Hey guys! So here is my new multi-fic Ga Eul and Yi Jeong. I decided to write a lot of tension in this one so be prepared for a slow burn lol. This story will probably be similar to the Hotel Lock-In chapter wise, so expect around four chapters. Now, I know this one is short but I am mainly setting the scene so be patient with me. I am also going to do the Patient epilogue but wanted to get something fresh up for you guys first.

One more thing. I wanted to thank everyone for their kind words in some of my latest reviews. You all have been incredibly supportive over my stories which means a great deal to me. So, thank you and big virtual hugs to everyone in the world right now as we navigate these strange new times. Praying for you all and hope you're safe.


Cold snow whirled in loud screeches around the abandoned cabin. The sound of the wind reminding Yi Jeong of some sort of ancient creature out of the stories he remembered reading as a kid. It was almost creepy and he couldn't help but stay on guard for any strange movement in the darkened corners.

"I've never heard a snowstorm like this before…" Ga Eul whispered shakily. "It's like someone is screaming."

Yi Jeong nodded as he pulled back the curtain slightly. "Probably wouldn't sound so bad if we were at the lodge instead of the middle of nowhere."

She didn't answer which only irritated him further. "After all, I am not the one—"

"I didn't tell you to follow me!"

"I wouldn't have needed to follow you if you hadn't been so stupid to go out in the middle of a damn blizzard, Ga Eul!"

At his sharp snap, Ga Eul glared at him furiously before turning and stalking into the bathroom, slamming the door to the point that it rattled the window. Yi Jeong gritted his teeth with an angry exhale. Picking a fight with her had basically become a new addiction for him while Ga Eul had perfected the art of coldness towards him. Which only made him poke at her even further.

All in all, it had become a tedious immature game between the two of them. To the point where they couldn't even be in the same room without one of them lashing out.

Yi Jeong rubbed his eyes with a dark growl. As his friends had pointed out in exasperation earlier, this was getting ridiculous. Woo Bin especially was growing tired of Yi Jeong's attitude and had put his foot down earlier that if he didn't stop growling at Ga Eul like a bear, he was going to have to deal with him.

Which had been the first time in his life that his friend had ever threatened him. Not that Yi Jeong could really blame him. It was obvious the tension between the two of them was beginning to wear on Ga Eul and after she had left the table during dinner last night without even eating it had become noticeable to everyone.

And Yi Jeong reflected sadly on how they had gotten here with a churning of his stomach. This wasn't his relationship with Chu Ga Eul. They might have poked at each other in the past but they also knew the other deeply. There was trust and intimacy built into their relationship which had seemed to shatter these past few weeks.

Yi Jeong's wound over the incident at the Namsan stairs had festered into a blister he couldn't seem to stop pressing. The look of peace on her face as she walked away from him had been the final push for him to leave permanently for Sweden.

While his friends knew about his decision and were supportive over whatever he needed to do to heal, they were also aware he wasn't just leaving because of the damage to his hands. They didn't push though since they knew this would only make Yi Jeong shut down ever more.

His family didn't care that he was leaving so long as it meant they might get a chance to keep their place in the art world. His mentors though were pleased by his attitude to finally face his pain and restore his hands which was credit to Ga Eul coming after him and refusing to let him give up.

And despite the fact this step towards getting his art back was all because of Ga Eul, Yi Jeong had still not told her about moving to Sweden. Partially because he had been angry with her for deciding to let them go without even talking to him first. But also because he wasn't sure how she would react to the news. And the guilt over leaving and the deep fear that she had truly meant everything she said that day causing him to repeatedly lash out.

All of which leading to a giant stupid fight in the middle of the lodge surrounded by everyone forcing Ga Eul to flee in the middle of the night and the sole reason they were now lost and trapped.

"Damn it," Yi Jeong sighed. "How the hell did we get here?"

He heard the latch of the door open and he turned slightly as Ga Eul emerged from the bathroom. She had removed her heavy coat and sweater, her body language overly stiff as she pointedly ignored him. He couldn't really blame her for it but it still sent a flash of frustration over him.

She was holding a warm rag and small bowl of water. He watched her curiously as she settled into the chair, and stretched to press the cloth against her shoulder, a small hiss erupting out of her mouth.

