Hi everybody! Welcome to another chapter of Wagtail Kunoichi. Originally I was gonna make the previous chapter and this one one big chapter. But I decided against it. Now let's get to it.

As usual, I own nothing.

MBI. A powerful conglomerate based in Teito Tower. MBI was built up as a pharmaceutical company. Soon after it became an economic, technological and medical network, controlling the world in every field. MBI has enough power and influence to take control of a huge city like Tokyo and to own and keep a company army. It's founder is one Hiroto Minaka. A man considered to be a "super genius" by many and the "Gamemaster" behind the Sekirei Plan. Though others consider him insane. One being his second in command, Takami Sahashi. Who is currently looking at data of Sekirei's who have emerged. Two of them sending red flags to the grey haired woman. All Takami can say is...

"Well, shit."

Cue Sekirei by Saori Hayami

The sun rises on Masion Izumo. One particular room features a sleeping Naruko wearing her pajamas. *Asuna Yuuki's in-game SAO Nightgown* Her hair is out of its usual ponytail. Naruko begins to stir as she slowly opens her eyes. She yawns while covering her mouth before feeling a soft weight on her arm. Naruko looks to her left to see Akitsu sleeping while holding Naruko's arm in between her breast. Akitsu's pajamas consist of a faded blue nightgown with short sleeves and white trim.

"That's right. I'm her Ashikabi now." Naruko thinks. She then nudges Akitsu while the brunette tightens her hold on Naruko. "Ashikabi-sama...don't leave me." Akitsu says in her sleep with tears in her eyes. Naruko frowns. "She's wanted an Ashikabi for who knows how long. Only to have someone screw up her adjustments." Naruko clenches her fist. "If I ever meet her adjustor, I'll..." Naruko shakes her head to get rid of her dark thoughts.

"Akitsu-chan, it's time to get up." Naruko says softly. Akitsu begins to stir as she slowly opens her eyes. She looks to see the gentle blue-violet eyes of her Ashikabi. "Ah. You're...real." Akitsu says. Naruko gives a soft smile. "Of course I am. ...Can I have my arm back now?" Akitsu blushes before releasing Naruko's arm. She then rises to her knees while Naruko stands up. "Sorry." Akitsu says. "Don't be. I didn't mind it at all." Naruko says. She then gives a playful smirk. "Actually, I could get use to us cuddling at night." Akitsu's blush intensifies as she looks away. Naruko then giggles. "You're so cute when you're blushing."

Akitsu gives a barely noticeable pout. "Ah. Mean." Naruko giggles again. "Haha. Sorry. Now then, we better get ready." Akitsu looks at Naruko in confusion. "We've got a busy day ttebane?" Naruko says with a smile.

After a bath and a good breakfast, Naruko and Akitsu depart from Masion Izumo. Naruko has put on her usual outfit while Akitsu is now wearing a white sundress with black shoes. There was an incident about Akitsu not wearing panties, but that was resolved quickly. Though Akitsu was fidgeting from the feeling of wearing them.

"Thanks for breakfast Miya-nee. Delicious as usual." Naruko says. Akitsu bows in thanks. "Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it." Miya says. "Now, you two have fun." Naruko nods. "And Naru-chan?" Miya says. "Yes?" Naruko says. "Be a dear and check the mailbox on your way out." Miya says. "Okay. See ya later Miya-nee." Naruko says as she and Akitsu walk away. Miya waves them farewell but frowns when the two turn away. "Be safe...Naru-chan."

Miya goes back inside her home and sees a woman with long red hair with side plaits. She wears a white outfit with detached sleeves that resembles a cheongsam. She also wears glasses. "Matsu? What are you doing out of your room?" Miya asked with a curious expression. "Naru-tan has emerged." Matsu replies with a serious expression. Miya looks down with a frown. "I know."

Matsu fixes her glasses. "What I find strange is that she was somehow able to wing #07. Someone who was supposed to be unwingable." Miya hums in thought. "This'll put a target on her back Miya-tan." Matsu says. "Yes." Miya replies. She then looks out the window. "Hopefully she's ready for what's to come. If not, I'm sure her Guardian will keep her safe."

