Marvel Universe new God of Destruction: Lord Gohan!

I don't know Dragon Ball Super or The Avengers

Chapter 2

Before Tony could continue, he was interrupted by Whis. "Actually, Lord Gohan. The Supreme Kai contacted us this morning while you were in the middle of your meditation, he wanted to schedule a meeting to inform us how his project with Earth was going. He was hopping to meet after everyone was brought back to go over his findings and discuss options."

"But you know, don't you Whis?" Gohan said with a smirk, knowing how much of a gossip Whis was. The Supreme Kai was supposed to contact him once he was ready to discuss his finding on Earth. During the past year Gohan has devoted most of his time to train and learn everything he needed to know as a Destroyer, he needed to ensure his universe got off the lower mortality rate. He hoped reversing the snap would help the mortality rate go up.

"Well, the Supreme Kai looked a bit troubled and you know me! I'm always happy to lean an ear." Whis said with a laugh. "Though the Supreme Kai wanted to tell you personally. But I guess it can't be help."

"What is it?" Gohan asked confused. What would trouble the Supreme Kai?

"Well… Planet Earth fail the 1,000 years test." Whis said with a laugh.

"What! How!" Gohan asked in astonishment not able to believe what Whis was saying.

Gohan and the Supreme Kai had come up with a plan to help Gohan with the huge work load the previous Destroyer had left him since this universe has millions of planets then it would take too long for Gohan to review them all. So, Gohan had almost kissed the Supreme Kai when he offered to do a test on every planet and let Gohan know which one fail his test. This test was that the Supreme Kai would travel 1,000 years into the future on every planet and the only planets that are supposed to fail the test are the ones that will become uninhabitable or the mortal in the planet will be on the brink of extension in 1,000 years. This is supposed to save Gohan time to not have to worry about the planets that in a way weren't worth investing time in, he would destroy this planet as soon as the Supreme Kai would inform him it could be replaced with a new one. Planet Earth failing this test hasn't even occurred to Gohan and he was sure it must have been a shock for the Supreme Kai.

"Well, you know the Supreme Kai isn't able to look into that when using the time ring." Whis said as he used his scepter to show an image of Wakanda, some flying vehicles and holograms could be seen on the background. "But I'm sure you will be interested to know that the Vibranium send to this planet was kept by the tribes that colonized the area where the meteorite crashed, they used the Vibranium to develop technology that is far more highly advanced than any other in Earth. This is Wakanda."

Gohan's astonish look was replace by a look utter fury as he looked towards T'Challa. Then he must be from Wakanda! How dare they! There was a burst of wind that threw all the avengers off their feet.

"You mean to tell us that our plans went down the drain the second Wakanda decided to keep the Vibranium?" Gohan asked as he stared angrily at T'Challa, who could only stare at Gohan with a pale face and fearful eyes as he slowly got up from where the wind had thrown him.

T'Challa was having a mental break down. He wished this was just a terrible nightmare. He had realized Wakanda had been selfish to keep the Vibranium. It appeared that by doing so they have managed to ruin the plans of the God of Destruction. What would this mean for Wakanda?

"Well, it's hard to say my Lord but I think you are correct." Whis said with a laugh.

Gohan was livid and Whis' laughter wasn't helping him calm down. I guess that's what I get for planning ahead!… This is all the Supreme Kai's fault! He should have kept an eye on this planet! We didn't even have another plan! I should know better than to put all my eggs in one basket! But it's not as if we could plan something else without first reversing the snap.

"Did he say anything else?" Gohan asked through clenched teeth. He then took a couple of deep breaths to help him calm down, but it wasn't helping at all.

"He did, he mentioned a human named Anthony Edward Stark, who's list of accomplishment is quite extensive, among those is creating a synthetic version of Vibranium. I dare say he might be able to give Bulma a run for her money." Whis said as he looked at Tony, who could only stare back in astonishment.

"What!" Gohan asked the surprised as he looked at Tony, who seems to be in shook. He noticed how Rescue and War Machine got closer to Iron Man and were eying Gohan with mistrust. "So, what is the Supreme Kai suggesting?"

