Gore warning, implications of sexual activity and BDSM, murder, and blood. You have been warned. Spot the Futurama reference as Dareth's fate was slightly inspired by a particular scene.

It was a terrified Cyrus Borg who was thrown unceremoniously in front of Windigo. Ultra Violet was pointing the camera at the two as Ninjago and the Resistance watched with bated breath.

"See what rebellion gets you Lloyd? The death of the creator of the bitch who betrayed me," said Windigo to the camera as he held Borg by the neck.

"How will Ninjago survive without its beloved tech wizard? He is the reason Ninjago was subjugated to the overlord for a second time, it was he who built the girl who broke my heart when she sided with those who hurt me. Now for her insolence and your little speech, you get to watch him DIE!" said Windigo as he rammed his claws through Borg's chest before tearing his head from his shoulders and jamming the decapitated head onto another spike.

"One by one I will kill those you love until you come crawling, begging on hands and knees to me in surender and your lives shall be the last I take, bear in mind that with every life I take, I become more powerful than anything in all realms of creation," snarled Windigo.

He tossed the body over the tower as the camera cut off, he had enough of a sense of humor to watch it splat in the snow which would bury him at the foot of his previous tower until a brave soul could come along and collect the mangled and decapitated remains of the inventor to lay him to rest. Windigo sat back on his throne, admiring the fresh coat of blood on his claws.

"Darling, you said you saw the garbage trucks leaving after their little infiltration?" asked Windigo

"Yes," said Harumi

"Perfect, send a team in an hour, let's give them a chance to come surrender before bringing them here ourselves," said Windigo.

"Of course," said Harumi.

Pixal starred in stunned horror as Windigo killed her creator.

"No," she whimpered, sinking to her knees. She was immediately embraced by Lloyd and Nya.

"This is going too far, how many more innocent people is he going to kill?" asked Skylor

"Everyone he can until we…," Lloyd faltered, the idea of dying by the hand of his former brother terrified him.

"No! We can't give in, we have to endure until the others get back!" said Nya


"We have to find a way to beat him," said Skylor.

"Zane is still a nindroid, what if we hack him?" suggested Nya.

"Won't work, we don't have the equipment and when wearing that mask, Zane isn't robotic anymore, he is organic and ice," said Pixal.

"Then we get the mask away from him," said Nya.

"He has to voluntarily take it off, and judging from what Mystake has said about that mask, there is no way he will now, not when he's worn it for so long now," said Lloyd.

"Lloyd, we might have to...kill him, before he kills us," said Nya.

Everyone went quiet, the Ninja had never killed anyone, reform, imprison, banish, yes but never kill. And worst of all, they knew it really was their only choice.

"I-I can't," whimpered Lloyd "I turned him into this, I have to save him,"

"I don't think there is anything left of Zane to save, killing him might be our only option," sighed Skylor.


"Lloyd, I don't want to either but we are out of options, even if you are able to bring our old Zane back, he won't be able to live with the guilt of what he's done. I hate to say it but I think killing him would be more merciful than reforming him, even if it was possible," said Nya

"I can't, I won't, I have to find a way to save my brother!" exclaimed Lloyd walking off.

Nya sighed, the body count was rising and getting closer to them by the day, the sooner they admitted the old methods of defeating a villain didn't work for Windigo, the sooner the count would end with Windigo. Nya knew this, Skylor knew this, all of them knew this, but Lloyd refused to accept it.

"Send the team, their time is up, bring Dareth straight to me, I wish to reward the lovely ladies of my court with a new toy to do as they wish with before I torture the rest of them with his death," said Windigo

Ultra got a sinister grin on her face and bowed before her emperor.

"My emperor, you are so generous, how long will we get with him?" asked Ultra.

"So long as all of you ladies get a turn I do not care how long it takes," grinned Windigo.

Unseen by Zane, Harumi gave a small frown, this was getting a bit too much, the tower was starting to reek with decay, it was impossible to walk without slipping on frozen blood and the snow was four feet high, impossible for the bikes to drive in.

"Darling, it might be difficult for the team to get there, the snow on the streets is too high for the bikes," said Harumi.

"Easily fixed," said Windigo, using his powers to clear the snow off the streets to the depot. The ambush was being sent, the resistance was rattled and wouldn't be on their A-game.