On their way out, Naruko checked the mailbox like Miya asked and found a strange letter. Inside were two MBI credit cards. But when Naruko looked at the letter, she snarled slightly before crumbling the letter up and putting it in her pocket. Akitsu noticed her Ashikabi's behavior, but before she could ask about it, Naruko shifted back to her happy persona.

"By the way Akitsu-chan, why don't you like wearing panties?" Naruko asked. "Ah. The are uncomfortable." Naruko puts her hand to her chin in thought. "Sensitive skin huh? Is it because of your powers?" Akitsu nods. "Well, if Miya-nee catches you without them, she'll punish you. So when we're in public, try to endure it okay?" Naruko says. "Yes...Ashikabi-sama."

"Another thing, call me Naruko. None of that Ashikabi-sama stuff, okay?" Naruko says. Akitsu looks down in thought for a moment before looking back at Naruko. "Understood...Naruko-sama." Naruko slumps with a sigh. "Well, its a start." Naruko then grabs Akitsu's arm and starts pulling her away. "Well, come on. Let's get you some clothes."

After visiting Naruko's favorite clothing store, Akitsu now had clothes of her own. She had clothes to wear in public as well as sleepwear. And it was all on MBI's tab. Currently the two were walking down the street. Both Naruko and Akitsu were carrying bags.

Akitsu's new clothes consist of a white shirt with long, flowing sleeves in a similar make to a kimono. The cut out for her head is lined with black fabric and is larger then the standard cutout, allowing some of Akitsu's shoulders to be seen. Then going down in a very low V cut that shows nearly a third of her breasts and stops at her upper stomach. A black obi with a bow in the front holds the shirt tightly against her body. She also had chains in her ensemble, which serves to bind her clothes together above her breasts, while the other set loops around her neck and then goes down between her cleavage.

Akitsu still had to wear panties, but says she will endure it for her Ashikabi. Miya's clothes were stashed into a bag.

"So, you like your new clothes?" Naruko asked. "Ah. Yes. They are...comfortable." Akitsu replies. She then blushes slightly. "Do you...like them?" Naruko grins. "I like them. They suit you." Akitsu's blush darkens as a small smile graces her face. "Well, I say this calls for a celebration. And there's only one place to do that." Naruko says with a wink.

After shopping for Akitsu's clothes, Naruko took the brunette to her favorite restaurant. Ichiraku Ramen. Owned by one Teuchi Ichiraku and his daughter Ayame. It may be a restaurant, but it looks more like a roadside shack. Years ago, Miya took Naruko to this very restaurant. Naruko was hooked after one bowl of miso ramen. Since then, Naruko has been a regular customer. As well as the owners favorite.

"Ah! Man was that good!" Naruko says after finishing her third bowl. "Well, I'm glad you liked it Naruko-chan." Teuchi says with a hearty laugh. "Looks like your friend is enjoying herself as well." Ayame says. The two restaurant owners and Naruko turn to see Akitsu quietly slurping her second bowl of vegetable ramen. The brunette Sekirei blushes in embarrassment when she sees everyones eyes on her. "Good huh?" Naruko asked with a smile. Akitsu nods.

The bell for the restaurants door rings as someone enters. "Welcome!" The two restaurant owners says. Naruko turns to see a slim young man with messy black hair, gray eyes. He wears a brown coat with a white shirt underneath and blue jeans. "Uh, hi." The boy says. "Can I get a small beef ramen please?"

"Sure. Coming right up." Teuchi says as the boy sits next to Naruko. Naruko examines the boy in confusion. "Say, haven't I seen you around here before?" The boy turns to Naruko. "Hm? Wait... I think your right. You're almost always here." Naruko grins. "Heh heh. That's because this is my favorite spot. I'm Naruko. My friend over there is Akitsu." The boy looks at Akitsu and blushes slightly at her outfit while the brunette looks at him with her usual stoicism.

