Lucy lay her head on the tabletop and moaned pitifully. The celestial mage looked for a reaction from the bluenette sitting across from her before moaning a second time, albeit a bit louder, and stretching her hands to partially cover the book Levy was currently reading.
Levy removed her gale-force reading glasses, setting them on top of one of the tall stacks of books littered on the guild table before covering Lucy's hands with her own. "Lu-chan? Are you alright?" the script mage asked her ailing friend.
"Levy!" Lucy whined, "I'm so bored!" She moved her hands out from under Levy's to under her own chin to rest her head upon as she looked up at Levy from across the table. "Why did everyone have to go and find jobs right after Christmas? Shouldn't we all still be on holiday?"
Levy reached across the table to pat Lucy's arm and smiled, "I think everyone went a little overboard this year present-wise. Besides, we have a full week till New Years Eve, where I'm sure everyone will be back to party again before setting off on new adventures." Levy pulled back, resting her small hands on her growing belly bump, "I'm surprised you didn't run off with Natsu when he came barreling in earlier looking for a request." In fact, she thought to herself, nearly every Fairy Tail mage grabbed a job from the board even if they were nursing hangovers.
Surrounding the two mages were the remnants of Fairy Tail's boisterous Christmas party. Many of the decorations the Guild mages had opted to leave up in the spirit of festivities. Large Christmas trees were scatted throughout, many brought in by overzealous mages who wanted to show off their strength by bringing in the largest tree. So many mages had participated in the competition, some even bringing back a second tree after their previous tree was out done by another, that the whole Guild hall smelt like a fresh forest. Beyond the trees, lights had been scattered haphazardly in the rafters by Happy, Carla and Lily, while those who were confined to the ground had contented themselves with making paper snowflake chains and other homemade decorations to scattered along windowsills, tables and any other surface they could reach.
Lucy sighed and sat up, pushing hair that had fallen loose from her ponytail behind her ear. "I didn't want to leave you here by yourself. Natsu, Erza and Gray weren't the only ones eager to get out, Gajeel looked just as excited." Lucy huffed.
"Only because he wants to build a whole new house for the baby," Levy replied, half sarcastically, her brow furrowing as she remembered her partner's antics the day before. Gajeel had grabbed Lily and one of the larger paying jobs first thing in the morning, and wasted no time setting out to complete the job. "I swear he's half out of his mind trying to prepare. At this point we are over prepared! The baby isn't even coming until early Spring at the earliest."
"Its easy to see why he's so excited," Lucy laughed, "This is his first chance at having a real family. Y'know, with a wife, husband and baby?" Levy flapped her hand at Lucy, blushing lightly as she looked away. "C'mon Levy! He's trying his hardest to be supportive," Lucy reached out and tugged Levy's hand across the table, clasping it between her own, "You know you love it! Being pampered all the time, all the other girls are jealous at seeing how loving and caring Gajeel is towards his partner."
"Oh, stop it!" Levy laughed gaily, pulling her hand back and running it over the open book in front of her, the blush on her cheeks rising to her forehead. "It is nice, I have to admit." She replied, staring blankly at the words in front of her, her voice dropped to a whisper "But, I hope he relaxes a bit soon. I want him here when the baby does arrive."
"I don't think Gajeel would physically be able to miss it, Levy-chan." Lucy gave the bluenette a reassuring smile when the other woman looked up from the page she was admiring. Levy's answering smile was bright, but a tinge of worry remained. "If anything, I'll be there! I wouldn't miss the occasion even if Tartaros came back from the dead."
Levy laughed, her smile growing its usual brightness. "You better be here Lu-chan, if anything to be the grounding force in my relationship during the birth."
At that moment, Mirajane walked up to the two mages' carrying an empty tray. "What are you to conspiring about over here? Can I get you guys anything to drink? Something special for momma-to-be?"
Lucy stood and stretched her hands over her head, pushing them beyond her shoulders briefly before relaxing them back down by her sides. "We were just talking about what Gajeel will be like during the birth of the baby."
Mirajane grimaced, "He's going to be a hot mess." Levy and Lucy laughed in agreement alongside Mira, "At least Levy will have you Lucy."
"Mm." Was Lucy's reply.
"Mira, I'll have some hot cocoa with those little marshmallows if you have them." Levy patted her belly, "Baby has a sweet tooth."
"Did you want whipped cream topper with a dusting of cinnamon too?" Mira asked in reply, already moving back towards the nearby bar.
"Oh! Yes please!" Levy cried, "Anything to add to the rich creamy taste." She looked back at Lucy, now standing next to her reading over her shoulders. "Do you want anything? My treat."
Lucy shook her head as she continued to read a few more lines of the book that had Levy's attention for most of the afternoon. "No, thank you. I think I'm going to head back to my place, pick up a few groceries to last the week. Natsu cleaned me out over Christmas and I was so sure I had bought enough food to last." She groaned.
"I don't think any amount of food is ever enough for Natsu." Levy laughed, "Make sure to bundle up well. The weather is going to get even colder tonight." She reached out and squeezed Lucy's hand, "And hang in there. I know I'm not much company while I'm researching," Levy replied, waving her hand over the many stacks of books from the Guild's library that littered the table she was occupying, "But I'm here if you need me."
Lucy squeezed Levy's hand in reply, "Thanks, Lu-chan. I know you're always here for me. I just wish Natsu and the others were not so gung-ho about requests the day after Christmas. After the year we had, I just want to spend some more time with them, just relaxing."
"I know, Lucy." Levy sympathized, "But they will be back before you know it, and Natsu will be dragging you off as soon as New Years is over, I'm sure of it."
Nodding, Lucy gave Levy's hand one more squeeze before saying goodbye to her and Mirajane and making her way out into the strengthening blizzard.