
Lunch... interviews... more labs... and surprises.

There will be an epilogue to finish things up. answer a few questions.

Chapter 5 – The Tour – part 2

Peter exited the elevator on the 6th floor and headed into the main cafeteria.

They have the usual fast food places.

Peter has been talking to Pepper and Tony about maybe getting some of the local mom and pop places in as well.

There is more than one cafeteria, in the building.

For a building as big as the tower, one place wouldn't work.

This is where most of the employees that work in the lower levels and the tour groups go.

The upper level cafeterias are smaller by design.

The schedule of tours is put posted, so employees know when to either go to lunch early or late or another cafeteria on those days.

Peter heads to his favorite place to get food and ordering enough to take the edge off, sparing for almost 45 minutes with Natasha and having been several hours since he had breakfast, he's very hungry.

However, he knows even without his senses telling him, that his fellow classmates are watching him, studying him.

That makes him self-conscience and if he were to get enough to do more then take the edge off his hunger, it would be a lot of food.

Sure, they saw him working out and he is still a teenager, but he needs a lot of food to keep his body going.

He picked up snippets of conversations as he walked through. Every time his name is mentioned his hearing starts to zero in on the words.

He is pointedly ignoring the conversations and saying hi to the employees of the restaurants as well as his fellow employees.

A few stopped and talked to him for a moment or two. But for the most part he made it through the food line fairly quickly.

He looked around and spotted MJ, Ned and Betty at a four-seater that is off to the side.

Peter breathed a silent sigh of relief MJ and Ned must realize that Peter doesn't want to be in the middle of the crowd.

With everything that's happened he won't stop be the center of attention for a while.

He knows this will apply to school as well. Oh well, just a few more months to get through.

Peter grabbed a seat and smiling he looked around. Ned and Betty are happy, but MJ has got her head in a book.

That would be normal, but Peter's learned to read her well enough to know that she's not reading she's hiding.

Peter bites back the urge to touch her hand or shoulder. Once again, her body language is saying 'leave me alone.'

"I was told as soon as I finish eating, I'm to take you all up to Pepper, Mrs. Stark's office so you can interview her and Natasha." Peter said to Betty and Ned.

"Really?! I sort of forgot in all the excitement." Betty said she almost had a glow about her in her excitement.

Peter smiled, "I know what you mean. Say what you want, it's never boring here."

Peter tucked into his food trying not to eat it too fast, but not to slow, so Betty has the maximum amount of time.

As Peter got close to being done. He spotted Mr. Harrington. "Betty you should probably go let Mr. Harrington know about us leaving." Peter looked over when he didn't hear her respond. She had a wide-eyed panic look. "You confirmed it with him, right?"

"Uh no, I didn't even think about that…" She looked down.

Peter gave her a smile, "you didn't think I would be able to do it." It wasn't a question but a statement.

"No… yes, I'm sorry." Betty said feeling guilty.

"You don't have to apologize; I know how far-fetched it all sounded… before today." Peter said with a smile. "Go talk to him and see what he would need from us, for you to be allowed to go do it."

Betty smiles feeling relieve, she has learned today that Peter seems capable of doing anything. "Okay, thanks"

Ned got up with her. "I'll go and help."

He took her hand as they walked to the teacher.

Peter finishing up his food, looked over at MJ. He knows she would rather wait until later, but this is getting ridicules.

He leaned over into her periphery. "MJ?" he asked quietly hoping to see something.

She glanced at him, then went back to her book.

"MJ please talk to me; I know you are not reading. You are not even paying attention to your book." Peter said keeping his voice down still.

She looked up, "is that something she taught you?"

Peter looking confused, "She who? I learned it from you."

"Your best friend…" MJ said not totally sure where this vitriol is coming from.

"You and Ned are my best friends. I don't understand?"

Betty and Ned came back before anymore could be said.

"Uh Mr. Harrington said he would need to speak to someone in authority, before he let us go, regardless of your position here." Betty said worried.

"No problem, hang on." Peter said, putting what is going on with MJ and him aside for the moment. He took out his phone and sent a message to Karen to ask FRIDAY if Mrs. Stark would be willing to come down to speak to Mr. Harrington.

Very shortly after the message was sent Karen said that Mrs. Boss is on her way down.

Peter knew that was to quick.

So, he assumes that FRIDAY is monitoring him. He glanced over to the camera.

