Here is the next chapter in the match between Yuto and Shigo as they pull off all the stops while showing off new monster with Shigo seemingly having a massive trump card.

Chapter 7: Massive Force part 2.

Kia and Zed watch Twin-Bladed ScareCrow launch towards Barrel Bison with Shigo having a smirk on his face seeing a sure fire victory coming. But suddenly Twin-Bladed ScareCrow was stopped in mid attack with it's blades stopped and Shigo was in shock until he saw a phantom form of Shield Gunner stopping the attack.

"What the hell is going on?" Shigo yelled out in shock, throwing away his calm attitude and now showing his true anger looking at Yuto who still had a big smile on his face.

"Simple, Shield Gunner ends the battle step when he is sent to the graveyard by any means." Yuto explained and Shigo was left shocked, gritting his teeth tightly while looking at him and his eyes closing tightly.

"When I end my turn, any monster that are in Twin-Bladed ScareCrow are destroyed." Shgio said watching his three tokens shatter to pieces and his monsters attack go back to 2200. Yuto smiled continued drawing a card and looked through his hand before looking right at Shigo.

"Well, first I play the card Calvary Charge, which is a spell that allows me to summon a monster from my grave yard and put it on the field. SO, come back Calamity Gunner." Yuto said summoning his monster and looking right at Shigo seemingly not feeling any tension from the duel. "Now, I activate the Link Gate with the deal of needing at least one warrior monster. So, go to the Link Arrows my monsters." Barrel Bison turned into two twisters and went into the link arrows with Calamity to open the gate allowing Yuto to summon Day Rider: Swift Sword to the field.

"Yeah, he now has a chance to make a comeback." Kia said excited watching the duel and smiling wide while Zed feeling something was still off about this whole thing.

"I'm not sure, Shigo seem to calm with the summon of that monster to the field." Zed said pointing out Zed's calm face and Kia suddenly felt something was uneasy from this too. Yuto didn't seem to have any of the concerns as he ordered his monster to attack Shigo's monster.

"I banish my Reaper Rose to negate that attack and make your monster attack go down to zero." Shigo said out of no where and Day Rider was forced back to her place with her attack hitting zero much to every ones shock, but Yuto still seemed unfazed from that action.

"Day Rider: Swift Sword has an effect that if it attacks a monster and it still on the field they will be destroyed by the nd of my turn." Yuto explained placing a card on the field to show his turn has ended and Twin-Bladed ScareCrow shattered thanks to that extra effect while Day Rider's attack went back to normal.

"Your starting to get on my last nerve." Shigo said drawing his card and looked over his hand for a few moments before looking at his field saying. "First, I play my Garden Harvest. This card allows me to draw three cards and play any monster i draw without worrying about any special condition they would normally need to do to summon them." Shigo then drew his three cards and looked at his hand before looking back at Yuto. "I summon my Reaper Tomato in attack mode." Shigo said summoning his creature, which appeared as a large tomato with big eyes and vines like tentacles as it's arms and legs. It was a level 2 plant monster with 800 attack and 1700 defense. "That's not all, I drew my Reaper Chillie which I summon to the field too." he added summoning a single red chilie pepper with a wicked smile on his face. It was a level 2 plant monster with 300 attack and 400 defense.

"I have a bad feeling with him summoning those monsters." Zed said looking at the field and seeing that it was set up for his specialty in summoning. Ms. Yuniko watched this and felt something fill her stomach that she couldn't quite figure out, hiding her face from her students.

"Now, I sacrifice them both sending them both to the graveyard to summon a new monster. My Reaper Dragon Fruit." Shigo said with both of his monsters vanishing from view and then a large explosion leaving a large dragon plant fusion like creature with it's wings out and roaring loudly. It was a level 7 monster with 2700 attack and 2300 defense lookign down at Yuto's monster.

"Man, look at the size of that monster." Kia said in shock seeing that monster and feeling uneasy when vines shot out, wrapping themselves around Day Rider: Swift Sword and he was caught off guard from that.

"Reaper Tomato stops your monster from attacking and drops your attack in half when he is sent to the graveyard." Shigo said smirking at Yuto who was also shocked at seeing his monster tied up and he was then thrown off his balance when Reaper Chillie appeared in front of him glowing red. "Oh, and he takes five life points from you when he is sent to the graveyard." Shigo explained as Reaper Chillie explodes and makes Yuto's life-points drop to 2200. Shigo smirked wider ordering his monster to attack his weaken monster, which it did blowing fire at her and incinerated her. Hitting Yuto again and his life point reduced to only 900 left.

