It was his 17th birthday and here is having friends birthday Ian Barley said thank you Barley Ian replied. I can't believe you're 17 already Laurel said. I can't either Ian responded. Would you like to do today? Laurel asked. Spend half the day with half the day with you. But don't forget about my party please mom Ian said. I won't don't worry hon. I didn't forget Laurel mom let me finish my breakfast we're going to short quest OK barley Ian Barley finished his breakfast and put it on his dads sweatshirt. Hey Barley I'm ready to go Ian said. give me fifteen I got to finish my breakfast Barley Replied. OK Ian Said I'll just be watching TV.

Just Then,Officer bronco came in. Hey birthday boy he away for me please you're not ruining my birthday Ian snapped. Oh yes I am Bronco said as he was carrying Ian up the stairs. Get me off My stairs Ian Yelled. That's too high,Don't throw me down! But officer bronco didn't listen.

Laurel And Barley heard a big thud and heard Ian screaming and ran off to see what was going on. are you OK Ian Barley asked. No I'm not OK answered Ian Mom's ex pushed me down the steps. Honey what hurts the most Laurel asked her son. My ankle, my knee, my femur and my heel on both of my legs Ian replied. Did you hit your head at all honey Laurel also asked. I don't think so Ian replied. Barley grabbed the phone and called the ambulance. Laurel Wiped her sons tears and rubbed his face. Barley got off the phone and he told them that the cops were coming to arrest bronco.

Thankfully the cops came in five minutes so did the ambulance. thanks for being so fast which one of us do you want to go in the ambulance with you Barley asked. Unfortunately, we can't let any of you go because we don't have seats that made ian complety Lose it .I can't do it . I need you guys to go .Ian Ian Ian Jan Laurel said it's OK .you're gonna do amazing. Mom's right Ian you need to learn that we can't always be here During times like these we can't ride every ambulance with you OK bud barley said. But Ian grabbed onto Barley neck really tightly. Ian you need to do it yourself you need to go by grabbed barley's neck even tighter. I'm serious you need to do this you need to let go of me. barley tried gently taking Ian's arm off his neck. Ian tightly grabbed Barley's vest. Ian you need to let go of me. I'm serious Barley did the same thing taking Ian's arm of his vest. Then Ian fought back and scratched Barley. Ian! Barley said a little irratated. As soon as Ian saw what he did he cried even harder no it's not you're OK it's not it's just Barley started . Ian took a deep breath and agreed to do it.

In the ambulance Ian just cried for barley and Laurel the whole time.I want my brother I want my brother i want my brother. i want my brother. I want my brother. I want my brother. I want my mom . I want my mom . I want my mom. I want my mom Ian said repeatably. Aww, sweetheart you'll see them in a minute said a paramedic. it's gonna be OK. you're gonna be OK said another paramedic.

Laurel and Barley arrive they saw Ian being wheeled out. He was being taken to the x-ray room. after the x ray he also had to get an MRI five minutes later he was out. Hey Ian Laurel and Barley said together we're right here. Is dad looking down on me. Yes Jan and he's really proud of you right now. Hey Barley Ian said softly. Yes Ian Barley answered. I'm so sorry About earlier and grabbing onto you and scratching you. It was very immature of me and I knew better not to do that Ian buddy it's OK it was just that I'm Trying to teach you we cant always go in every ambulance ride with thanks for pushing me do it; It wasn't that bad Ian said sadly. I I know it was scary barley said. Ian looked 's OK to be scared fear is a normal emotion to go Through especially times like these Barley explained, But barley you never get scared Ian said. Barley continued Well I get scared sometimes. When you're crossing the bridge I was on the verge of tears because I didn't want to tell you about the rope falling off your waist and I you can't get rid of fear Ian but you can't let fear control you. 30 minutes later they got news that Ian had torn his Achilles both heels broke Both his ankles bothers me use and tore everything in both femurs and broke both of his femurs

