Another chaptered fic?


Explanation: Chronic Writer's Block.

This is my treatment, taking fics I'm working on that were originally supposed to be long one-shots, and putting up each part as a separate chapter.

I do not own Spongebob, but if I did, this would've been the episode's ending.


Spongebob looked from Squidward to Mr. Krabs. He wanted more than anything to be part of the crew again.

But then he remembered why he got fired.

A nickel. Spongebob thought, Pah! He can keep his stupid nickel!

The sponge took a a deep breath, and said a word that he thought he'd never say to Mr. Krabs.


"What?" Squidward exclaimed, shocked that Spongebob, Spongebob of all people, said no to being rehired at the Krusty Krab.

"No." Spongebob repeated, "I'm not gonna come back. Mr. Krabs only wants me back because he's losing money without me. In fact, I don't even need Mr. Krabs."

"But Spongebob, what are you gonna do without a job?"

"Come on, Spongebob!" Mr. Krabs cried, getting to his knees, "I'm begging you, boy! Please come back!"

"No." Spongebob replied, "I just found out that I'm good at making snail food," a smile spread across his face, "I'm going to use this newfound talent to go into business for myself."

Mr. Krabs couldn't believe what he was hearing. He was losing his best fry cook!

This knowledge caused him to start spazzing out and faint.

Squidward stood and looked back at Spongebob, worry still in his eyes, "Are you sure you'll be able to do that?"

The sponge nodded at him, and responded, "Sure I'm sure, Squidward. But I think I'll need some help. Would you like to help me?"

Squidward thought for a moment. Sure, Spongebob was a nuisance, but he'd done some very good things for him too. Squidward may not have always appreciated it, but deep down he really liked Spongebob.

"I'd be honored to help, Spongebob."

"Great! Let's get Patrick and Sandy in on it too."

So, what do you think of my first fix-it fic?

No flames or I'm taking away all your nickels.