Ruby Rose, the Leader of Team RWBY, A young 15 year old Huntress-in-training of Beacon Academy and the friend and secret crush of the one and only Jaune Arc. The little red hood's first friend in Beacon has been expelled, because of false transcripts. Ever since Cardin backstab the blonde doofus by telling the Headmaster about the transcripts and got expelled. Jaune is horrified on that very moment. She is devastated and stressed, because her best friend will leave Beacon Academy.
Weiss Schnee, the Heiress of the Schnee Dust Company, and the W of Team RWBY. Ever since she heard about the blonde dork's expulsion, she was furious, but some part of her is a bit sad that Jaune will leave. But still think that Jaune is not worthy and capable of being here in such prestigious academy. But boy Weiss you're so dead wrong.
Blake Belladona, the former ex-terrorist of the White Fang, and the B of Team RWBY. She heard about Jaune's expulsion and feels bad about it. When Jaune knows the she is a faunus and a former ex-terrorist. Jaune didn't mind that she's a faunus and keep it a secret. Even though they barely talk to each other, and they just have some mild conversation whenever they sometime see each other in the library
Yang Xiao-Long, the blond bombshell and the last member of Team RWBY. She heard about Vomit-boy's expulsion and feels sad about it, since Team RWBY and Team JNPR are friends, Yang and Jaune sometimes hangout in the club or play arcade in the downtown.
But the most depressed of all…
Pyrrha Nikos, the now Team Leader of Team (J)NPR, and the not-so-secret crush of the blonde knight. Of all people she is the most depressed and sad of Jaune's expulsion. The redhead spartan feels regret that she didn't do anything to let Jaune stay in Beacon.
Lie Ren, the Asian-looking martial artist of Team (J)NPR, Jaune is Ren's best buddy and also like a brother that he never have. He also feels sad about Jaune's departure.
Lastly, Nora Valkyrie, the hammer wielder and the last member of Team (J)NPR, She wants to go to the Headmaster's office and slam her Magnhild in front of the wizard and convince him to let the blonde knight stay. But she can't do anything about it and watch her fearless leader leave.
It's been 6 months since Jaune expelled in Beacon. Team RWBY and Team (J)NPR were in their dorms wearing their usual combat outfits and chilling until…
"Ouch, my back, it hurts!" Ruby exclaimed sees herself on the ground, feels like she falls on her back.
Suddenly Team RWBY and NPR appears into an unknown place. They see so many seats, two doors on each side of this large room and a big screen facing the seats. They conclude that they are in a theater room.
"Where the hell are we?!" Weiss said and looks around her surroundings.
"What is this places? Is this some sort of a theater room?" Pyrrha said taking a look around.
"Well it looks like a theater room anyway" Yang commented.
"Who the brought us here, is someone just kidnapped us? No whydidhejustkidnapusimstilleatingmypanca-" Nora rapidly said in panic while Ren calms her down.
"Nora just calm down, we must find a way out of here" Ren said in a calm demeanor trying to think a plan to get out.
"Whoever take us here, we have to-" Blake continues to speak until she sees something glowing from the side.
They were shock to see several people appear. Team CFVY, Team CRDL, Team SSSN, Professor Ozpin, Professor Goodwitch, Professor Port, and Professor Oobleck confused on where they are right now.
"Wow, my head hurts right now, oh hey guys" Sun said and sees everyone, inside his mind he was utterly shocked.
"Yo, dude where are we?!" Neptune exclaimed in panic and Coco speaks.
"That is also the same question that we want to ask, maybe all of us want to know where .ARE WE!" Coco shouted
"By the way, why are they here!?" Yang growled and point out Team CRDL, the team that reminds her of the blonde knight's expulsion.
"Well we don't know why we are here, and what's with that look on your face bimbo?" Cardin smug on the insult that he gave on the blonde
"What did you just say!" Yang yelled in rage with red color on her eyes and slight glow of her hair. Blake tries to calms her down while Team CRDL feared the blond bomber's anger and might get their balls crushed (BALL BREAKER!)
Meanwhile Ruby wants to ask the Headmaster on where they are right now, but the wizard has no clue either on what unknown force brought them in this place.