"The Resistance never quits! The Resistance never quits! The Resistance never quits!"

"Grrrr! Fix your radio Muzzle! It's driving me crazy!" Daddy No Legs growled at another hunter. Muzzle grumbled and fiddled with the radio.

Jay and Kai looked at each other.

"Did you-"

"Yeah. It was Lloyd!"

"Okay, but what is it about this 'Resistance'? And what's Lloyd got to do with it?"

"I don't know, but whatever it is, let's hope Cole can get us out of here!"

Jay felt a sword prod his arm. "Wakey, wakey, ninja!" No Legs sneered. "Welcome back to the Dead's End!"

The hunters pulled back into the camp and the process of unloading their catch. The ninja were led to a giant rib bone sticking out of the ground and were chained to it and watched as the captured dragon was lifted from the hunter's vehicle and onto a huge pile of firewood.

Jay gasped. "T-they're not going to eat her, are they?"

"Looks like it." Kai said solemnly.

Cole walked by, carrying a few chain guns in his arms. Wu followed close behind.

"Pssst. Hey Cole," Kai said. "Tell me you've got a plan."

"It's- uh- in it's early stages."

"He doesn't have one." Wu said bluntly.

"This place is swarming with hunters. Breaking you out is gonna be impossible." Cole told them.

"If only Firstbourne paid Iron Baron a visit, we could have a distraction." Kai said.

Jay thought for a moment. Then he had an idea.

"Hey, that's it!"


"By the sound of it, Firstbourne and the Iron Baron have a lot of history. If we can't wait for her to show up, maybe we can 'build' her!"

"What?!" Kai said. "That's crazy!"

"Maybe so, but what other choice do we have? Unless you've got a better one?"

"No, no, no, he has a point." Cole said. "Jay's onto something. If we can trick Baron to think he's under attack-"

"-Then it can serve as a distraction for you to break us out!" Jay finished.

"Hey Dangerbuff! Quit burning daylight and get over here!"

"Uh, yeah, be right there!" Cole said. He turned back to the other two ninja. "If you can design it, we can build it outside of camp. Then get it in the air by nightfall."

"Then it's a plan." Jay said. "We'll build the Firstbourne!"

"Okay, let's think." Lloyd said. He grabbed a stay piece of wood and drew in the snow. "There has to be some way to put a stop to all this other than killing Zane. Is there anyone you can think of that would be of some help?"

"Lloyd-" Nya began, but the green ninja stopped her.

"Nya, even under the mask Zane is my brother, I cannot kill him." He told her. "He's done too much, and it's my fault he's this way. So I'm going to get him back, no matter what it takes."

"I can." Dareth said. Despite having a bounty on his head, he had managed to pull himself together somewhat and was doing all he can to help the Resistance fight back against Windigo.

"Could you go ask Mystake if she has something to warm us up? The garbage depot isn't exactly insulated..."

Dareth sighed. "Yeah, yeah, sure." he turned around, kicking a can on his way. "Drinks, wonderful…"

Dareth trudged over to a back room of the depot and opened the door, where Mystake was. Makeshift shelves were filled with bags and jars of tea, and a pot of water boiled over a small fire.

"Hey." Dareth said.

The old woman looked up. "Dareth." She said. "What do you want?"

"Can't a guy just say hey without wanting something?"

"Dareth." Mystake said in a knowing tone.

"Okay, okay!" He said. He sighed and sat down. "Here's the thing: everyone else has some kind of power. They can control metal or water or can turn invisible. The coolest thing about me is my chest hair."

Mystake raised an eyebrow. "And why are you telling me this?"

"Well, I was thinking, maybe there's a tea you can give me? So I can have a power of my own?"


"No?" Dareth asked. "You've got to have something. A potion! A spell! I'd do anything. Anything!"

Mystake chuckled. "Anything?"


"Very well." She said. She pulled a jar of tea leaves from a bag and dumped them into the boiling pot of water and prepared the pot of tea for Dareth.

"Drink it." She said.

"All of it?"

"All of it."

"Are you sure?"

"Do you want your power or not?!" Mystake snapped.

