The Waving Angel

Chapter 1:

Jonathan and Mark are driving down the road in a Metropolitan Midwestern city in the United States, when Mark is distracted talking to Jonathan saying, "Have you ever noticed how unnice people are, did you see how that fella in the green car cut in front of the white car at the drive-thru over at the 'Heavenly Hamburger joint?" Mark pauses for a minute and then asks, "I'm telling you Jonathan why doesn't the Boss...?"


At a stoplight that was red, a yellow Beetle Bug Volkswagen with pink polka dots and a big black fake eyelash with red trim painted around where the hood and car meet to make it look like a pretty smile with lipstick bumped into Mark and Jonathan. Mark brushes his beard with one hand and says to Jonathan, "Oh no, Jonathan a car like that has to belong to either a clown, a woman, a muscle man or a 'fruitcake' and I don't want to deal with either."

Jonathan replies back, "Mark don't judge, you never know until you know."

Jonathan and Mark get out of the car and walk towards the car they hit, the light is still red. The person in front gets out and walks toward the rear car. He's a fat jolly sort then it strikes Jonathan. Jonathan blurts in gladness, "It's Willy the waver. Mark, you remember him? He wanted Melvin Rich the banker running for political office to be nice. Both saw what it was really like to walk in another man's shoes literally"

Mark replies, "Cute car."

Willy replies, "The Boss gave it to me by way of request. If people laugh they smile and when they are smiling they are happy and when they are happy, of course they are nice."

Mark responds, "What if they laugh at you instead of with you?"

Willy answers, "That's when I pull this string, watch." Willy pulls a string and the left headlight winks, twitches the false looking mouth as if blowing a kiss and bubbles come out of the tailpipe with the tune playing to Lawrence Welk.

Willy changes the subject and says, "Jonathan here's a telegram from the Boss. We are teamed up on this assignment but not teamed as well, read it, Jonathan."

Jonathan reads, "Jonathan Smith. A Assistant basketball coach to Prince University team is here at a Hotel. Head coach got an eye infection and needs you to coach the team in the championship game this weekend. Here are your credentials and instructions. Mark will act as an official for the scoreboard."

Willy adds, "Mine says about the samething, Jonathan. Only I'm the assistant coach for the University of Lexington. Prince University and University of Lexington are heated rivals. A lot is riding on this game Jonathan, both head coaches have heated tempers. Prince University's head coach has slamed chairs down on the basketball court before and yelled to University of Lexington's head coach. He also cusses a lot and shakes players whom goof up. Jonathan, about 7 years ago, 3 players wound up in the Hospital because the coach lost his temper. Both teams know if they win the championship their coaches may treat them better and are scared to lose. Our assignment Jonathan is to help both head coaches and both basketball teams to be nice."

As they are standing to the side of the road talking a Police car pulls behind them and a Police Officer walks toward them and asks, "Is there a problem here?"

Willy answers, "No Officer, our cars bumped but no damage is done these men are friends of mine."

The Offices says, "Well see that you clear the road."

Willy Waves bye to the Officer and says, "Be nice."

The Office asks, "Who do you think I am Sheriff Andy Taylor of Mayberry?" The Officer drives on and Chuckles at the funny yellow car.

Mark and the two Angels go to their respective Hotels to be with the ball team they represent. Mark has to stay at a bed and breakfast in Town away from Jonathan.

At the Hotel where Jonathan is staying he meets the head coach who will be assistant to him, his name is Frank Smith. Frank says upon meeting Jonathan, "You must be Jonathan Smith. I recognize you from the story they did on you in Time Magazine. My name is Smith also are we related?"

Jonathan answers, "No I don't think so."

Frank asks, "You're not part of the Cincinnati Smiths are you?"

Jonathan answers, "No, I came from farther North."

Frank asks, "Do you mind if I call you Johnny? My best friend and buddy from High School was named Johnny. We went to Nam together, (He's disturbed), that's where he was killed."

Frank was near a soft cushion chair at the time and he clutched his teeth together and punched the back of the chair and says, "Johnny Angelo..., no reason at all he had to die!" Claming down same Frank says, "But you reminded me of him. A man of few words and when he spoke he was straight to the point. Can I call you Johnny?"

Jonathan answers, "Sure."

Jonathan has a better idea of why Frank throws chairs and yells and has his ball team scared of him. Frank cannot forget the horrors of Vietnam and thinks of them often. Also his buddy died back there and his full of blame and guilt.

Will Jonathan be able to help Frank Smith overcome the nightmares of Vietnam? Will Prince University win the championship? Will the ball players be able to play basketball in sweat and love for the game or will they be gripped by fear over what he the head coach will say and do?

To Be Continued