Reunion with the Boys
It's been just four days since the tournament started...when she got a house visit.
'Keiko-chan! And who's the other two with you?' Yuri asked, letting them in.
'I'm Yusuke's spirit guide when we were trying to bring him back to life, Botan!' the bluenette piped up.
'I'm Kazu's older brother Shizuru. Yoroshiku.' said the taller, older girl with a sleepy lazy look on her face.
' don't look alike.' Yuri sweatdropped. Shizuru smirked with a raised eyebrow.
'And I'm thankful for that.' she said. 'I got ma's good looks while the poor dude got our grandfather's mug.' the other three sweatdropped.
'Anyway, what's going on?' Yuri asked them.
'We got her to tell us where the idiots went and we decided to bring you with us.' said Keiko in a huff while giving Botan a glare making Botan meep.
'To Kubikukurijima, right?' Yuri sighed. 'Yusuke and Kuwabara were scouted as the Guest Team as you know in that all-youkai much do you know?'
'Well, the prize is an anything-goes wish but death is a possibility.' said Shizuru while Botan started to look nervous because she wondered how much Yusuke told his sister who's clearly in the know.
'That's it?'
This made the other girls nervous because of how she intonated her words.
'A-ahhh Yuri-chan, aren't you interested in coming?' Botan asked hastily but Yuri raised an eyebrow.
'They really should know.' Yuri drawled. 'After all, those boys went just so we'd stay alive!'
'WHAT?!' Keiko and Shizuru yelped as Botan whimpered at what's coming next.
'I don't know what happened in their last case when they rescued a Koorime from some scumbag making her cry to sell her teargems on the Black Market, it was what got them the Invite to this Tournament as the Human Guest Team.' Yuri told them. 'Basically, you join, or we will round up everyone you know and everyone who knows them, we'll kill them in front of you one by one before we kill you last.' Keiko and Shizuru paled in horror. 'That didn't give them a choice. Hundreds of people will die for their refusal.' Shizuru dropped the beer bottle she had while Keiko sank on her knees in shock. 'But now that they're in the game, the Death Sentence on all of us is lifted.'
'My god...' Keiko choked out. 'Such a thing...'
'Yup. Our lives are in their hands until their appearance in at least, the first round of the tournament.' Yuri said with a sigh. 'By attending the first match alone, all of us are safe.'
'Well, that explains why Kazu took time off school.' Shizuru griped. 'He is so dead when I get my hands on him...anyway, come with us to see the show? We packed up our stuff, you pack yours. It'll be a long stay so pack at least a week's worth of needs.'
So Yuri joined their party and with Botan's skills, they arrived at the island at really late at night. They booked a room and had an all-girls' night-out. They dressed in pants so its easier to run if stuff happens.
Next morning...
'Phew! We all passed out at around 3 pm, we have no idea what we can still watch left!' Yuri lamented.
'At least you got us tickets.' said Keiko cheerfully. 'We got them for free! I didn't know you can do magic!'
'I learned at Genkai-sensei's place.' said Yuri. 'When bad-hearted people possessed by makaichuu attacked me, I made the decision to train because of my brother's job.' she told her. 'Youkai are scummy that way.'
' were gone from school to train?!'
'Yup. My life is more important after all...if I get attacked again to force actions out of Yusuke, you or worse, our perpetually-drunk mom...someone has to do something.' Yuri told her. 'I have enough power to see low-class spirits and ghosts, so under brutal training, I can even participate as a teammate, but I chose to protect family members incase the youkai pull a dirty trick. I watched you and our families while watching the boys through a mirror...and one thing happened. Kurama-kun's mother was threatened to staying still and be publicly tortured or his mom dies,' that was to their horror, ' I checked that there's no such gimmick, and I telepathically told him so he can kill the bastard.'
'Oh wow...the threat to us is very real.' Shizuru gulped. If one of the boys has their families threatened like this...
'Since then I triple-checked the other teams and it's safe from here on out.' Yuri confirmed.
'Oh look girls! It's Yukina-chan, the koorime in question!' Botan cried, pointing at the kimono-clad younger girl not far from them.
'Hello.' Yukina greeted. She was a beautiful girl one can imagine what she'd look like as an adult, Yuri thought. But she's clearly a kid younger than them. 10-12-ish in form.