"Come on Yuto, you can beat him." Kia yelled out loud looking at his teammate concerned and wanting to make him feel they were behind him no matter what.

"No, I'm not sure he can." Zed said his arms crossed and a series look on his face watching the same field as Kia was, and feeling it was hopeless.

"W-wait, why do you think that?" Kia asked him not sure what Zed was getting at and was a little mad that he was not supporting his teammate.

"Look at their life points." Zed said not looking at Kia and looked ahead while Kia was left in a state of shock looking at their life points, his eyes widening when he saw that Shigo had not lost a single life point in this whole match while Yuto was done to less then a 1000.

"Yuto is the best duelist at our school." Ms. Yuniko cut in and they both looked back at her, "But he is on another level and might even be near pro level at his age." Kia and Zed turned back to looked at Yuto with his head down, feeling her was losing it and Shigo smiled looking at him.

"Whoa, this duel is great." Yuto said smiling and shocking every one in the room on him not giving up, infuriating Shigo as he looked at him.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Shigo asked placing his card on the field and ending his turn, allowing Yuto to draw another card to add to his hand when Shigp said, "I play Weed Whecker, making you have to give that card you just drew to the graveyard along with the next top three cards in your deck." Yuto placed the cards into his graveyard and looked at him with a smile still on his face.

"That's fine, I activate the trap card Rare Oasis." Yuto said activating his card he had placed on the field and looked right at Shigo before explaining, "We can both draw two cards and summon any level four monsters or lower we draw, and then add the others back to our decks." They both drew their cards and looked them over with Shigo gritting his teeth before placing his cards back in his deck. Yuto smiled continued to show placing one of his cards in his deck and he said. "I now summon Mirror Shot Gunner." Yuto's monster appeared in a black vest with a crystal like body and white eyes. It was a level 1 warroir had o attack and defense.

"Really? How is that monster going to beat one of my best cards?" Shigo asked him smirking looking at his monster and seeing it as useless to do anything against his beast.

"Simple, his attack becomes the same as the strongest monster on the field when he battles." Yuto explained smiling and Shigo's eyes widen when Yuto ordered his monster to attack. Which it did taking out a gun and spun it around before firing at Reaper Dragon Fruit. It's attack became the same as the beasts and it hit the dragon square on shattering. "And he's not destroyed when I attack with a monster." Yuto added placing one more card face down and looked at Shigo, who had his head down not saying and moving just standing there.

"Shigo?" Tenya called out to him from the bench and Mizuki were sitting on, both of them feeling something about Shigo was starting to release and his own anger seem to fill the room with tension.

"I'm getting really sick of this." Shigo said shaking looking up at Yuto with anger and spite in his eyes, throwing everyone in the room off from the hatred he was releasing all at once just against his opponent. Kia and Zed both sat down from the feeling he was giving off while Ms. Yuniko felt she uneasy with one of her students continue with this duel. Shigo drew a card and looked at it, smirking wide be looking at Yuto saying, "I play, Reaper Garden, this card allows me to send one card from my hand to the graveyard and summon monster with less then or equal to their level. So, I send my Reaper Onion to the grave to summoning my Reaper Tomato, Daisy, Pumpkin, and Chillie all to the field." Everyone in the gym watched as his four monsters appeared on the field in front of him and Shigo looked at him with a large smirk forming on his face.

"Why would he summon all those monster to face off against a monster stronger then all of them?" Kia asked looking at the field and was confused until Zed slapped his back.

"Really?" Zed asked looking down at him in shock and saw him look back at him with a confused look on his face. Zed sighed and rubbed his tempol explaining, "He's going to summon a monster that needs those monsters."

"Your friend is right." Shigo said looking at Yuto and looked at his field the smirk on his face growing from knowing what he's about to summon against Yuto.

"Shigo, your not suppose to summon that card on school grounds remember?" his teacher called in with his arms crossed and a glare in his eye watching his student.

"I don't care, he need to see that card to see where he really stands in this world." Shigo said looking at his field and then yelled out, "Now, I put these cards into the Link Arrow to summon the Link Gate." The gate appeared and his four monsters each turned into a twister, going in to the the center top, top left, left side, and bottom left corner. The gate shattered as it summoned a large serpent-humaniod with long arms that end in smaller snakes with on long snake neck and mouth looking like it was stitched togethe. It was massive with it's main head touching the ceiling and roaring down at them. It was a link 4 fiend monster with 3000 attack and Shigo smiling looking up at his monster before looking right at Yuto saying, "This is my one, true monster in my deck. Serpent King ScareCrow!"


That is it for this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it and please tell me what you think. The next part will be the end of the duel and we will see who wins.