Note: Mai-Hime is an anime done by the studio Sunrise.

Natsuki Kuga walked into her living room, while putting on her jacket. Her hair had been combed, her clothes were clean, and she looked happier, than she usually did.

Natsuki's dad looked at her and asked, "Where are you going?"

Natsuki answered, "I'm going to visit Shizuru."

The dad was so shocked, that he threw his newspaper, which landed in a fish tank. The dad had never owned fish, but he once saw a fish tank, that was on sale. The sale was so good, that he bought the fish tank, despite not having any plans, to ever get any fish. The dad said, "I don't think it's a very good idea, for you to visit Shizuru."

Natsuki had a confused look on her face, while asking, "Why not?"

The dad said, "Shizuru's been giving you a lot of happiness, in the past year."

Natsuki folded her arms and replied, "Apparently, my happiness is a crime."

The dad replied, "Well, it's not a crime, but I don't like it, when you're happy."

Natsuki sarcastically responded, "How thoughtful."

The dad straightened his tie and replied, "Look, you're my daughter, so I don't want you to be miserable or anything. However, when you're gloomy and stoic, you tend to spend less money. When you're happy, you spend more money."

Natsuki knew her father was greedy, when it came to money. However, she felt surprised, by how desperate he was. She said, "You shouldn't be mocking me, when it comes to spending money. You spend tons of money, regardless of what mood you're in."

The dad replied, "Look, you're a grown-up, so I no longer have the power, to boss you around. However, I can give you some fatherly advice."

Natsuki asked, "What's your advice?"

The dad said, "Dump Shizuru, so you won't be in the mood, to go on a bunch of dates and waste money."

Natsuki gave her dad a disapproving look and replied, "That's not happening. If you ever give me that suggestion, a second time, I'll move out." She walked out.

A few minutes later, Natsuki drove to Shizuru's house. She knocked on the door. Shizuru opened the door and started hugging Natsuki. Natsuki said, "Hi, Shizuru."

Shizuru replied, "Hi, honey. It's a wonderful sight, to gaze upon you, my darling cutie."

Natsuki blushed and responded, "Ease up, on the flirting."

Shizuru had an amused look on her face, while replying, "I didn't know flirting was such a rough punishment."

Natsuki responded, "Actually, it's a precious gift. It just makes me embarrassed."

Shizuru replied, "Your embarrassed blushes look so adorable."

Natsuki blushed, while walking inside and asked, "What's going on?"

Shizuru sighed and replied, "I'm afraid I have news, that isn't very compelling."

Natsuki asked, "What is it?"

Shizuru answered, "Gonna Getcha's being released, from his prison cell."

Gonna Getcha had broken out of prison, hundreds of times. However, it was a rare event, for him to be released. Natsuki asked, "Why would Gonna Getcha be released?"

Shizuru explained, "Gonna Getcha's gone a month, without breaking out of prison. Considering how often his breakouts usually were, the warden was impressed and thought Gonna Getcha should be released. Earlier, he was on the news. I recorded it."

Shizuru put in a videotape, that had a recording, of Gonna Getcha, after he was released. Gonna Getcha was being interviewed and reporters were asking him a bunch of questions. Gonna Getcha said, "I'm ready to stop being evil and stuff like that. I'm gonna get a respectable job and do good crap. I'm no longer evil, so don't chase after me or anything like that."

Natsuki gritted her teeth and replied, "It's hard to believe, that the warden was so gullible. It's obvious, that Gonna Getcha's still a corrupt scoundrel. That villainous robber probably has lots of schemes, up his sleazy sleeves. I better find out his newest crime, so I can stop him."

Shizuru responded, "When Gonna Getcha attempts another crime, you'll be there and you'll stop him. For now, you should be enjoying yourself. After all, your own father makes your life difficult. I'm here, to make things better."

Natsuki smiled and replied, "Thank you, Shizuru. You seem to always find a way, to make my life good. Your flirting and your cuteness can make me feel embarrassed, at times, but you're the best thing in my life." Shizuru kissed her.

Meanwhile, Gonna Getcha was driving around the city. He wasn't a very careful person, which led to him being a poor driver. Yuuichi Tate was driving around the same area. Like Gonna Getcha, Yuuichi was a poor driver. Gonna Getcha and Yuuichi's cars accidentally crashed into each other and they both bumped into an empty car, by accident.

Gonna Getcha and Yuuichi got out of their cars. Neither of them were hurt, but their cars had several scratches. They looked around, at the other car, which got smashed apart. Gonna Getcha noticed the other car was parked at Natsuki's house, so he asked, "Is this Natsuki's car?"

Yuuichi said, "No, she drives a nice, modern car. This car started being considered outdated, decades ago. I think it belongs to Natsuki's dad. He's the greediest penny-pincher, other than you."

Gonna Getcha angrily grabbed Yuuichi and replied, "Be careful, about the things you say."

Yuuichi responded, "We're both doomed. Natsuki's dad is an obsessive weirdo, when it comes to money. When he finds out, that we broke his car, he's going to beat us up and have us arrested."

Gonna Getcha had an evil smile on his face, while replying, "I'm not going to be getting any blame, for what happened. If I can get someone else, to get half of the blame, I'll continue being a free man."

Gonna Getcha drove to Shizuru's house. Natsuki had just left and was starting to drive home. Gonna Getcha ran to the door and knocked on it. Shizuru opened the door, while feeling surprised, to see the villainous Gonna Getcha. Gonna Getcha punched Shizuru, who fell to the ground and passed out. Gonna Getcha did an evil laugh and twirled his mustache.

