Night had fallen over the woods. The dark had fully wrapped itself around the trees when nocturnal life woke. Bats flew out of their caves and into the dark sky; moths fleed chasing what light they could often attempting to fly up to the full moon that lay in the sky; and various forms of mice and voles scurried between the undergrowth. In the distant an owl cried out and somewhere else a wolf replied.

Of this nocturnal life was a man, with jet black hair and sea green eyes. He lay against the trunk of a tree, basking in the night as a snake would to the sun. His hand lay in a small stream running as it does day after day night after night. Only this man could feel the true extent of how alive the water was, how journeyed it was. This man had the ability to see the scars that form on the waters back.

The water made him feel calm. It healed the aches in his mind and mended the sore of his muscles. He could of lay there until the sun came back, but the snap of twigs from far off gave him other priorites.

Any mortal would not of heard them this far off nor would they care if they did for twigs snapped around them in the dark of the woods. But this man's heightened hearing told him whatever stepped on this twig had hooves, and things with hooves were a snack.

He stood up his hand drawn from the water but dry as if it was never there. Then he moved. He moved in a way that a human brain would hurt to process; he didnt move fast but he travelled a great distance quick. His shape travelled through the greenery and landscape of the forest until he came to the destination of the twig snap.

He was right, of course. In front of him was a snack. A goat in fact, small and brown and laying there without knowledge of its assigned status as prey. Thats when he spotted the tag, coming from a farmers stock. Great, he knew people.

The man in the dark walked up to the goat, his footsteps unnaturally silent. He knelt in front of it, who looked up at him curiously. The man had no fear of it running, after all he was much faster than anything else here.

His hands reached the tag on the goat. how funny it was to find out your foods name.

"Grover?" he murmed to the goat in humour "what a funny name." A part of his mind was primal begging to sink his sharp teeth into this piece of meat and blood, but a stronger part was more civilised and far more sadistic. "well grover my name is percy, nice of you to be with me for lunch." he smiled at his own joke. He admitted to himself this would be more fun if he had a human in front of him. But they were hard to come by now.

At least he had some food. He bared his teeth to the goat and was ready to attack, but then someone spoke from behind him.

"He's mine"

Percy turned with speed that mimicked a camera shutter. In front of him was a wolf, but it was humanoid in shape. Blood dripped from its snout and claws hung sharp.

"well" Percy conducted himself "i have to say i was here first"

The werewolf glared then launched itself at him. He was quick, ducking out of the way, but not before a large paw drew across his tshirt, shredding it up and drawing blood beneath. He shrugged what was left of it off and stood there ready to fight. He was strong and worked out, his abs were defined under his pale skin and the moonlight shown the perfectly. The werewolf glared at him. But percy was pissed, in the attack the goat had scurried off.

"Who the fuck are you?" he snarled matching the growl of the werewolf in tone. The werewolf laughed, surprisingly soft but with mockery at heart. "the names Annabeth" she said with spite then charged at him, this time expecting his dodge and hitting him square in the broad chest, pinning him down. "now what kind of vampire smells so strongly of seaweed" she spoke curiously with a growl tobher words, she was in his face and blood was dripping onto him.

Percy simply responded with a punch to her snout. It gave a split second where she was stunned but that was enough for percy to push her back and get to his feet. Now he was the one to charge at her, leaping at her and sinking his teeth into her furry flesh. She growled and swung him off her. He hit the dirt with a thud. She pawed her way over to where he lay but by the time she got there he was gone.

"Behind you." she heard from behind and as she turned another fist met her face. Using this as a distraction percy kicked out her legs from under her and she fell back with a heavy thud. Percy gave a dry laugh and pinned himself on top of her. she growled and snarled, her werewolf body was strong and could easily push him off but something made her wish he would stay like that on top of her, legs either side of her body. Her eyes rested on his moonlit abs.

What was she thinking. she forbid all thoughts and emptied her mind. she gave a low growl and pushed the vampire off her.

They stood in in the woods facing each other, each ready to pounce. But the moon above them had other plans as clouds envoloped it. Percy ran into her again aiming to shove her against a tree but as he made contact with her she fell down to the floor quicker than he expected. He found himself on top of her again but this time it was different.

Under him instead of the big fur covered werewolf was a woman with blonde hair and olive skin. His thoughts caught in his throat and his heart burned. He did not allow himself to get focused on the fact this woman under him was naked, and he could see all of her.

"get off me" she snarled but now the growl of her voice was gone.

"make me" percy smiled, getting too cocky. He found himself hitting the floor and suddenly Annabeth was on top of him.

"Like that?" she laughed a beautiful laugh.

His thoughts however was filled with the sight of her, her body was on top of him, her toned legs pinned against his waist, and he looked up past her visible chest to her face. He looked into her stormy grey eyes. She looked back into his sea green ones.

The percy found her lips on his. A taste better than any success in battle. He kissed back, passion driving his actions, and his hand made its way up her back and along her chest. Annabeth bit his lip gently. "I win" she spoke breaking from the kiss. Percys reply was to just kiss her back. If this was her winning he wanted her to always win.

And he no longer cared for the goat.