Day 1

Marcel brought a coffin containing an Original Vampire into her bedroom not forty minutes ago. And since Davina was so bored out of her mind, it didn't take her long to find something else to preoccupy herself, such as sitting beside the coffin and staring at the desiccated Original Vampire with open curiosity.

"For someone so ancient, you don't look so bad," was Davina's whispered words as she scrutinized the face of her enemy. The Original still looked grey with distended veins running across his face, but Davina wasn't blind to see the handsome aristocratic features on her current, desiccated room mate. And that was what the Original Vampire was now.

Elijah Mikaelson was her room mate forced upon her by Marcel.

"It seems that I'm stuck with you Mikaelson," She told the unmoving Original. "You and I are going to be sharing a room starting now. Whether you want it or not, you are now my roommate for the foreseeable future."

The Original remained still and silent as the dead. At his lack of response, Davina simply wrinkled her nose in disappointment.

"You haven't been my roommate for nearly an hour and you are already boring me. And to think that I was looking forward to having someone to talk to again, despite the fact that it was one of you... Still, if I was offered a choice in room mates by Marcel, I believe your hybrid brother would have been a preferable company compared to you. At least with Klaus, he and I have a little something in common. If he was stuck here in my room, we will probably spend time painting or sketching, and then offer each other artistic criticism. However, knowing your bloodthirsty brother, he and I will probably end up trying to kill each other at the end of the day, although I honestly don't mind having that kind of excitement right about now. Perhaps I should ask Marcel to return you and have him fetch Klaus instead? least miaming Klaus is way more fun than being stuck in this attic while I spend endless hours trying to monitor for rogue witches ..even your little sister Rebekah probably is a better roommate, I think if she was here instead of you, she and I can have a slumber party, braid each others hair and trade the latest gossip in the French Quarter," Davina mused out loud. "Unfortunately, I'm stuck with the boring brother and despite your honorable and fearsome reputation, your personality, however, left nothing to be desired. Although...I have to admit that you are easy on the eye, so I have no complaints there. I could even probably spend time staring at your face all day long and I will consider it productive. But seriously, since you are staying in my bedroom - rent-free, I might add - I expect something in return from you, alright? I'm really bored right now and you are a perfect distraction at the moment. So how about you try to open your eyes and talk to me, Mr. Stone Face?"

Still, no response from the eldest Mikaelson. After a while, Davina decided to change tactics.

"Alright, I was only testing if you heard me while you are still daggered, but since I don't see any reaction from you, it means that you didn't hear me at all. So perhaps it's better if I take the dagger out of you temporarily and then maybe you and I can finally talkā€¦"

With a boundary spell around her room, Davina knew that Elijah Mikaelson won't be able to escape from there. So Davina didn't hesitate at all when she reached out and pulled the silver dagger out from the Original's chest.

After she removed the dagger, Davina expected for the Original Vampire to suddenly become conscious, or let out at least a gasp, but to her utmost dismay, Elijah Mikaelson did neither. The Original looked the same in his dessicated state.

Still, Davina waited for him to regain consciousness, but it seemed that she would have to wait a while for him to recover.

When suddenly, Davina was struck by an idea - an idea so diabolical that she couldn't help but act on it. With a mischievous grin on her face, she stood up from her kneeling position and started hurrying around her room to fetch the materials that she needed. Davina grabbed a bunch of brushes and acrylic paints from her drawer before running back to the coffin with the Original Vampire in it.

Thankfully, Elijah Mikaelson seemed to be in the same state as she had left him. So as Davina knelt beside his coffin, she immediately set to work.

Davina knew that her actions would probably earn the wrath of the Original Vampire, but she knew that she could handle him. If she was being honest with herself, she was rather excited to see how the stoic Elijah Mikaelson would react once he found out what she had done.

Davina Claire truly wanted to break the Original Vampire's perfect facade and this was just the beginning of it.