At the very bottom of the underground yakuza labyrinth was a large gym. The area had been constructed with the needs of a few rather vocal members (really just one) and served as the recreational room for the group. Uravity was currently using the pulley on the main weightlifting machine. Eri was sitting on a bench behind her, clutching at her gown and looking especially small amidst the equipment designed for adults.

"I just have to deal with this Eri, and we'll get you back to your room," Uravity said flatly. She was still staring at the door, waiting for Izuku to come by. As usual, Eri said nothing. Uravity could never get her to talk, and she had long since accepted that.

Letting go of the pulley handle, Uravity rolled her shoulder. She whipped out her trusty magnetic grappling gun and shot it at one of the weights lying on the floor. Reeling it towards her, she deftly grabbed the twenty-five pound disc and tested its heaviness. A convenient weapon. She didn't want to use anything too heavy or large; it would diminish her accuracy. And keeping bloodshed to a minimum would be the best for Eri.

Placing the disc down, she looked up at the ceiling. The weights she had attached up there and had suspended were still hanging ominously, instruments waiting to ring out sickening death knells upon landing on their target. X's made of tape were placed on different spots of the ground for her to judge where they would fall. It was far from a pleasant tactic, but the world of spies demanded ruthless ingenuity, and groups like the yakuza even more so.

As she was checking over her preparations, she heard a few uneasy intakes of breath from Eri. She whimpered a little as if preparing herself to say something. Abandoning her preparations, Uravity went to her and asked her what was wrong. She never even tried to speak up when they were alone. Ever. She listened intently as Eri finally managed to force out what she was saying.

"W-what are you going to be doing to Mr. Mikumo?"

Taken aback that Mikumo of all things was the only thing that had ever made her willingly talk to her, Uravity thought for a few moments before answering.

"Ideally, nothing, if he's smart enough," Uravity said. "Any normal person would flee and get real backup."

Eri piped back down, quiet again. She seemed unsure of what to say.

"Either way, you'll be fine," Uravity said as she stood back up. She could sense the girl's eyes staring at her in fear, trying to clamp down on the guilt that was bubbling within her. "Just stay there, Eri."

She continued to wait, focused on the entrance to the gym for the moment Mikumo would come. If he didn't, she would wait the entire night if she had to. There were some children's books she had brought along in advance in case Eri became listless as they waited. And waited. And waited. Another twenty minutes passed, and nothing had happened.

'Maybe the fool has run away,' Uravity thought, making her more bitter than she would have expected. She couldn't have actually believed in the guy, right? Absolutely not. He was a fool, plain as day.


A sound akin to a button being pressed echoed through the room, startling Uravity. She trained her grappling gun on the remaining weights and looked around for the source. She kept her shoulders loose and tense, ready on the balls of her feet. Looking around, she saw nothing out of the ordinary. Still, she felt uneasy. Had this new rival spy sent something ahead of time, or was it something else? She didn't have much time to think as the door swung open and Izuku strolled through as if he were visiting a friend's home.

"Ah, Uravity! You really are here! I was kinda worried it would be another of your traps."

Stunned, Uravity simply stared at him. She was startled by his laid back attitude. That shock lasted for only a moment, however, as she fired her grappling gun at one of the weights and swung it around her. As she brought it back for the full loop, she deactivated the gun and let it fly loose from the magnetized bit. Izuku barely had time to dodge out of the way as the massive disc embedded itself into the wall, stuck in place from the force of the impact.

"What was that for!?"

"I said I was gonna try to kill you! Why the hell are you so surprised!" Uravity fired at another weight, flinging it at Izuku like the one before it. Once again, he rolled out of the way and had it embed itself into the wall.

"I guess I'm still a little surprised," Izuku said. "Can't help but think of you first and foremost as a nice girl."

"Nice guys finish last and die first!" Uravity kept flinging weight after weight at him, the discs being thrown with enough force to shear a man in two even with their blunt edge. Eri watched with rapt attention, large red eyes wide with terror.

"And what about Eri, huh?" Izuku said as he dodged another one, crouching low. He wasn't aware that he had landed right onan X. "Why the hell would you bring her here to see something like this? No girl should have to be put through that."

