The week went by in what seemed like a flash, Komachi continued to practice teaching,Hachiman chiming in every so often, and once and awhile Hachiman would see Rumi working at the store.
Toward the end of the week, when the last class had ended, he had asked Komachi to go ahead of him to the faculty room.
"Ah, sure but, is there a particular reason why?" She asked.
"I just need to address one of the students, dont worry ill be there momentarily." He reasured her.
"Well… if you say so." Komachi felt somewhat suspicious of Hachiman, however, continued out or so it would seemed.
Hachiman motioned for Rumi to stay after, and she acknowledged. After a time, the class was empty and Rumi approach his desk for conversation.
"So, Rumi… is the weekend a tolerable time to check in on you?" He asked.
Check in? Onii-Chan you dont mean… Komachi loitered around the classroom outside until the hallway was clear, and decided to listen in on what was going on and why Hachiman was acting differently.
"If you were to drop by around three on Saturday that would great." She responded.
"Okay then, ill meet you at that time at your residence?" He asked.
"Sound fine." She confirmed.
Komachi upon hearing this, had a widening smile on his face. She was overtly happy in all manners apart from a small prick in her chest.
Kyaaaa so Rumi and Onii-Chan are like that? I knew he liked younger women but…. She internalized.
As she heard them approaching the door, she quickly moved away, and briskly began to walk toward the faculty room. As she moved in the hall, she brushed passed Takayama and quickly apologized.
"Woah there, whats the rush? Schools over…. is Hikigaya driving the whip as it were?" He joked.
Hachiman was known to be a straightforward person to is coworkers. While it seemed to lessen when Komachi arrived, he would finished his work with accuracy and haste, these actions unbeknownst to Hachiman, pressured the other faculty around him to do so as well.
"Ah no, im just a bit late is all, got to run, sorry for bumping into ya!" With a wave she dashed off.
Weird thought Takayama.
As Takayama continued his route, he saw Hachiman and called to him.
"Yo~!" He smiled.
"Ah, hey." Hachiman replied.
"How are things?" He asked.
"As far as I know but the reports on Japanese involvment in World War One has not been graded yet." He explained.
"Not that, I mean with Komachi and you?" He asked
"Well… things are well I guess?" Hachiman answered, unsure about the inquiry.
"Thats nice, good on ya!" Takayama smiled.
"Thanks?" Hachiman responded.
"Any plans this weekend?." Takayama asked.
"A few" Hachiman replied ambiguously.
"Right…. well I best get going! Until tomorrow." Takayama stated.
"Good work." Hachiman said
"Good work." Takayama replied.
The two departed, with Takayama heading home and Hachiman heading toward the faculty room.
-Line Break-
"Sorry, did you wait long?" Was the utterance Hachiman had went he sat down next to a focused Komachi.
"Hm? Ah, no worries, you had something important to discuss." She turned to smiled.
"Do you know?" Hachiman asked.
"That you like younger girls? I sure do Onii-Chan~!" Komachi's smiled widen to a grin.
"Ah so you do know." Hachiman stated thoughtfully.
An audible gasp could be heard from Komachi.
"So it is true!? Your going to date Rumi, Onii-Chan at least wait until the school break." Komachi looked a bit shocked.
"W-Wait a minute Komachi, what gave you that Idea!?" Hachiman was frantically trying to understand what was going on.
"Its a bit too late to play dumb you know~. I heard you two speaking on how your are going to visit her, so sounded so stiff." Komachi laughed.
"I think your misunderstanding me, I was going to check up on her as she was living to see if she needed help, and she was keeping things in order." Hachiman explained.
"Geez, I knew you'd find out but, id at least thought It woud stay secret a bit longer." He continued.
Upon hearing this, Komachi was slightly relieved and smiled.
"Hohoho, you should know by know Onii-Chan, you can't keep anything from me! Ever since middleschool." She grinned.
"I hardly believe that.." He said.
"Oh yea? Your ero stash was hidden underneath school notes on the top bookshelf until you moved them between your matress and springboard in the 2nd year of high school ." Komachi declared.
"Komachi how did you... You didn't look through them did you?" He asked.
Without missing a beat, she stated the most common feature.
"Flat Chests as far as the eye could see , which surprised me honestly." She stated.
"Ack… how did you-?"
"I had my ways.:. Teehee."
While Komachi giggled, Hachiman grimmaced during this realization.
After a time, they settled down and Komachi resumed her inquriy.
"So Saturday was it your going to spend the whole day with Rumi-Chan without me?" She pouted.
"If Rumi-Chan doesnt want people to know… including me, I wont press further unless she lets me in." She relented.
"Im sure she would appreciate that." Hachiman replied.
"But Saturday night, we should get out and have a few drinks and some karaage!" Komachi exclaimed.
"Komachi… since when have you been such an achoholic?" Hachiman shakes his head.
"Mou, I usually don't unless I have someone I can trust and enjoy going out with… like you Onii-Chan." She said.
Hachiman felt a brief bit of happiness reconfirming that Komachi enjoyed spending time with him, while he was hesitant, he yielded to Komachis request.
"Fine, fine, but when we do go, beforehand write down your address so I can take you home." Hachiman stated.
"Hmm…. nope! Or at least for this time, I want to wake up to the smell of you cooking breakfast." She beamed.
"The way you drink, it might be the smell of dinner." Hachiman joked.
