Crazybeebee: Good to hear.

Please enjoy the last chapter.

The air between the two grew still as Iruma looked down and Clara frowned as she stepped closer to him, "Iruma-kins, are you or are you not a human?" Iruma looked up and frowned, "You said we're friends, and friends aren't supposed to lie to each other, so please-"

"I…I'm human," Clara's eyes widened as Iruma let out a shaky breath and shook his head, "But…how did you find out? Grandpa doused me with a special perfume to cover my scent an-"

"I…I overheard them talking," Clara looked away with a frown painted across her lips, "I thought it was because I was sick, but Mr. Redhair said something about you being human…and how Lord Sullivan would do everything in his power to protect you," she began shaking as tears blinded her vision, "Why would you lie to me and Azz-Azz like that? We're your friends an-"

"Because I didn't want to get devoured!" Iruma snapped and Clara looked up in surprise before Iruma frowned and hung his head, "For as long as I can remember, I've managed to avoid dangerous situations, thanks to my parents," Clara frowned and arched a brow, "Ever since I can walk, my parents would put me in dangerous situations, such as using me as live bait to fish, using me as a decoy to trap a bear or using me to trick the Yakuza, they didn't care what happened, but over the years I-"

"What's the Yakuza?"

Iruma inhaled slowly and shook his head, "They're a group of very dangerous people…I've learned how to avoid danger, but one day, I learned that my parents had sold my soul to grandpa and that's probably the nicest thing that they've ever done for me. I'm in the care of someone who actually cares about my wellbeing, I'm going to school and I have friends…at least, I think,"

Clara hung her head as Iruma looked up, "If you want to devour me, I won't stop you, if you want to wait until school on Monday and tell the others so they can join you, I won't stop you, but know that I do-" before he could finish, he felt Clara's lips press up against his and his eyes widened as Clara wrapped her arms around his neck.

Clara backed away and shook her head, "I'm not going to try and devour you, and I'm not going to tell anyone about this. You're trusting me with this secret and you trusted me enough to tell me about your parents, so…I won't try to eat you and I won't let anyone else try to eat you, Iruma-kins," Iruma sighed and slightly smiled, "But can I ask you something?"

"Uh…okay, sure? What's-"

"Can you stop spending so much time with Lady Redhair?" Clara leaned forward and Iruma's eyes widened as sweat ran down his face, "I don't know why, but my chest feels funny whenever I see you with Lady Redhair and I don't like that feeling,"

"Wait, wha-"

"It feels like you want to replace me and Azz-Azz, or…at least me…and…it hurts," Iruma frowned, "It hurts and I always feel like she's trying to steal you away from me and…I don't want that," Iruma took a deep breath before pulling Clara into a comforting embrace, surprising the green-haired demoness, "Iruma-kins?"

"Your chest feels funny whenever I'm spending time with Ameri? It sounds like you're jealous, but you don't have to worry, I'm not replacing you guys." Breaking from the embrace, Iruma shook his head, "You and Azz are my best friends and nothing will change that, but if you want, you can either join in on our little sessions, or I will stop spending time with her, but that is a little rude,"

Clara pouted as she puffed her cheeks out, "I wanna join," Iruma hummed and nodded before lightly kissing her forehead. Clara looked up with wide eyes, "Iruma-kins?"

"You said you wanted to play, right? Well let's go play," Clara smiled and nodded before taking hold of Iruma's hand and began pulling him away.

Sullivan and Opera watched the scene unfold from the other room. Opera looked up and hummed, "Well, sir, it seems that young Clara will not go after Iruma, even though she knows his secret,"

"I suppose you're right, Opera," Sullivan took a deep breath and slightly smiled, "And it's good to know that my darling grandson has someone else on his side," Opera nodded before the two of them turned and walked away.

The students walked through the gates of the school and Asmodeus stared at the hyperactive demon in disbelief, "So Master Iruma took care of you all weekend?"

Clara smiled and nodded, "Yup, Iruma-kins refused to leave my side, he wasn't going to leave me alone even after I felt better and we got to share a bed together," Iruma's eyes widened as Clara continued, "We even played together after I felt better. Iruma-kins is the best,"

"Indeed he is," Asmodeus hummed and nodded, "Master Iruma will always put the wellbeing of others before his own, so how was spending the weekend with Valac, Master Iru-" his eyes widened when he saw Clara wrapping her arms around Iruma's torso and Iruma wrapped an arm around her and rubbed her back, "Master Iruma sir? What's the meaning of this?"

"Well…me and Clara…we got a little closer over the weekend," Clara smiled as she scooted closer to Iruma, "Anyway, we should get to class," Asmodeus nodded before the three friends walked away.

Ameri stood in the Student Council Room, preparing tea as she got ready for another reading session with Iruma. Hearing the door open, she looked back with a small smile, "Ah, you made it Iru-" she stopped when she saw Iruma and Clara walking into the room, Clara's arms snaked around Iruma's left arm, "-ma? What is the meaning of this? Why is she here?"

Clara hissed as Iruma smiled and patted the top of Clara's head, "C'mon Ameri, Clara asked if she could be part of our reading sessions and I felt bad for ignoring her like this that I said it was fine,"

Clara smirked and snickered as Ameri's eyes widened, 'Oh no, this is bad. If she learns that Iruma can read the forbidden text, she'll learn that he's human and kill him when she has the chance. As Student Council President, I must do what it takes to prevent that from happening,' Ameri watched as Iruma and Clara stepped towards the collection of Manga before she jumped in front of them and cleared her throat, "Today's reading session is canceled. I just remembered I have important things to attend to, so you two should get going," Ameri quickly ushered them out of the room before closing and locking the door.

The two walked down the hall, Clara's arms still snaked around Iruma's. Clara looked up and frowned, "Hey, Iruma-kins?" Iruma hummed and looked down in confusion, "Does…does Lady Redhiar know what you are?"

"Probably…but that was my own stupid fault…I shouldn't have read the Manga or even said something about understanding it since apparently demons can't read human language," Clara moaned as she pouted and Iruma patted the top of her head, "I'm sorry I kept this from you, but-"

"I know, Iruma-kins," Clara leaned up and lightly kissed his cheek, "You're still coming to my house tonight for dinner, right?" Iruma hummed and nodded before the two of them walked out of the school.

I've got a sequel for this brewing somewhere in the back of my mind and should have it out soon. Please enjoy.