A/N: I do not own the Harry Potter or the Lord of the Rings Franchises
Dealing with Immortality
Harry was working on a new magical artefact that gave the user an air of innocence. Of course, he would have to tell the Aurors how to check for the enchantment as he didn't want criminals to get away with crimes due to the enchantments. It would be perfect for Weasley Wizard Wheezes, so many pranks children could get away with even against experienced teachers. It was always fun making a new product for their business and seeing the aftermath which he does as a Professor at Hogwarts.
The thought of Hogwarts reminded him it was time to get ready. He always laughed when he thought about the fact that a joint owner of a prank store was also a Hogwarts professor. Still funny even after fifteen years as the charms Professor. Fred and George also found it just as funny, still.
Harry stored his new experiment securely in his lab where even Ginny couldn't go. A lab was sacred, even to a prankster. He went into his bathroom and looked into the mirror his face frozen in time. People would think his children were his siblings. He looked to be in his twenties even though he was sixty-three. He had a theory about why he seemed to have stopped ageing though if you had told him this theory five years ago, he would have laughed and dismissed it. What doesn't make sense with his idea is that he didn't stop ageing when he 'achieved' becoming the Master of Death. It would, however, make sense of why he needed a new wand core all those years ago. Thestral hair. A symbol of Death. He would attempt to contact Death tonight through the resurrection stone. He needed answers.
He had thought that being the Master of Death had meant accepting death which he had when he had allowed the killing curse to hit him on the night of Voldemort's resurrection as well as collecting the Hallows. He thought that the Hallows were just created by three talented wizards, that even outstripped his and Dumbledore's skill. He never thought it would amount to much.
He heard Ginny groan as he got up. When she saw him, her face lit up, "My darling, Prince. What have you been doing during the night." That was something he hadn't thought of when he had completed the ritual to ensure Harry never slept again, how he would have to wait for his wife to wake up so they could spend time together. It was quite minor to Harry. The ritual had allowed him to take care of their children and continue his magical studies as they grew up and allowed Ginny to have her career as a professional quidditch player.
Harry turned around to her, "I'm pondering my ageless face." Ginny grew fearful at the mention of it. Harry could understand. She was growing old where he wasn't. Growing old together is part of their dream.
"Do you know why you seemed to have stopped ageing?" Ginny asked, looking desperately for a plausible answer that meant he hadn't stopped ageing. Harry looked down at the ring on his hand. Harry had encased the stone back in a ring to ensure he would stop accidentally using it. Ginny looked down at the ring on his hand and gulped. Harry looks up to Ginny again, "I do not know if it's these artefacts that even if I destroy them return to me that is keeping me this way or something else entirely. I have delved into the furthest reaches of magic though I always tended to avoid anything to do with immortality. Tonight I'm going to attempt to contact Death or whatever the being may be called and find out some information about what has happened to me. I've not aged for far too long for it to be natural." Tom Riddle had shown him that was a fool's errand. Ginny just nodded, put on a smile and got ready for her day as a journalist. Ginny seemed to think it funny that someone who was media phobic was married to a journalist, even if she hadn't always been.
Students in Harry class that day all noticed that he was distracted during the entire day though of course, none wanted to disrupt the class. Professor Potter may seem like a happy go lucky fellow but upset him at your peril. Harry found it amusing to hear students talk about him like that. His detentions were only creative. He got home that night and went to his lab, unlike other nights where he would cook dinner, call his friends and family as well as wait for Ginny to come home. There were two ways to activate the stone. Turn it over three times or if you're the Master of Death, push your magic into the stone, "I call upon, Death. I need your guidance, old friend." He figured he should be respectful and probably imply he wasn't really the Master of Death. Plus at the end of the tale, the third brother embraced Death like an old friend.
Nothing physically changed, but Harry could feel the presence. It felt cold and lifeless as well as like endings. Harry heard in his head, "Master, what can I do for you?"
Harry gulped when Death called him Master. Harry wouldn't have believed until his magic was singing of the truthfulness of that statement. Harry was going to ask his questions, though the first one surprised both of them, "Do you have a name?"
Harry could feel that Death was amused. "I have been given many names and titles over the years, Master. You may use any you wished too, or you can continue to call me by my title Death." Harry gulped here. He wasn't sure how to interact with a figure far more powerful than you when it called you Master.
"I wish to know the real meaning behind the term Master of Death. I cannot believe it means that literally." Harry said because even though he knew that title to be true, he still didn't believe it.