"Okay, okay! Sheesh." Dareth looked at the pot of murky liquid. "I-it's a good thing I'm thirsty."

Dareth began chugging it and almost hurled as the hot and bitter liquid burned his mouth. "Ugh, you didn't put much thought into the taste, did you?"

Mystake gave him a glare of death, which was more than enough persuasion for him to keep drinking. Not soon enough for him, he finished the entire pot with a belch. He groaned as hus stomach felt heavy.

"Ugh, maybe this wasn't such a great idea…"

As soon as he finished his sentence, brown smoke began billowing from his hands. He gasped and jumped to his feet.

"Oh boy, it's happening!" Dareth ran to where the others of the Resistance were gathered. "Guys, look! Brown power, it's finally mine!"

But the smoke suddenly disappeared as Lloyd and the others turned to look. His stomach gurgled and clenched.

"Oh, oh no…" Dareth said as he made a beeline for the bathrooms. He tried one door, but it was locked. He tried the other. He frantically banged on it.

"It busy." Karloff's voice came from the other side. "Come back tomorrow."

"I gotta go!" Dareth cried. "It's an emergency!"

"You don't wanna come in here." Karloff said.

In a flash of desperation, Dareth ran outside, just in time to see the SOG pull up on their bikes.

Dareth gasped. "Oh no, it's an ambush!"

Dareth tried the door, but to his horror it had locked behind him. He had been locked out.

"Hello, Dareth." said a voice behind him.

Dareth turned around to see Ultra Violet grinning at him. He screamed.

The door opened and the Resistance was surprised by the sudden appearance of the SOG. Lloyd looked down just in time to see Dareth being dragged away by UV.

"NO!" Lloyd cried. "Not you too!"

The green ninja leapt forward to save his friend but was suddenly blocked by Killow.

"We have to protect the base!" Nya told him.

"But if we let them take him, they'll kill him!" Lloyd dodged as Karloff flew through the air and punched the muscular biker in the face

"And they'll kill you too! We need to endure!"

Lloyd watched helplessly as Dareth was tied up and thrown onto the back of UV's bike before speeding off.

"I'm so sorry…"

Dareth had been taken. He was a lost cause now, yet another victim had fallen to Windigo.

Nya and the other masters were fighting the SOG but were becoming overwhelmed.

"Lloyd!" Nya cried.

Lloyd pulled his hood over his head. Dareth may be gone, but he would fight for him.

The Resistance continued to fight back against the SOG, but they were proving to be too much.

"There's too many!" Skylor said. She turned to Lloyd. "You need to get out of here!"

"No!" Lloyd cried. "We need to fight!"

Killow managed to pry Karloff off of him and sent him flying into the wall. "Get Mystake!"

"But she's just an old lady?" Luke asked.

"She's more than that. Now go get her!"

Luke dashed into the building and flung open the door to Mystake's room. But there was no trace of her.

Luke was befuddled. "How…"

"We're losing!" Lloyd cried as he aimed a flying kick at an SOG member.

"Nya!" Skylor said. "Get Lloyd out of here!"

"Come on!" Nya said as she grabbed his arm and bolted into the building, towards an armored vehicle that she had been working on. She twisted the hatch open and pushed Lloyd inside.

"Skylor! Mom! Get in!"

"You're what's important!" Misako said as she aided the elemental masters. "Go, son!"

"We will hold off!" Karloff yelled. "Get green ninja to safe place!"

Nya slammed on the gas as the armored vehicle tore out of the building, smashing a hole in the depot's wall.

"We can't just leave them!" Lloyd cried as they sped away.

"They aren't my concern." Nya said as she pressed some buttons on the dash. "You are."


Cole and Wu put the finishing touches on their contraption. It was a metal dragon with blades on the top that was driven with pedals. Jay and Kai drew the design up with a piece of charcoal and old parchment and secretly slipped it off to Cole earlier in the day. Cole finished tightening up a few more screws before standing up and wiping his forehead.

"We did it." He said.

Wu looked at it apprehensively. "But will it fly?"

Cole shrugged. "Only one way to find out."

Cole got in. "Give me a boost!"

Wu pushed and Cole began pedaling as fast as he could. It began to lift off the ground, but the wheels kept dragging.

"Faster! Faster!" Wu cried.