'Oh look! It's Kuwabara!' Keiko exclaimed as they saw Kuwabara's injured face on-screen.
'What's the scoop so far Yuri-chan?' Shizuru asked Yuri who was watching for days.
'First Round VS Rokuyoukai...only Kuwabara-kun lost.' Yuri began. 'Second Round Battle Royale VS Ichigaki...they won a 3 VS 3 battle while Hiei and Kurama were lured away by the doctor's assistants to ensure the conditions. Third Round right after that is Mashotsukai...the conditions are rigged.' said Yuri with a scowl. 'Winners must keep fighting until death. Not only that, Hiei and the Mask were trapped in a medical tent under guise of so-called medical attention thus not allowed to participate. Because of the cheating conditions, I cheated back. I warned Kurama not to get splattered with Gama's blood or his youki will be sealed, as well as weighed down that he cannot move well. I also informed him of the gimmicks as well as Hiei and the Mask as our brothers can't keep a secret.'
'We can imagine that too.' Botan, Keiko and Shizuru sighed in resignation.
'Kurama won against Gama via long-distance fighting, but against Touya he had difficulty. Plants and Ice aren't compatible...he was losing blood causing a lapse in concentration. He ensured he lost because he can't proceed to the next round with well-placed acting on my advice. So Yusuke went next VS Bakken, some stinking ninja who uses his own sweat and body odor as a weapon.'
'That's disgusting!'
'Well, Yusuke easily won against his next opponent was Jin.' Yuri continued. 'It was a fight that forced out all Yusuke had. However, the jury rigged his victory blaming it on the referee for her slow counting. So technically, he lost...forcing Kuwabara who was injured from the last fight into play. Its a desperate attempt to win by the Team Manager of Mashotoukai using his Team Leader Risho. Even if they win, can they win against the two other surviving teams who have complete members and the Tournament Favorite Team Toguro who was last time's Champion? With just three people they won't live long.'
'Let's go in at any rate...I changed our tickets so we can include Yukina-chan in our group to safely sit with us.' Yuri smiled.
Inside the stadium...
It was a very one-sided fight on Risho's part...
...that is, until Kuwabara saw Yukina...
'Sigh, he won but that was embarrassing.' Shizuru complained.
And so...
'Nooow then, you guys had quite the interesting time there!' Yuri beamed. 'So Yukina-chan and I came here to fix you guys!' she offered.
'Uhm, I'm also here to look for my brother...' said Yukina shyly. 'I asked and received permission.' Hiei twitched. She was here to look for him when he swore to never say a word?
'Yukina-san has a brother?' Kuwabara blinked owlishly.
'Oh yeah, Yusuke told me they're fraternal twins.' Yuri chimed. 'Because Koorime reproduce by immaculate conception, their daughters are always copies of their moms. But if they have male lovers, they always have fraternal twins and both will have features of both parents. But the girl will always be a beautiful koorime while the brother will be whatever the father is and getting bits from the mother in resemblance, but no ice powers whatsoever.'
Hiei twitched again. They have one thing in common alright...their eye color and skin color. Those bitches' eyes are always blue and white as paper but Yukina's skin tone sembles his but pinkish-paler, peach-tan. Then there's him. He spent more time in the sun since coming to the human world, his skin is naturally, slightly darker when before, they have similar skin tone. He was able to conceal himself hence.
'Wow, that's near encyclopedic!' Kurama gushed out playfully, subtly teasing Hiei much to Hiei's chagrin.
'Well Yuri always wants me to bring home stories about my jobs.' said Yusuke. 'So I gotta ask or I get no dinner!' he complained. 'Anyway let's get fixed up. Yuri, can you make us stuff?'
'AFTER you get fixed!'
Urameshi Team Suite...
'Yukina-chan you handle Yusuke and Kuwabara, I'll handle Hiei's arm and Kurama.'
With assignments done, Yuri gave Botan a shopping list.
'E-er Yuri-chan?' Botan sweatdropped. 'Aren't these things expensive?' she stammered out nervously, shakily waving the paper about.
