I wrote this, now I need to sleep since it is past midnight here yikes. I will release part 2 later date. This is a test to run the idea of my OCs. Sorry for anyone waiting for my other updates but Pokemon Sword is a great game.

To clarify if anyone wants a visual of the outfits, they are wearing the same ones as Maria Cadenza Eve and Tsubasa Kazanari in Symphogear anime in Season 3 episode 1.

I don't own Pokemon but I own Victoria, Reina, Camilla, Elena and Lila.

Lila POV

There are soulmates meant for someone else. The first words a person's soulmate says to them are written on their skin on their 16th birthday. The older soulmate wouldn't get their words until there soulmate becomes 16.

My mom would tell us that every person has a song in there heart. My entire life my mom and I lived and breathed music. My mom has a lovely voice and would always sing us to sleep. My mom used to sing for competition and used to tell my sisters and I how thrilling it would be. She loved the chance to share her songs with the world to bring them joy.

Soulmarks are a big mystery of trying to figure out who is out there match fate set them up with. However, not everyone has a soulmark. My mother's family didn't really see soulmark as a blessing but as a curse. They set my mother with a man for her in hopes she would never meet her soulmate. My mother had four daughters, and I am the youngest one. We are all 2 years apart my oldest sister is Reina, then Camilla, then Elena and me, Lila. Let me say that I never forgave my mom's parents for insisting soulmarks are a sign of a damaged soul. That my mom needs to be fixed, that thank goodness my father was there to help my mom.

Ya right.

The only thing that is important is that my mom raised us, after her husband was arrested. But we don't exactly tell that to everyone. It was his doing that forced my mom having to move us.

He caused an accident and Reina my big sister paid for it dearly. She spent hours in surgery from the rockslide she was caught in and was told that because of the delicacy of her health she couldn't become a challenger.

Before the accident she had a charmander she was caring for. Because we were moving to Kanto Reina left the charmander with her best friend Leon.

I only remember barely being at the hospital while Reina was in the hospital bed looking so pale and so sad and everyone else crying. Leon and the small Charmander were in her bed sleeping together refusing to leave her. At 4 years old I can faintly remember Leon hugging Reina while Charmander would hug her stomach

Before we left to Kanto, I still watch the video my mom has of Reina hugging Hop, his mother and Leon goodbye. Also Reina gave Leon the Charmander she was going to capture. She wanted him to raise Charmander to his potential and well that was what Leon did.

We spent a couple of years in Kanto and Reina went through some intense therapy. Because of the accident it caused her problems with her heart leaving her much more out of breath than usual. However he never stopped smiling. She would always watch Leon's every battle and it would leave her smiling. They spent the first couple of years in contact after Leon became Champion. My mom however was stressed with the bills trying to raise 4 girls on her own with no help.

We couldn't afford much but we didn't care. It was frustrating when it was evident that my family couldn't afford a lot, especially at Pokémon School in Kanto. Reina on her good days would take us to the library where we would learn all about different kind of Pokémon. We would spend hours at the library and take quite a few books home.

I pride myself in hunting down great deals in the store. If there was a special, I would know. If there are coupons for one item, I would know. If on a certain day and time there would be a limited special, you can bet your bottom Pokedollar that I would be there.

My sisters and I followed in mom's footsteps and would listen to music and even added a musical touch to her songs that she never finished.

We never forgot Galar and we would try to keep in touch with the Dande family. But as time passed Reina's contact with Leon grew less and less, my friendship with Hop grew more and more.

My family won a trip to Alola thanks to Elena sending in a story of why she believes she deserves to visit the Aether Foundation.

The announcement was weird though. It was hours after Elena's birthday when they announced who won. Elena didn't win but apparently the owner of the Aether Foundation showed up again suddenly tv interview announcing that because of the results she is adding another winner. Elena was the winner.

Elena was rather excited considering how her soulmark showed up burning at close to her right ankle.

"No I'm not. Actually maybe you should get your head checked. I've never seen someone get thrown off a Ride Pokémon like that."

Camilla found out that in Alola they used Ride Pokémon to get from place to place. Although the second she found out it sent Elena to a frenzy in packing and researching in every kind of Ride Pokémon and where to use them. Of course only Elena would ignore the fact that she must have been injured badly considering her soulmates reaction.

We packed our bags and it couldn't have arrived better. Mom had already resigned her from her old job and was already looking for something better. I spent that time calculating all the funds considering Alola was known for its amazing food that I wanted to learn how to cook. Reina was excited since the hospital gave her the green light to go out as long as she doesn't stay on her feet too long.