Normally he can tell when FRIDAY is watching him, but with his classmates watching him intently since they set foot in the door, he can't distinguish between them and FRIDAY since neither are planning to harm him.

Peter got up and gathered his trash. "Come on, it's being taken care of. Follow me."

He looked back and they all got up to throw their trash away. Peter could tell that MJ wasn't sure about it.

They all followed Peter to the trash and then to where Mr. Harrington is sitting. Peter nodded to the other adults at the table.

Peter could tell that both Mr. Harrington and Michael had adjusted their seats so they could keep an eye on Flash's group.

Peter looked over to Michael. "FRIDAY told you?"

He nodded and said, "She on her way right now."

"Thanks, Mr. Harrington do you have a moment?"

"Yes, Peter, but I will need…"

"I know sir, that's what we are taking care of. Please, right this way." Peter said as he indicated they head towards the elevator banks.

Mr. Harrington got up. Following behind Peter and as MJ, Ned, and Betty followed him.

They all were kind of confused.

As they got into the hall the elevator doors opened and Mrs. Stark stepped out looking immaculate as she always does.

She spotted Peter and gave him her warm maternal smile. Its automatic for her. "Peter, hello MJ and Ned." Her voice just as warm as you would expect.

She looked over, "And you must be Ms. Brant. I've been looking forward to meeting you."

She then turned to the teacher. "Mr. Harrington…" she put her hand out for him to shake, "It is a pleasure to finally meet you. Peter has mentioned how much he enjoys your class. I hope despite the unusualness of some of today's events, that everyone is having a good time."

Both Betty and Mr. Harrington are rendered speechless.

Peter has to smile, like Mr. Stark, Pepper has impressive powers of persuasion, she just wields them differently than Mr. Stark does.

"Uh, yes, it's been very interesting. I, am I correct that you are here for them?" Mr. Harrington finally said.

"Yes, when Peter asked if Ms. Brant could have some time for an interview, I checked the schedule and found that this was the best time. I hope that's alright with you. We won't take long, if need be, we can finish the interview later. I will make sure they are back down before the tour begins again." Pepper is showing just how she is able to be CEO of a fortune 50 company.

Peter smiles and still feels a bit of awe at how she is able to put Mr. Harrington at ease.

"Yes, yes of course, I have no problem. If they are back before the tour restarts…" Mr. Harrington said almost shell shocked.

"Excellent. Again, thank you and if there is anything my office can do to make the rest of the trip better please let Michael know." Pepper stepped to the side as the elevator door behind her opened like magic, but it's really FRIDAY doing her part. Which made Peter smile at that.

As the four students followed Pepper on to the elevator. Peter stood near Pepper he could tell she was doing her own visual once-over.

After he could tell she is satisfied that Peter is fine. He leans over and whispers, "Please tell me you are going to teach me that trick?"

Pepper smiled put her arm around Peter she kissed his forehead.

This is something Ned and MJ have seen many times.

However, for Betty, it's another shocking moment, but as she thinks about it, she realizes it doesn't seem as shocking anymore.

Pepper whispers back to Peter, "You can't teach that to someone, they have to have the ability…" She paused and gave a small smile at Peter's disappointed frown, before she continued on, "Which is why it's a good thing you have that ability to. So, the real answer to your question is. Yes, we will nurture that ability to be as good as Tony and me."

Peter glanced around and saw Betty with her notebook, in a panic getting her thoughts down. Ned is looking around wondering if he should make small talk.

MJ still has her head in the book. Peter decides he's not going to wait until after the trip.

As the elevator opens Peter gently takes MJ's arm and turning to Pepper says, "You guys go ahead. I have a question for MJ then we'll be there." Peter has his easy smile on.

They all stop, Pepper has a thoughtful look, Ned has his concerned look. Betty is looking at MJ and MJ is looking at Peter with an expression he can't decipher.

Pepper speaks after a few seconds. "Don't take to long, I would hate to have to send anyone after you."

"No problem, it won't take long." Peter said.

He watched as the three outside of the elevator turned back to head towards Pepper's office.

Peter looked over to see MJ staring at him, he can read just a bit of anger in her look as well as a bit of panic as well. "FRIDAY privacy mode please."

"Of course, Peter." FRIDAY's tone was subdued like she's unsure of what's going on. But the elevator doors close and a soft ding is heard to indicate that the mode is active. Only a those with high clearance know about and can access this feature.

Peter let go of MJ's arm and she propelled herself to the other side of the elevator. "You have no right to keep me trapped here." She said drawing on her anger of the situation.