"He suggested giving Anthony unlimited access to Vibranium. The Supreme Kai hopes that -" Whis was interrupted by Gohan's snore.

"Look what his hopes lead to! This planet was the focus point of our plans! The plan was for this planet to be leading the rest of the universe! And it couldn't even pass the 1,000 years test!" Gohan shouted angrily as another burst of wind threw everyone back a few feet. "How is he going to help! This planet is of no use to me!"

Everyone gasped in horror at Gohan's last comment. T'Challa couldn't take this anymore, he had to try something! He ran to Gohan and as soon as he thought he was close enough he got on his knees to plead with Gohan. "Lord Gohan! I am the King of Wakanda, King T'Challa. Please! Do not punish the world for Wakanda's mistake! I know Wakanda was wrong to turning it's back to the rest of the world. I'm begging you! You must believe me! Wakanda has been working on making amends! We had already opened our doors to the rest of the worl-"

"A little too late! Those doors shouldn't have been close in the first place. By now Earth should be sharing it's advancement with the rest of the universe! The destruction of this planet will serve as an example for the rest of the planets in the universe; maybe this way they will work together to avoid getting in the chopping list. Or maybe I should destroy the Vibranium from this planet and see how you Kingdom fares without it." Gohan snapped as a purple ball of energy formed in his hand. He didn't really mean the last threat since the fate of the planet was pretty much sealed.

Shuri stared at her brother as he knelt in front of Gohan. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. There just was no way that this guy was going to destroy the world just because Wakanda kept the Vibranium. Shuri and every Wakandan present winced when they heard Gohan's threat to destroy Vibranium. That would be a catastrophe for Wakanda, it would truly mean the end of Wakanda.

Whis looked at Gohan with a raised eyebrow and then shrug his shoulders. "The Supreme Kai suspected that might be the decision you would take and will replace the planet once it's destroyed, he also plans to reincarnate Anthony so he can re-create the synthetic Vibranium."

To everyone's horror Gohan seems to like Whis suggestion but before he could do anything someone interrupted him.

"Hey! Gohan! Whis!" Someone's voice caught everyone by surprise.

The avengers turned to see the new arrivals. They could tell one of them was also a Destroyer judging by the similarities in attires, the only difference was that color. The newcomers' attire was of orange and black color. The other new arrival looked just like Whis, but his attire was of brown, a black, dark green colors.

"Oh, it's Lord Goku! And Korin." Whis said with a smile.

Gohan said losing his trail of thought and letting the Hakai disappear as he momentarily forgetting what he was about to do. He flew up to meet with his father with Whis following behind him.


While Gohan was distracted by Goku the Avengers took this chance to talk over their communicators.

"We can't allow him to destroy our planet! Let's attack now that he is distracted!" Thor shouted angrily as he readies his axe.

Everyone winced and turned toward Gohan wondering if he heard Thor, but he seems to be distracted by the new arrivals. Or maybe he did and doesn't consider us a threat. This thought went through almost everyone present.

"Wow! Thor what happened to you!" Quill asked surprised once he got a look at the Asgardian's new appearance. He like everyone had first check if Gohan had heard the loud Asgardian before turning towards the source of the voice.

"Can we focus on the Lord of Destruction. Quill! What's the plan?" Rocket asked as he charged his gun. He eyed Groot wishing he could send him off planet.

"It's God of Destruction, you moron." Nebula said as she ready her gun. Gamora stood next to her with her blade.

"Another dance-off?" Drax asked with a smirk.

"A dance off? Does he look like he is joking? Didn't you watch how he did that purple glowing thingy happen to Thanos and his buddies?" Scott said as he made gestures with his hands.

"It wasn't just Thanos and his army. Everything related to Thanos disappeared." Dr. Strange stated. Everyone turned looked towards the lake and some scream in terror when they realized there was nothing where the remaining of the Sanctuary II should be.

"I haven't read of such power." Wong commented worryingly.

"So, we are dealing with magic?" Rhodes commented with a frown. He got confuse when he didn't hear his best friend's usual rant about how much he hated magic.

