Flying quickly through the air, Danny moved towards the mountain zone as he saw three of his classmates completely surrounded by villains on all sides.

The three students were Momo, Kaminari, and Jiro.

They were all trapped as they valiantly fought off a dozen villains surrounding them, but they were on the verge of being overpowered.

Charging up energy into this hand, Danny suddenly crashed towards the center of the group of villains. He slammed into the ground like a rocket, causing a huge explosion and a cloud of dust to appear.

"EHH! What the hell was that?!" Kaminari screamed as the very earth trembled beneath him.

"It was like a rocket or something," Jirou said amazed as an eerie green glow appeared in the cloud of dust.

"...Or a person," Momo said as a large glowing figure appeared in the dust.

As the dust was dispersed, Danny was revealed with his fist glowing as he glared at the villains scattered around him.

"Who wants to get beat first!" Danny smirked as he dropped into a fighting stance.

"Class rep!" Momo, Kaminari, and Jirou cheered with excitement.

The villains who had fallen during the attack quickly got up and glared at their new opponent.

"The hell is this kid?!" "How did he get here?!"

"Who cares! I'll kill him!" A large muscular thug in a white mask yelled as he rushed towards Danny with his fist cocked back.

Watching the thug move in almost slow motion, Danny waited till he was only inches away before he struck. With his fists still glowing, Danny leaned under the thug's sloppy punch and landed a heavy uppercut.

Before the giant thug even knew what happened, he was knocked unconscious as he sailed through the air and into a completely different zone.

Every other villain looked up in shock as they watched their friend sail into the air, from a single punch.

Using their shock as a distraction, Danny ran forward and began his onslaught. He spared no mercy as he used purely physical strength to dispatch the villains in record time.

Momo, Kaminari, and Jirou didn't just watch either, as they too attacked the villains together.

Dispatching two thugs with a spin kick, Danny looked carefully for his next victim.

"I've got you now, brat!" A tall thug in a skull mask growled as he tried to ambush Danny from behind with an electric attack.

Using the reflexes that he refined from fighting ghosts, Danny dropped and swept the thug's feet from under him. Before the thug could even react he was already falling to the ground.

Bringing his fists together, Danny leaned back and then slammed the thug. From the immense force of the attack, the thug was buried completely into the earth with only his legs left visible.

Not even stopping for a second, Danny continued to battle ruthlessly.

After throwing a fat thug into the ground, Danny looked around to see that everyone was either knocked out or too injured to move.

"That was awesome! We totally kicked ass!" Kaminari cheered.

"We did pretty well," Jirou admitted with a small smile.

Danny was happy to see that some of his classmates were safe but he knew he couldn't stop yet. There were still more villains roaming the facility.

"Momo, everyone is still spread out across the USJ. I'm gonna keep looking, so you guys should move towards the exit," Danny advised as he slowly rose into the air.

"But why?! We can still-," Kaminari tried to argue but was stopped by Momo.

"We'll see you there," Momo agreed immediately.

"Good!" Danny smiled as he shot into the air while listening closely for any noises.

Watching Danny accelerate into the sky rapidly, Momo smiled sadly as she looked down at her own hands.

"Why aren't we going to help him?" Kaminari asked, noticeably frustrated.

"Isn't it obvious, we would just be extra baggage. The class rep took the villains out faster than we could even blink," Jirou said with awe and frustration at her own weakness.

"Were just not strong enough," Momo finished as she made her way towards the exit with a gloomy expression.

"We might not be at the class rep's level now...but we will be one day!" Kaminari exclaimed as Momo and Jirou looked up at him in surprise.

"You're right! One day we'll be pro heroes together!" Momo cheered as the atmosphere around them became optimistic.



Flying through the air again, Danny was about to move towards the fire zone until he suddenly heard a shout of pain.

Quickly looking for the source, Danny felt his heart stop and body tense up when he saw who it came from.

Near the water, the black muscular bird guy held Aizawa to the ground while blood was pooling around his head. Near them was the lanky villain with a hand on his face, and it seemed that there were also people in the water.

Danny stood frozen in the air for a second before a flood of echo energy erupted from his body and his eyes flashed a sinister red.

Without hesitation, Danny dashed forward as his entire body was surrounded by green flame-like energy.

"ARGHH!" Danny roared as he slammed into the muscular bird guy, completely lifting him off Aizawa and dragging him into the ground.

After burying the bird guy into the ground, Danny leaped back and released a large ghost ray white ghost.


Danny didn't stay to see if he had beaten or even killed the villain, as he rushed back to see if Aizawa was okay.

Just as he flew back, Danny turned to see that the hand face villain was standing a distance away with the mist guy right next to him.

