Stoick's Ship is not part of this story, as Toothless was not present during that event. If you would like to read my take on that scene, entirely from Hiccup's perspective, be sure to check out my story Ashes!

Anyway, we finally have reached Toothless Found. This is one of my absolute favorite scenes, not just in this movie, but in the entire FRANCHISE. It's just chills and pure joy every time. Definitely one of the most powerful shows of friendship in media, and one that I just adore. THIS is the scene I had been looking forward to writing the most for this entire movie, haha. I hope I captured it well.

Please enjoy!

Ch 22: Found

Night Fury has been flying for hours, guided by Voice. Night Fury knows not where he is going, just to fly forward, turn right, turn left, speed up, no breaks. Something feels off, as Night Fury flies, but he can't quite figure out what.

"STRAIGHTEN OUT," Voice says. Night Fury had not realized he was drifting. That has been happening a lot… Night Fury is not quite sure why. He readjusts his flight, feeling off balance for a moment before regaining control. The weight on his back shifts again, and through Night Fury's hazy mind, he hears it say something.

"Stupid dragon… can't fly right…" Night Fury feels something strike the side of his head.

What does that mean, "can't fly right"? No matter, Night Fury has strayed from Voice for long enough. He must maintain focus on his master.

Far in the distance, a fuzzy shape approaches.


Night Fury sets the Shape as his target. He continues flying, barely even noticing his faltering anymore. The Shape gets closer, closer, until Night Fury is above it.


Night Fury halts, flapping his wings in stationary flight. He breathes hoarsely, muscles aching.


Night Fury will wait here.

What is Night Fury waiting for? No, that is not important. He will wait for further instruction.

An hour passes. Night Fury can no longer feel the ache in his wings, just knows to stay aloft. Voice will give instruction any minute.

Just then, another Shape rises into Night Fury's vision. It moves closer, saying something, but Night Fury cannot tell what. The source of Voice comes up behind Night Fury, the presence sending a shiver through his body.


Night Fury is focusing. But… but… why does he not want to?

No. There is no such thing as "want". Only do.

"It… s'nt… lt… Bud…" the Shape says, and part of it reaches toward Night Fury. What is this, and why does it feel familiar? "...ey ma… you… it"


Night Fury needs to listen. So why is it so hard? Night Fury shakes his head, and for a moment, the fuzzy world comes clear. Just as quickly as it appeared, though, it fades back into nothing. Night Fury growls. No… no… this isn't right. He… he knows that Shape. He knows its voice. Why does he know it, though?

"...ou'd… ver hurt… im…" The Shape comes into focus again, and for a second, Night Fury… I can feel again. "You'd never hurt me…"

Something touches my- Night Fury's- head. It feels like it's happened hundreds of times before, natural and right.


Night Fury belongs to Voice… doesn't he? Yes… no… yes… I let out a croon, completely and utterly confused as to why Night Fury is fighting so hard. What is happening to me- to him?

"Please, you are my best friend, Bud…" He… I am?


"My… best… friend…"


No… I am not yours.

I am not just a Night Fury.

I am Hiccup's best friend.

I am Toothless.

I shake my head, seeing clearly for the first time in hours. And right in front of me, hand outstretched, is the human who I can't live without, who saved me from myself.

"Hiccup," I say, my pupils widening and mouth splitting into a grin.

"Thatta boy, that's it!" Hiccup cries, his own smile spreading. A tear escapes him, and I lean into his hand, feeling complete once again. "I'm here!"

"Hiccup! You- you came back!" I croon. "I-"

"No!" Something strikes the side of my face, and I look up, teeth bared, to see Drago mounted on my back.

How dare he? How dare he think he can take me? I am Hiccup's, and Hiccup's alone. Drago swings his spear again, but before it can hit me, I steel it in my teeth. And in one quick movement, I flip over, dropping my captor and finally freeing myself.

"Yeah!" Hiccup cheers, jumping up on his Scuttleclaw.

I grin even wider at him, only to feel my body start to dip to the side. Oh. Right. "Hiccup!" I yell as I lose all control, my flapping becoming futile.

"Hang on!" Without hesitating, Hiccup leaps from his mount, joining me in my fall. Because just like I will always save him, he will always be there to save me.

I try to force my wings open, but it's difficult with my fall forcing me to spin in the air. Still, I get just enough resistance to slow myself a bit, and Hiccup begins to catch up.

"Almost there, buddy, almost there!" He reaches out a hand to me, and I twist my head, trying to get my back upright so he can make it to my saddle.

"Please… please…" I set my tailfin for climbing, hoping with all my might that Hiccup will make it in time to set his.