The boy quickly turns back to face Naruko. "I'm...Minato. Minato Sahashi." Naruko gasp at the boys name. "Is something wrong?" Minato asked. Naruko quickly regains her composure. "Oh no. You just have the same name my dad did." Minato notices the term "did" and feels sad for the red head. Akitsu notices the flash of pain in her Ashikabi's eyes and grabs Naruko's hand in comfort. "I see. Sorry." Minato says. "It's alright. Not like you can help it." Naruko says with a small smile.

Naruko and Minato conversed while the latter was eating his ramen. Naruko learned that Minato was a ronin with no girlfriend and who failed to get to the university. Twice. What's more, the boys mother cut his allowance in half. Tough love hurts don't it?

"That's rough." Naruko says. Minato sighs in depression. "What's worse is that I don't have a job. And my rent is due." Naruko hums for a moment before patting Minato on his shoulder. "Well, you know what they say. "Everything happens for a reason." Things will work out." Naruko puts some money on the counter before standing. "Nice meeting you Minato. And good luck. Let's go Akitsu." Akitsu nods as she and Naruko grab their bags and walk out. "Thanks for the ramen gramps, Ayame-nee." Naruko says. "Come back soon Naruko-chan!" The father/daughter duo says.

Minato watches the two girls leave before deciding to leave himself. As he goes to pay for his meal, Minato notices a weight in his coat pocket. He gasps as he discovers a money clip of three hundred yen. "What?! How did this...?" Minato trails off as he remembers Naruko patting him on his shoulder. "Did she slip it in then?" Minato thinks. He then notices a note on the clip. "Just something to get you back on your feet." Minato reads. Minato looks outside to see that Naruko and Akitsu are gone. He looks at the money clip as a small smile graces his face. "Guess there's still nice people in the world after all."

As Naruko and Akitsu walk, the brunette can't help but question. "Naruko-sama?"

"Yes?" Naruko says. "Why did you give that man money?" Akitsu asked. Naruko shrugs her shoulders. "Hm. Well, Miya-nee always tells me to never turn away a person in need. He seemed like a nice enough guy to me."

Naruko and Akitsu stop their conversation as an announcement appears on one of the cities tv's. "Continuing on, news of the economy. CEO Minaka of the giant conglomerate MBI announced that his company has bought up to 80% of the Shinto Teito stocks." A picture of Minaka appears on the tv. Naruko scowls at the mans picture. "This is all for his so-called game. The Sekirei Plan." Naruko resumes walking while Akitsu quickly follows.

After a few steps, Naruko and Akitsu stop as they sense something from one of the taller buildings. "Ah. Naruko-sama?" Akitsu says. Naruko nods. "I sense it too. Looks like there's a battle going on up ahead."

"What should we do?" Akitsu asked. Naruko then sighs. "Well, we might as well check out the competition. We are part of the Sekirei plan after all." Naruko looks around before she walks to a nearby alley with Akitsu following. The two set the bags of clothes down before the two start jumping from wall to wall of the nearest building to reach the roof. They then begin jumping from rooftop to rooftop to the sight of the battle.

After a few more jumps, Naruko and Akitsu can clearly see three Sekirei's. Two of them appear to be female twins wearing what looks like something from a bondage flick. With one having a bigger chest wearing a violet outfit and the other having a smaller chest wearing a purple outfit. Their power looks to be lightning if the purple bolts were anything to go by. The last Sekirei was another girl wearing a miko outfit who looked like she was trying to avoid fighting her pursuers. Naruko raises an eyebrow. "Aren't Sekirei battles one on one?" Akitsu nods. "Well, guess there's only one thing to do." Naruko says.

After avoiding another shot of lightning, the miko girl tries to reason with the twins. "Please! I told you, I can't fight until I find my Ashikabi!" The twins hands electrify as they give a smug grin. "You may not feel like fighting sweetie..." The violet wearing twin says. The miko girl prepares to run as the twins jumps towards her while shooting lightning at her. "But we do!" The violet wearing twin finishes. Before the attack can connect, it is blocked by a mirror of ice. The three Sekirei pause at this new development. The silence surprise doesn't last long as the twin in violet snaps. "Who did that?!"

