Hey, I wanted to try something new so I'm making a Yu-Gi-Oh! oc fic with my own cards in it. I'm making an app for those who want to join in, please leave a review to tell me what you think. Oh, and all summoning is allowed.

Chapter one: New in Town.

The sun was high in the sky over Sabushi City with a young man running though a field breathing heavily running thought the bushes, careful not to get his school uniform and holding his bag over his shoulder. He moved along the fields edge and moving on only to stop in his tracks when he saw a figure laying in the middle of the field. His curiosity peaked, he walked over to see another young man seemingly just laying there motionless and getting worried when he poked them with his foot.

"Uh?" the young man said opening his eyes and looking up to see another young man looking down at him before sitting up to let his green and black hair so it's normal spiky nature his fair skin hit the sun light with yellow eyes and was wearing a white t-shirt, a denim jeans, black pants, and boots. "Sorry, I might have nodded off."

"Ummm, your in the middle of a field." the other young man said looking at him confused until seeing a card on the ground. Picking it up, he looked at it reading it, "Trick Shot Gunner."

"Yeah, my brother made me that deck and that's why I'm here in the city." he said putting his hand out and the other placed the card back into his hand, "Thanks, and the name Yuto by the way."

"Yuto?" the boy asked him looking at him and smiled offering him his hand saying, "Name is Kia, nice to meet you." Yuto smiled back and took his hand to shake when the clock tower began to ring. "Oh man, I'm going to be late." Kia yelled running off and leaving a confused Yuto behind, who watched him leave until Yuto looked down at his feet noticing something.

"Kia, your late." the teacher said looking at him with a stern expression on her face looking at Kia, who was panting heavily and looking at the class with his face covered in sweat.

"S-s-s-so Ma'am, b-b-bus broke down and..." Kia started but stopped seeing she was not in the mood to him out and he just hung his head walking towards his seat while the rest of the class giggled at him. Kia sat in his normal seat and reached behind him only to feel nothing, making his eyes widen and losing his mind as he had no clue what to tell his teacher.

"Excuse me, is there a Kia here?" a voice asked and the whole class turned to look at the young man standing in the door way.

"Yes, and why do you need him?" the teacher asked him looking at him with a puzzled look on her face as did the rest of the class.

"He left his bag in the park." Yuto said showing her it and the class then turning to Kia, who was in a state of shock at how this guy found him so fast and his teacher looked Yuto over for a few moments until he saw Kia. Yuto walked right past the teacher much to her shock and offered it him with a big smile on his face.

"Excuse me, did I say you could come into my class and give it to him?" the teacher asked annoyed with Yuto's actions and he turned to look at her confused.

"No, but it's his and he needs it." Yuto said giving it to Kia and walking out of the room, leaving the class chuckling and the teacher annoyed along with Kia nerves on what could happen to him thanks to Yuto. One of the class mates watched this scene with a small smirk on their face while hiding it behind their book. After class Kia got talked to by his teacher on being late and not bringing strangers into the the school, and he walked out of the school hanging his head down low and groaned when he saw Yuto sitting near a tree by the school.

"What you doing here?" he asked him looking down at the relaxing guy who turned to look at him smiling.

"Just waited so we can hang out." Yuto said hopping up to his feet and stretching out his arms with a loud yawn before turning to look at Kia, who's face was annoyed while adding another groan from him.

"No thanks, I have duel club to get too." Kia said throwing his bag over his shoulder and began to head off only to have his arm grabbed from behind. Kia turned to look behind him and saw a smiling Yuto looking at him.

"You duel?" Yuto asked looking at Kia in aw while Kia looked back at him and groan as he hung his head in shame.

"K-k-kind of. You can come if you want." Kia said walking on as Yuto hopped up to his feet and walked with him towards the one of the older builds on the campus, and headed up the stairs to an old room in back where Kia then opens. Yuto was shocked to see dust and other things all over the place while Kia put his bag down before sitting at the table in the room.

"This is the duel club?" Yuto asked shocked looking around the room and then looked at Kia, seeing he let out another sigh while looking at the table.