Camilla well plotted each and every site we were going to visit. She found out about Ride Pokémon and well was insistent that we indeed were going to find Elena's soulmate even if it almost kills Elena.

My mom (Victoria) sighed and made a call on the policy of Alola due to head injuries.

Camilla POV

As the second daughter I pride myself as playing the protector for my younger sisters. I do everything I can as I to protect them, especially from themselves. I mean mainly said sister named Elena, a walking accident waiting to happen.

A lot has happened since Reina's accident. She has been improving more but the doctors said that there is a medication in Alola they have been developing that could help Reina live a better almost normal life.

We all need this vacation, especially Reina. For so many years I see Reina getting sick looking like a Zigzagoon and I mean the non Galarian ones.

We all needed good news in our lives, and well with soulmates I hope my sisters' find there prince charming. That includes mom. She deserves someone who treats her with respect she deserves.

Although that doesn't stop me from being irritated from my soulmark. That cheeky ugh.

"Hi soulmate"

I mean really? Mom reckons I must have spoken first which explains his reaction.

The trip has been amazing in Alola. Everything looks amazing and most of all, our trip to seeing the Aether Foundation was amazing. Getting to see all the Pokémon being rehabilitated and everything was amazing. I got to even play with a bunch of Litten despite what my mom says how I jumped in with them.

The founder Lusamine was an interesting woman. She was rather passionate about her work. Although when it came to her children, things got interesting. When mom turned to us to introduce ourselves to Lusamine, she got very enthusiastic when Elena introduced herself. I mean she got up close and personal pulling her into a hug. Her daughter Lillie was even more flustered then she was earlier when Lusamine introduced Lillie as her "darling baby."

Lillie wanted to show us this one of the amazing sights, and to be honest I was very excited although Reina was so excited she had exhausted herself. Lillie was kind enough to find a couple of Rider Pokémon for us to use. I was very excited for sightseeing that I forgot that Elena is going to be experiencing a head injury. Although, we all could agree that Lusamine's earlier comment on looking forward to introduce her rambunctious little boy to us. Lillie was half laughing and half embarrassed at her mother's comment.

Not even moments after Elena got comfortable on her Rider Pokémon, it happened. A rattata appeared out of nowhere scaring the tauros. We got out of the way but Elena's foot got caught on the saddle and shrieked as the tauros charged forward.

I heard Lillie yell "Gladion!" as I watched in horror as Elena was thrown off the tauros landing at the side of the river scaring some water Pokémon into splashing Elena. There was a blond guy that went rushing to Elena's aid.

He had pale blonde hair that was shaved on the sides with a ripped design on it. He had also long tousled bangs that covered his right eye.

He was wearing a grey hooded sweater with a red slash resembling a scar on it, a black long sleeve shirt with ripped sleeves, ripped black pants and, red shoes with grey soles and black laces. He also has a red rectangular bag around his waist. In addition, he wears a Z-Ring on his left wrist.

"Am I dead? Am I dead? Oh wow, I'm alive" she was stammering out as she looked at the blonde teen. "I must be dead, I mean you are very cute to be my guardian angel to see. I mean you are cute, like that cute guy from the docks. Although I'm sad I never got to meet Lusamine's rambunctious son." Elena rambled to the blonde guy that now that I got a good look I noticed he has the same hair colour and eyes like Lillie and Lusamine.

The guy was wide eye and blushing as Elena was rambling while Lillie to my surprise started laughing. I took her as someone who was composed. The guy was trying to glare at Lillie but the blush on his face ruined it.

He turned to Elena who was partially blushing; he said those words to her. "No I'm not. Actually maybe you should get your head checked. I've never seen someone get thrown off a Ride Pokémon like that."

Reina was clapping in excitement as the rest of us cheered. Although we did take Elena to a hospital. Lusamine did get very excited although she confessed to most of us that when Gladion got his words, Lusamine saw the letter and refused to take any chances and added in funds to fly Elena and us. It was sweet at first, until Lusamine mentioned she can't wait for black wavy haired green eyed grandchildren.

Reina snuck Elena and Gladion out of the restaurant so they could get some privacy together and let me tell you it was evident those two really got along. Lusamine made a job offer to mom to the Aether Foundation. Although mom and Reina had to go back to Kanto to make the transfer in hospital and even though I told mom I should go help she wanted me to stay back to help keep an eye on Elena and Lila.

We temporarily stayed at the manor, only when mom and Reina came back they came back with a couple of extra guests, a female Pikachu and female squirtle.

The funny thing is that even after everything Pikachu and Squirtle became part of the family.

