God's Ant Farm 17- Longer Than Forever

They laid out under the stars for a long time that night, long after the Moon was high in the sky holding hands and talking about everything that had happened both before and after. They were never going to be apart again and soon there was going to be a baby. Daryl still couldn't believe this was really real, often he caught himself seeking Mina out during the day, as if he thought she would disappear.

He was always so relieved that she was still there. She did the same, waiting for him to return every day from the days work with her heart in her throat. It just took one wrong move

Soon it would be getting cold at night, there was talk of people moving into the farm house before winter, especially Lori. Herschel had come around pretty quick to letting the newcomers in, even if he didn't want to at first. All it had taken was knowing Lori was expecting, he'd always had a soft spot for babies.

Herschel had no problem giving her shelter and she would need a nice clean bed to sleep in too. Mina would have their baby first, and Daryl had expressed trepidation because there was no hospital anymore. It scared him but Mina had assured him that her body knew what to do, and Maggie would be there to help her.

Mina teased him about passing out watching the birth and that added some levity to the situation. Merle would never let him forget it if that happened.

"What do you miss about before all this happened?" She asked him as they turned to look at each other in the moonlight. It had been a sweet night, one that both of them had needed just to be alone and talk. Life on the farm was exhausting, there was always something to fix, chores to be done and most nights they fell into bed half asleep before their heads even hit the pillow.

Mina was starting to need more sleep and often laid down in the afternoons too. Once he couldn't find her and was half out of his mind before he thought to look for her there. She had been in bed, fast asleep, oblivious to his terror. He explained it to her and from that day on she let someone know if Daryl wasn't around when she went to take a nap.

"What do you miss?" He countered.

"Sunday mornings and your french pressed coffee," MIna answered right away. That made Daryl smile, of all things for her to hold dear, he hadn't thought it would be that. Every Sunday they both had the day off and when they lived together they would sleep late, then cook breakfast together, complete with french pressed coffee, which she had never had before she met Daryl.

Sometimes after the divorce he would still bring it to her on Sunday mornings. Then they would sit out on the front steps and talk about their week and their lives, even after all of it they had been great friends.

Those were happy memories for him too, and it was those happy memories, like Sunday mornings that made it so hard for him to let her go. They had never fallen out of love with each other, not for one minute; that had not been the problem.

He took the time to do little things like that, things that she remembered and missed long before the dead rose. People wouldn't know it to look at him, but there was much more than the gruff side he had always let people see. More and more it was becoming clear to everyone that the reason he had been so ornery and so angry was because he had been grieving

"Then laying on the couch all day watching HGTV," He finished, that was what they did every Sunday since they met.

"Going to bed early…: She grinned as she turned her body towards him. She worked early shifts at the hospital and he had never made her go to bed alone. Even though the shop opened a full hour after she had been at work and already gotten report, Daryl insisted on turning in at the same time as she.

"That was my favorite part of Sundays," His eyes lit up in the darkness with mischief.

"Taking naps," Mina sighed, "Milkshakes…"

"Your cream of broccoli soup," He smiled and brushed her hair out of her face and behind her ear.

"Drinking wine by the fire pit talking about all the things we wanted to do to the house because you watched too much Fixer Upper."

He hugged her close to him, "We were so happy then, and I'm so grateful to whatever God brought you back to me."

"We are never going to be apart again." She placed her hands on his cheeks, "I promise, not for one day, where you go, I go."

They kissed sweetly and in the brush to the right of them Shane huffed to himself, he was tired of losing women when their men came back. Tired of being used and thrown away like he didn't matter at all. He had been walking to his tent when he heard these two love birds carrying on like they were at a drive in movie like a couple of idiots.

A few more minutes and Daryl would sniff him out with that tracker's nose of his so he got out of there quick. Tonight he had bigger fish to fry anway, fuck these two.

He turned on his heel and walked away hoping to catch Lori alone to talk again. There were things they needed to talk about, the baby was his and that was that. Dixon had warned him off Mina the day before when she was hanging laundry and he had been caught just admiring the view like any other guy would.

"That's my wife you were eyeballing Walsh!"

"Merle said she divorced your ass." He answered as Daryl turned and glared at him, Shane was bigger than him but he gave zero fucks, "Maybe you…"

"Maybe you should back off of women that aren't available…"

"Come closer and say that!" Shane taunted and in one second Daryl was in his face and snarling.

"You go near my wife, if you even look at her sideways; I will beat your ass!" He stood eyeball to eyeball with the other man right in his face. Across the driveway Merle saw what was going down and was on his way over to break it up.

But Shane had turned and walked away, just as he had this time too, because it was obvious these two dumbasses were about to get it on out here in the woods. That was something he wasn't interested in seeing, the resentment grew with each happy couple he came across.