"What's that about?" Yi Jeong asked quietly and her lips pursed tightly at the question. "I must have skidded against a rock or something when we fell."

He frowned and went to look at her shoulder. It was long, deep scratch and he could see bits of dirt and snow still in the wound. Ga Eul pressed down again but because of the location of the wound, she wasn't able to properly clean it.

"Here, let me." Yi Jeong went to take the rag but she moved her hand. "It's all right. I will do it."

He gritted his teeth and snatched it from her angrily. "Are we even going to fight about this now?"

Ga Eul stared at the floor before slowly shaking her head. Taking that a sign that she wouldn't try to punch him if he touched her, Yi Jeong moved behind her and began to carefully clean it. He heard her quietly hiss again as he brushed away the dirt and he muttered a low apology.

They were silent for a long time as he worked on her shoulder. His knuckles were almost white as he gripped the rag from the tension while Ga Eul barely even breathed. Unable to stand it any longer, she gave a watery chuckle. "How did we get here, Yi Jeong?"

He froze momentarily before letting a deep sigh. "I don't know. I was thinking about that earlier." He went back to his ministrations before lowering his voice slightly. "This isn't us, Ga Eul."

"No." Ga Eul admitted softly and he heard the hurt in her voice. "But you hating me didn't use to be us either."

He stopped and looked at her in obvious pain. "I don't hate you, Ga Eul."

She ignored this and he fought not to throw the rag across the room at her continued coldness. "If anyone hates someone here—"


They went quiet again and Yi Jeong focused his attention back to her shoulder. "Why didn't you tell me about Sweden?" Ga Eul finally asked softly. "That you were leaving?"

Yi Jeong closed his eyes briefly before dipping the rag into the bowl of water. "How did you know?"

"Jan Di told me last week." She turned her head to meet his eye. So were you ever going to tell me? Or should I have just expected a pat on the head at the airport or a postcard in about year?"

"Of course she did." Yi Jeong muttered angrily. "Geum Jan Di probably couldn't wait to give you that piece of news."

Ga Eul didn't rise to this particular bait. Mainly because she knew he was right. Her best friend had good intentions but also never made it any secret that she worried over their... friendship for a lack of a better word.

"I was going to tell you," Yi Jeong told her somberly. "I just didn't know how."

"So, you decided being mean and ugly was the best approach." Ga Eul looked over at him, her face full of hurt. "Why? Were you hoping I would miss you less if you made our last moments together awful?"

He narrowed his eyes in warning. "What about you, Chu Ga Eul? You have not exactly been overly warm and welcoming this weekend either."

"What did you expect when you pull up to the plane with three girls sitting beside you?"

He clenched his jaw tightly. "Well after someone made it clear she didn't want to be with me, I decided it was pointless to keep trying to be someone I'm not."

A tear rolled down her cheek but her tone was calm. "You know what's sad, Yi Jeong? Is that you have pretended to be some rogue Casanova for so long that you actually believe now that it's your true nature. That the good man is the act…" She shook her head and the look of disappointment in her eyes almost made his heart stop. "You've been lying to yourself for so long, you don't even remember the truth anymore."

Yi Jeong lowered his gaze as he stood up abruptly. "I will try to find you a bandage."

Ga Eul didn't respond but simply focused her attention back to the pitiful fire he had managed to light in the small fireplace. The flames flicked over her face bringing attention to her wet cheeks.

"Will you miss me?" Yi Jeong asked quietly. "When I leave?"

Her deep silence told him everything and he grabbed up a dust-filled glass, throwing it against the wall. The loud shattering echoing around them but Ga Eul didn't even flinch at his temper.

"Then why, Ga Eul?" Yi Jeong roared in frustration. "You are the one who told me we were done. That you were letting me go. That you had done all you fucking could! That's why I didn't tell you about Sweden… Because you weren't supposed to care anymore, remember?"

Ga Eul stood up slowly and moving to the wall picked up some old canister, holding it out threateningly. "You want to throw things, Yi Jeong? Fine. Then let's throw things."

Heaving with all her might, she threw the bottle into the fire. The flames flared dangerously, soaking the tiny room with heat and anger. Grabbing more she kept up the shattering, her chest heaving in exertion. "Is this how you want to communicate, So Yi Jeong?"