"Who the hell are you! You freaking, hacker!" The hand-faced villain yelled at Danny, as he scratched his next in a crazed way.

"Shut up, hand fetish!" Danny growled as he quickly checked on Aizawa.

Aizawa was in terrible shape as he was bleeding profusely from his head and his arm looked like a mangled mess. He was in no way fit enough to continue fighting.

"Get..everyone..out of here," Aizawa groaned as he painfully tried to stand to his feet, even though he was greatly injured.

"I'm not going anywhere. And you're in no shape to even be standing," Danny immediately grabbed Aizawa and threw him on his shoulder.

"Danny!" A shout from the water immediately caught Danny's attention.

It seemed that Midoriya, Asui, and Mineta were all standing fearfully by the water. They were still shaken up by the brutality that they just witnessed.

"You're safe!" Danny smiled slightly as he flashed forward and stopped next to them while still keeping an eye on the villains.

"I may hate your guts, but I'm so happy to see you," Mineta mumbled happily.

"It's good to see you, class rep-ribbit," Asui said.

"We don't have much time. I need you to get Mr. Aizawa out of here, now!" Danny firmly ordered the group.

"But, you can't fight them alone! You need-" Midoriya cried out his disagreement.

"I'm not arguing! Get the hell out of here!" Danny yelled, ending all arguments, as he carefully handed Aizawa off to Midoriya.

As Danny turned back towards the villain, his classmates were still hesitant on leaving him alone to fight the villains.

"Now I'm gonna say this once-...Get. The. Hell. Out. Here!" Danny growled at the two villains as he slammed his fists together.

"This is quite the unexpected variable in our plan, Tomura. They have also escaped my grasp and are heading to contact the heroes," The mist villain said frankly, "We should leave."

"Enough of this stupid dialogue! NOMU!" The leader of this attack, twitched insanely as he shrieked.

At the shout of this, a loud crash was suddenly heard as the monster villain suddenly shot out from the earth. The villain looked completely unharmed, even with all of the damage Danny inflicted on it.

"Kill all of them!" The leader ordered.

With that, the villain named Nomu, shot towards Danny at almost impossible speeds and brought back it's powerful fist.

Opening his eyes wide in shock, Danny only had time to throw up a protective shield against the attack but was still unprepared for the force behind it.

Nomu's fist completely broke through his shield and slammed into him.

Although he had his hands up protectively, Danny still felt like he was rammed by a train as he was launched back.

Wincing in pain and feeling numbness in his arms, Danny was still able to stop himself in mid-air as he glared down at the powerful villain.

"Is that all you got?!" Danny tried to goad Nomu as he charged up an ectoblast.

"..." But Nomu stayed completely silent, almost resembling a robot.

Glaring the villain, Danny didn't waste a second as he launched a barrage of ectoblasts. But it seemed that Nomu was a lot more nimble than he looked as he dodged these attacks easily.

As he strengthened himself with more energy, Danny flew down and slammed into Nomu as he rapidly exchanged powerful punches.

For every fist he threw, Danny had to dodge twice as many from the hulking villain. It seemed that every time Nomu was hit by an attack he somehow absorbed the force.

Every single attack Danny threw did absolutely nothing to Nomu.

Panting slightly, Danny finally resorted to using his ice powers to try and freeze Nomu from the inside out.

As Nomu threw a punch, Danny didn't dodge this time but he turned completely intangible as his eyes glowed a chilling blue.

"Take this you, bird brain!" Danny yelled as he completely flew through Nomu's torso and out his back.

Almost immediately, ice spread across Nomu as his body was flash frozen, from the inside out. Staring at the ice sculpture of the villain, Danny still felt on edge as he slowly backed away.

And Danny's suspicion was correct, as the ice entrapping Nomu started to crack until it completely broke apart.

It didn't seem that Nomu was left completely unharmed as when the ice broke off so did his arms and legs.

Glaring at the limbless villain, Danny was prepared to relax until he saw something happening to Nomu's body.

Almost identical to Undergrowth's regeneration ability, Nomu somehow began to sprout new arms and legs as his body was restored in a matter of seconds.

"You can't beat Nomu! He was made to kill All Might, not some puny little schoolboy!" The insane leader laughed maniacally.

Shocked by this, Danny knew that he couldn't possibly beat Nomu in his current form.

"Well then...I'm going-," Danny exclaimed but was interrupted as a loud crash was heard.

Everyone in the building, villains and students, turned their heads at this sound and were shocked.

Standing at the entrance of the USJ was All Might, the Symbol of Peace, and number one Hero.

"FEAR NOT...I AM HERE!" All Might yelled, but he wasn't smiling this time.

He was angry.