"Hey Emi save the date"

"Just what exactly do you mean?"

Cradling Alas Ramus in the nook of her arm, After a long day of the family unit enjoying a good time under the beating sun, Feeling the creeping sensation of tiredness Emi wasn't in the mood to deal with one of Maou's escapades.

Luckily the wind accompanying them put the heat to a settled rest with the rays of an incoming sunset sprayed on the street illuminating the path they were walking.

"What I meant is this coming Saturday your free right? I made sure to check the Mcronald's calendar to see if you cover any shifts that day but your name wasn't in sight."

An undertone of annoyance dripped his voice but the casualty carried it paring up with his body language it came out as just a simple question waiting for an answer.

The thoughts that raced her head were under the line of incoherent after such a question was asked.

"What does he mean by date and why is he not bothered at all?" noting his slacking stance, "Maybe he didn't mean it that way and I'm overanalyzing things? , What would Chiho and Suzuno think?"

Suddenly a warm touch crept her face, tugging back strands of her hair to behind her ear that unbeknownst to her was heavily whipped by the wind that provided an outdoor version of an AC and was greeted by the piercing look of worry on Maou's face.

"Seriously… I've been repeating your name several times but you blanked out on me"

Little mutters along the lines of troublesome women were then said under his breathe.

"Sorry, I was just thinking that if you want to spend time with Alas=Ramus that day you know she is hanging out with my father and Acies?"

Of course, Acies wanted time to hang out with her older sister which both agreed on that Saturday for the event to be under the care of Nord.

This further troubled Emi even more, Maou asking her to go out with him alone was unsaid of especially if it was voluntary.

"So what exactly does he have planned or…" a blush arose on her face, "That couldn't be the situation?!"

A begging wish for her hair to conceal her face was made at that moment, unfortunately, it still remained revealed, revealed enough for a simple glance to the side from Maou for it to be simply caught under his glance.

"..Yes, I know that but I was thinking maybe the two of us can go out and look for something nice.."

Such spoken words and the phrase "the two of us" echoed in Emi's mind, It was official she was definitely losing it.

Emotions led her to hold Alas=Ramus closer, trying not to interrupt her sleep while her eye contact that once connected to buildings or people ahead shifted towards the cemented sidewalk and the now entertained pump in her heart took a more rapid rate, holding her breath almost to the tipping point of not being able to handle more when

"...for Alas=Ramus of course! I've noticed she needs more toys and since I've been saving up and she wouldnt be with us, I thought we could take the opportunity to go out and buy her a toy as a surprise what do you say?"

A crashing sigh came out, How could she jump to such conclusions and get heated over a silly misunderstanding?

"You really like spoiling her huh? Fine, I'll join you on Saturday, but next time watch your way with using such words."

"What do you mean by that?"

Arguably she was done with the conversation and just wanted to go home in peace and slap her self of such foolishness.

"Forget I said anything".