As the ice mirror dissipates, Naruko and Akitsu jump to the miko girls side. The three Sekirei stare at the newcomers. "Hey! Didn't anyone teach you not to gang up on someone? Especially if that someone doesn't wanna fight?" Naruko says. The twins snap out of their stupors at Naruko's words. "Yeah?! Well who asked you?!" The violet twin exclaims. Naruko ignores the twins in favor of the miko while Akitsu gives them a cold stare. "Hey, are you al-" Naruko is interrupted as she locks eyes with the girl.

Upon closer inspection, Naruko sees that the girl is fair-skinned with an average height and slender built. She sports a very developed and curvaceous body with a slim waist and flared hips. She has hair and eyes. Her hair is hime-styled with short bangs, chin-length strands surrounding her head and framing her face, a single antenna-like strands that hangs just above her head and hip-length hair at the nape of her neck. Her most noticeable physical trait is her firm and well-endowed chest.

Her attire is a white gi with red string decorating it that resemble the traditional clothing worn by mikos with the addition of a short red skirt, mid-calf brown boots and upper thigh-high white stockings. She also wears a pair of red combat gloves.

But that's not what's important right now as Naruko feels herself burning up inside and swaying a little. Another thing to point out is that the miko girl looks to be having the same reaction. "What the...?" Naruko thinks as she starts blushing. "My body...feels so hot. What's going on?" The miko thinks with a blush. She then shakily takes two steps towards Naruko before falling into her arms. "I don't know what's going on... Please...help me." The girl leans into Naruko while enjoying her touch. "Is this...a reaction?" Unknown to the two, Akitsu and the twins notice their behavior. "Oh shit! Hibiki!" The violet twin exclaims in panic. "This is bad!" Hibiki says as the two begin to rush in panic. But it's too late as Naruko and the miko kiss. "Oh no! She's done it!" The twins exclaim.

Just like with Akitsu, the miko girl shines with a pink light as her wings erupt from behind her. The glow is so intense that the two twins had to sheild their eyes. Preventing them from seeing Naruko's wings. Unknown to any of them, a masked man was watching the whole thing from afar.

"Well shit. Looks like we were too late Hikari." Hibiki says as the lightshow dies down. Hikari click her tongue in frustration. "Ah. Jealous." Akitsu says with her usual stoicism. "Wow. Usually someone offers to buy me dinner before trying to kiss me...uh...sorry. Who are you?" Naruko says after the two separate. "I'm Sekirei #88, Musubi! A fist type! Nice to meet you Ashikabi-san!" Musubi says happily. Naruko gives the girl a small smile. "Just call me Naruko."

"Hey! What's the big idea!?" Hikari yelled. As one, Naruko, Akitsu and Musubi turn to face the lightning twins. "Huh. Almost forgot they were here." Naruko thinks. "We were gonna deactivate her before she found her Ashikabi so she wouldn't have to deal with losing them." Hikari says. "But now it's all ruined. And it's your fault you stupid tomato!" Naruko twitches as the word "Tomato" echoes in her head. She then looks down as her bangs cover her eyes. "What did you just call me?" Naruko says in a dark tone that causes Akitsu to flinch. Hibiki notices the tone shift, but Hikari continues before Hibiki can warn her sister. "What? Are you deaf AND stupid? I said this is all your fault Tomato head!

"Well, they're dead." The masked man thinks with a sweat drop. Naruko stays silent for a moment before speaking. "Akitsu. Musubi. You two stay back." Naruko says as Akitsu notices the lack of "chan" on her name. Naruko then raises her head and gives the twins a cold glare. "It's time for a little punishment." Musubi looks at the scene in confusion while Akitsu moves herself and Musubi away from Naruko. Oblivious to what's happening, Hikari gives a smug smirk. "Oh? And what's a human gonna do to us?" Naruko responds by grabbing her shoulder. "Looks like you don't know who you're up against. Allow me to show you." Naruko then seemingly rips her outfit off her.

