This is my first fanfic so any help would be appreciated in any way shape or form, this takes place after the comics. I'm not a particular shipper I just thought it would be a good story. I'd also like to say Ive never written anything from the perspective of a girl so forgive me if I'm a bit off with some things. Enjoy!

Korra was exhausted. The past week had been incredibly stressful. Five months had passed since she had defeated Kuivera, four since Guan had surrendered and the last of the Earth Empire army was slowly giving in to the pressure from the surrounding states, as well as military threat from the Fire Nation. But Prince Wu really just didn't make things easier. Sure, he meant well but was no help whatsoever. He was immature, and acted like a twelve-year-old! Someone needed to smack him in the face. Maybe she should do it! One good-

She sighed, rubbing her temples as she walked onto the city hall rooftop. At least there were no more meetings for a couple of days. She reached under her surprisingly long hair and scratched behind her ears. It hadn't been this long or unattended since she had been stuck recovering in the South Pole. She had no ponytail or hair loopies, as she hated dressing up for formal appearances as of late, especially doing make-up. She would've found the time to cut it but Asami liked it better that way, and since she had cut it short to be practical rather than for looks, she didn't mind.

She wanted to see Asami, so badly, but she was away on some business trip. She had always had them frequently since she acquired full control of Future Industries, but Korra only started to notice how demanding her job was when they got together. They were happy, of course, overjoyed to be in a relationship with one another, despite the Avatar dangers and low-key negative reaction from some parts of the public, but Korra and Asami couldn't care less. In the few months they had been together, Asami had already been kidnapped twice and brainwashed once because she was close with the Avatar as well Bolin and Mako, by ex-Commander Guan and a triad. She had said some things she didn't mean to Korra while brainwashed but it just made them even closer. It was just a hard time in general, with half of Republic City being unhoused. Zhu Li was really whipping things into shape though, and was ten times the president Raiko had ever been already. Just as well, too, or else the stability would've fallen a long time ago.

Korra was also growing more and more into her role now as well as the Avatar. She saw what leaving Kuivera on her own had resulted in, and she was now ready to accept whatever the world had to throw at her.

On a personal level, they were on decent terms now, but she still didn't like Kuivera. It wasn't their history, just her intense personality, even though that had persevered in getting Korra's friends back.

Korra shivered from the night breeze. She thought too much. She just needed to relax, and spending time with Asami been perfect for that but, of course, she was gone. Korra lived there though, given there was enough room in the Sato mansion.

She had been having great fun with Asami lately whenever she was around, and that really eased the stress of the day. They both understood each other and Korra felt like nothing could tear the two of them apart. Every time they locked eyes, Korra's heart fluttered, and butterflies flew all around her stomach. Her light green eyes, her caring, motherly personality in spite of the fact that she hadn't known her own for too long, and of course, her figure. Korra got dreamy just thinking about her curves, and she had plenty to think about, as she had seen them up close, and more.

Korra opened her cyan glider and sailed across the Republic City skyline, illuminated by the glow of the spirit portal. She was still torn on whether or not it had been for better or for worse, but it was here to stay, regardless. The triads had already attacked it but slowly people were getting on better and better with the spirits. Korra pondered these thoughts and got wandered off in her own mind, contemplating everything she had done and that had happened recently.

Suddenly, she found herself flying headfirst into a building. She tried to swerve out of the way but was a half second to late and her glider clipped a balcony as she tried to do a U-turn, snapping off her right wing.

"Ahhhh!" she cried, more out of being startled than genuine fear, as she began to freefall. She was too far away from the skyscraper to grab the wall that instant by about a metre or so, and momentum meant that she wouldn't be able to get closer and grab on without causing a mess. Adrenaline surged through her body, as she realised it was the perfect opportunity to try out a new firebending move she'd only ever used in the Avatar State, and never managed to do it on her own perfectly.

The ground was getting closer and closer, and Korra needed concentrate to pull this off. Focus. Focus! Focus, godammit! she thought to herself. She brought her knees and heels together, and her arms straight by her side, like a pencil.

30 metres. She took a deep breath, calming herself.

20 metres. Controlled, but powerful, she reminded herself.

15 metres

10 metres.

Fire blasted out from her palms and feet. Her fall slowed considerably but she still needed airbending to break her fall completely. She crashed into a dark alley awkwardly. The few people around looked into the alley towards all commotion she had caused but by this point nothing surprised them. If it didn't hurt them then they left it be.

Korra groaned as she picked herself up. She had no time to practice anything nowadays, and that near-fatal incident proved it. It would be embarrassing if Tenzin had been there, being like a second father to her she would've gotten some lecture, but she was so wrecked that even something like that which would seem easy to a looker-on with her being the avatar was difficult when you were depraved of sleep. No more flying for another couple days while she got her glider repaired. She groaned and started to walk to the bay, and then the Sato Mansion, something she wasn't used to. However, when she limped out the alley onto the dimly-lit street, she grinned, looking around and recognising where she was. She decided to pay her ex, but good friend Mako, a visit, seeing as she had just crashed into his apartment block by chance.

