Chapter one: Uncovering and trailer
Author's note: Yep, I took up inspiration from Doctor Snivy from "Night raid watches death Battle." The only reason is that I seem to like it and most of the characters survives. Also, check if I did any typos or/ and grammar please inform me via review. P.S. I haven't read the manga but I did play the Modern Warfare Trilogy. Also, this is my first ever fanfic and I have to give credits to Doctor Snivy for inspiring me to write this fanfic.
Disclaimer: This is only a fanfic. So, do not get any plageriasation ideas. This fanfic is set in the same as Doctor Snivy but set in an alternate timeline where three characters find another room.
Akame Ga Kill Belongs to Takahiro and Tetsuya Tashiro
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Trilogy belongs to Activision and Infinity Ward
In a secret base far away from an Imperial Capital, there was a certain group called the Night Raid, who assist the Revolutionary Army to overthrow the Corrupt Empire and kill the person behind all of this, Prime minister Honest. Currently, they were in a certain Room discussing on their mission. Well. More like watching and having fun.
In the Room, there were the Night Raid led by the Former Imperial General Najenda. With her was a certain brown haired kid Tatsumi, the current user of the imperial Arm: Incuriso. Next to him on the left was a pink hair girl Mine: who wields the Imperial Arm: Pumpkin. On the Right was Chelsea, who owns the Imperial Arm: Gaea Foundation. Next to Mine was a certain Blonde Hair girl with a revealing outfit Leone and the Red eyed girl on the left side of Leone was Akame, who wields the Poisonous sword Murasame. On the Right, a clumsy airhead girl named Sheele was currently reading a book. On her right said was Susanoo, an organic Imperial Arms and on her left was Bulat, the former user of Incuriso. Next to Najenda was a perveted green haired kid named Lubbock, the user of the Imperial Arm: Cross Tail.
They weren't the only group in the room. With them were the Secret Police called the Jaegers led by the former Imperial General Esdeath, the user of Extract Demon. With her was Kurome, Akame's younger sister, the man with a mask Bols, a former soldier in the incineration Squad, Dr Stylish, a crazed scientist, Run, a former teacher who wants to avenge his massacred Students, A girl with a robotic Arm Seyru who was cuddling Koro, another organic imperial Arms, and then there was Tatsumi's counterpart, Wave, a former Imperial Navy Officer and user of Grand Chariot.
Then, another group that were from the Empire was the Wild Hunt and the Four Rakshasa Demons. Luckily, they were only two members from each group. From the Wild Hunt was Cosmia, who wields the Imperial Arms Heavy Pressure and Dorothea, who was a big fan of Dr Stylish. From the Four rakshasa Demons was Mez, daughter of the now defunct Elite Seven and Suzuka, who was a masochist and also a bisexual.
After watching the recent episode of Death Battle, Tatsumi, along with Lubbock and Wave were walking in the hallway discussing about their latest mission. That is until Wave Spotted something.
"Hey guys, what's that?" Wave pointed at the sealed metal door.
"Dunno, we haven't checked it out since we moved here, Lubbock answered.
"Guys," both Lubbock and Wave looked at Tatsumi. "Maybe it's like another Death Battle room."
Now that caught the duos' attention and with along Tatsumi, they entered the room. What caught their attention was that the TV was much bigger that almost everyone with them could watch and in between them and the TV was three DVDs and a … gaming console? Now that caught their attention, they have never seen a console before and the trio decided to check it out. Wave then closed the door quietly to not drive the attention of others and soon inspected the room.
The trio was so amazed at the room. there was a couch so large that could probably fit not only them but almost everyone. "Hey guys, what's Call of Duty?" Tatsumi's and Wave's attention were drawn towards Lubbock who was holding the three DVDs. The three then inspected the DVDs that said Call of Duty. What was eye-catching to them was that the three DVDs said Modern Warfare. As laid the three DVDs down on top of the console, the three then spotted something. On the left was Modern Warfare, the one on the middle was Modern Warfare 2 and the one on the right was Modern Warfare 3. Basically, it was set in chronological order.
"Guys, do you think that these DVDs could help us in the Revolution?" Tatsumi asked the two.
"Probably," both Wave and Lubbock replied. There was three seconds of silence before they decided to check it out. obviously, Wave put the First Modern Warfare inside the console since it would be logical for them to play the game in chronological order and soon Tatsumi grabbed the remote which was a controller and the three then went to the couch, where Wave and Lubbock were.
As soon as the TV opened, the first thing to pop out was the word, 'Activision' and soon another word came up that says, 'Infinity Ward'.
Now that questioned the three. Was it a DVD or something. But before their question could be answered, they heard a voice.
Unknown: fifty thousand people used to live here. Now it's a ghost town.
The unknown voice wasn't kidding as the three saw a lot of abandoned buildings and a huge Ferris wheel. This shocked the trio and soon questions started to pop up in their heads.
the screen went black and the words came out in green saying 'PRIPYAT, UKRAINE, CHERNOBYL OUTSKIRTS'
Unknown/Zakhaev: Our so-called leaders. Prostituted us to the West. Destroyed our cultures. [The screen flashes to what appears to be a moving grass moving stealthily towards incoming enemy patrol] our economies. [The screen flashes again] our honour.
The screen went black again until there was a helicopter shooting missiles towards the ground forces.
Newscaster: US marines stationed on high alert were given the order the small... [switches to soldiers wearing black and a gasmask attacking a cargo ship and switches to where a marine was breaching]
The screen switches to another part where a coup was happening and the screen switches towards a car and to the person in the back seat where the enemy forces were shooting the civilians who were lined up facing towards the wall.
"ONLY SHIT!" the trio could say after witnessing the killings.
The screen switches multiple times to numerous missions and witness the warfare from several places before the screen shows what appears to be a nuclear detonation before the helicopter hits the screen. After it hits the screen the words pop up saying 'Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare'.
After witnessing the intro of the game, the trio had thoughts about this. Both Wave and Lubbock were former soldiers who swore to protect the innocent and swore not to do harm on innocent civilians. However, Tatsumi had another idea. The idea that since the death battle experience they just had, from using weapons and tactics, he thought that copying the weapons and tactics was good for them and the Revolutionary Army.
"So, what do you think?" Tatsumi asked the two former soldiers.
"Well," Lubbock spoke up. " I think we should play this. We three may have made a discovery." Both wave and Tatsumi agreed on Lubbock's recommendation and the trio looked at the screen before Tatsumi pressed on the tab ' new game'.
Unknown to the trio, two people were watching them and smiled at them at their recent discovery. "Well, this is too interesting for them, ain't it?"
Well, that goes to my first introduction to Night Raid play the Modern Warfare trilogy. Comment in review for any suggestions.