"I can't do my job unless I keep an eye on her," Uravity said coldly, drawing out the remote to trigger the weights dangling from overhead. "Callous and far from ideal, I admit, but that's the reality of the business. Something you haven't learned yet. If anything, it would've been better for her had you just left this place. She wouldn't have to see you die." She pressed one of the buttons on the device, waiting for the weight to fall down on Izuku's head and incapacitate him. If he was lucky, he would walk away with some heavy brain damage...

Or that was what Uravity was expecting. Nothing ended up happening. The weight wasn't falling. She blinked, pressing the button again. Still, nothing.

"What the—?"

Grinning wide, Izuku jabbed a thumb into his chest. "Hoping to spring some of your traps? Sorry Miss Uravity, but I was a few steps ahead of you. Figured you'd have a few more nasty surprises waiting after those guns by the secret entrance. I have a special friend I sent in here for recon who scoped out the weights you hung up. Mightdrone, introduce yourself!"

Floating down from above, a small drone deactivated it's cloaking device. It was a lurid red and blue with yellow highlights, rotors whirring the air as it hovered next to Izuku.

"I painted it myself," Izuku said, smiling wide. "Had a friend design it for me! Works like a charm. You're all alone Uravity, but me? I've got people always working with me no matter where I am. It's how I made it this far. Right, Mightdrone?"

"Yes, young Mikumo," chattered the robot, sounding oddly boisterous despite the electronic inflection. "Perhaps your searches for 'big breasted babes in tactical gear' also played a factor."

"That's right," Izuku chirped without thinking. His face blanched as what the drone had said sunk in. "WAIT, WHAT DID YOU SAY!?"

Pressing his earpiece, his eyes bulged as he listened to Melissa on the other line, face turning red. "What do you mean you linked it up to my personal computer!? Those searches were in my private browser, how does Mightdrone have access to them!? And why do you sound like you're disgusted at me all of a sudden!? You look up sweaty mechanic dudes in your spare time!"

As Izuku continued to scream into his earpiece, Uravity remained deathly silent the entire time. The hand holding the remote shook and shook until she crushed the device in her hands. Growing livid, she screamed at Izuku with all she had as she whipped out her knife. "THAT DOES IT! Up close and personal it is!"

"Hey, hey, hey!" Izuku said as he began dodging Uravity's wild and frustrated swings.

"For being so concerned about traumatizing the girl, you seem to have no problem unveiling your fetish searches," Uravity shrieked, knife slashing the air in front of her.

"That was an accident! Those searches are on personal time! Me time! That drone should've been hooked up to the main computer and have no access to my search history! Not that there should've been one. It was incognito!"

"And who paints their spy drone like that!?" Uravity stabbed forward, the knife scraping against the metal of the weight machine where Izuku's neck had been half a second prior. "It looks more like a Gundam than an infiltration tool! And who gave it that weird personality!?"

"That's a whole 'nother story," Izuku muttered, dodging Uravity's slashes the entire time. She seemed to grow more and more agitated with every swing.

"You are—"


"The worst—"


"Goddamn spy—"


"I have ever met!"

Izuku rolled away as she flung the knife at him, the blade embedding itself in the ground as he barely dodged away. "Funny, you're actually the second person to tell me that..."

Uravity, breathing heavily, looked at him with more fatigue than anger now. "How? How did you get in this business?"

Izuku shrugged. "Stop trying to kill me and I'd love to tell you."

Shaking her head, Uravity pulled out a second grappling gun. "I can live without knowing." She fired it, a small diode zooming out and missing Izuku by a wide margin.

"Bad aim," he commented.

"I wasn't aiming for you," Uravity said, the diode attaching itself to the wall. Suddenly, four thin cables sprang out from it and the magnetic ends attached themselves to Izuku's limbs, reeling him into the wall until he was pulled flat against it in a star pose. Uravity walked up to him, holding up the gun and pointing it right beneath his chin. She poked her finger inside his ear, scooping out the earpiece he had.

"Oh dear," Izuku said.

"Mikumo? Helloooooo?" said Melissa through the piece. "She didn't actually kill you, right? Ri—"

She was cut off as Uravity crushed the earpiece in her hands, pressing the gun into his chin. "No friends now."

"It would appear not," Izuku said, although the sweat beading at his brow betrayed his otherwise confident tone.

"You've got guts, Mikumo," Uravity said. "Fortunately for me, I can just leave you here and deal with you later since you won't be going anywhere. Come on Eri, I'm bringing you back to your room now."