"It use to be until all the member lost their cards." Kia said sighing continue to look at the table until he felt something and he looked up at Yuto, who was now fuming in anger from hearing that.

"Who took your cards." he asked looking at Kia, who started to sweat looking at the guy he had just met and he felt something from he never felt before from anyone.

Three young men where standing behind the school relaxing when the leader of the trio noticed two figures walking towards them.

"Well, well, if it isn't the last remaining member of that duel club." he said mockingly looking at Kia, who was nervously looking down to the ground as Yuto was standing next to him with a series look on his face. The leader saw him and smirked as him looking so mad. "It this your member who wants to lose their cards?"

"No, I'm the guy who will take every ones cards back that you stole." Yuto said stepping up and pulling out a big star he had on his back. Yuto then tossed it into the air where it unfolds into a duel disk that attaches to his arm.

"Oh, you really want to do this?" the leader of the group asked standing up and his two friends put his own duel disk on while also handing him his deck.

"Yeah, I'll wager my deck for my friends." Yuto said placing his cards in his duel disk and the number set to 4000. The leader of them laughed when he placed his own cards into the disk with his number matching at 4000.

"Fine then, I'll start this off." the leader said taking out his hand and looking at the five cards while Yuto did the same with his hand. Looking over the cards he drew made the leader smirk wide before looking at Yuto saying, "Oh, your in for it now. I play the spell card WarBeast Trumpet." The card looked like an old trumpet with scratches and cracks all over it as he continued, "This allows me to summon a WarBeast monster from my deck to the field and I summon WarBeast Warno." The leader then placed the card he picked, revealing a large grey Rhine with an axe in it's left hand, a cracked horn, and a scare over it's left eye with it being a level 6 monster with 2000 attack and 100 def. "He gains 300 attacks for each WarBeast, including itself and let's me summon one level three or lower Beast monster from my hand if I forfeit my battle step this turn. Now, I summon WarBeast Spearaffe in attack mode." The lead explained smirking summoning a giraffe with scares all over it's neck with a large spear on in it's hands saying with 1300 attack and 200 def as he added., "And now I can summon second one of WarBeast Spearaffe from my deck to the field." He then placed another one on the field and smirked as that allowed him to summon another one to have a field with four monsters on it, and Warno's attack went up to 3200 with the three other WarBeast on the field.

"F-f-four monsters in one turn?" Kia asked in shock looking at the duel with the leader having done so as fast as he could and Yuto still having an empty field.

"He's not done yet." Yuto said looking at the leader with a series look on his face and the leader chuckled while looking at his hand of three card.

"Oh, you know it. I now play the equip spell WarBeast Rail Cannoning and place it on my Warno." the leader said placing the card on the field and a large cannon appeared on Warno with it's attack going up another 400 to 3300 as the leader continued, "This card as an added effect with it that I can sacrifice WarBeast monsters to deal you 400 damage, which I will do right now." One of the Spearaffes leaped into the barrel and it fired him to Yuto, hitting him and making his life points go to 3600. The leader smirked as he did it two more times and made Yuto's life point drop to 2800, while also having his Warno''s attack go down to 2700 with the leader smirking saying, "I play two cards face down and end my turn."

"I draw." Yuto said drawing his card and adding to his hand as he looked over his hand before smiling while he said, "First, I summon my Single Shot Gunner in attack mode." He placed the monster on the field with a figure appearing from wind as a figure in a blue and green jacket that was button up, matching pants and boots with a blue and green cowboy hat on his head along with a revolver in his hand as he was a level 4 Warrior with 1600 att and 1300 def. "When his summoned, I'm allowed to send the top card of my deck to the grave so I can summon an extra monster this turn too. So, I take this card and place it into the grave to summon my Twin Shot Gunner in attack mode." Yuto placed the card in his grave and then summoned another monster to the field with him in a grey outfit similar to Single Shot Gunner, but with an added scarf and not hat with two revolvers. he was a Warrior too and a level five with 2000 att and 1900 def. "Twin Shot Gunner allows me to attack your life points directly but I have to half his attack."