"The title rings true, Master but I am much more limited than one would think and therefore you are limited to the same extent as I am. For example, I could refuse to take your wife's soul to the afterlife once she had died, but she would have nobody and be less than a ghost. I also couldn't slow down her age either as I have yours since it is only you who has mastered the Hallows."
Harry didn't care much for immortality anyway, "then surely you can allow me to age and die?" It should be plausible. It was Death that stopped his ageing, that meant Death could allow him to age and eventually die.
"I could allow you to age master, but I wouldn't be able to take your soul. You were reborn as the Master of Death to allow me to experience what it's like to have humanity, so nothing like what happened with the dementors happens again. I cannot do that with a soul that is at peace. It was not my choice to create the position though since you have stepped into the position, I agree with that it was a good choice to make."
Harry would be getting back to the part about dementors later though he had to try one last thing first. "Surely you can release me from this burden then and let someone else who wants the position to take over."
Harry could feel Death almost pitying him. Did he understand those emotions because of him? "The Master of Death was designed so that when someone met a specific set of requirements, I would not be able to undo the process. Having a Master is my punishment for my past actions." Harry could understand not wanting to let any random person have mastery over Death or letting Death pick and choose when it was a punishment for the being.
They were both silents for a few minutes, Death letting Harry collect his thoughts. Harry went back to something else, "What do you have to do with the dementors?" Harry asked.
Harry felt Death sigh. "Reapers are the souls I have collected who volunteer to help ferry souls to the afterlife." Harry understood that easily enough, "During the black plague there weren't enough reapers, so I decided to create a new being that would do the job with the shortage of reapers." Harry could already see where this story is going, "The dementors almost immediately grew out of my control and fed on every soul they could find, even if it wasn't their time. Due to this, the other beings decided I needed a Master. The reason the dementors are unkillable is that they are life created by death. A contradiction that should exist." Harry wasn't sure how he felt about that, so he decided to think about it some more. When he was about to cut the connection to the stone, Death made an offer, "You don't have to be alone. I can get you to other immortals."
Other immortals? Harry had never heard of any other immortal people apart from Nicholas Flammel. An entire group sounds outlandish to Harry. Maybe the immortals were hidden like magic? Is he about to be introduced to the immortal world? Harry amusedly thought to himself. "There are other immortals, where?" Being in contact with them could help him, Harry thought to himself.
"There are, but it's not that simple." Of course not Harry thought to himself. "These immortals are in another world they named Arda. If you want to go there, you will need to learn how to create a bridge to another world." That wasn't something Harry had thought about before. He had no idea how he would be able to learn how to do this. "I can teach you to build such a bridge to your desired location." Now that was probably the real offer and what an offer it was. Harry at first thought that he would wait for Ginny to die before attempting this but Harry knew it would likely take years to complete. He could start to create the bridge and only use it once he was ready.
Harry resolutely said, "I accept. We can begin tonight when my wife is sleeping." Thinking about Ginny, he had an idea, "Are you able to make it so that I will age until my wife's death but reverse the ageing once she's dead? I want to grow old with my wife." Harry almost pleaded as he next spoke, "My wife needs me to grow old with her."
Death hummed, "Since you completed the ritual to give yourself metamorphmagus abilities after you lost your parseltongue abilities, I believe it is possible. As Master of Death, I believe your abilities will tie into your title as Master of Death, meaning you should be able to age and de-age yourself at will with your metamorphmagus abilities." Harry grinned when he heard this. Harry had wanted Metamorphmagus abilities since he met Tonks as it would allow him to go around anonymously. Harry couldn't add that ability to his bloodline as parseltongue was taking up that slot until Voldemort hit with the killing curse. He was ever so thankful that he had done a ritual that would add that ability to his bloodline. He was also grateful for being Teddy's Godfather as his blood held the key as to making a metamorphmagus bloodline.
Harry cut off the connection to the stone after that. He went to the owlery looking for a confidant. "Fawkes! I have not seen you in a week, where have you been?" Harry waves his hand away like the answer didn't matter, which was probably a good call since Fawkes couldn't communicate to him, "Nevermind. I want to talk about something I've learned recently." Harry said as he sat down in a chair and started talking to the phoenix about what he had learned. Fawkes would respond through his beautiful music calming Harry's mind.