"Professor Ozpin, who do you think brought us here?" Glynda ask the wizard but unfortunately, he has no idea.
"Sorry Glynda, I don't have an idea who might brought us here, I was just sipping coffee and do some paperwork in the office then suddenly I was just transported here in an instance" Ozpin said and Glynda nodded in acceptance until everyone sees another bright glow and see some unexpected people.
Some of them are happy, some of them are shocked, and some didn't expect that they will meet again. It appears of General Ironwood, Winter, Willow, Whitley, Jacques, Penny ,Taiyang, Qrow, Raven, and surprisingly Summer Rose.
"Dad!" both Yang and Ruby exclaimed in unison and pounce to their father and give him a big warm hug.
"Oh, hello girls how are you doing and how's… school?" Taiyang just stop talking when he see the love of her life, Summer Rose, and also the one who left and broke his heart, Raven Branwen.
"Summer" Tai said with tears on his eyes also Ruby and Yang
"Hello, Tai it's been a while huh" Summer said in nervousness and tears in her eyes, she suddenly get hugged by her husband and her two daughters and start crying in joy.
"Mom please don't leave us again" Ruby cried out and hug her mother whole-heartedly
"Don't worry my little rose I will never you again and we will together as whole family again" Summer smiled with tears swelled the warm hugs and greetings gets caught by their attention by Raven.
"Ahem… its been a long time seens we last met, and how are you Yang?" Raven said with no expression on her face
The Xiao-Long Rose family just narrowed their eyes and glared to her, Yang doesn't know how she should feel, she is angry that her birth mother abandoned her and her family. But Yang has questions that only Raven can answer. She wants to talk speak to her mother until Qrow just spoke up.
"Hello sis, it's been a long time, how the 'family' of bandits that you are leading with?" Qrow said mockingly and sarcastically
"Im fine… Brother" Raven replied.
"Winter" Weiss smile to see her sister again
"Hello there my little sister, how is Beacon?" Winter asked also happy that her little sister is here
"Splendid!, My studies are really good, I got some friends and having some fun in " Beacon Winter" Weiss cheeringly answered which make Winter smiled
"What is Father and Whitley are doing here mother?" Weiss ask
"I don't know Weiss, We just appeared here out of nowhere" Willow answered think who is responsible for this.
"Hello Jacques, it's been a while. How's the business?" Ironwood greet the old Schnee hag in a friendly manner
"The company is at good stake James" Jacques said in calmly, treating everything is like business
The Schnee family takes the seat while Weiss sat next to Ruby, Ironwood sat next to Winter. Everyone has some conversation, each one of them are taking there seats. Until 4 large glows appears in front of them(Yes Mista is waving). One glow is consist of Ghira, Kali, Adam, Ilia, and Sienna which makes happy to see her parents and hissed that she sees her ex-partner Adam Taurus. The next glow appears to be Roman, Neo, Cinder, Mercury, and Emerald still wearing there Haven uniforms. And third glow that makes Beacon Staff more specifically Ozpin, Qrow, Glynda, and Ironwood terrified in there sits. The glow appears of Tyrian, Hazel, Watts, and Salem. The last glow appears to be a female version of Jaune with dirty blonde and the other one is a chocolate skin woman with glasses and holding a baby
"And where are we, oh… hello their dear Ozpin" Salem said venom on her words.
"Salem" Ozpin said and narrowed his eyes
Team RWBY, NPR, Coco, and Velvet approach the blonde women, she looks like Jaune but a female version of it. The woman speaks first
"Hi there my names Saphron Cotta-Arc and this is my wife Terra Cotta-Arc" Saphron greeted kindly and Terra waved happly and greeted also.
"Wait your Vomit boy's sister!" Yang exclaimed in shock and get elbowed by her partner.
"Vomit boy? Ohhh so your Jaune's friends in Beacon, I'm so glad to finally meet you all" Saphron friendly said.
"And this my son Adrian Cotta-Arc, our son" Terra shows their son to the group.
The group gushed cutely and in awe on how cute Adrian is. And the baby giggled which makes them awe even more.
