Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from the original story made by Stephenie Meyer.

Chapter two:

Me and Christian are walking through the camp and we soon find the rest of our team sitting near the edge of the camp. They are talking and laughing among themselves without noticing me and Christian approaching. Christian gives me a devilish smile and I know exactly what he means to say. Let's scare them. I give him a nod and quickly teleported myself behind the group. I hid behind a tree and waited for Christian to give me the sign.

"Has any of you seen Bella today? I can't find her anywhere." Christian asked the group as he walked towards then. Just as Sarah was about to answer I quietly left my hiding spot and asked "Who me?"

The whole group jumped into fighting stances as me and Christian started laughing at there shocked faces.

"No fair with the teleporting thing Bella!" Will yelled out which only made me and Christian laugh harder.

"I'm sorry guys, it was just for fun." I said while me and Christian sat down. We started talking about what it would be like to go to an actual school. They all were very excited to make new friends and live as a normal teenager. Accept for me of course. I was mostly worried about people discovering what we are. But my team put me at ease and we soon were all going back to our homes to get ready for the party.

Around eight pm we all made our way towards Quileute territory. Everybody has gathered around the campfire and starts preparing the food. I look around trying to find Jake. Would I even recognize him? Just as I'm about to give up I hear a deep familiar voice behind me.

"Am I the lucky guy you are looking for?" I turn around and find myself looking at a chest. I slowly raise my head until I see a pair of gentle brown eyes. Jacobs eyes! He has grown so much but it is definitely him.

"Who else would I be looking for? I barely know any of the guys from around here. Besides you know I don't date." We laugh as I give him a hug. It's so good to see him again.

"Wow Bells, you have grown." He chuckles as he looks down on me.

"Oh really?" I ask sarcastically. "Well, you were always short Jake. I guess nothing has changed." I laugh as I nudge his arm. Jake laughs and pulls me towards the campfire.

Our tribes laugh and share stories. It really feels like coming home for some reason. Around 11 pm my dad and Billy step forward.

"Everyone gather around please!" my dad calls out. "We have something important to share with you." Me and my team look confused as we sit together. My dad looks around and starts speaking.

"Our tribes have been living alongside each other for many years. We have always considered us to be friends and allies. Even more so than most of you know. Both our tribes serve a common cause and secret. It is time that you all learn these secrets so we can again stand beside each other. Billy if you would start by sharing your tribes legend with everyone." Billy gives my dad a gentle smile as he steps forward.

"Our tribe has always been small, but never weak. We are a peaceful community unless our people are being threatened. Then we will fight for our loved ones. However not in the way most of you would expect. Our tribe has many legends. One of them involves the cold ones. Long ago our tribe faced the threat of the cold ones which forced us to adjust in order to protect ourselves. Some of us transformed into the mighty wolves to fight the cold ones. Over time the cold ones disappeared and so did our wolf forms. However they still linger inside of us in case our enemies return. And they did. We can become wolves once again and serve our duty to protect humans from them."

We all heard a howling sound in the woods behind Billy. Slowly a giant wolf stepped outside of the trees and we all stared in shock. When I turned my head towards Jake he showed regret and in that moment I knew. He is one of them.

As we processed the sight of the giant wolf in front of us my father stepped forward once more.

"The Quileute's trusted us with their most well kept secret and we should do the same. Therefore I will share the story of our tribe with all of you. A long time ago our tribe lived in a peace. We were travelers as we still are today. We loved being able to see the world. Our purpose changed when chief Salem came along. One day he and his men were hunting in the woods. He found a trail and followed it on his own. All of a sudden he was knocked down by something but he couldn't see what. Soon his body started to feel like it was on fire. His men heard his screams and run to him. He had a biting mark on his wrist and they saw a strange looking flued seeping out of his wound. It was some sord of venom. Salem's friend saved him by making the wound wider with his knife and sucking out as much of the venom as he could. The burning faded and they made their way back to the camp where Salem could recover. The two days after the attack Salem started to change. He became stronger and could ran faster. He could hear and see the animals from miles away while they went hunting. Soon after Salem came across the monster that wounded him that faithful day. It was a vampire. He destroyed the creature with his men so he couldn't harm anyone. Salem made it his life duty to find more vampires and defeat them so the humans could be safe. Nowadays our tribe still carry on this duty. We travel around to hunt vampires and protect others. Some of us have developed special abilities to help during the hunt. And we will pass on our knowledge to the next generations to come."

When my father finishes his speech I look at Jake. He looks back at me with a gentle smile. And I know that our friendship will remain. Maybe it will even grow stronger now we have something in common. After letting the new information sink in, my father starts speaking again.

"From now on our tribes will be working together to fight vampires. Our tribe will remain here for at least the coming year so you can train together and learn from each other. Tomorrow some of our tribe members will attend Forks high school to become more social with normal humans. But for tonight we'll feast and celebrate our new alliance. Enjoy!"

And just like that the party was in full swing again. Me and my friends learned more about the wolves and their training methods and we told them about ours. Some of us showed our gifts and told them how they work. Overall we had a lot of fun and by the time we went home I was excited for what the next day would bring. We would be attending an actual school. Who knew what was going to happen.

Only one way to find out I guess.

Authors note:

Hello lovely readers. I hope you liked the second chapter. Thank you all so much for the feedback and nice messages. It really means a lot. I will try my best to post a chapter each week or at least every two weeks. If you have any feedback for me please let me know. I would really appreciate it.

Until next time!