bare back even as he drifted into a light sleep. Ga Eul snuggled into his chest beyond grateful to actually be able to sleep next to him tonight. Her eyes were slowly drifting close as he held her tightly when she heard something strange and yet oddly familiar. Lifting her head, she listened carefully for a moment before sitting up.
He moaned at the loss of contact and reached for her with a low whine. "No. Come back here. I'm too comfortable to get up."
"Yi Jeong, listen."
He blearily lifted his head and hearing the odd noise, he sat up with a frown. "Is that the wind?"
Ga Eul nodded slowly. "And it's snowing pretty heavily too."
He grabbed his phone and let out a small laugh. "Looks like we are in for another big snowstorm tonight. I didn't even know about it. I was so focused on surprising you; I didn't pay any attention to the weather."
She smiled contently as he pulled her down into his side. "It doesn't sound as creepy with actual walls around us this time."
He chuckled huskily and nuzzled her shoulder. "Well, it can snow as much as it wants. I made sure there were enough supplies to be trapped with you for at least four months."
Ga Eul laughed and taking in all the details of the cabin, her heart filled with love over his precise attention. The blankets were all woven with her favorite colors and plenty of books to keep her occupied. Along with candles and lanterns to keep the room glowing but not overwhelming with harsh lighting.
"I love you."
"I love you too," Yi Jeong sighed against her skin and smiled as she rolled him to his back and hovered above him. While Ga Eul might be quiet and shy with the rest of the world, she shedded all her protective barriers with him and he liked knowing he was the only to see her warm sensual side. He stroked her hips as she leaned down to kiss him, enjoying her playful exploration while the wind howled outside.
"It sounds like the storm is here." He winked at her knowingly. "Feel like warming me up again?"
"Well," Ga Eul lifted her hips and sank down over him, his groan making her whisper wickedly against his ear. "Since you asked so nicely."