"Mou, minus Komachi points! MI-N-US." She pouted.
She lightly pushed against his shoulder.
The day was getting late, and they already finished their work for the night, so they decided to leave after a brief moment from when their conversation ended.
Hachiman and Komachi departed the bhilding and head toward the station, lighthearded banter occured until they reached their divergent.
"See you tomorrow Onii- chan, remember about our outing tomorrow!" Komachi waved vigorously as she left for her platform.
"Hai, hai, I cant wait." He smiled as he waved back.
-Line Break-
"Hello, welcome to the store."
"Oh, Hikigaya, it has been awhile." Hachiman entered the store, and was pleasantly suprised to see Minari across the counter.
"It has been a bit, how are you doing?" He askex.
"Oh, just fine… and yourself?"
"Fine thank you." He smiled.
Hachiman wanted to by something cold and sweet to enjoy for the weekend. As he was deciding between blue raspberry or orange sherbet, he wanted someone to weigh in on the decision.
"Oh, so you are not getting your MAXX coffee then?" She asked.
" not tonight however, what do you think between these
Two?" He asked.
"Hmm… the raspberry seems interesting, it is the most sold as of rate, so I suppose its good." She surmised.
"The blue one then I guess."
"Okay then!" She cheerily said.
After his purchase, he moved toward the door.
"Have a nice night!" She called.
"Same to you." Be replied.
-Line break-
Hachiman finally reached his delartment door, a sigh of relief was had as he entered.
"Haaa…. its nice to be home." Hachiman declared.
As he entered the threshold, the priorty he had was
A nice hot shower followed by something cold as he watched some TV.
After his shower, and a change of clothes, he sat down to enjoy some televison programs, before retiring for the evening.
How did did she know those things? I considered that I was great at hiding those… materials. He thought.
It was getting late. So Haciman, not wanting to be tired for tomorrow, decided to turn in early. The wonder on how Komachi obtained the locations, still dwindling on his mind.
-Line Break-
As Komachi travelled back to her residence, she had to admit she was still curious as to what those two would do tomorrow.
Id say I wouldn't interfere but…. tailing them isn't interfering. She smiled.
As she arrived home, Shiro was there to greet her.
"Im back."
Komachi moved to the kitchen to feed Shiro, then fixed herself a meal as well.
She ate her dinner while watching a television drama, Shiro at her side seemingly watching it too.
As the commericals began to air after the break, Komachi smiled to herself, much to Shiro's wonder.
I bet he's still hung up on how I know of his materials.
After a few hours, she decided to hit the sack, and moved to do so. Shiro followed suit, and they both readied for bed.
Heheh, I can't wait for tomorrow.
After that thought lingering on her mind, she drifted to sleep, with Shiro at her usual spot.
-Line Break-
Saturday had arrive, and Hachiman was preparing for the day. At this time, Komachi also was preparing for the day. She had noticed the date on Hachiman's desk calender in his faculty section. The estimated meeting time had been further legitimize due to her knowledge of them meeting in the afternoon.
As she dressed, she wore attire hardly identifiable to her style, she hopped on the train, and got off on Hachiman's station and loitered until her arrived.
She soon saw his arriving, and purchase a ticket to a station neither frequented. She purchased the same, and boarded the same train, though at different entrances. While they entered through different doors, they were still in the same compartment, at opposite ends. She was tailing him pretty well she thought. After his departed she continued to follow, as he was continuing onward, he stopped into a sweets shop.
Onii- Chan…. you say you're checking up on her but it makes me doubt you if you go into a store like that. She internalized
As he exited the shop, he turned on a corner that made her lose line of sight. She quickened her pace and turned the corner and bumped into someone's chest.
"Oh!, Im sorry, are you…." As she looked up at the person's face, she was met with a smiling Hachiman.
"How long did you notice?" She asked.
"Since the train."
"Ack, I wasnt going to interfere I swear."
"I know, but I should of been more specific." He shook his head.
"I called Rumi, and told her that you know. She chewed me out but, she said you could join. This confection is to seal the apology ." He chuckled.
"Oh I see." She smiled.
-Line Break-
As the two were talking, a familar trio were out and about, and spotted the two.
"Is that…. look! Its Sensei and Ms. Hikigaya." Said Tomoko.
"Aw they're on a date, how cute." Mari smiled.
"Hey, remember their last date?" Asked Tomoko.
"It seemed right out of a Romcom." Piped Natsumi.
"Say…are you guys curious where they are heading now?"
"Are you thinking what Im thinking?" Natsumi asked.
"Sure am thinking what your thinking." Grinned Tomoko.
"Eh, what are you two thinking?" Asked Mari.
Both turned to Mari.
"To watch them on their date, if it is anything like before, I think I might gain cavities from
how sweet they are together." Nastumi said.
"This is not going to be a common occurrence for us….. is it?" Mari askes
"Maybe? Oh come on, loook at them~ they're soo cute they are together!"
"It decided then." They all agreed, but it was noted that Mari was and still is hesitant in following them.
As they followed from a distance behind, they eventually found the area the two were keen on entering. To one of the trio, it looked oddly familiar.
"Hey…. isnt that the class rep's residence?"
-Ending Note-
Not sure how good the chapter will be, I got side tracked in writting a third attempt at a Sengoku Jida Isekai, as well chapter 14 for Sunday Outting, both of which might be posted at this week's end.
Until the next time.