But instead of assuming Naruko would be naked, the Sekirei's are shocked at the sight before them.

Naruko is now wearing a red haori that allows some of her shoulders to be seen. It then goes down in a very low V cut that shows nearly a third of her breasts and stops at her upper stomach. She also wears a black sash-like belt that holds the haori tightly against her body, a red knee-high hakama, white thigh-high stockings and brown sandals. Naruko accessorizes with a necklace of gray magatamas with a purple jewel in the middle around her neck. Her sash also holds a sword. Since the two were standing behind her, Akitsu and Musubi can see the symbol for Sekirei's colored black on the back of Naruko's haori. The wind blows Naruko's hair to show her Sekirei mark on the back of her neck.

Everyone present is soon taken out of their shock as Naruko speaks. "Let me introduce myself. I'm Sekirei #109. The Flash Goddess Sekirei. Naruko Uzumaki."

Musubi gasps in awe. "She's a...Sekirei?" Akitsu looks at her Ashikabi with awe as well, but it's barely noticeable. "109? That's impossible." Hibiki says. Hikari growls. "Like hell your a Sekirei! We just say you wing that girl!" Naruko huffs. "Not surprising. Only the top guys at MBI know about me. Now then." Naruko draws her sword from its sheath which is beige in color.

The sword itself is sleek, medium-sized. The hilt's grip, which has a gentle black-decorative wrapping, bends forward at the end, with a pommel shaped overlap three times and a crimson tassel dangling from its base. Instead of a tsuba, there is a U-shape guard covering three inches of the blade, with a flower petal design. At the base of the guard is a red string wrapped thrice around the hilt, with a three-loop bow on the back side and a folded paper decoration on the front side. The blades' hamon is straight, colored black with a silver edge. It remains straight and slim with a somewhat short size, with the tip ending in a slanted razor-like edge instead of tapering to a point.

"Meet my sword. Benihime." Naruko says. Hibiki and Hikari are intimidated by Naruko's weapon, but Hibiki more so than her sister. "Ha! Even if you ARE a Sekirei, you're a triple digit number." Hikari says. Naruko looks at the twins in boredom. "And that means...?" Hibiki and Hikari start charging themselves with electricity. "We're #11 and #12. Hibiki and Hikari. Everyone knows that three digit numbers got nothing on us two digits." Hikari boast. "What sort of Sekirei doesn't know their own lore?" Naruko chuckles. "Know their own lore? Well let me tell ya sister-"

"Enough talk! Your done!" Hikari interrupts as the two sisters rush Naruko. Akitsu and Musubi look at their Ashikabi in worry. But the next few words from Naruko's mouth makes them intrigued. "Flash Blossom." Naruko says softly. She then vanishes from her spot. Before Hibiki and Hikari can ask questions, Naruko appears in between them while seeming to glide past them in slow motion. Naruko then stops a few feet behind the twins. Her back facing them. "When it comes to Sekirei lore..." Naruko slowly sheaths her sword. "...bitches I edited the wiki." With a clank, Naruko's sword is fully sheathed. And at that moment, Hibiki and Hikari's outfit are slashed to taters as they fall over.

It was at that moment that Hibiki and Hikari learned one thing before falling unconscious. Don't call Naruko a tomato.

With her job done, Naruko takes a breath. "Alright. I think were done-" Before Naruko can finish, she is tackled to the ground by Musubi. The girl looks at Naruko with eyes full of awe. "That was so cool! Will you spar with me Naruko-san?" Naruko blinks before pull herself and Musubi off the ground. "Maybe later Musubi-chan." Musubi nods excitingly as Akitsu moves to Naruko's side. "Ah. Fast." Naruko smiles at the ice maiden. "That's why I call myself "Flash Goddess."