She knocked on Door 20, Level 4. No reply. After twenty or so seconds she knocked again, louder and for one more knock too. She frowned. It wasn't like Mako to be inattentive. She put her hand against the wall and felt for bodies in the room. He was in there alright; she recognised his low heartbeat. He was trying to stay as quiet as possible. Hoping I'll go away, huh? she smirked to herself. She metalbent her bracelet off of her wrist and twisted it into the door lock. It was the type used by beginners so it was particularly easy to bend. She felt his heartbeat increase from slow, steady beats to quick, rushing beats as the lock clicked open.

"Hel-" was all she got out before a blast of fire was blazed at her. She wasn't going to be caught off guard twice in ten minutes though and was equal to it. She unravelled the attack in mid air with an airbending swivel technique but with firebending that she had adapted herself (the move Aang uses in TLA intro, but reversed).

"Hey, what's the big deal?!" Korra gave out as she glared across the room at Mako. He still had his fists up, his hair all over the place and half-asleep.

"Oh, it's only you," he sighed in relief.

"Hey Korra, great to see you, and, oh, by the way, sorry about trying to incinerate you," Korra said sarcastically. Mako had a double-take, very uncharacteristic of him, and then glared back at her, although without much conviction.

"Says the person who just casually broke into my apartment!" Mako exclaimed, exasperated.

"You should've answered the door instead waiting for me to go away!" Korra countered, but then realised how weak her argument was. Breaking into someone's apartment for a friendly visit was a little extreme, even if she meant well.

"Maybe you could have called out like-"

"Sorry," Korra apologised, as she held her hands up. "I've just been nonstop all week, so I'm not thinking properly."

Mako blinked, in surprise. He hadn't seen much of her over the last three to four months, but the Korra from before wouldn't have backed down. He smiled to himself, acknowledging how mature she had gotten. "Me too. I should've just opened the door, but I've been so laid down with work I thought it'd be a- a- a…" Mako struggled as he tried to think up of the right excuse without making himself sound too bad.

"It's ok, I won't report your bad intentions," Korra reassured him as she plopped herself down on the couch. She purred at the feeling of a relaxing seat and not the fancy, rigid, hard ones from Republic City Hall. "I've barely had one moment of peace all week. Nobody's happy with me no matter how hard I try to help people."

"Tell me about it," Mako related as he flopped onto the armchair opposite the couch. It was fairly pointless to have an armchair there but he had no time to worry about decorating his three-room flat with all the commotion of his day-to-day life. "When I got promoted to commander, I was so excited but I can assure you, it is the biggest shithole-"

"You got promoted?" Korra perked up. "Since when?"

"Six weeks ago," he smirked. "Has your head really been that disconnected on your 'avatar' duty?" he teased, "or have you just been spending too much time with Asami in looove?"

"You're just jealous because you've turned every woman you've ever dated the other way," she messed. "Maybe you still have feelings, huh?" Korra murmured loud enough for him hear, and then playfully poked him on the shoulder.

Mako smiled but there was a tiny bit of malice to it. In truth, he still had feelings for Korra. He had actually grown more and more fond of Korra while she had been missing for that three year period after their breakup. He had intended to ask her out again when she came back, especially seeing how much she had grown in all aspects. He attempted to at the wedding, but got cold feet and a hug instead. But then, when Korra and Asami got back from their vacation, we're together! Mako grimaced at the memory. Just his luck. He had no problem with them being bisexual, just why did Korra have to be? He couldn't complain, though, he had bottled both her and Asami and was now paying a reasonable enough price. He still did quietly to himself though, hypocritically.

He blinked as he felt a squeeze on his nose. "Hello?" Korra asked. "Earth to Mako. Earth to Mako," causing Mako's heart to flutter.

"S-s-s-sorry," he apologised. "Just thinking."

"About how good looking you are?" Korra joked. Mako forced a smile. Look who had become a comedian all of a sudden. He still got a light-headed feeling from the compliment though.

"I'm gonna get a beer. Want one?" he offered, putting his frustration in the back of his mind.

"I'm fine, thanks. I don't want to wake up with a headache on one of my few free days tomorrow."

"Go on. Just one," Mako pried. "Too good to have a drink with a lowly commander?" he asked, trying to turn her screw just a little. This backfired however, as Korra just missed the very subtle dig, which just rubbed salt into Mako's wound.

At the same time, Korra, while trying to relax, wouldn't back down to a challenge. That was probably why they didn't work as a couple. They were both independent figures, Mako having raised himself and his younger brother all on his own from a young age, while Korra was just naturally a stubborn person from being locked up for most of her life and now being given all the freedom in the world.

"Alright then," she agreed. "But just one."

"Just one," Mako repeated, tossing her a Desert Oasis. She caught it in one hand, without even trying, and flicked the cap off with metalbending. She did the same for Mako without him bothering to even ask. He practically fell into his seat and they started to talk about their lives, catching up on the four or so months that they had missed due to their unrelenting schedules.

That one beer soon turned into two, then into three, and then four. Soon they got into a drinking game. Neither had had any social life for the past while so it was a big reprieve for them. Korra was quite a strong drinker, but Mako was had a naturally higher tolerance. It was about 11:13 beers in favour of Mako when he brought out the spirits.