"You know what it really reminds me about Vomit boy and his cute childhood pictures that we actually saw in his scroll hehe" Yang remembered Jaune's cute pictures which made the girls blush a little but heavily blushed for Ruby, Pyrrha, and Velvet. Which also remember Jaune himself. They were sad except for Weiss who is little bit annoyed when Yang mention that dunce.
"I hope that I just do something to let him stay" Pyrrha said in sadness and regret.
"Don't worry Pyrrha, if we ever find Jaune we will visit and make him comeback to us" Ruby said to comfort the Spartan but also remembers Jaune's goofy smile which made her blush.
"Yeah what she said, we will make him comeback to us, right Renny?" Nora cheered
"Agreed on that one Nora" Ren said with a warm smile which Nora giggled
Everything went well for everyone except for Salem's group and Ozpin. Each starts to fight but there powers, weapons, and semblances are gone and didn't work.
"Wha-what is this my maiden's powers aren't working!" Cinder uttered in shock
Everyone felt shivers and tensed because of Salem's anger but also sighs in relief that a chaos didn't start. Until they heard a voice of someone.
"Y'all welcome everyone folks please take your seats and calm the hell down!"
Everyone sees a tall dark man wearing a brown comboy suit. He has cigar on his mouth, thick lips and a horseshoe tattoo on his forehead.
"And who you might be mister?" Ozpin asked with a hint of suspicion
"The name Horseman wizard, and I'm a God and I'm also the one send all of ya here. So my room my rules ya chumpy bastards" Horseman said strictly and eyed everyone else in the room and release a strong Aura.
Everyone feels shivers on their spines even Salem. They believe that this man is really a god. Horseman calms down that made everyone sighs in relief because of the tense until the gentle thief speaks and asks.
"Why are we here anyways" Roman asked the god with a hint of fear.
"Chill out der ya thief don't be afraid I wont hurt ya all of you and here grab some fresh smooth cigar" Horseman smiled cheeky making everyone relaxed and give Roman some cigar and lights up for him that made Roman happy
"Ok folks I'll tell ya why all of ya here, its involved of the Vale's pride, the greatest, the best of all time, your friendly Jaune Arc!" Everyone is shock about what they heard especially the Beacon group.
"Really we gonna watch Jaune huh, its been a while since we last talked to each other" Sun commented
"Who is this Jaune dude anyway?" Sage asked
"The team leader of JNPR, you that scraggly blond knight, he was a cool guy though" Neptune said with a compliment that make Sage 'ahh' in reply
"That weakling, really well this will be a boring waste of time" Mercury said boringly on his words but boy you will regret saying that and know the power of the-
"We will that dunce's life?" Weiss remarked
"Well, we will watch Jaune-y boy huh" Cardin smugged
"Hey don't be like dat y'all I prefer watching him than any other legenderary huntsman dat lived in Remnant" Horseman defended the blond knight with a grin on his face.
This make Salem intrigued on why a god is interested in such a weakling, she just take a seat from the far back with the rest of her pawns waiting to start the show.
"Friend Ruby, who is this Jaune person?" Penny ask
"Oh uh Jaune is one of my besties in Beacon, his a great friend Penny we are like kindred spirits because we have the same likes though. I wish I hope his still here in Beacon with us" Ruby saddened which make Penny pat her back to make her feel okay.
"O'right people take your freakin seats and enjoy the ride, but before we start"
Horseman said that make everyone in their seats eyes on him.
"The left door is a bathroom if ya open it, there are two paths, go to the left for da boys and right for da girls. While da right is where we take our lunch and dinner break, ya undastand y'all?" Everyone nodded until Horseman ask a question which make everyone's eyes furrowed.
"What do ya know about da STEEL BALL RUN RACE?"
A/N: So that's the end of this chapter folks, I hope ya like it. This story is inspire by my favorite author PlayingRascal (man that dude is awesome). This gives me to write a fic about Jaune being Johnny, because Jaune is really my favorite, because even though his a weak fighter his a good leader and now boy look how my boy grow in Volume 7. And Johnny because Steel Ball Run is the best so far.
I will try to add some OP end make a Ending song and other theme songs that I will borrow. Sorry if I made this fic poor in grammer and dialogues because this is my first fic and SBR is my favorite in Jojo's so far. That's all
-Dragon out