Calm and collected, Peter knew she wouldn't like what he did, but deciding whatever is wrong can't wait.

He replies, "You are not trapped…" he pointed to the open-door button. "you press it and the doors open and privacy mode ends. I won't stop you, but whatever is going on is affecting us both and this is as private as it gets, here in the tower. I don't want to wait until next time I get to see you, because we both know, if I wait until tonight you will stop me. I don't understand why you are running."

Peter moved slowly like he would if she were a wounded animal. He placed is hand gently on her shoulder. "Please tell me what's wrong…"

"What's going on with you and Romanoff?" MJ blurted out.

"Huh, I don't understand what you mean?" Peter asked genuinely confused.

"What is she to you?" MJ said, she's having trouble finding a way to word it, so it doesn't sound stupid and jealous.

"She's my teacher, my mentor, and I'm privileged to call her my friend." Peter answered not any less confused.

It clicked for Peter, "Are you jealous?" she confirmed it when MJ looked away.

"Maybe, you have always been friendly with her, and I saw earlier in the gym…" MJ paused then looked up to see confusion. "I waited a moment and I saw you hug her, and she give you kiss on the forehead. In the open, it just reminded me that you spend a lot of time with her…"

"MJ, she is my friend and my mentor, there is nothing more then that between her and I. Hell she and Ned are the ones that told me to ask you out." Peter said.

"I, I know, but then you got so mad… and I don't know." MJ said looking away.

"Wait is this about the guys in the gym? I have defended you just as strongly…" Peter stopped

"What, when." MJ has a strange mix of warmth and indignant that he defended her.

"Uh Flash end of last year started to talk about you and Ned and I… set him straight." Peter said his hand once again rubbing the back of his neck.

That made her mad, "So let me see if I've got this correct, you will stand there and let Flash or one if his fucking minions do all kinds of shit to you, but the second someone even thinks about saying something bad about your friends you will scare the living shit out of them… Is that your twisted logic of thinking?"

"Yes, but why…"

"Exactly… why… why do you do that. Do you think we can't take care of ourselves…"?

"Of course, you and Natasha are more then capable of taking care of yourselves, I just can't stand it if someone bad mouths either of you or Ned. I care about all of you. So yes, I'm going to defend you, when you are not there to defend yourself. You think I'm stupid enough to try to fight your battle with you there? Of course not, I know it doesn't make sense. I just… I've lost to many people to not fight tooth and nail for everyone I love! So yes, I will continue to do it, because I can't stand the thought of losing any of you." Peter said losing his cool. He's not upset, but he's frustrated at the situation and the way the day's been.

MJ feeling bad for pushing him, moves to put her arms around him. "Oh, Peter I'm sorry."

Peter wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close, feeling relief that she's there. "I'm sorry it's just I'm worried, I feel like I'm losing you and I don't know how to keep it from happening."

"You are not losing me. I just… you are not losing me." MJ said she still can't bring herself to tell him about Berkeley.

Peter figured it's as good a time as any. "Okay, as long as you know that no matter where you go to college, no matter how far away. We can make it work…"

"You, what are you talking about?" MJ asked.

"No matter where you choose to go to college, I know we can make it work…"

"Have you… have you been spying on me?"

"What? No of course not, the letter was open, on your desk, on top of your art pad, the you asked me to grab two weeks ago. Plus, I heard your mom talking to you about it."

"Oh, I… I don't know what to do…" MJ said her guilt getting to her again, she knew he wouldn't spy on her.

"We've got time, but like I said we can handle it, you've always wanted to go to Berkeley and it's only for a few years, worst case. Don't let the fear of us stop you." Peter answered.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but Mrs. Boss is getting worried about you." FRIDAY said suddenly, she only knows that they are still in the elevator but with privacy mode on she can't monitored.

Peter looked up and is surprised at how long they have been in the elevator. "Look we can talk about this later. I love you and you should go to Berkeley follow your dream."

MJ just nods her head but remains silent.

Peter knowing she's done talking. He pushes the open-door button and they walk towards Pepper's office. They walk in, close to each other. Natasha and Pepper looking over, trying to see what's going on.

Peter just smiles at them and they go sit on the couch, next to Ned.

Ned, MJ, and Peter sit and watch Betty ask Pepper then Natasha questions. Diligently writing down the answers.

FRIDAY spoke quietly. "I apologize but it's almost time to head back to your class."

