Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha and Co. ::Sniff sniff:: they all belong to Rumiko Takashi. And I'm only going to say this once...I DO NOT OWN INUYASHA AND CO. Now leave me alone... And don't sue.. I'm broke!!

A Trip to the Past WHAT?!

It was nighttime and InuYasha and the others were at Kaede's hut . "Hey, Kagome, do you have some of that Ramen noodles?" A hungry InuYasha asked "As a matter of fact I do." said Kagome "A mater of what?" "It's just an expression" "And to think we've been with Kagome for two years now, yeah'd think you'd know her better! Even I knew that it was just an expression." Said a sleepy Shippo as Kagome cooked the Ramen noodles "Bet my ass you did you little brat!" said InuYasha as he hitted Shippo on the head. "Waa, Kagome did you see what InuYasha did to me? Sniff sniff " Kagome glared at InuYasha "SIT" "Ow, BITCH!!"

Everybody ignored them, it was a thing that they did almost everyday, InuYasha Would make Kagome mad for what ever was the reason, then she'd yell 'sit' after That you would usually hear 'bitch' or 'what the fuck was that for'

"It's getting late, why don't we go to sleep." said Miroku "For once I agree with you monk." said Sango while yawning. "Now, lets go to sleep." said a very tired Sango. A perverted grin made its way up to Miroku's face "I didn't know you'd like to sleep with me Sango I'm so flattered that you have chosen me." "Who said I was going to sleep with you! HENTAI!!" said the demon exterminator while blushing and hitted Miroku over the head with her boomerang and when to sleep.

When everyone had fallen asleep Kagome packed her things and headed towards the Bone-Eaters Well. When she was at the foot of the well, Kagome was surprised that InuYasha had not yet notice that she was gone. 'I'm so sorry InuYasha I know how much the Shikon no Tama means to you but I have to study! I'm sorry to leave in such short notice I forgot I had a test. Kagome no Baka!' and with that she jumped into the dried well.

When Kagome felt that she reached solid ground, she started to climb out of the well by using some vines that was growing on the side, when all these questions started to form in her head 'Did I really pass though the well? What happened to the rope ladder that my mom putted up? And why does everything seem so larger all of a sudden?'

When Kagome finally got out of the well she felt so exhausted then she ever felt before. 'What is wrong with me? I climb out of the well many times before.' Kagome thought as she dusted her self clean of dirt, then she realized "Why does my figure look smaller and is that my voice??" Kagome looked and sounded like a six year old.

Kagome heard voices coming her way. "Stop that thief!" yelled a random man, then she saw a boy that looked around the age of seven, with two pointy ears, silver hair, golden eyes and was wearing a fire rat coat, running away from a group of men 'InuYasha...but it can't be...but that means...I'm in the past!'


Why didn't InuYasha notice Kagome was gone? What happened to the well?? Is Kagome really in the past or is she in a different part of the future???

All will soon be reviled in the next chapter...that is if I get at least some reviews. Hope you liked it so far, don't forget to R&R. Fire-Kitsune22 signing off.