"Well, we better come up with a plan before he finishes talking to his friends. And we should also consider his friends. I don't think they will just sit by while we attack one of them." Sam said.

"Wanda! Can you hold them with your powers? Also, try to do it without them noticing." Steve asked as he looked toward the terrified looking witch, who nodded nervously. "Alright, do that. Thor, Carol, Tony and I will hit him with everything we got. Everyone else follow with long range attacks. He is strong, so we want to avoid close contact."

"Tony?" Pepper asked as she looked at her unresponsive husband, Rhodey was already standing next to him trying to get him to respond. The others didn't seem to notice what was going on right next to them, their eyes focused on Gohan.

"Mr. Stark?" Peter asked trying to hide how scare he was as he limped towards his mentor and father figure. It didn't seem fair to have been brough back to have to survive a battle against Thano's army only to then been sentence to death by the destruction of the planet.

Hearing Peter's scare voice was finally able to snap Tony out of the stupor he had been since Whis made the comment about a Supreme Kai having him reincarnate.

"Wha-" Tony couldn't stop his question, his voice failing him as he watched with horror how a hauntingly familiar red glow moved to engulf Gohan.

Back to Gohan and Goku's reunion.

"I wasn't expecting you to be in this planet. I wanted to try the food from your universe's version of earth. I hope you don't mind." Goku said with a grin as he moved to hug his son.

"Oh no its quite alright." Gohan said with a smile as he returned the hug. He supposed he could let his dad enjoy his food first. With his father present his anger seems to go down but it was replaced by dread. He had hopped to get a head start with having a super futuristic world to help him bring improve the mortality rank of the universe.

"Hello, Lord Gohan. Whis. What a pleasant surprise to see you." Korin said with a polite nod.

"Hello, brother. How have you been doing?" Whis asked as he greeted Korin with a smile.

"I'm well little brother." Korin replied with a small smile. "It's been a most challenging 11 months with Lord Goku. There is no doubt about his raw power, but he is having a hard time keeping up with the studies."

"Ah! Korin, don't tell on me!" Goku shouted winningly. This caused the normally serious Angel to smile a little. Goku then turned back to his son. "I almost didn't recognize your energy! You have gotten stronger son!"

"Quite right, Lord Goku. Lord Gohan has taken his role as a God of Destruction quite serious. He has been training and applying himself like no other Destroyer I have the pleasure of serving." Whis said sounding proud.

"Well, It's just that I'm already used to studying and training since I've been doing it since I was a child. This time I'm just learning my duties as a Destroyer while I train to fit the role." Gohan said as he blushed a little at the compliment.

"I can tell you have gotten significantly stronger since the last time we saw each other." Korin commented.

"See Gohan! It's not just me that can tell you got much stronger. Can we fight! I want to test just how much stronger you gotten!" Goku said with an eager smile.

"Lord Goku, you know a fight between Gods of Destructions could destroy this universe and the one closest to it which in this case would be yours." Whis said reproachingly.

"Aw, come on! Whis! What about that place where we have the Tournament of Power, I'm sure it can handle our fight!" Goku said with and eager smile. "I just want to fight Gohan!"

"Lord Goku! The World of Void is not yours to do as you please." Korin said with a frown.

"Ah, come on! I'm sure both Zenies won't mind! We should ask them!" Goku said as he took out the device that would take get The Kings of All to appear in front of them.

"No!" Gohan shouted nervously. "I'm sure we can arrange something! We don't have to bother them! Right? Whis!"

Whis was amused by Gohan's look of desperation, from the corner of his eye he noticed Wanda using her power to slowly move in their direction. He wondered if Gohan has notice it but doubted it seeing he was busy panicking over Goku's request. Seeing how Gohan was already having a bad day he decided to give the young deity a break. "I can arrange for something, there is no need to trouble the Omni-Kings. Lord Goku. I also seem to remember you wanted to get something to eat. What were you planning to get? And how is the food in your universe?"