Betty looking up, is surprised, she felt like she just sat down. "Oh, ah thank you for your time. I really appreciate it." Betty said, she still had so many more questions she wanted to ask.

"Ms. Brant would you like to schedule a time to come back and finish?" Natasha asked, knowing that Pepper would have asked the same thing.

Betty looking over at Natasha, "Oh yes, if it's not too much trouble." She answers.

Pepper responded this time. "It's not trouble. Just talk to Peter later to see when the best time would be. I have to say I'm a little surprised I'm aware you are a TV reporter. I would have thought you would want to do an on-camera interview."

The surprise on Betty's face is easy to read. "I didn't want to press my luck. I thought that just getting to conduct an interview would be more then I could hope for."

Pepper thought for a moment. She then pulled out a business card, then handing it to Betty she added. "Have your teacher call my PR dept. I'm willing to do a short on-camera interview that will give your crew experience. We can do it here, and my PR dept will be here to help. They can get some real-world experience conducting interviews. That should look very good on any college or scholarship applications."

"Wha… yes, that would be… thank you so much…" Betty not knowing what to say, this is far more she could hope for.

Pepper smiled, "Of course."

Betty turned to Natasha. "I also wanted to thank you agent Romanoff."

"You are welcome. I won't be able to do the interview. An unfortunate downside of being a secret agent." Natasha said with a slight smirk.

"I understand." Betty said not surprised but still felt a little bit of disappointment.

Peter got up, "We better get back downstairs before Mr. Harrington starts to panic."

Natasha looked at Peter, asking him without speaking 'are you okay and what that was all about earlier.'

He gave her a short shake of his head with an easy smile to say, 'I'm fine, but not right now.'

Peter walked over and give Pepper and Natasha a short hug in thanks for doing this for Betty.

Then the four students walked to the elevator. FRIDAY had one open already.

The ride is silent. Betty is busy writing notes in her notebook.

While Ned is looking back and forth between MJ and Peter trying to figure out what's going on.

MJ is silent but her mind is active. So many thoughts, she wants to go to Berkeley, but she knows how hard long-distance relationships are.

She needs to understand where this jealousy of Natasha and Peter has come from. They are not doing anything different, but she keeps comparing herself to agent Romanoff, and she can't help but find herself coming up short.

MJ gives a silent sigh, that's the problem, the fact that she can't help the feel that Natasha would be a better match for Peter.

Both of them are heroes, she can handle seeing Peter hurt. She's not afraid to show how much she cares about Peter in public.

Peter can see MJ is still lost in her head. He brushes her hand and gives her a smile.

She gives him a small one back. He'll have to talk to her as soon as she lets him.

They step out of the elevator as the classes started to group together. They could see Mr. Harrington visibly relax when he spotted them.

Michael smiled and nods to them as they walk towards their class.

Peter could see Flash biting his tongue again. It would seem that he still hasn't learned.

"Excellent now we can continue on with the tour. Now each class well go to the lab that the other class went to." Michael said after FRIDAY told him that they are all present.

FRIDAY opened two doors on each side of the elevator bank.

"Just like before, Ms. Warren's class to the left and Mr. Harrington's class to the right." Michael said pointing to each side as the students excited to see the next lab. Several of the classes talked about what each lab so several of the students already know what is coming.

Betty whispered to Peter, "Where are we going next?"

Peter shrugged, "I'm not sure this is my first official tour."


"Yeah, I mean the tour I got wasn't from a tour guide."

"Who was it?"

"Mr. Stark." Peter said a bit embarrassed like he's bragging but hates that.

Betty laughed, only Peter would be embarrassed by something like that. "Peter you are too pure."

"I thought I was a prostitute?" Peter asked, what Susan said still on his mind.

He'd always wondered what his classmates thought of him. But that wasn't even an option.

Betty can't help the blush that crept up her neck. She knew that stupid group chat was going to get her in trouble.

Luckily Peter turned as he steps into the elevator. So, he missed it.

Once the class is in FRIDAY closed the elevator. "FRIDAY 76th floor please." Michael said.

Betty looked over at Peter. In fact, several students did.

"Biology and Chemistry, also medical starts there." Peter answered, he spends almost as much time on that level as in his lab.

As the doors open Peter isn't dragging his feet. He wants to see what's going on. Like else where he's not been able to come down to check on a few things.

Michael turned to Peter and indicating the door. "Go ahead."

Peter moved forward and swiped his badge with a small smile to hear the familiar beep.