Turning toward Eri, the two saw the young girl staring at both of them with a curious expression. That of a young girl's inquisitiveness rather than the terror she was exhibiting before.

"... Eri?"

The girl appeared nervous, afraid to react. Or more like she didn't know how to react. Her face twisted, like she was trying to smile, a few unsteady gasps releasing themselves from her throat until uneasy, guilty but honest laughter escaped from her lips. She began coughing halfway through, wiping a tear from her eye. Izuku and Uravity, for their parts, could only stare at her in stunned silence.

"You two are too funny!" Eri gave a nervous smile, as if unsure she should even be smiling at the moment. "Hee hee hee! Again, again! Do it again!"

"Huh?" Izuku and Uravity said in sync.

"Again, again!" Eri began clapping. "It was so much fun! When you were running around chasing each other, it was so awesome! And you would use those gadgets, they were all FWIP! And Mr. Mikumo even has a super cool flying robot! Is this some live thing you set up, Miss Uravity?"

What tension there had been the previous few minutes had all but vanished. Izuku and Uravity found themselves both staring at a young girl who, previously, had been scared out of her mind. But now she was acting like any other little girl, although it would appear she wasn't aware that Uravity really had been trying to kill Izuku.

'TOO CUTE!' the spies thought at the same time, feeling their hearts squeeze inside their rib cages. Clapping her cheeks, Uravity walked over to Eri and picked her up.

"Uh, yes... it was a show. But no second performance. Let's get you back to bed."

"Hang on," Izuku said. Uravity ignored him and walked toward the exit. She abruptly stopped upon hearing what he said next.

"What if I told you there was a way I could help keep Eri safe?"

Staying still, Uravity said nothing. Izuku continued.

"Perhaps I am in the wrong line of work, but if I may, it doesn't seem you're enjoying your job too much either."

"And what makes you think that?"

"It was written all over your face before," Izuku said. "And just now, you were happy when you heard Eri say that she enjoyed this performance. Honestly, what are they even doing to her here? There's no reason good enough to terrorize a young girl like this."

"And what's your solution?" Uravity spat angrily, holding Eri tight. "Irresponsibly throw everything away, putting me and her in even more danger!? This is a yakuza group. The Shie Hassaikai. They will find you eventually, no matter where you hide. The best thing I can do right now is have her to stay put and have me watch over her. Then maybe someday—"

"And how long have you been waiting for someday?" Izuku shouted. "What if I told you I could make that day, today! You're a freelance spy, right? What if I told you I was employed by the All Might agency!?"

Uravity didn't react, holding Eri close as she grew afraid again at the shouting match between the two. Izuku could sense her tensing up, however. He just needed to push a little more.

"You don't have to be alone. So what, these Hassaikai guys won't stop chasing you! What if I could get us the allies we need to stop them once and for all? Then they'd never go after you or Eri again."

Even after all this, Uravity said nothing. "Please!" Izuku shouted.

"Miss Uravity?" Eri whispered as the woman wiped at her cheeks. She took a deep breath and pulled out another remote. Izuku was released from the hold of the cables, falling face first onto the floor. He lay dazed before picking himself back up in a sitting position.

"Just go," Uravity said quietly. "I'll make sure nobody knew you were here. I won't try to stop you from killing yourself, but if there's even a chance that what you say is true..." She turned around, brown eyes a little puffy and red. She gave him a quivering smile. "Who am I to stop you?"

"Then that's a yes?" Izuku asked.

"Consider it a job," Uravity said. "How successful you are at it depends on you. Maybe I'll see you again..." She made to leave the gym once more, but Izuku called out to her once more.

"Again? What do you mean again?"

Uravity blinked. "Huh?"

Izuku smacked his forehead. "Ohhhhhh, right! Well, for my plan to work, it kinda involves you and Eri leaving this place with me. Tonight."

Uravity scoffed. "Don't be ridiculous. How would you even manage that? The Hassaikai will be back within an hour, tops."

"Oh, like this," Izuku said cheerily, pulling out a small device. Clicking the button, an explosion rocked the room from the back left corner. Uravity nearly fell flat from the sudden Gs, Eri screaming in fear. She saw a hole where part of the ceiling had been, leading up into the street above. Izuku took the moment she was distracted to pluck Eri from her arms and scoop her up by the stomach with the other. The wings he had used to enter the compound extended out again.

