Another sunny afternoon where AJ sat on his own and enjoyed a cup of coffee and an afternoon snack. This time he had chosen a chocolate scone. The snack and the coffee never truly mattered.

Another beautiful afternoon but never quite as beautiful as the woman serving him. Her hair was always braided, and the braid was long enough to touch her ass. Her hair seemed to have different shades of brown but he could never truly see all the shades when it was always braided like that. What he could see what her light green eyes that never changed.

Another warm afternoon where the sun kept him warm when he walked outside, and the coffee and her smile kept him warm inside the building. He loved this place. Not the building, not the coffee, not any dead things put in there. He loved seeing her.

Another afternoon slowly moving towards the evening. He never stayed longer than 30 minutes max. He didn't wanna come across like a creep. He didn't want her to feel uncomfortable at her work. He didn't even come in everyday. Once a week, maybe twice. Never more than twice. He couldn't with his line of work anyway.

He sat there like a stranger, always smiling and behaving like the perfect gentleman when he talked to her. Only when her back was turned or she looked away would he keep his eyes on her. Constantly. Taking in all the beauty that he wanted so badly but he could never had. Because with that beauty came another thing. A ring on her finger. He never asked but he knew there was someone at home waiting for her. That lucky bastard.

So he kept it PG at her work and kept the X ratings for his fantasies at night. During the afternoons it was always a world where the Bella Twins' song ruled. You can look but you can't touch.

Just another day. Just another coffee. Just another snack. Just another glance, and another, and another, until he lost count. Just another fantasy. Just another afternoon.