Harry made dinner for Ginny before she came home. She walked in with her beautiful smile and her face lit up at seeing Harry having some wrinkles now. Ginny knew they weren't glamours either as Harry had taught her to be able to detect glamours on sight. She walked up to him and kissed him, showing her appreciation. They would be able to die old together.
Harry sat down on his chair and reverted his appearance to his mid-twenties. Harry concentrated on the power of the ring. Harry could feel the cold presence of Death. Death had begun to teach Harry how to reach out with his soul so he could view the cosmos in all its majesty. If he couldn't explore the Universe then wouldn't have been able to find his new home. It was far more dangerous than one would expect, however. Thinking like a mortal made it difficult to separate his body and his soul. Death or Mandos as the inhabitants of his future home named him tried to help Harry, but Mandos couldn't understand the concept of a mortal body. It took Harry many years to make progress in separating his soul from his body. The only clue he had to go on was when his soul had torn from his body.
Harry forced himself to go over the night Voldemort was resurrected. Voldemort flings the killing curse at Harry to show that he was so far beneath him that he wasn't worth any more time. Harry focused on how his soul was ripped from him as the killing curse hit. The problem was that the curse did not do things naturally. It took Harry many months of experimenting before he was able to identify the feeling of his soul, leaving his body. It was a bad starting point as to what Harry wanted to do, but it was a starting point. Harry spent many years slowly learning how to disengage his soul from his body while ensuring his body stayed tethered to his otherwise he would be without a body. Harry wasn't sure what would happen to him after.
Harry searched planet after planet after that with Death guiding him as he could but navigating the cosmos was incredibly difficult to even in the form of his soul. It was very rarely that the planet he was searching even had life and all planets he had found were primitive and were without magic. The only magic Harry could detect while there was the magic of the Universe. It took thirteen years before he found a planet that had magic. It was a good sign. Harry let himself drift closer to the planet and sent out his magic to search for the immortal people. He wasn't sure what he was looking for when he felt it. There were several groups all over the two continents. He had found the place. He could feel Mandos confirming that he achieved what he had set out to do.
Harry spent his time after that watching Ginny grow older as he worked on building the bridge, well he called it a bridge. It was going to be a modified portkey that would take him to the new world. He channelled magic from Earth, the new planet, the Universe to enchant the portkey. He focused on the intent to take him away to this new world. Harry finished the portkey with plenty of time to spare. Harry decided to continue to Artifice again. Harry wasn't sure how he felt about that he was waiting for his wife to die.
Harry had once again been working on creating the Philosopher's Stone, waiting for his wife to get up. Of course, both of them were retired for twenty years. Harry encouraged them both to enjoy the rest of their lives. After they retired, Harry took them around the world. Constant travelling, learning about other cultures, their languages, history and knowledge. Ginny and Harry had just gotten back from an animal reserve in Brazil. Seeings Ginny's face as they learned about new magical creatures they hadn't known about before was magical. Of course, Ginny was getting to be far too old to keep travelling, and he could tell that she would ask to stop soon. Harry would enjoy those days as well.
Ginny would be waking up soon, so Harry put on Breakfast before heading upstairs to get cleaned up. He checked in on Ginny as he did every time and there she was sleeping. Harry then realised there was something wrong with the way she was sleeping. She wasn't moving. Harry walked over to Ginny and checked her breathing. Harry let out a choked sob when he didn't feel her breathing. Harry sat down on the bed, holding Ginny's hand as time lost all meaning.
Harry got up eventually and started writing letters. Funeral invitations. There weren't many close people they had left. Most were dead. He would visit James, Albus and Lily soon and tell them in person. He would have to get someone to perform the ritual to lay the dead to rest.
It had been a month since the funeral and Harry was ready to let Harry Potter die. Harry had transfigured a few sticks to look like him. James, Albus and Lily had been by to visit often to check up on Harry so they would find him soon. He ensured that the body would look like it had a heart attack. Harry had thought about staying alive longer, but people would start to ask questions, and Harry didn't want to bury his children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren or great-great-grandchildren who he had already met.
Harry had packed what he thought he would need or didn't want to leave behind. Most of the things he was going to take were sentimental items like his journal and his photo album. Harry had a few practical items as well like his tent; a supply of seeds that might not be on this new planet and his pouch. He could take far more, but Harry wanted to leave things for his children; he didn't want anyone to realise he wasn't dead as well. Best to let the world mourn him. He, of course, was also taking the Deathly Hallows with him. Far too dangerous to leave lying around.