He thinks each dept has a slightly different beep, but Mr. Stark is firm that the beeps are all the same and it's all in Peter's head.

It's a familiar teasing they do. Peter is actually planning to change each department's door to a slightly different beep.

Just to do it.

Also, he's planning on having FRIDAY start playing a song every time Mr. Stark enters a room.

He's not sure what song yet.

It will depend on how irritated Peter is next time the 'this means war' protocol is put into effect.

In fact, for Steve, a reminder of his 'showbiz' past might be in order.

However, for Clint and Sam, he'll have to think about it maybe confer with Darth Widow.

Peter smirked slightly at that thought.

As Peter entered in behind his class, he saw Dr. Bashar working with a couple of interns.

However, when he spotted one 6-foot-tall shaggy brunette with a shiny metal arm. Who answers to the name James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes, AKA White wolf. Standing awkwardly towards the back. Peter became concerned.

Peter turned he was going to go talk to Dr. Bashar, but Bucky takes priority.

Peter is well aware of how much Bucky hates crowds and avoids the labs as much as possible, so for him to be in a lab that he must have known his class would be in, due to the fact that he's not surprised to see them.

"Hey Buck, what's up?" Peter can see Bucky holding his arm.

Dr. Bashar started walking towards Bucky knowing that Peter would head to him first.

"Peter, glad you're here. Sgt. Barnes said his arm is giving him so painful feedback. He just arrived a few minutes ago and I've not been able to look at it. Since you are more familiar with it…"

"Say no more doc." Peter looked around and saw an empty station at the back that is configured for this kind of work. "We'll head back there and see."

Turning to Bucky, Peter asked. "Are you okay to stay here in the back or would you rather I try and see if I can take you up to my lab?" Peter isn't playing attention to the rest of the room. Several of his classmates had worked their way close enough to hear him say 'my lab'.

"I'm fine back there." Bucky said he's looking around at the students looking for particular group that had been causing trouble all day.

"Okay, if your sure." Peter's kind of relieved he's not sure Mr. Harrington would let him leave the room. Regardless of the situation.

Not that Peter wouldn't just leave, but he'd feel bad and would likely get in trouble.

"Go ahead Peter. I and my staff will try and keep the others away." Dr. Bashar said as some of the staff started to quietly move the students away.

Peter and Bucky heading towards the back. Peter didn't realize it but neither of them are making any noise when they move.

For Bucky it's the way he survived.

For Peter it's the training that both Natasha and Bucky have been teaching him.

Light and quiet, is something Natasha would repeat so many times that Peter could hear it in his sleep.

He's almost as good at sneaking up on people on foot as he is while crawling on the ceiling.

Peter adjust the bench, so that Bucky can rest his arm on the table under the light allowing Peter to do his work.

"Okay what seems to be the trouble."

"Feedback, kind of annoying."

"You and Steve need to stop playing so hard." Peter said with a slight smirk.

"That's the only way too play. Mouthy punk" Bucky snarked back, smiling.

"Hand me those forceps over there, so I can see how you screwed up your wiring, grumpy old man." Peter said with a smile, this is a familiar refrain between them.

Whether it's training or working on his arm. They tease each other.

Peter started it when he first started working on the arm to distract Bucky and help keep him calm. It's not much different than when Peter is fighting, he is a constant chatterbox.

"You mean you aren't going to use that sharp wit of yours?"

"I would, but the regular tools are much easier to wield." Peter said.

Peter opened the diagnostic port started connecting the equipment to find out where the fault is.

Bucky didn't need to watch Peter do what he's doing, he trust him. Bucky looked around again and spotted the group of boys that he'd been looking for.

Bucky felt his head tilt down just slightly as he studied the boys.

Even after years of humans being at the top of the food chain. Humans still carry a primal fear of predators.

They instinctly know, when they are being watched… hunted.

The boys started to act nervous and fidget. Bucky felt a small smirk cross his face.

Bucky doesn't normally like to use any of the skills he acquired as the winter soldier.

However, when it comes to family, he won't hesitate.

And for Peter… he, like the rest of the team, would take on hell itself.

Granted this time it's just to scare a couple of punks.

Finally, that kid Flash and a couple of his buddies looked back and saw Bucky watching them. He didn't have to do anymore.

The boys immediately looked away and moved away so they are out of his line of sight.

Bucky looked over when he noticed that Peter had paused.

Peter was looking at Bucky. "Seriously?"