"Not so fast, I activate WarBeast Wall which won't let you attack me for three turns." The leader said as Yuto looked at him seemingly annoyed throwing two face downs before ending his turn. The leader smirked as he drew and then said, "I play the spell WarBeast Burial Pile which allows me to summon one of my Spearaffe's back to the field." The leader said smirking as his creature appeared before him adding, "And I summon the level two WarBeast Ranade." Ratnade was a small rat looking like a grenade with 1000 att and 300 def. "Now, I sacrifice both of them to hit you with 800 points of damage." They both jumped into the Rail Cannon barrel and launched them at Yuto, hitting him hard making his life points go to 2000. "Oh, and Ranade has his effect for when he goes to the grave he deals you 300 points of damage equal to the WarBeast cards I have in my grave which if 6." Ranade suddenly dug up from the ground under Yuto and exploded, hitting him hard enough to take a knee with his life points hitting 200.

"Yuto!" Kia yelled out loud in shock as Yuto was on his knee and his life points where nearly out as the leader had all his life points along with a smirk on his face as he also had the strongest monster on the field.

"I end my turn if you really want to try anything." the leader said smirking down at him and chuckled while Yuto got to his feet.

"Don't worry, Everything is fine." he said shocking the leader and Kia as he drew his card, looking it over and smiling wide before looking at the leader. "First, I'll start with my Single Shot Gunner's effect by sending the top card from my deck to the grave I can summon a warrior type monster from my hand." Yuto took the top card on his deck and placed it grave adding, "Now, I can summon Calamity Gunner to the field." He placed the card as female appeared with a smile on her face with a red vest over a brown shirt, red skirt with cowboy hat on with a revolver in her hand as she was level 4 with 1700 att and 1700 def. "ANd when she is summoned, I can destroy one trap card my opponents side of the field." She smiled taking aim and fired, destroying WarBeast Wall.

"SO what? I still have the strongest monster on the field." The leader said looking at him smirking with his confidence at it's peak.

"I'm not down yet, for I play the spell card, Max Camber. This card allows me to summon a Gunner token that is level four with 300 attack and defense which is a warrior." The toke appeared as nothing more the a revolver and he smiled wide saying, "Now, I can use the Link Arrows to summon." The link Gate appeared above him and he put his hand up as the toke, Twin Shot Gunner, and Single Shot Gunner went into the top right, bottom left and bottom right respectfully. The gate shattered and a figure appeared with a long black trench coat, black shirt, and pants with a long rifle in his hand with 2400 attack. "Say hello to Night Rider Long Shot, his effect activate where he gains attack equal to all spell and trap card on the field or grave yard times 300." The leaders eyes wide with his two on the field and his two meant Night Rider Long Shot's attack was now 4500 until he realized he still had a face down and relaxed. "Oh, and if there is a monster co-linked to him, that monster's attack point are zero in battle and you can't activate trap cards when he attacks. Now go." Night Rider Long Shot took aim with his rifle and fired, the bullet went through WarBeast Warno and he shattered with the leader in shock as his life points hit 0. He was shocked as where his friends and Kia, dropping to his knees watching Yuto walking over to them with a series look on his face.

"H-here." one of the friends said handing Yuto a deck and they both ran off, leaving the leader while Yuto walked back to Kia and put the deck in his hands.

"Here, now I have to head off." Yuto said starting to head off past him and Kia was left shocked turning to look at him leaving.

"Wait, where are you going?" he asked him holding his cards in his hand tightly and looking at the guy who got them back for him as he turned to look at him smiling.

"I'm heading to the office to get papers to in-roll here." Yuto said heading off from behind the school and towards the office with Kia following close behind him, all while a figure was watching them with a smile on their face.


Here it is, the first chapter to my Yu-Gi-Oh: Star Hunters and I hope you enjoyed it too. I will have an app up for the ocs if you want to make one and if you want to make a deck of cards of your own decine, then I will be posting a forum for that which would be linked in my profile.