It was time to leave Earth to go to this new place. The body looked like he had died while gardening. Harry took out an innocently looking piece of rope and said, "That's one small step for a wizard, one giant leap for wizardkind." Harry couldn't stop grinning as he spoke. He was gone moments later.
Harry groaned as he opened his eyes. He was face down, so he had to swipe his hand across his face to get the dirt off. To finish it off cleaning up he flicked his wrist so that his wand would appear. Only it was there. That's when he looked down and noticed he had nothing with him, even his clothes. He desperately looked around, and that's when he spotted the Deathly Hallows. It wasn't a complete loss then. He also blessed his past self when he remembered that his pouch and journal had a recall feature on them. Lo and behold not a second later, a small pouch is in his hand.
Harry summoned a few rocks from the surrounding area. Harry had planned on wearing his robes until he found the immortal beings. He could then fit in with clothing that matched what they wore. Harry just had a thought and hoped they dressed. Harry was easily able to transfigure a set of clothing that perfectly matched him. He had been a master in the subject for over one-hundred years after all.
Harry did look at the Elder wand with a mournful look. The Deathly Hallows may have come with him, but the wand he usually used had not. The further problem that Harry wasn't that comfortable using the wand. Harry feared that the wand's past might have tainted the wand. Though it didn't feel like that at all, it felt a better fit than any other focus he had possessed, but Harry feared that the wand might deceive him. The wand didn't feel like it was suited to destruction, though could that have been the influence of Albus Dumbledore or the result of it being dormant for many years.
Harry started to plan after that. He needed to find the closest piece of civilisation to find out more about this world. Harry worried he might have to shift through minds at night. He feared even more that these people might have defences for their minds. He would find out soon. Harry did something he rarely did on Earth, Harry transformed into a Merlin Falcon, of course when the twins found out his animagus form was a merlin they bowed down to 'Merlin reincarnated.' Harry was so embarrassed after that.
Harry' started exploring and hunting. His animagus form granted him instincts that did him well in hunting. He made use of its skills in tracking and depending on what he found. He would either take out the animal in his animagus form and turn back into a human to kill the animal. Harry would either have to eat in his animagus form or turn back into a human, then skin and cook the animal. Harry did duplicate his hunt and put under preservation charms. Harry could conjure water easily to tide his thirst.
Harry assumed that he would be able to find the immortal beings by using the Point Me spell on the road, but that didn't work out when any roads that he might use were out of his range of the spell. When Harry asked for settlements, he got the same result. It was a week later that Harry found the immortal beings he was looking for, or rather she first found him.
Harry was in a new forest, hunting for what he was going to eat. His previous kill even though duplicated had almost run out. In conjunction with his animagus, he was projecting his magical sense. It was how he imagined that she found him in the first place. It may make it easier to find things, but it makes you infinitely easier to find yourself.
Harry felt something enter his mind and bypass his mental defences like they weren't there. Literally, the security did not even notice the presence though his mind could. The protections were like the wall that ensured that it helped protect the castle. He would be the men that guarded the border. Harry landed first and turned human. He needn't be distracted from flying. When he was human again, he disillusioned himself and ensured he did not make any noise or smell.
Ready to defend his mind, he concentrated. The presence was attempting to navigate his mind palace - a term he picked up from the muggles - but she as Harry saw her in his mind palace couldn't seem to be able to figure out where she wanted to go. Harry projected the memory of him hunting in the forest and cleared the rest of his mind. Though that method did not work well as Harry had no idea what she was looking for so she would know he was attempting to deceive her. The lady tore down the fake memory, but then they were at a stalemate. Harry trying to push her out of his mind and failing, while all she had access to was a blank void and unable to understand how to gain access to the mind palace again.
Like she was physically there, she turned to him and started speaking to him in another language. Ah, he hadn't thought about the language barriers. If he had, he would have created a language potion though that would require the assistance of one of the natives he had yet met. There was also the second option that worked slower but just as well. He held up a hand as a sign to stop. There was a piece of magic that translated what someone was saying as well as letting you subconsciously learn the language over time. He did not know if it would work with mind speaking, though. When he twirled his wand over himself, he pushed his intent for the spell to work over mind talk as well.
He looked over at the person in his mind. She was an extraordinary beauty he thought to himself though he didn't know if this was what she looked like or what she projected as herself. If this goes well, it could certainly be entertaining to find out though Harry was surprised she seemed very human apart from the pointed ears that screamed elf as he imagined them from fiction.