And, just before we hit the ocean, he does. I open my wings, the right one just barely dipping into the water, and we soar upward, my human's quick movements matching each and every of my own. Just how it was meant to be.

I steer back toward the Alpha, a wave of determination unlike anything I've felt in years rushing through my veins. That beast has had control for long enough; it's time to end this.

"We need to get those two apart," Hiccup says. He must be referring to Drago and his dragon. I snarl; I couldn't agree more. "This way, Bud. I have an idea." Hiccup guides me to the left, and I follow his movement, zipping by a mast and torn flag. Hiccup rips a piece of it off as we fly by, then motions me toward the Alpha. Is he insane? I might have broken out of its control once, but I can't guarantee it won't take me again. But Hiccup has an idea… and as muttonheaded and crazy as they usually are, it's exactly what we need right now. I fly through Berk, dodging spires of ice and broken buildings, rolling to the right as one of the Alpha's blasts shoots past me.

"NIGHT FURY!" It roars, pure rage filling its voice. I screech, feeling my senses being pulled at again. No, no, I can't lose myself.

"Just gotta block 'im out, Toothless." Hiccup says. I glance up, seeing the strip of cloth Hiccup had taken being held out above me. "Do you trust me, Bud?"

"Always," I reply. Hiccup pulls the cloth over my eyes, tying it behind my ears.

"We can do this." Hiccup finishes his knot. "You and me…" I feel his fingers against my nose. "As one."

My tail shifts, and I steel my flight forward. Because Hiccup is right. We can do this.

When we're together, we can do anything.

"That's it. Now let's try this one more time!" Hiccup leans left, and I follow, making a sharp turn. I feel my human pull his legs up, laying against my back and switching to my hand controls. He can't be doing what I think he's doing… he only ever gets in this position when we're testing his flight suit. But, despite this revelation, I continue forward, trusting he knows what he's doing. I have to believe in him. After all, he believed in me.


No, the Voice is back! I growl, trying to fight it off, only to feel arms come to rest against my ears. "Shut it out, Toothless," Hiccup's muffled voice says. And as soon as he does, I know I'm going to make it. Because he's with me no matter what. "Now!" My prosthetic tailfin locks in place, and I pull up, feeling the rush of an ice blast below me. Hiccup's weight leaves my back, and I hold my wings straight, gliding upside down. Once the fear fades into adrenaline, I open my eyes, glancing down. I can see Hiccup, his own wings extended, gliding toward the Alpha. He releases a canister of Zippleback gas as he flies, then ignites it. I grin, flipping myself right side up. That was a pretty smart move, I'll give him that (for once). I ease into a turn, coming back around so I'm flying the same direction as my human… only to see that, once again, an obstacle has appeared in our way. This time, though, it's not a wayward sea stack, but the very tail of the Bewilderbeast.

Well, isn't this a familiar scene. At least there's no fireball this time…

"Toothless!" Hiccup yells. "It's now or never!"

I'll say. Looks like it's finally time to finish this wingsuit trick. The only problem is, well, the fact that we've never done it successfully before. Leave it to my human to make things so dire… Still, I narrow my eyes, and force the spines on my back to split. Let's see just how much of a difference it really makes.

I flap my wings as hard as I can, and, to my surprise, it is easier to control myself. Within seconds, I catch up to Hiccup, and get into position so he can make it back to my saddle. I feel my tail unlock, and we begin a steep climb, the massive dragon's appendage getting closer, and closer- until we break out from under it, soaring into the clouds.

"Yeah! We did it!" Hiccup scratches my cheek, and I grin.

"Woo hoo!" I roar, letting us freefall for a moment before flipping back over and landing in a spray of dirt. Hiccup jumps off me, throwing Inferno at the downed Drago, stopping him from getting his spear back.

"Hold him there, Toothless." Hiccup tells me, and I crouch lower, snarling at the evil human. "It's all over now."

But Drago just sneers. "Or is it?"

The ground to the right shifts, and I turn to see the Alpha has targeted my human. It sucks in a breath, preparing a blast of ice that is surely meant to kill.

But I won't let it. No one hurts my Hiccup.

I leap from my spot, covering Hiccup just as the ice hits us. Then, all goes black.

Eee hee hee! That moment when Toothless breaks out of the control is just so wonderful and I love it!

Side note, and minor plot hole... how does Drago fly Toothless? His saddle rig is set up specifically for Hiccup's prosthetic, and even if Drago tried to control it by hand, he only has one... That's always bothered me, but whatever, it can't detract from how beautiful this scene is :3

Next time: the power of friendship continues!