Hey guys! Last chapter, because I finally closed up this entire story for good. My next story, which is entitled "More than True," is posted, so I'd appreciate it if after you read this, you could check it out!

Disclaimer: I mean, I definitely don't look like Rick Riordan. I guess that's your one clue.

Percy has never known what it felt like to close a chapter of life. But maybe that's what this feels like, someone slowly closing the pages of a worn out book, ready to move onto the next. It's not until now, that Percy realizes how much high school impacted their relationship, the trials and tribulations of it. But now Percy knows that it's finally over, and both he and Annabeth can move on.

Percy knows that he won't peak for a while, but he imagines that once he and Annabeth settle down, possibly get married, have a kid, it'll happen. But for now, he enjoys his time with her, alone. He enjoys the time they'll have for each other. Long distance or not, Percy would never let her go. No matter how far away the two of them are for each other, he knows he'll somehow, someway, find his way back to Annabeth Chase.

So as they fly back to Percy's school, he imagines not what's directly in front of them, but what's to come. He holds Annabeth's hand tightly, wistfully thinking about their future. Their future together. Kids are something Percy has always wanted. He's wanted to be a dad for a long time, but he knows that it'll be a while until that. They both have a couple more years in college, and Percy knows Annabeth wants to go to graduate school, where he'll probably follow her.

She says that over everything, she'd like to be an author, but she's in a course that teaches about architecture, which makes sense, because in high school, he remembers her designing all the buildings her story took place in. She's already got plenty of publishing authors for her story, and although he doesn't know anything for sure, he's sure Annabeth, at some point, will take one.

"Percy…" Annabeth hums into his shoulder, where her head is leaning. "I'm going to miss you."

He smiles at her. "I'll see you on weekends, right? I can take the train."

'Yeah, but I'm still going to miss you over the week. You know, my friends still don't believe I have a boyfriend."

"Who are your friends again?" Percy asks, poking her.

Annabeth groans, "A girl named Thalia, another girl named Silena, and then Rachel."

"And they don't believe that you have a boyfriend?"

"Well," Annabeth pauses, tapping her finger to her chin. "I guess I haven't really made a case for myself. They just think that I'm opposed to dating. I told them I had a boyfriend once, but they just laughed it off. So I suppose I haven't really given them any proof."

Percy laughs. "I wonder if they'd believe if I sent you a photo of the both of us together."

"Percy, I don't care that much." Annabeth replies.

Percy shakes his head. "Of course you don't,'' he says."

Annabeth doesn't reply, and they fall into an easy silence. When he looks over at her next, she's yawning, ever so softly, on his shoulder. He leans his head onto hers gently, and stays that way. It's nice that they don't need to talk, that means there's nothing forced. Awkward silence was only present when the first started liking each other, but no, as opposed to awkward, they're comfortable. A silence that comes over naturally.

Percy knows that both of them like the quiet. Percy likes talking to people as much as the next person does, but he understands that sometimes, it's not necessary. Silence can be good in some cases, but of course, detrimental in others, and Percy knows that. Communication is important in a relationship, important in the world, but for a good and healthy relationship, being okay with silence is good.

Soon, he finds himself drifting off into a quiet slumber. His eyes shut, and he begins to yawn at the same pace as Annabeth, their chests rising and setting at the same time. The slight chatter amongst those in the airplane blurs together to become white noise. He can feel every sensation around him, the pitter-pattering of the air conditioner above them, the feeling of the cushioned seats against his thighs.

He coughs a little bit, sniffing. Airplanes always end up being so stuffy, and Percy's nose gets runny very easily. He feels himself drooling a bit which takes him back to the time they both accidentally fell asleep studying.

Annabeth had woken him, at about one in the morning, by tapping him lightly on the shoulder, telling him with an entirely straight face, "you drool when you sleep."

After that, they were both silent for a couple of seconds, and then burst out laughing, before packing their textbooks up, and leaving the small table they sat.

It was an experience Percy will forever enjoy. High school, he muses, by the end of it, turned out okay. Although there was still the weight of Drew holding Annabeth back, in the end, everything turned out alright. And that's how stories like this are supposed to go. They'd basically followed the formula perfectly.

Person meets person, is the first step. That's the obvious one. There has to be an inciting incident. And for them, it was Percy stumbling upon Annabeth's notebook. Is that notebook the cause of all of this? Maybe it is, because it led them to the forehead.

And then they got to know each other. With several unplanned interactions, they learn more and more about each other, until it reaches the turning point where they finally got together. And through trauma, tragedy, and two broken bones, in the end, everything worked out the way it was supposed to.

He opens his eyes to look at Annabeth again, still astounded by her beauty, wit, and overall badassery. Percy's excited to spend the rest of his (hopefully) long life with her. And he's sure- no, positive, that it'll end up that way.

Because the love is there, and it doesn't seem like it's going away anytime soon. Not for Percy, at least.

And with that, another chapter in their life is closed, just for a new one to enter, and then another, until it's all over with, and they've lived happy and fulfilling lives. That's all he wants. That's all he needs, ever.

I'm actually so glad that this story is finally finished. It's something that I've wanted to do for a while, and when it seemed like you guys wanted it, so I hope you enjoyed it. I understand that it's sort of like an elongated epilogue, but I sincerely thought it was important to write.

I hope you guys will leave a review, and let me know your thoughts. My new story, "More than True," is out, and I'm excited about how it's going to turn out. With this one, I know exactly where it's going, and I think it'll be a cool story to write, and hopefully, for you to read. So go check it out, I'd really appreciate it.

Lastly, thanks so much to my ongoing supporters (you know who you are), and everyone who has reviewed, favorited, and followed. It means a lot to me.

Additionally, please, stay safe and healthy!