Gohan sigh in relief as he heard his father getting distracted by the concept of food. He saw from the corner of his eye as the heroes seem to get ready to fight him, this caused the corner of his lip to twitch up. This reminded Gohan of the battle he just witnessed and the reason behind the battle. They did help bring everyone back even if it took creating a new timeline. But now I wonder if Thanos would have been an issue if the Vibranium would have been use as the Supreme Kai planned! This is hard… Well, Earth seems to have people with interesting powers, so it would at least be able to provide some good fighters if the Omni-Kings decides to ask us to come up with 10 fighters in less than 24 hours to have another stupid tournament to decide the fate of our Universe! There is just no way to predict, what they are going to do next if they get bored! Now I will have to look closer into this planet, which is precisely what I wanted to avoid!

Gohan was brought out of his thought when he noticed the glowing red power moving to engulf him, he automatically created a Ki Shield to protect him and his companions, the Ki Shield was something like 17's but it would also absorb the power from the attack's it receives, so he can later counteracts with the combined power the Ki Shield absorbed x 10. It was a technique that had taken him 6 months to master but the results had been worth it.

"Well done, Lord Gohan. I was beginning to think they were going to get the drop on you." Whis said as he examined Gohan's Ki Shield, he hasn't been able to get a look from the inside. Korun and Goku were doing the same exchanging comments.

The Ki Shield surrounded them before the red energy could reach them, he cursed himself for forgetting the heroes were plotting against him. The red energy was pouncing on his shield from all sides. His shield was then hit by the lightnings and a colorful blast of energy courtesy of Captain America, Thor and Captain Marvel. It would seem like they were leading the attack because after them everyone attacked.

"That is enough!" Gohan shouted as he released the energy accumulated by the shield, deciding not to multiply at the last second. The result was multiple blue Ki blast shoot to the direction the attacks originated from. Gohan watched how the attacks were avoid by most of the Avengers while some deciding to counteract with their own attack, resulting in canceling out each other's attack. It was entertaining watching them fight. He eyed Iron Man as he maneuver around his attacks to come to a stop a couple of feet away from him, his helmet retracted to reveal Tony's face, Gohan was fascinated by the armor's technology, he wanted to know how this it worked. I'm sure Bulma would love to take a look at this his armor.

"I don't know what your deal is, but I think Earth has proven itself today. We just brought back everyone that disappeared 5 years ago! And we fought Thanos to save the universe." Tony said with a frown

"Which I would have done eventually." Gohan replied sounding unimpressed, he was irritated with the heroes. They weren't helping their case by angering him.

"But we did it before you, we are capable of solving our problems. It proves we can do great things." Tony said.

"And by doing so you created a new timeline, which means I should destroy you." Gohan said as he raised his hand in front of him.

"You already said you would overlook that." Tony said trying not to show how nervous he was. "In a way we helped you by bringing everyone back, shouldn't that merit this planet getting another chance?"

Everyone held their breath when they saw Gohan contemplate Tony's argument.

"Lord Gohan, you aren't seriously considering this mortal's words. I'm not sure what he means but I must remind you that divine intervention to a planet will require a lot of attention. And I seem to recall your universe has a huge number of inhabited planets.

"Oh yeah, Korun told me about that! Tough luck son!" Goku interrupted.

I'm sure you have other important duties to worry about." Korun finished as he flown at his Lord. Every earthling clinched at the Angel's question, no one made a nose as they waited for Gohan's reply.

"Come on, Gohan don't be so grim. You are taking this God of Destruction business too serious. You aren't seriously considering destroying Earth? Right? The food is supposed to be delicious." Goku said hitting his son playfully in the shoulder, he then smiled at Korun after noticing his frown.

"And I think you aren't taking it serious at all. Please tell me you aren't deciding if a planet gets destroy based in the taste of food." Gohan said as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"It's not like that son! Sometimes you just have to give the planet a little push in the right direction. And they seem to get the message." Goku said laughing sheepishly, while gesturing to the terrified looking heroes.