"Mightdrone, do your thing!"

"I AM HERE, to provide your air travel needs! Hold tight, young Mikumo!"

The drone attached itself to Izuku's back between the wings. The hulking apparatus began flapping itself up and down, generating strong gusts of wind. Before Uravity knew it, they were through the hole and up in the street above. The lights of the Hassaikai compound began shrinking the higher they rose until they were nothing but specks on the ground. It had all happened so fast that Uravity could only stare at the shrinking ground in silence before fully registering what had happened. She began shouting in terror, flailing around.

"H-hey, if you don't stop moving you're gonna fall!" Izuku shouted at her.

"Put me down this instant!" Uravity wailed. "When did you take the time to plant those charges!?"

"Oh, right before I went into that gym," Izuku replied. "Special charges. Real precise but powerful stuff. Good thing I saved enough for a speedy retreat. Just as I planned!"

Gritting her teeth, Uravity continued protesting. "What are you doing!? They're going to be after me and Eri now. You could've taken the chance to leave us and go to your special agency or whatever it is!"

"Well, I could've done that," Izuku admitted with a nervous grin. "But that's not really my style."

"Wowwwwww!" Eri's red eyes were wide open, drinking in the sight of the city below her from so high up. Uravity continued to dangle in Izuku's arm as she groaned, continuing to argue with you.

"You are the worst spy I have ever met! No contest!"

"So you've already told me," Izuku said, laughing. Uravity blinked up at him in disbelief.

"Who are you?"

"Oh, you wanna know my name? Let me reintroduce myself. Properly this time. It's Izuku. Izuku Midoriya. I know we've already met but consider this a fresh start. I know spies aren't supposed to tell each other their names, but it's a funny thing. I can't help but trust you."

Shaking her head, Uravity sighed. "It was a rhetorical question! Don't tell another spy your name! You have officially cemented your place. Worst goddamn spy on the planet." Taking a moment to herself as they flew across the night sky, she took a deep breath and looked back up at him.

"Well, alright then. You've basically screwed things up, so it's up to me to set them right. First things first: we need to get rid of the tracker in Eri's body. Do you at least have access to a gadget that can deliver a miniaturized electronic discharge?"

Izuku's expression froze, a seed of apprehension finding their way into his large eyes. "So they're... tracking her right this instant?"

Uravity sighed. "You didn't even think of the possibility they'd track their prized prisoner?"

Izuku began to sweat. "Uh..."

Head slumping forward dejectedly, Uravity said, "Thought so. Maybe you should just let me fall a few hundred feet to the ground and save me the pain of dying to the Hassaikai..."

"Th-there's a safehouse set up nearby," Izuku said. "There might be something there."

"Oh look, I feel myself falling out of your grip already..."


And so, Izuku, Uravity and Eri floated across the night sky in search of safety. Izuku had a hard time keeping both of the girls in his grasp, especially Uravity, but he managed somehow. Unfortunately for him, the task of keeping them by his side would only grow more arduous from there.

Hey, remember when I said I was going to update this within a week? Uhhhh, sorry. That ended up not being true haha. BUT chapter 2 is finally here, and I've put gears in motion for the rest of the story. I have a loose idea of where I want to go, but nothing definite yet. We'll see how the plot takes shape.

I think you might've also noticed that Ochaco (or Uravity, as I've taken to refer to her so far as she hasn't given Izuku her name yet) is a little OOC. Well, this being a world of spies, I thought of what an adult Ochaco would be like if she ended up suffering some of her own tragedy and didn't have Izuku or her classmates to help her. Thus, the version you see exists before you. Although you can look forward to her typical bubbly self emerging as time goes on and her attraction to Izuku becomes more apparent. This is a dynamic that isn't really present with canon IzuOcha, but I thought that getting to that canon dynamic over the course of the story would be satisfying for readers.

Anyway, thank you so much for reading and please know that this story has been on my mind for about a month now. Maybe I update in a week, maybe it takes another month. I'm not sure. What you CAN be sure of is that I'll keep working toward giving you the IzuOcha fluff we all know and love along with a (hopefully) engaging action-romance story about superspies and supercriminals. That's all I have to say for now. See y'all later! Goodbye.