Ian needed to be admitted to a hospital room But at a different hospital so he needed another ambulance ride. Thankfully They had a seat Ian choose Barley to go with him. I'm so sorry hon Laurel said. Ian began to cry again this has been the worst birthday ever . I know honey Laurel replied. I don't want to be in the hospital for my birthday Ian cried. I know Ian Laurel said. Ian continued I have to be here for a week and a half he continued the sob I don't want to get surgery on my birthday he are getting it tomorrow Ian Barley still I don't want to get the surgery the day after my birthday Ian said. You can do it Ian Barely said. Ian nodded just don't want my birthday to be like this I want to spend it with you guys because I love you Ian said. We know we love you too Laurel replied. He Ian you probably need to rest first day but maybe the day after you get released we can do your birthday all over again Barley said. I know it won't be the same but it'll heal what has been lost and get your mind off of what happened .I'll order a new cake for you hon Laurel said. I want cupcakes that you still getting my cake today Ian asked yes I am hon I'll bring it here laurel said. Would you still like pizza for your birthday or do you want me to go to To your favorite fast food restaurant Laurel asked. Just pizza please mom just stick with pizza Ian replied.

They transferred Ian and barley talked about last year's birthday his 16th. which was his most Memorable birthday They first one for all the sad things that happened. I remember when we Guinevere. and I didn't get to meet Dad but that was for you. then barley change the topic to happier things Ian started to laugh. I remember when I shrunk you and then Dad started dancing that was funny. Ian stopped laughing and his smile Faded you OK E Barley asked. Ian nodded and started to barley, yes Ian Barley replied. Thank you so much for riding with me and keeping me safe. well Ian,I love you and I'm always here for you and when do you need me OK please remember that Barley said. Same to you thank you Ian replied. Oh and Ian Barley said. Ian looked up but didn't reply. i would also like you to remember that You're the best gift I've ever received Barley said. Ian started crying again. Awww Ian It's ok were almost to the hospital.

When they got to the hospital, Barley hopped out of the ambulance. Ian was wheeled out. Barley held Ian's hand with one hand and stroked Ian's hair with the other. Ian looked up at his big brother. Barley gave Ian a big smile. Omg Ian what conditioner do you use Barley started to laugh and cry at the same you laughing or crying Ian? Barley asked. Ian continued to cry and laugh.


a few hours was time for cake. Laurel asked if he them wanted to sing. Ian nodded. "Happy birthday to you happy birthday dear you Do you happy birthday dear. Just then Ian started to cry again laurel and barley just both reached over his bed and gave him a giant hug .Ian hugged them back with all his heart and sobbed they gave gave him a back rub. I'm so sorry Buddy Barley said. they sliced the cake and gave Ian the first piece. Barley grab the chocolate ice cream and scopped some ice cream and poured punch in a glass for Ian. Thanks Barley Ian Said. Ian finished his birthday treats got on his phone

Ian's surgery went well and a week and a half later he got to go home. Laurel have a business trip to go barley took Ian home. But Laurel would be returning later that night. Ian was always nervous to get his IV out because that hurt and Ian did not like needles But he knew he had to get it out to leave. They wrapped his hand in a red bandage And transferred him to his wheelchair barely help them him in Guinevere the second. Ready to go home Barley asked. Ian nodded trying to hide his emotions from Barley. bud what's wrong Barley just nothing I'm good Ian said. are you sure you're OK Barely I'm fine it's just that I don't want to be in a wheelchair for six months Ian replied. I know E I don't want you be in one either Barley replied as he drove off. Ian laid his fist on his Barley was driving he drove over by a park. Ian saw kids riding bikes laughing going on equipment. Ian was about to cry but he focused on his bandaged hand to distract himself. But it didn't work he just left all his emotions out. Barley pulled over What's the problem Ian Barley asked. Ian pointed over to the playing kids. I just want to have fun like they are but I can't because I can't walk Ian said. I know it's frustrating here give me a hug buddy Barley gave Barley a huge hug. Thanks bar You're the best brother I could ask for Ian said as he wiped his tears. are you ready to go home now?Barley asked I bet Blazey will be really happy to see you Ian smiled a little. Barley smiled back let go home bud. Hey Barley Ian Ian Barley answered. do you think Blazey will be scared of my wheelchair Ian asked. I don't know actually Ian but we'll see barley replied