Gohan gave aloud groan before crossing his arm and looking at Tony. "Alright, but this planet better get it together soon or I will destroy it." He then addressed everyone down to ensure everyone hear. "I'm only going to say this once so listen up! I am this Universe God of Destruction! So, you will pay me the respect a Destroyer is due. Do I make myself clear?"

Tony nodded and flew down to reunite with his friends, everyone else gave a rapid nod after hearing Gohan. After seeing everyone nod in confirmation he continued as he looked at T'Challa, who was getting up from where the energy has thrown him. "I want you to organize a meeting with the world's representative's so you can explain to them how you plan to get the rest of the world's technology to Wakanda's level of technology. Because Earth's fate might just depend on it. Understood?" He ended with narrow eyes, he decided he wasn't going to let Wakanda off that easily, he was going to make them work hard to help the Earth catch up.

Everyone flinches when they heard the ultimatum. T'Challa paled at the request but rapidly nodded.

Before Gohan could say anything else Goku's stomach decided to demand food by letting out a loud growl. Goku laughed sheepishly after he noticed everyone looking at him. Gohan smiled and turned toward T'Challa. "King T'Challa, I hope it won't be too much trouble to have 2 Gods of Destruction for dinner? I also want you 6 to come." He finished as pointed at Tony, Pepper, Stephen, Thor and Carol and Steve, the last one added since he saw him use the hammer to throw lightning. They could only nod in understanding.

T'Challa gave a rapid nod and then bowed to said. "Wakanda would be honor to host you, Lord Gohan! Lord Goku!"

Gohan nodded and then looked around to the destruction caused by the battle with Thanos. "Considering that this battle was to keep the universe safe and that it was entertaining watching you fight. I will give you this small mercy." Whis understood this as his signal and waved his scepter around the battel field.

The avengers stood in amazement as their wounds magically healed and the destruction all around them disappear to be replace by the Avenger's compound. But more than a few fainted when the people that had die stated to get up confused as to what happened.

"Please don't eat my brain!" Peter exclaimed as he webbed an Asgardian that slowly getting up..

"Strange? Got an explanation?" Tony asked as he tried not to freak out.

"I got nothing." Stephen said in amazement as he looked at his now healed hands.

"Oh men! Did I miss a battle?" Goku asked as he finally seems to realize he had miss something.

"Yeah, you just missed it." Gohan replied and then got closer to his father to whisper. "Those six got some interesting powers."

"You already found some good fighters for our tournament? I haven't really look for my fighters! I been training a lot!" Goku reply was too loud if the look Whis was giving Gohan was anything to go by.

Gohan was able to tell the second Whis realized what Goku meant. "Lord Gohan. Did you allow that battle to occur so you could see who to recruit for a tournament with your father?" Whis asked with a disappointed tone.

Gohan could only laugh nervously while he put his hand behand his head. Steve frowned when he heard that, he wanted to voice his disapproval but didn't want to risk angering Gohan.

"Well you see… I… And…. it was my dad's idea! He wants to have a tournament between fighters from his universe and mine! But it's also a good idea to be ready! Remember the last time the Omni-Kings only gave us 24 hours to get 10 fighters." Gohan said nervously.

Whis stared at the young Destroyer for a few seconds before shrugging his shoulder. He then turned to talk to Korun.

"Lead the way." Gohan said as he looked at T'Challa.

"Please allow me." Stephen said as he opened a portal showing Wakanda.

"Wow, that's a pretty cool power." Goku said as he hurried to interrogate Dr. Strange, Gohan decided to follow his dad to find out how strange got his powers.


They appeared out in the same field with a beautiful view to the city. Other portals also opening to allow the rest of the Wakadans and theirs ships back to Wakanda.

While Gohan and Goku were questioning Dr. Strange, T'Challa took advantage to request a hovercraft to take them back to the palace and to request the royal cooks to cook a feast with the best food they can cook. When the hovercraft arrived, he indicated for Gohan and Goku to step in.

"Excuse me, but what exactly do you want with us?" Tony asked not able to keep quiet.

The beeping noise and the glow coming from the sphere on Whis' scepter indicating a receiving call stopped Gohan's respond.