"I'm n-n-not ssshhhure, Mahhhko," Korra slurred. She was a fair bit tipsy, disappointingly, but she had a little restraint left.

"That's what I thought!" Mako taunted, fairly drunk himself. "You're just a LIGHTWEIGHT!" he shouted, intentionally raising his voice, and she took the bait.

"Am not!" was the best Korra could come up with. She couldn't stand up properly to make herself look big and imitating, so she stayed rooted to the couch. "I'mmmmm... not even TIPsy," she retorted a second later, adding extra emphasis on the last word, but her hesitation made it sound really bad.

"I'll be the judge of THAT, thank-you-very-,much," he blurted, stumbling over to the glass cabinet and getting two of his five shot glasses. He grinned toothily at the girl on the couch, recognising traces the old Korra that he had somehow fallen for. She was looking very pretty though, even more so than when she first came to Republic City. Very pretty indeed.

After another forty-five minutes, they were both well pissed. Even Mako, who was always careful in how far he went, in attempting to one-up Korra so much, had lost his common sense.

"Looks like I win," Korra said lazily. "What's wrong, handsome, tall, broooooding, firebender boy. Out of your depth?"

"Fight me," he challenged, standing up, but trembling back onto his chair immediately. Korra tried to blast a gust of air at Mako but it was a well know fact that it was impossible to bend while drunk. The toxins in the alcohol blocked your chi depending on your tolerance. As well as this physical handicap, no-one could concentrate properly to go through the forms.

"Well guess what. I'M THE AVATAR, and you gotta deal with it!" Korra shouted louder than she intended. She stood up and had surprisingly good balance, probably from her airbending training. She wobbled over to Mako and grabbed his shirt, then slapping him on the cheek hard enough. Normally, Mako would've brushed this aside, but now he was infuriated. Any self-control was now gone from him and he was acting on his instincts.

He shot up and shoved Korra on the chest. Had she been sober she probably would've smashed his skull through the wall for touching her chest so casually, but she just giggled flirtatiously. She tripped over the tiny table in between the couch and the armchair, the near-empty spirits bottle falling onto the ground and staining the one carpet in the room.

"Oops," she giggled, falling back onto the couch.

"Stupid bitch," Mako snarled. This was his darker side that he had very rarely ever shown, due to his usual excellent temperament. "I'll have you submissed in no time." He jumped on top of Korra. Surprisingly then, all Korra did was pull him into a hug.

"I'm cold," she complained, in an instant mood change, wrapping her arms tightly around Mako like when they were a couple. "Keep me warm."

Mako stared into her dark blue eyes. They were beautiful. She was so relaxed, carefree, despite the fact that she had someone other than her girlfriend right on top of her. Her hair spread out against the leather like the roots of a tree. Her smile, although very goofy and more her not closing her mouth, still had an irresistible pull to it after all these years.

And he felt himself getting pulled to it. Closer and closer. Then, without thinking, yet clear as day in his intentions, he crashed his lips onto hers. Her eyes flew open from being half-shut, even without her sense of direction Korra knew this was wrong. She tried to push him off of her and the couch, but he only moved his mouth off of hers.

"I can't, I'm with Asami, please" she pleaded unconvincingly, despite the fact she was literally holding onto him for warmth a few moments before. "This isn't right."

"Asami isn't here," he whispered, in her ear, pushing the strands away. "And besides, you kissed me too many times to count when I was dating Asami. It's payback time."

"If memory serves correct, I kissed you twice, and I thought we still together back then, so only once really," she finished smugly, proud of her smart response.

Mako frowned, unable to remember half of what Korra had said due to him losing concentration. He just as quickly pushed those thoughts out of his head though, placing his hands all around her waist and ass. She's really grown into a strong young woman, huh. Even better.

At that exact thought, he plunged into her mouth, hands caressing her body aimlessly, slipping wherever they wanted, and there wasn't any doubt in her consent either. She was always a bad liar, and she soon returned the compliment passionately. She felt hands reach underneath her shirt, grabbing her breasts. Looks like we're in for a fun night, she thought, giving in to her emotions. A tiny corner of her, which Korra could only identify as guilt, nagged at her in an annoying voice. You've already messed with Asami so much already, she deserves better, especially after all she's done for you.

I'm the Avatar, I do whatever the fuck I want! she retorted silently to herself. The old Korra, the one that had disobeyed the White Lotus in leaving the compound, the one that burned down an ancient airbending relic when she got frustrated, the one that would head-butt a bull charging right at her. The one that disregarded the possibility of consequences to her actions. That Korra emerged.

Her moans could be heard all throughout the surrounding area as she lost herself to her emotions and unconsciously gave herself in to a whole new kind of challenge.

That was a long chapter! Cringing a bit. This was longer than I intend my chapters to be in future, as this has 3k and I intend to give maybe in around 2k for the average chapter. Don't worry, this isn't going to just be full of fluffy stuff and smut I intend on a genuine story, book 5, but this is part of the plot. Thanks so much reading!