"Who are you, and what are you doing in my mind?" Harry could feel the spell taking effect and starting to help him understand her language. Harry would know that he had finished learning the language when the spell stopped draining any of his magic.
She looked at him with grace and regality as well as power. Just from her presence in his mind did he feel her power. Harry had been flying around when he recognised her invading his mind, and he wasn't anywhere near her. In fact, she wasn't anywhere close as she didn't come upon his magical sensor. That meant she had reached into his mind from quite a far distance. "I am Lady Galadriel, the ruler with my husband, Lord Celeborn of the Kingdom of Lorien." It was strange that she chose to rule a forest but Harry decided to leave that alone for now and find out later. "I defend this forest by going into the minds of guests and making sure they hold no ill intent." Now wasn't that a curious defence, it would certainly work if he wasn't skilled in the mind arts. "I apologise if you take offence at my methods." She waited for him to nod before asking, "I would still like to view your memories
"I accept your apology." Harry immediately started with an acceptance of the apology. Harry did not want to start making enemies straight away. Harry thought about her request for a few moments. Harry didn't want to let her any further into his mind but this was the only settlement he had found. Harry didn't know what she would do if he didn't accept—maybe letting her view his memories would be the best path? He did have one main problem. He didn't know if he could trust this settlement. What if they were hiding out in a village to wage a war and attempt to conquer a kingdom. "I can not let you into my mind while I cannot trust you."
Lady Galadriel seemed to expect this as she replied, "If I do not sense any deceit from you. I would like to invite you to Lorien where you can meet our people. If you allow me to view your mind, my husband, the Lord of Lorien, will write you a letter of recommendation which could be invaluable for you." Now that was an intriguing offer. The problem was Harry did not understand what she was offering. It would be perfect for him. She decided to sweeten the deal even further, "I will teach you about Arda the world you are on as well."
"I accept, Lady Galadriel," Harry said officially. Harry's mind palace reappeared around them. Harry offered his arm that Lady Galadriel accepted, and he took them into the forbidden forest. Harry had created Hogwarts and the forbidden forest in his mind space as a defensive mechanism. The real way to his memories was in the forbidden forest. He walked along with Lady Galadriel though she seemed not to understand why they were going this way. They finally reached a fallen bit of wood. Harry sat down on the log, and suddenly he appeared in front of a cottage. It took a few moments before Lady Galadriel appeared beside him.
She looked deeply impressed, "I have been in many minds before but never have I experienced something like this. I look forward to seeing what else you have done."
Harry smiled at her and led her into the manor. Harry thought it would likely be impossible to reach where they had, but he had one last security measure. As he reached the door he said, "Ron does not snore but Hermoine definitely does. I have no idea how he put up with her." It was a password that had to be said word to word though he would change it once Lady Galadriel left his mind. In fact he was going to have to drastically change up his mind after she left. Harry took her to the library in his home. Each book had a memory of him sleeping unless you went to a specific page number that would suck you into the memory like Tom Riddle's diary. "Go to page 73 in each book, and it will play a memory."
Harry wasn't sure how long it took for her to interact with each memory, but she eventually finished going through Harry's memories, and they left his mind space. Before they left his mind-space, Harry asked about a thought he had, "How am I going to find out where your settlement is?" Harry did not know if they were a village or a city.
Lady Galadriel an amused smile, "Like you did I'm going to project my magic. You should be able to follow that." Follow that he did. When he felt her projecting her magic, Harry was surprised how far away she was. Harry let the spells that kept him hidden go and turned into his animagus form. It takes an hour to reach Lady Galadriel finally.
Lady Galadriel looks up when she feels him close in as a bird. He lands in front of her and to the shock of people turns back into a man. The beautiful lady found it humorous when all the elves jumped. Harry introduces himself, "Hello, Lady Galadriel. My name is Harry James Potter. Might I say what beautiful settlement you have here." It was as well. These immortal beings seemed to appreciate beauty.
Lady Galadriel smiled at Harry, "Thank you, Mr Potter. Might you come this way? We have much to talk about." Harry nodded with a smile and set off after her.
Harry, of course, wanted something to call her rave apart from immortal beings, so he asked, "I'm not from around here, Lady Galadriel. I was wondering if you could tell me about your race. Starting with your race's name." Lady Galadriel looked very amused by this question but did as asked and started to inform him about Arda.