# Author's Note: So, this is going to be my first fiction I have written. I have read a lot of fictions, so I hope I do not make the same mistakes I see. Constructive criticism is appreciated! I will not be using any Japanese except for when it would be easier to read/understand. I drew inspiration for this story from Rogue Lawman's "Naruto Monster Summoner" #

# I solemnly swear I do not own Naruto or any other franchises that might get used.#

Chapter 1: Sign Me Up

We join our young hero as he leaves the bustling city center of Konoha to the training grounds that dot along the outskirts of the village. The reason why Naruto is heading to the training grounds was to try out a new jutsu the teachers at the academy talked about in class today. It was called the Summoning Jutsu and after the teacher gave a demonstration summoning a squirrel the size of a bulldog he started to memorize the hand seals and that you needed blood to do it, this had the adverse effect of him not hearing the teacher tell them about how summoning without a contract is so dangerous people have died doing it. So, when he finally arrived at training ground two, he was prepared to try and do his first summon. Little did he know but he caught the attention of a silver haired anbu, currently off duty, following him. As he bit his hand, drew up his chakra, and started the hand seals it was to late for Kakashi to warn Naruto before he shouted "Summoning Jutsu" he vanished in a poof of smoke. 'The Hokage is going to have my ass' Kakashi thought praying to Kami that he ends up with a contract allied with their village and not with a different one like Iwa.

***** Page Break, Location: Bran Castle, Monster Summon Realm******

It had been an off day for Dracula that was for certain. It really started when he woke up and he just could not place why today was different nothing ever changed in their realm and that is how most of them like it. At first it was small things like a small group of vampire asking if he could go outside their summons's boarders to hunt in the Mice summons realm, then Frank sending a messenger zombie telling him that a handful of zombies tried too cross over into the Deer summons realm. After those two events he was close to calling a meeting with the other monster heads but held off thinking that would be the end of the oddities of the day's events. That was until the hunting party came back with news, news that made him call that meeting.

***** Page Break Location: Hokage Office, Time: 25 minutes after Naruto disappeared*****

As Kakashi was walking into the Hokage's office, having to wait because he was in a meeting with the elders, he was thinking of how to tell the third without receiving too much backlash. Deciding to be blunt as soon as the pleasantries were done, he told the Hokage "The reason I am here is because of Naruto." At this Hiruzen raised an eyebrow and motioned him to continue while packing his pipe "Naruto's reverse summoned himself like Jiraiya did.". If the situation weren't so serious Kakashi would have laughed. The unlit pipe clattered on the ground as the old kage turned white as a sheet and looked to have aged twenty years. As soon as the information processed, he quickly bit his thumb and with a panicked shout of "Summoning Jutsu" and Enma the Monkey King appeared in all his armored glory. Enma recognizing the look Hiruzen had on his face was almost the same one he had back when Jiraiya had his *Cough* incident *Cough* happened jokingly said "What, did another ninja try to summon without a contract?". When Hiruzen's nervous chuckle then silence met Enma's answer he frowned,sighed then asked "Can you give a physical description and tell me about his personality and I'll send out messenger monkeys to are allies and let you know if anything turns up.". Hiruzen thanked the monkey king and proceeded to give him what he needed to find Naruto. Enma gave a deep sigh and got up to leave when Kakashi asked something he was curious about "Enma, may I ask what summon realm do you think Naruto ended up in?", with another deep sigh Enma responded "Given Hiruzen's description of his personality I have three guesses that I'll check into first. First being the Rhino clan, second being the Toad clan, the third id hazard a guess and say the Hyena clan. After that I'll send messengers out to the other clans to let them know." And with that he poofed back home.

***** Page Break Location: Sedlec Ossuary, Time: 5 minutes since the hunting party returned*****

Dracula sighed, he remembered now why he dislikes the meetings as he looked around the table to the other faction bosses. The way the monster contract worked was complex with the true boss of the clan asleep since the time the ten tails attacked, prophesied by the Fate Sisters that one of their summoners would wake the mighty boss. Until that time Dracula was the acting-boss, he saw all but the Sisters their and that was hardly a surprise as they were usually the busiest of all of them. Dracula was snapped from his thoughts as Medusa spoke "Why have you summoned this meeting I was very busy at the time?" sparing a brief glance at Sato, Dracula made a mental note to talk to the odokuro later. Dracula mentally sighed and rose "I believe I have found us a potential summoner." he said pausing to gauge their reactions. He was well rewarded because he got bombarded by questions, after a while he raised his hand to silence the room and begins to weave his tale " it was but 10 minutes ago that my hunting party brought me a human child around the age of ten clad in orange and he has an extremely high amount of chakra. I will recall this meeting when the boy wakes up. Then he will have to go through the trails. I only called this meeting to give you a heads up so you can tell your factions."

# hope you liked the first chapter be sure to let me know if you would like for me to continue this story or if I should try a different type I am open to suggestions and I do have a few Ideas of my own floating around in my head. Till next time.#