"Oh, it's Bulma." Whis said as he answered the call and an image of Bulma showed up.

"Oh, hey Whis, it's Goha-"

"Oh, hey Bulma!" Goku said as he got close to Whis so Bulma could see him.

"Oh Goku! Good that way I don't have to call you." Bulma said. "Well, Bulla's birthday is coming, and you better show up on time or so help me I will force you to eat the food I cook!"

This threat made Goku and Gohan, who was still listening as he watched the city, clinch and they seem to turn a little green at the mere thought of Bulma's cooking. This confirmed T'Challa's suspicion that this 'deities' loved good food. Tony couldn't help but be amused by the interaction, not minding having to wait for his answer if this is what he got in the meantime.

"I won't be late I promise!" Goku said.

"And how come you haven't called Goku! Gohan is always coming to visit and you don't even call!" Bulma shouted angrily.

"Come on Bulma! You know I been training so I can become stronger for my rematch with Jiren!" Goku said as he scratched the back of his head.

"I know how excited you get when you meet someone stronger than you! Doesn't mean you can't at least call!" Bulma shouted angrily.

"I will try to keep in touch more often, I promise." Goku said with a smile.

"You better bring an amazing gift to your Goddaughter for not coming to see her for a year! I mean it Gok-" Before she could continue an explosion could be hear from the background. Bulma seems to look in the direction of the explosion and she yelled. "Trunks! Goten!" Before turning back to them.

"I got to go. Let Gohan know I will call him later with the details. Bye!" She said before hanging up.

Goku scratched his head with a thoughtful look on his face as he wondered outload. "What can I get Bulla? Oh, you can help me Gohan!"

"Please don't get me into this." Gohan said as he shook his head.

"Come on! You are going to have to get here something too!" Goku said with pleading look.

Gohan seems to think about it before nodding. "I guess you are right. Maybe we can find something in this planet."

"Look Gohan! It looks like they are celebrating something!" Goku shouted as he saw the people out in the street throwing a giant party with everyone dancing.

"Ahh, they must be celebrating the return of half of their population." Gohan said realizing what the celebration was about.

"What? Were they killed? Does this world have it's own dragon balls?" Goku asked confused.

"Something like that. I will explain later." Gohan said as they arrived at the castle's main gate.

Queen Ramonda was standing there with a couple of Dora Milaje standing by her side. She rushed to her children as soon she lay eyes on them.

"Oh, thank to Bast!" Ramonda said as she hugged her children with tears in her eyes.

Gohan turned from the reunion to look towards his father, who was walking towards Thor, he decided to follow him to see what he was up to.

"Hey dude! That a cool looking axe, can I please try it?" Goku asked while looking at Stormbreaker.

"Stormbreaker is not meant to be just held by anyone. It's power could drive you mad." Thor said as stepped back. Gohan eyed the weapon with curiosity not sure how it could do that.

"Really? Well, now I really want to try it! Can I please! Please! Please!" Goku asked sounding eager.

"Alright, but don't say I didn't warn you." Thor said as he handed over Stormbreaker.

"What am I supposed to do?" Goku asked as he swing Stormbreaker around. On one of his swings a powerful lightning was thrown. Goku left out a cheerful laugh as he admired Stormbreaker, but everyone's gasp of horror confused him and made him look up. His eyes widened in horror as he realized his mistake, the lightning he had thrown was heading in the royal family's direction. Before anyone could do anything Gohan appeared in front of the family and the lightning glow purple and disappeared a few feet before it could reach him.

"Dad, please stop playing with that." Gohan said with a frown.

"Sorry." Goku apologized with a sheepish smile as he handed Thor back Stormbreaker.

"Thank you for saving us Lord Gohan." T'Challa said as he bowed. His family quickly followed his lead and thanked the young Destroyer.

"Don't mention it." Gohan said with a shrug as he eyed the still stunned Queen Mother and princess Shuri.

"This is Queen Mother, Ramonda and Princess Shuri." He said as he pointed towards each individual, both bowed.

"A pleasure." Gohan said with a nod.