Musubi turns to the unconscious twins. "Did you deactivate them?" Naruko shakes her head. "No. Just knocked them out. Either way, we should go before they wake up." Naruko turns to Akitsu. "Let's grab our bags from the alley and go home." Akitsu nods as Naruko turns to Musubi. "And we'll have to introduce you to Miya-nee, Musubi-chan." Musubi pumps her fist. "Right!" The three Sekirei's start jump away and head to their destination.

At that moment the masked figure makes his presence known. This man has silver hair and wears an all black outfit with a long black coat with a mask to disguise himself.

"Good grief." The masked man says. "Well, at least I don't have to explain to Seo why his Sekirei were deactivated. I swear, sometimes Naruko's as scary as Miya."

"Well, that was quite the show, eh Homura?" A sultry feminine voice says. Startled by the voice, Homura quickly turns around before summoning a fireball in his hand. "Who's there?!" From the shadows, a dark-skinned woman with jet black hair wearing a bikini top beneath a small hooded shawl, a buckled sarong and leather knee-high boots appears before Homura with a smirk.

Homura then narrows his eyes. "Of course. Sekriei #57. Yahan." Yahan holds her hands up in mock surrender. "Cool your jets hotsuff. I'm not here to fight." Homura keeps his glare on Yahan. "Then why ARE you here?" Yahan is unaffected by Homura's glare. "That girl is interesting. An Ashikabi with Seikrei powers? Or is she a Sekirei with the powers of an Ashikabi? Perhaps you know the answer?" Homura stays silent. After a few moments, Yahan shrug her shoulders. "Well, it doesn't matter to me one way or the other. I'll just watch from the shadows. For now." Yahan turns around and walks to the wall she came from. "I'll be watching you, Naruko-chan." Yahan thinks while licking her mouth. She then fades into the shadows.

As Yahan vanishes, Homura extinguishes his flames with a flick of his wrist. "I don't like this. Judging by the way she spoke, could she be..."

Later at Masion Izumo, Naruko, Akitsu and their newest arrival Musubi recounted the events that happened to Miya. Lucky too, because it had started raining when they got home. During the talk, Miya took the liberty to prepare some tea. Which Musubi enjoyed. By the time they finished talking, the sun had set. And Miya was thinking of a way to punish a certain piece of trash for his Sekirei's assault on her little sister. Unknown to anyone, that same person suddenly felt a chill down his back.

After a while, one of the tenants of Masion Izumo arrived. His name was Kagari. A silver haired man wearing a white shirt and black pants. As thanks for let her stay, Musubi offered to do the cooking when Miya was unable to. Something the landlady appreciated greatly.

While waiting for dinner, Akitsu and Musubi relaxed with Naruko in her room. Akitsu was holding onto Naruko's arm as usual. While Musubi was rapidly asking questions about Naruko's display earlier. Naruko had changed back into her casual clothes. It had also stopped raining. "How did you move so fast? Where did you learn how to fight like that? When can we spar?" Naruko calmly looks at Musubi. "Speed is my ability. Miya-nee taught me. And maybe tomorrow." Musubi cheers. "Alright!"

Naruko then looks at Akitsu. "By the way, why aren't you asking any question Akitsu-chan? You say my wings when we emerged last night. I thought you'd be the first to question me." Akistu tightens her hold on Naruko's arm. "Ah. It is because I don't care." Naruko raises an eyebrow in confusion. "I dreamed of having an Ashikabi. When the adjustor tried to forcibly wing me, I became a scraped number. I was broken. But you fixed me. You wanted me." Akitsu lovingly nuzzles Naruko's shoulder. "I don't care what you are. You are my Ashikabi. Now and forever." Naruko looks at Akitsu in surprise. "Akitsu-chan..."