"I'm trying!" Cole cried. He hit a rock and the machine veered off to the side. Cole swerved and it landed on its side as it skidded through the sand. Cole got out, coughing as he pushed the vehicle back upright.

"It won't fly." Wu said.

"What?!" Jay said. "It's got to."

"I'm too heavy. Maybe your calculations were off?"

"No, I designed it to your measurements. Are you sure you haven't gained any weight?"

Cole gasped. He folded his arms. "I have given up cake and my body is a temple!" He said, turning away, looking hurt.

"I can fly it."

Jay looked down at Wu. "You? Your feet can't even reach the pedals."

"Easier to grow a little than lose alot." Wu said, smirking.

"Hey!" Cole cried.

Night had fallen over the dragon hunters' camp. The moon was starting to peek over the horizon, washing the desert in a silvery blue light as the hunters prepared for their feast.

The Iron Baron grabbed a torch from its place on the wall and walked over to stand in front of the wind dragon and the massive crowd of hunters that had now gathered.

"It's tonight or never." Kai told Jay. He nodded.

"I guess the kid is flying…"


"If we're gonna pull this off, stay in the clouds and keep the moon to your back. Once I bust them out, meet back here, okay?"

Wu nodded as he climbed inside the cockpit.

Cole nodded. "Great. Good luck."

"I don't need luck, just a push." Wu said.

Cole pushed, and Wu pedaled as fast as he could. Soon he was up in the air and was enveloped by the clouds.

"Whoo! Ha ha, you got it!" Cole cheered. "Fly, Wu, fly!"

"Iron Baron provides for you, and all I ask for is your undying loyalty." Baron said to the hunters. "Obey my commands, and your belly will be full. Defy me, and-"

Baron paused in his speech as a shadow fell over him. He turned and saw its source.

"Dragon." He growled.

"D-D-Dragon!" One of the hunters cried.

Wu pressed a button, causing fire to burst from the dragon's mouth.

"Fire dragon!" Baron cried before lightning sparked where the fire had been moments before.

"It's the mother of all dragons!" Kai said.

"Oh no!" Jay said, going with it. "But why would Firstbourne come here?"

"To protect her wind dragon!"

"They're right, its Firstbourne!" No Legs cried.

"Stations!" Baron shouted. "Protect the fort! Attack!"

The dragon hunters rushed to their positions. In all the mayhem they didn't see Cole untying the ninja.

"About time!" Kai said as he massaged his chafed wrists.

"Yeah." Jay said, doing the same. "Now let's get out of this nuthouse!"

Baron rushed up the steps of one of the towers and shoved a hunter out of behind their gun.

"Out of the way!" He yelled. He grabbed hold of the cannon. "I want to take her for myself!"

He looked through the sight of the cannon and trained it on the contraption he thought was Firstbourne. He grinned.

"I got you now." He sneered.

Wu saw his trouble and gulped. "Uh-oh."

A cannonball flew from the fort, and Wu barely had time to dodge it. Baron laughed.

"I clipped her!" He said.

Suddenly a bigger shadow appeared from behind Wu. The ninja paused in their escape to look.

"Wow, little Wu's really selling it." Jay said.

"You built that, Cole?" Kai asked.

Cole paused, confused. "Huh, it looks bigger in the air."

A second cannonball flew from Baron's spot, crashing into the blades of the metal dragon. Wu cried out as he lost control and went spinning through the sky before crashing into the hillside. He escaped unharmed and went running to find the ninja.

"Wait." Cole said. "If that's-then who's-"

Suddenly a giant red and black dragon descended from the clouds. It let out a great roar.


Firstbourne roared again before swooping down and letting free a giant plume of fire from her jaws as she torched Dead's End.

"Show no fear!" Baron yelled. But just as he finished, he jumped to dodge the incoming flames. He scrambled to his feet.

"We're being punished!" He cried. "How'd she find us?!"

"We can get out there!" Cole pointed to the edge of the camp that led out to the open desert beyond.


The three ninja turned and saw Wu standing there.

"What are you waiting for, little master?" Cole asked. "We need to go!"

"Firstbourne is here because of the dragon they captured."

"Yeah, and they deserve every delicious piece of punishment they get!" Jay said.