Reina POV

It was 2 years and since Elena met Gladion and a lot has happened. For starters we continued on singing and eventually became a group. Our mom used to be a singer calling herself "Lady Masquerade or Azure Lady Mask or Azure." We call our band the Masquerade Quartet. Although the public began calling us the Rainbow Masked Ladies considering we all wear masks when we go out to sing. Although we do all have our own colours we wear. Lila wears pink in all her outfits including the mask. Elena wears green, Camilla wears red, and I wear orange. It is relieving that we all decided to stay with masks hiding our identity. Despite not being in Galar for years it is nerve-wracking walking the streets of Motostoke. I remember those times I was bullied because of how sick I was. Girls used to say I was not pretty enough to become a trainer or anything. Leon was my only friend growing up, and although I was his rival, his friend and to be honest he was my prince charming. He was the first one to welcome me to the school despite my ragged hand me downs from the charity bin.

Leon introduced me to Sonia and Raihan and we were excited to possibly start a Pokémon journey together. I was plotting to possibly get sponsored in hopes to earn enough money to get my mom and sisters away from that man. It broke my heart that I never got the chance to experience being a Challenger by Leon's side. The school I went to didn't teach me a lot about Pokémon because that man refused to allow us to get any possibility to be a Pokémon Trainer. He didn't like Pokémon and they didn't like him.

But because of the accident he caused leaving me injured, he stopped me from my dream of being a Challenger. I wanted to prove to Leon that I could keep up. But everything was gone, and because we couldn't afford to take the Charmander I called Matches with us I gave him to Leon.

I am proud how far Leon and Matches went. The unbeatable duo, the champions of Galar. But it broke my heart as the years passed and I would see popular models at Leon's arm.

It left me crying for a while, until I turned 16 when I got my words.

"Fate? Maybe its fate being cruel, but I love you. I have been in love with you for so long and I have been for so many years. I want to be with you, please give me a chance to love you. I want to be your prince charming."

That got me crying because I love Leon and there is my soulmate who has been in love with me and I really want to love him. I just hope he would be patient with me.

When we got to Galar, as much as I wanted to see if I could find Leon or Hop or even some of Leon's classmates like Raihan or Nessa or even Sonia but every time I tried to reach for my Rotom phone I froze remembering those cruel comments from my ex classmates.

Plus Leon is dating this model from Kalos according to the media where she is going to be starring in a movie. I couldn't go see him without wanting to cry. I did keep in touch with him but we have been in contact less and less.

My sisters have said that I shouldn't worry since I am much hotter, but I still feel like that ugly little girl kids made fun of.

Lila however wanted to try to be a challenger, and bless Gladion's soul he got someone to sponsor Lila, actually it was supposed to be Lila and Elena as challengers but Elena dropped out last minute because in the end of the day she loves training Pokémon but she wants to sing more. What was funny was that Gladion ended up following us after those two had a night apart. He can be rather serious and calm but with Elena he always found a reason to smile.

Registration accidentally threw out Lila's form for trainers out of region but kept Elena's so I how we did it but Lila got registered. At least Lila managed to file the form for Pokémon out of region so Lila could use her Alolan Vulpix she named Elena. Yes after our sister.

There was a concert opening for the Challengers to welcome them and I was nervous because Camilla and I were going to be singing our new hit song. Galaxy Cross.

Camilla has strap on navy blue heels showing her blue nail polish on her toenails. Camilla's hair was curled together to ha ponytail with lilac coloured roses in her hair. She wore a crop top like outfit that was navy blue with sheer dark blue material covering her sides. She had a short dark blue skirt. Also with puffy sleeves that look like pale purple rose that had dark blue sleeves. Although she had a sheer like big bow that flowed behind her kind of like a tail.

I had my hair pulled into a ponytail with curls at the end and pale purple flowers at my ponytail. I had strappy blue heels and my skirt kind of resembled a pale pink rose and the suit looked with what looked like a corset that revealed my sides.

The edge of the corset resembled a bit of the flower petal revealing a little bit of cleavage but nothing too distasteful. Also I had fitting dark blue sleeves with an oversized sheer bow on my back kind of like a tail.

I sang with all during the song. As I sung I kind of skated closer to the audience only to see Leon looking excited to see the orange Lady Mask/Masquarade.

"Let's convey it" Camilla sang, so I had to take cue.

"I love you!" I sang and towards Leon as I was turning "now it's time to break free."

The rest of the night was a blur, but had I paid attention I would have noticed Leon's expression of shock as he looked as his left wrist. Raihan looked at Leon as Leon looked at the words on his wrist with a longing expression.

"I love you."