Gonna Getcha returned to Natsuki's house. This time, he was carrying Shizuru. He knocked on Natsuki's house door.

The dad opened the door and asked, "What's going on?"

Gonna Getcha tried to sound like a gentleman, while saying, "I'm afraid your car's been destroyed."

The dad looked around and saw his car, which was a wreck. He asked, "How did this happen?"

Gonna Getcha explained, "Shizuru Fujino, Natsuki's shady girlfriend, was being a reckless, dangerous driver. She was going such a terrible job, that she crashed into Yuuichi's car. Both cars crashed into your car. Since Shizuru did such a despicable crime, I beat her up."

The dad replied, "Thank you. You're quite a gentleman." Gonna Getcha and the dad shook hands. Yuuichi felt uncomfortable, to see Shizuru be treated like a villain, while Gonna Getcha was being treated like a hero. He put his hand on his chin, while wondering if he should reveal the truth.

A few minutes later, Natsuki went home. She parked her and saw several surprising things, including her dad's wrecked car, a passed-out Shizuru, and Gonna Getcha talking to her dad. Natsuki got out of her car and rushed to Shizuru. She felt very worried and concerned, about her girlfriend. She asked, "What's going on?"

Gonna Getcha said, "You shouldn't put much thought or effort, into Shizuru's safety. After all, it's not worth the effort. Shizuru's a rotten scoundrel, so she deserves lots of pain."

Natsuki looked furious, while asking, "What are you talking about?"

Gonna Getcha explained, "Shizuru and Yuuichi crashed their cars and accidentally broke your father's car."

Natsuki replied, "That's not possible, for a variety of reasons. First off, Shizuru and I were hanging out, during the time, that the crash happened. Second off, Shizuru's a very careful and responsible driver."

The dad said, "Natsuki, I've often warned you, that Shizuru's a bad influence. Due to your refusal, to accept the truth, you ignored my thoughtful warnings and advice. Shizuru ruined my car. My car was a beautiful antique. Frankly, it's more beautiful, than anything you've ever dated. Since your stupid girlfriend broke my car, I'm going to have her arrested."

Natsuki replied, "First off, I'm moving out. Second off, if you ever mock Shizuru, in such a condescending way, I'll slap you."

The dad responded, "You're a disgrace, to the Kuga family."

Natsuki stuck her tongue out. Afterwards, she ignored her father and glared at Yuuichi. She said, "I'm hoping you can explain the truth."

Yuuichi used to be eager, to make Shizuru look bad, so he can win Natsuki's heart. However, she started feeling guilty, so he said, "Shizuru had no involvement, in Mr. Kuga's car getting wrecked. I was acting like a dumb, thoughtless fool, as usual. Because of that, Gonna Getcha and I got into a car accident. It was his fault and mine. Shizuru's innocent."

Natsuki replied, "Thank you, for finally embracing the truth."

Gonna Getcha punched Natsuki and said, "I'll knock you out, before the police come. When they do arrive, I'll find a way, to make you and Shizuru get the blame. You will finally start suffering, inside of a crappy cell, while I remain a free man." He did an evil laugh and twirled his mustache.

Natsuki confidently replied, "That's not going to happen. I'm going to stop you."

Gonna Getcha responded, "If you want to accomplish that, you better have more strength, than your fragile girlfriend. She was a weakling, who I easily defeated."

Shizuru got up and said, "I have been pretty weak, haven't I? I've been letting Natsuki do the fighting stuff. However, I'd like to help Natsuki and get a piece of the action."

Natsuki replied, "Sounds good."

Natsuki and Shizuru started fighting Gonnna Getcha. Natsuki had defeated Gonna Getcha, dozens of times. Despite that, Gonna Getcha retained his arrogant confidence. He thought he could defeat Natsuki, as well as Shizuru. However, both women were incredibly strong.

Gonna Getcha said, "I'm going to be winning this fight."

Natsuki replied, "You aren't going to win, you desperate bank robber."

Gonna Getcha responded, "I'm not as desperate, as you think I am. After all, I managed to be released from prison, without breaking out. I've done crimes, that are worthy of several life sentences. However, I used my brilliant skills, to get a quick release."

Natsuki replied, "Don't act like you're a brilliant mastermind. The only reason, that you got such a quick release, is due to the gullible, clueless warden. You constantly take advantage, of other people's stupidity."

Shizuru had been holding back her strength, for a long time. This time, she got to unleash her skills and punch Gonna Getcha, who passed out.

A moment later, the police came by and started arresting Gonna Getcha. Natsuki's dad looked at Natsuki and said, "I'm sorry, if I was a little rough."

Natsuki replied, "Father, I refuse to keep playing the game, where you act like a greedy jerk and I just ignore it. I was serious, about moving out."

The dad responded, "I see. I don't think this is a good idea. If you start living somewhere else, it'll be harder for me, to give you money-related advice."

Natsuki ignored her dad and looked at Shizuru, while saying, "Thank you, for your help. You were awesome."

Shizuru replied, "You're welcome. I'm proud of you, for moving out. I felt I shouldn't judge, but I always thought your dad had questionable values."

Natsuki said, "I'll go see, if I can move into a temporary apartment or something."

Shizuru replied, "No you won't. You'll move into my house."

Natsuki smiled and responded, "Thank you, Shizuru."

Shizuru replied, "I've wanted us to share the same house, for years."

Natsuki blushed, while responding, "Sometimes, dream come true." Gonna Getcha and Mr. Kuga refused to leave their love, of being desperate and greedy fools. Thankfully, Natsuki and Shizuru refused to leave a much different type of love, the love of their lives, which was each other.