'Yes they are, but charge it to Koenma's wallet for not paying my brother between missions.' Botan felt that arrow strike her head. The boys of the team sweatdropped at the commanding demand. 'No idiot will work for free so yes, charge all that to his wallet.'
'And I want all that on time for dinner tonight, chop chop!' Botan scampered, wailing.
'...what did you make her buy?' Keiko asked Yuri, 'With allegedly Yusuke's unpaid salary.'
Yusuke honestly dreaded the list because Yuri's taste is classy and expensive.
'3 whole broiler chicken, the large kind for roast along with choice spices and flour, oil, five whole salmon fish, 5kg of sanbanko soba noodles and its matching sauce, some cornstarch, 3kg of large prawns and tempura flour, eggs, vegetables and mushrooms I wanted, and about 5 kg of satsumaimo since its autumn anyway, we should have yakiimo snacks while watching the fights. Our team has a one week break so we'll be OK.'
'All that with my money?!' Yusuke yelped, bug-eyed in shock.
'Yup, yours for now since I didn't bring our bank.'
'Yuri~!' Yusuke whined.
'Wow, we are so spoiled.' Kurama gulped, inwardly drooling, because Yusuke's sister, is a hyper-competent cook. And Yuri didn't ask for Wagyu as its most likely supply was limited only for the evil humans on the island...
Indeed, they ARE spoiled.
The Fried Chicken was to DIE for. It's so savory-delicious and juicy. The large salmon went into many dishes other than soup, and then there's chilled soba noodles with ebi tempura on top with thickened sauce. That, and there's amazake, not beer. The used-up dishes are magically dealt with immediately as to not have a massive pile on the sink the next day while they were drunk.
'You know if we'll win and live, we should be this happy after our matches!' Kuwabara exclaimed as they were all full and feeling very good. 'I don't think our parents' budgets can afford us this even if we begged.'
'No kidding, I feel like I'll sleep well tonight.' especially as he's not drunk, Kurama thought as Yusuke, Shizuru and Botan were drunk and passed out, and Yuri was slightly tipsy. 'At any rate, half of us are drunk, we should put the rest away since Yuri-san cleaned up our used dishes already and these still have leftover foods.'
'Riiight..put em' away we will.' they tucked the leftovers away so they have breakfast the next day.
However, next day around afternoon...the mask called away Yusuke on a private call.
Yuri also left as well. To meet Koenma.
'Oh Yuri-chan, what's up?' Koenma asked nervously because he canNOT forget that the girl made him pay for expensive groceries as revenge for not paying her brother salary for his work. Now what's next?
'Nee, sensei told me something interesting I never told the boys about.' Yuri told him. 'Frankly, I'm not happy about it. Other than Principal Takenaka, she was the second adult my brother and I trusted. But she deems it a necessary sacrifice for Yusuke to grow.'
Koenma slowly closed his eyes and took calming breaths. Something must have happened. Would Genkai or Yuri tell him?
'In the event that the unthinkable happened before the Finals and given Tournament a means to push Yusuke to give it all he's got as his attempt to NOT make e fight, make me the final teammate of Team Urameshi.' Yuri told Koenma. 'You can rig the system that in the records, I'm the substitute member, right? That means, I am also qualified to receive the prize of the game when it's over.'
'Aa. As Team Owner I can certainly do that. But what did Genkai tell you?'
Yuri told him what Genkai suspected, and Koenma can only gape at the reincarnate.
'I-I see...' Koenma shuddered. 'What a gambit...very well. That can be arranged, knowing those boys. And knowing Toguro and given their history...he'll agree as well. You sure keep a lot of secrets.'
'I'm good at keeping those a lot.' Yuri said sardonically. 'And given where I used to be, secrets helped me stay alive.' Koenma nodded grimly. Abused little boy with magic powers who uses said powers to have food, water and getting to go to the toilet while locked up in a cupboard with a cat flap? Had he been a normal human, he would have died. But Harry Potter died from injuries no malnourished, brittle boy can survive from.
'Well, I'll meet Yusuke after he's done...I tracked him down to tell him that his Spirit Egg is about to hatch, and for it to truly hatch, he needs to touch it, but Genkai got to him first for training...can't disturb them now, he'll need all help he can get for the Finals.' Koenma sighed. 'Toguro's strong.'