He only stared at her, his own breathing coming to hard and fast now. "You are not allowed to be mad here. You lied to me." He pointed at her accusingly. "You still love me, Ga Eul."

This time she aimed the bottle at his head but he grabbed it from her furiously before she could let it fly. "Quit it-"

"Then don't try to make this my fault." Ga Eul yelled over him, her fury making her eyes flame almost worse than the fire. "Or pretend I am the one who -I didn't run away from you. I have always been here, Yi Jeong. I never left. You did!"

"Really?" Yi Jeong snarled. "You think so? I am not the one who abandoned me on the Namsan stairs with a smile on my face without letting you say a damn word otherwise."


"You want to fight, Ga Eul." Yi Jeong barked over her protest coldly. "Fine. We will fight. We can destroy this entire fucking cabin for all I care. It won't change anything… We're done."

All fight drained out of her and she shook her head slowly. "And you just left again." Stepping over the broken glass she let out a trembling breath. "You're right. We're done. But don't ever say I was the one who walked away first, So Yi Jeong."

He closed his eyes in horror at the finality in that statement. His heart breaking more violently than the current mess surrounding his feet.

Woo Bin shook his head as he walked back inside where the others were waiting anxiously. "No sign of them."

"Damn it." Gu Jun Pyo scrubbed his face. "Where could they have disappeared too?"

"After Ga Eul ran out earlier, Yi Jeong followed her." Ji Hoo muttered thoughtfully. "Maybe they got lost in the storm."

Both Woo Bin and Jun Pyo's eyes widened as they looked out the large window where heavy snow and the furious wind blew around the building. "Shit."

Gu Jun Pyo desperately tried Yi Jeong's number again but only met his voicemail, he let another long curse. "Idiot. Why would he go out in this?"

"Because Ga Eul was out in it." Woo Bin sat down heavily, rubbing his temples where a sudden pounding was making itself known. "For the same reason, you followed Geum Jan Di that time to the top of the mountain."

Jun Pyo gave a long sigh of agreement. "Yeah. I know."

"What do we do now?" Woo Bin asked worriedly. "We can't leave them—"

"There is nothing we can do right now." Ji Hoo pointed out wearily. "The storm is too strong. We will just end up getting lost ourselves and then Yi Jeong and Ga Eul will really be in trouble."

"Damn it." Woo Bin snarled. "I am going to kill him for this."

"You may not have too," Jun Pyo said worriedly as he looked out again. "The snow and freezing temperatures may do it for us."

The two other members exchanged horrified stares at their leader's obvious concern. "Yi Jeong is smart." Ji Hoo quickly pointed out. "He would have found shelter for them both once it became obvious they would not be able to make it back to the lodge."

"Ga Eul," Woo Bin mumbled worriedly. "She will fine… right?"

Ji Hoo clasped his shoulder comfortingly. Understanding the mafia prince's feelings for Chu Ga Eul was slightly mixed up as well. He loved her deeply as a friend and sister… And probably even as a man might if Yi Jeong had not beaten him to it.

"She will be fine. Yi Jeong won't let anything happen to her." He looked over to the next room with a flinch. "One of us should probably tell Geum Jan Di. She has to be getting worried."

"Not yet." Jun Pyo cut in firmly. "She already feels bad enough about the tension between Yi Jeong and Ga Eul right now. If she founds out they fought so harshly earlier causing them to become lost, she will hate herself."

"Why?" Ji Hoo frowned in confusion. "What does Jan Di have to do with Yi Jeong and Ga Eul snarling like dogs these past two days?"

"She told Ga Eul about Sweden." Jun Pyo explained with a wince. "She's never really believed Ga Eul and Yi Jeong lo—liked each other. She thought Ga Eul would be able to release her crush if she knew he was leaving. However, when she realized how devastated she was by the news and Yi Jeong's obvious pain over everything, well…"

"Ahh hell." Woo Bin groaned and buried his face in his hands. "What a fucking mess."

"Yi Jeong still hadn't told Ga Eul he was leaving?" Ji Hoo gaped in shock. "No wonder Ga Eul was—"

"Yeah." Jun Pyo sighed once more, never turning his gaze from the window. "This storm is going to get a lot worse before it gets better."