"Lord Gohan dinner is being serve as we speak. Please follow me." T'Challa said as he lead everyone to the dinning room.

"Men, I'm hungry! I really hope the food is as good as the one back home." Goku said. His mouth watered as soon as he got hit by the smell of food. His stomach glowing loudly not wanting to wait any more. Once everyone was seated Gohan and Goku quickly got down to business.

It didn't take long for T'Challa to realize they were going to need a lot more food. He quietly ordered the cooks to keep bringing food until he tells them otherwise.

"Where does all of it go?" Pepper asked stunned as she looked at how quickly the plates were being empty.

"Well, Steve and Thor do eat a lot due to their fast metabolism. Maybe theirs is faster?" Tony's reply ended as a question as he was surprise anyone eat more than those two. Steve and Thor smiled sheepishly at the comment, but they were also astonished at the amount of food being consume by the deities.

"What do you think he wants us for?" Pepper asked curiously.

"They mentioned something about fighters, so it's obvious we are candidates." Carol said with clinched fist. She wanted to attack this guy, but it was obvious he outmatched her, as he had shown earlier. He didn't even look like he was trying when he counteracted our attack! And he also has that disappearing power!

"So, he is going to have us fight for his entertainment?" Steve said to clenched teeth and a frown.

Tony decided to change the subject and looked towards Strange he asked. "Do you think Wong will find something?"

"I doubt it, I'm pretty sure I have read everything in the library and there was nothing about a God of Destruction or the powers he showed." Stephen said as he continued to examine his hands, he started reading the books to find a cure for his hands and hasn't found anything close to this, later he had to take over as Sorcerer Supreme and not even in the Ancient One's private collection was a spell capable of this kind of healing.

"Ahhh!" Whis moan of delight caught everyone by surprise. Everyone turned to look at the Angel, who had a look of pure bliss "This is delicious."

Gohan's chuckle snapped everyone out of their stupor. "Honestly Whis, what kind of food were you guys eating before coming to Earth?"

"I don't even remember! I just know I'm not going back to that!" Whis said and then continued to eat his food enjoying every bite.

"Excuse me. Mr. Destroyer. Why did you ask us to come?" Tony asked after seeing that Gohan had finished eating.

"I'm interested in your powers and maybe at some point I could have some of you compete against some fighters my dad chooses." Gohan said as he looked at the heroes.

"And do we get the choice not to fight?" Steve asked with a frown before any of the others could stop him.

Everyone gave Gohan a nervous look while he seems to think about Steve's question. He gave them a smile and replied. "Of course, but it would be one less reason to keep Earth around."

Goku was taking a drink and almost chocked when he heard Gohan's reply. After coughing and receiving a couple of pats on the back from Korun, he thanked the Angela and looked towards his son. "Wow, son that sounded so creepy."

"I'm sorry dad, but that's the truth." Gohan said with a frown. "This planet will be unhabitable in 1,000 years. I might as well destroy it to release it from its' misery."

"You saw into our world's future?" Stephen said with a raised eyebrow. "Did you use the time stone at some point?"

"Oh yeah the stones. Whis, let me see them." Gohan said remembering he wanted to take a closer look. As Whis retrieved the glove he replied. "Someone actually traveled to the future to observe it."

"Well, then we are doom. Or well, the people in the future are doom." Tony said as he sat back.

Whis looked at the heroes before saying. "Not exactly, your planet is quite young so it's obvious it's habitants are killing it. Lord Gohan would have to personally keep checking on the planet to ensure it doesn't meet that fate."

"Which I would personally like to get it over with and destroy this planet, so I can spend that time with my family." Gohan finished as he took the glove.

"And how exactly are you going to help?" Steve asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Help? I didn't say anything about helping. Those check ins will be to see if there is any progress." Gohan said. He then put the glove in front of him for everyone to see. Goku and Korun gave it a curious look, they haven't seen the glove before. "Now, I'm curious about something. How did you come up with this crazy plan to retrieve the stones from the past?"


So? Let me know what you think of this chapter.

Doing my best here but would appreciate suggestions, if I like it maybe I could add it to the story.

Please review!