"But you're responsible too." Wu said. "You helped lure it in."

"They forced us!"

"Little master's right." Cole said. "We have to go back."

The four bolted back through Dead's End. Cole bumped into Daddy No Legs.

"Dangerbuff? You're with them? I should've known you were a traitor!"

"No, not a traitor." Cole said. He ripped off his fake mustache. "A ninja!"

Kai slipped past the other hunters and climbed up the wood pile before melting off the dragon's chains.

"Go, be free!" He said.

Realizing it was free, the wind dragon sprang up and also began attacking Dead's End.

"Come on!" Cole beckoned. Together he, Kai, Jay, and little Wu fled from the dragon hunters and vanished into the desert night.

Eventually, Firstbourne decided enough was enough and left the village, followed closely behind by the freed wind dragon.

Baron got up from the ground, recovering from the attack. He looked after where Firstbourne had vanished and growled.

"Prepare the Dieselnaut." He said. "We're going hunting."

"For Firstbourne?" Asked Chew Toy.

"For ninja."

It was a shivering Dareth that was thrown in front of Windigo's thrown, whether his shivering was from fear or cold was unknown and irrelevant to Windigo

"Well well well, if it isn't Dareth, the self proclaimed brown ninja who can't fight for shit," said Windigo with a wicked smirk and the SOG laughed

"You don't scare me Zane," said Dareth, visibly shaking with fear

"Only my beloved is allowed to use that name," growled Windigo " However, I will forgive your innocence as it would be very rude of me not to give the lovely ladies of my court a new toy and nobody wants to die a virgin do they Dareth, let see if they find you as capable as you claim to be?"

Dareth was then grabbed by Killow and dragged to one of the emptied offices. The windows were covered in thick black curtains, there was a makeshift bed on the floor and candles were burning, Ultra violet had raided a scented candle store known for it's strange and exotic fragrances. The whole room smelled like whiskey, bacon, and...rotting flesh? His suit was ripped off of him leaving him in his leopard print briefs.

"The ladies are getting ready, there are contraceptives in the corner, I suggest you use them," said Killow before slamming the door.

Dareth gulped and then noticed the lengths of rope, handcuffs, whips, and other devices scattered around the room. He shuddered before steeling himself, if he was going to die, he might as well enjoy these final hours, at least being a play thing for 10 women for several hours was better than instant death, he also had the feeling that the better he was, the longer the girls would convince Windigo to leave him alive. He would do this, and if he was being honest he was almost looking forward to it, having sex to save his life was deffinately something Dareth was capable of doing.

He sat on the bed, anxiously waiting for the first female member of the SOG. A woman about his age entered the room, a hungry grin on her face, she was in black negligee that had probably been stolen from somewhere. Dareth was surprised, she wasn't bad looking. Maybe this would be fun. She grabbed a length of rope. Or not.

"Only I get to use the safeword, which is pink," she said with a wicked grin. Dareth nodded

"Good boy, you ready for snu snu?"

Dareth nodded again, his life depended on his performance, he'd give all these girls the time of their lives.

Ultra Violet was last to have a turn with a battered and bruised Dareth. She was by far into the freakiest shit he'd ever done in the last 15 hours. He was still handcuffed to the bed and couldn't feel much below his she got up and left, Killow came back into the room and grabbed the exhausted brown ninja, forcing him into pant before dragging him to the top of the tower, Ultra Violet was waiting with the camera.

"Today one of the closest friends of the ninja, the useless, brown Ninja will perish for his stupidity, incompetence, being the most annoying person in the world, and above all, being their friend,'' said Windigo.

Dareth gulped and closed his eyes. He screamed in agony as he was disemboweled by Windigo, his brave little partner that had held firm these last 15 hours was ripped off and given to Ultra as a trophy, his limbs were ripped off one by one and his bones torn from his body one by one. He died very quickly and his head was placed on yet another spike. His dismembered body was fed to Corbin.

Lloyd, Nya, and Skylor watched the broadcast, with sinking hearts, they had held onto hope that Dareth might be spared when he hadn't been immediately killed like the others. That hope was gone as one of their closest friends was murdered before their eyes. They were all that was left of the resistance, but they wouldn't quit, they couldn't. Windigo had to fall.