"You're my Ashikabi too." Musubi says. Naruko looks at the miko as she holds Naruko's other shoulder in between her breast. Naruko notes that Musubi's are slightly bigger than her own impressive bust. "I mean, I never thought my Ashikabi would be another girl. But it doesn't matter to me." Musubi looks at Naruko lovingly. "I promise. I'll do my best to fight for you." Naruko looks at her two Sekirei's as tears threaten to fall. She then smiles before kissing Akitsu and Musubi on the cheek. "Thank you both. But you won't be alone in this. You'll have me to back you up." Naruko gives a fox-like smile. "I'm pretty strong ttebane?"

The tender moment is then interrupted by the sounds of screaming coming from outside. As well as something landing hard on the ground.


"What was that?" Naruko asked. Naruko, Akitsu and Musubi run outside of the house to the source of the disturbance. Along the way, they meet Miya outside. Where they see a familiar black haired boy with a woman with long black hair and brown eyes carrying a Naginata. Her outfit is similar to Musubi's. "Are you alright Minato-sama?" The woman asked in worry. Minato rubs his head in pain. "Ow. I'll be okay Kaho-chan."

"Minato/Kaho-chan?" Naruko and Musubi say at the same time. The two in question look towards the sound of the voices to see... "Naruko-san/Musubi-san?" Naruko stares at the two and can only say... "Well, something tells me things are about to get lively here."

And done! Hope you liked this chapter. As you can see, my story is a "Naruko is a Sekirei" fanfic. But what are her origins? How does she have these powers? What does Yahan want with her? And how do you feel about Minato getting Kaho instead of Musubi? Next chapter brings Kusano. Until then, ja ne! And happy holidays!

Here's Naruko's Bio.

Sekirei(?) #109 Naruko Uzumaki

Alias:Flash Goddess

Height:168cm (5'6)

Weight:54kg (119 lbs)

Three Sizes:B94-H50-W102


#07 Akitsu

#88 Musubi


Naruko is a fair skinned young girl with red hair and blue-violet eyes. Her hair is tied up with a flower-like hairband. Her hair bangs, however, are not tied up with her hair.

When not in combat, Naruko wears a pink long sleeved sweater over a cream-colored undershirt, light blue capris with an orange stripe on each pant leg and brown sandals.

In battle she wears a red haori that allows some of her shoulders to be seen. It then goes down in a very low V cut that shows nearly a third of her breasts and stops at her upper stomach. She also wears a black sash-like belt that holds the haori tightly against her body, a red knee-high hakama, white thigh-high stockings and brown sandals. Naruko accessorizes with a necklace of gray magatamas with a purple jewel in the middle around her neck. Her sash also holds her sword. Her Sekirei symbol is colored black on the back of her haori.

When she is about to fight, Naruko pulls a classic ninja move and switches her clothes by seemingly ripping off her outfit.

Like every other Sekirei, Naruko's symbol can be seen on the back of her neck.

Weapon:Benihime (Bleach Shikai)

A sleek, medium-sized sword with a beige sheath. The hilt's grip, which has a gentle black-decorative wrapping, bends forward at the end, with a pommel shaped overlap three times and a crimson tassel dangling from its base.

Instead of a tsuba, there is a U-shape guard covering three inches of the blade, with a flower petal design. At the base of the guard is a red string wrapped thrice around the hilt, with a three-loop bow on the back side and a folded paper decoration on the front side.

The blades' hamon is straight, colored black with a silver edge. It remains straight and slim with a somewhat short size, with the tip ending in a slanted razor-like edge instead of tapering to a point.

-Powers & Abilities-

Thanks to Miya's training, Naruko is a very strong swords woman. It is said that her skills with a sword may one day rival a single digit Sekirei. However, her hand to hand combat is average at best.

But her biggest strength is her speed, which is where her main power originates. Using her speed, Naruko can create Afterimages that she can use to confuse her opponents.


Flash Step-High speed movement.

Senka (Flash Blossom)-Vanish while delivering multiple strikes. (Used when she fought Hibiki and Hikari)

Utsusemi (Cicada Shell)-Move at great speed to avoid an attack, leaving an afterimage which can appear to have taken damage. (Used in chapter 1 when escaping Mutsu)