"I don't miss paying the mortgage," Daryl had laughed, "Or alarm clocks."

"I don't miss cell phones, or mindless reality TV. But I miss our bed, that tulu mattress was the bomb."

"It was, but any bed that you are in is the one I want to be in." He pulled her closer to him and she fit just right as always.

"Are you ready to go back?"

"Not just yet," Daryl rolled onto his back and played with the hem of her shirt with a gleam in his eye,, "Wanna have you all to myself just a little while longer."

Then he was pulling her shirt over her head. Mina wasn't wearing a bra and his eyes almost rolled into the back of his head as if it was the first time he had seen her. She was perfect, all he ever wanted in this world.

Slowly he brought his hand up over her stomach and from her ribs to her breast and she surrendered completely to his touch without reservation; he could feel the heat coming from her in waves. It was so incredibly arousing to him how her body was changing now and how she responded to him.

Daryl leaned down and kissed her again as his fingers stroked the side of her breast softly. His touch was gentle and she was melting under his warm hands, softly he kissed down her neck, hot and wet and watched the goose bumps break out along her skin.

"You're beautiful." He whispered in the moonlight.

Mina sighed in pleasure as he kissed and licked his way down to her other breast zeroing in quickly on her nipple grazing his teeth against it first, then licking with his firm tongue. His hand brushed against her other side, over her ribcage to her breast and she let out a sound so primal it almost alarmed her.

"Oh fuck, Daryl, fuck, fuck, I love you." She groaned, reaching her hand into his hair and grabbing a handful and pulling him up to kiss her hot and dirty. He kept his other hand on her breast still making circles with his fingers all around her nipple. He kissed her thoroughly, and between hot kisses and his hands Mina could feel the familiar ache building between her legs.

"Oh, baby I love you so much." Daryl groaned against her neck, his hands inching towards her sweatpants.

"Don't stop." She panted out, "Please don't stop," She reached for his belt buckle to unbuckle his pants, her hands fumbling with the belt and buttons. He had too many clothes on, she needed his skin against hers.

"I won't. I won't." He promised in between kisses and helping her unbutton his jeans, then his hands were right back to the waistband of her sweatpants. Daryl reached down and slid his fingers against the material of her panties and her knees fell apart and against the bed of the truck. She was malleable to his touch at the first contact, without hesitation or uncertainty as if they had never been estranged or apart.

Mina was halfway there already and he'd barely touched her, and now that he was touching her, even over her clothes, she was ready to explode.

Her heart was beating out of her chest and she felt like she was burning up, Mina pulled her hand through her hair and it was damp against her forehead already. Daryl didn't stop and the feeling of him against her at the same time made her weak with need.

There was something about him and the way he made her feel that was always so overwhelming to her senses and body. Nothing had changed and never would for her, he was the one.

She raised her hips to shimmy out of her pants and pulled at his jeans in a fever until they both had nothing else on.

His eyes went down to her hip where there was a tattoo of a butterfly done in purple and pink, he'd seen it a million times before. Daryl always brought his lips down over her stomach slowly, leaving wet kisses along the way and kissed the tattoo. Then his hands were on her thighs bringing them apart slowly.

"This is gonna be so good, sweetheart." He whispered in that gravely, whiskey hot voice that made all the hair stand up on her body.

Mina exhaled as she felt his fingers on her and then his lips, then his tongue. She buried her hands in his hair and hung on while he completely turned her into a quivering, screaming lunatic.

As he always did Daryl licked greedily and with purpose as if he was struck with an unquenchable thirst for her that wouldn't be satisfied until she fell completely apart.

Then she was reaching for him with desperate and frantic hands until he was right there. She pulled his face to hers and placed eager kisses on his lips, rocking herself against him.

"Do it." She breathed out. "Now."

She spread her legs apart and pulled him down on top of her, wrapping her legs around his waist.

"Mina…I." She wouldn't wait for another second, she moved against him and pulled him inside her then rolled them so she was on top of him. "Fuuccckkk."

She gasped out a breath and neither of them moved, the sweat from both of their bodies mixed and they glided against each other slowly. He looked up at her, and she was framed by the dark sky and the stars.

"Tell me you'll love me forever…" Mina leaned down to kiss him.

"I'll love you for longer than forever…"

Daryl reached down between them to stroke her again before he let himself go completely. He had to feel it, he had to feel her body let go while he was inside her. There was no one around, they could be loud if they wanted.

"Come on sweetheart," He pleaded. "Give it to me."

Then he felt it and he heard it as she screamed out his name and he followed her over the cliff and into oblivion. In the distance Shane was still walking towards the farm house to find Lori and let her know how it was going to be, it was muffled in the wind, but he knew what the sound was.

"Fuckin asshole," He mumbled under his breath.