Bucky can't help it he smiled. "What?"

Peter just shakes his head, then goes back to reading the information from the arm.

Bucky however did see the little half smile that Peter had. He knows that Peter isn't as upset about it as he let on.

Peter muttered about interfering family members as he opened the big port near the shoulder.

"I'm going to disconnect the power for a moment." Peter said, as always whenever Peter, Tony or Shuri do work on the arm. They always keep him informed of what's going on.

Bucky felt the pain from the feedback stop as he's arm became dead weight. He tried not to let the relief show.

However, Peter has sharper senses then normal and is way to observant to not notice the way his body relaxed, and his shoulders slumped slightly.

"How long did it hurt?" Peter asked as he took the forceps to move the wiring. Hoping that he can just remove the exposed wire without having to take the part out.

As hard as they worked to keep it as accessible as possible. It's still a confined area, in spite of the fact that his 'muscles' are larger than most of the team.

"Not long. After your group, Steve and I were showing some SHIELD agents some advanced moves when Steve went the wrong way and somehow things got twisted."

"And of course, instead of telling him, you continued to work, ignoring the pain and the damage it is doing to the arm." Peter said not at all surprised.

"Train as we play. On a mission, there is no timeout." Bucky said.

Bucky looked down and smiled at Peter, he's got his tongue sticking slightly out to the side in concentration. He tries not to laugh at the look, but it amuses him every time he sees it.

Peter pulls a wire out and then going over to the supply cabinet to get a replacement. He looks over to see that the whole class is not so subtlety watching them.

Since Peter's senses had been telling him that he wasn't surprised.

As Peter sat down, he could see Bucky is in the middle of thinking hard about something. "You gonna blow a fuse old man?"

"No punk. But I am going to do something." Bucky motioned Dr. Bashar over.

"Have the kids come over so the punk can show them what he's doing." Bucky said quietly to him as he got closer.

"What, no you don't have to, I know how much you hate being looked at." Peter said surprised.

"For you punk I'll do it, besides if you won't brag about what you can do, I'll brag for you." Bucky said.

Dr. Bashar waited and then asked. "Are you sure Sgt. Barnes. I'm sure we have other ways of bragging on Peter's behalf." He ended with a slight smile.

Dr. Bashar is very fond of Peter and is more then willing to do some bragging on his behalf.

"Nah, I don't mind."

"Of course." Dr. Bashar in deference to the interns and scientist working on deadlines he goes to each group and tells them quietly, and reminding them to not get to close.

"FRIDAY set up the hologram please." Peter walked over to get the camera unlike the hologram tables in the advance labs this would just project the image in 3-D. Along with a model of the area from the blueprints.

As the students, teacher and several of the interns not currently busy made a semi-circle they looked at the image that is being projected.

"Okay so what we have is a simple exposed wire causing feedback to the nervous system in the arm causing Bucky pain. I have disconnected the arm and removed the wire. I will connect the wire and then reconnect the arm so that it will function." Peter said putting himself in professional explanation mode. Its what he uses when speaking someone in an official capacity.

"You forgot something punk?" Bucky said knowing he would.

"What old man." Peter said letting himself slip into the role of playful banter between friends.

Bucky looked at the group. "He forgot to mention he helped to build this arm, that's why he's doing this work."

"I just helped Mr. Stark and Shuri. They designed and built it." Peter is quick to say.

Peter explained as he put the wire in and started to reconnect it. The group watched the two images above Peter and Bucky. One is the camera view what Peter is seeing the other is a partial 3-D blueprint of the internal components with FRIDAY showing the wire being installed based on what she's seeing on the camera.

Peter is able to get it connected easily and double checking his readings he looked at Bucky. "you ready?" Peter always asks when he's ready to reconnect the power to the arm.

Bucky nods.

"FRIDAY." Peter says as he moves the camera out of the way.

The images disappear. As the group groans at missing out.

"Sorry but the process of disconnecting and reconnecting is classified." Peter said no sorry at all, he will not show anyone how to hurt his family.

Even something as simple as how to disconnect the power to Bucky's arm. Even someone like his classmates.

Peter reconnected the power. He watched Bucky at first to see if there is any pain then he looks at the diagnostic equipment still hooked up. All seems to be in the green.

"FRIDAY?" Peter asked knowing she has access to more sensors then he has.

"I'm reading it is all in the green Peter."

"Bucky?" Peter asked. After Peter disconnected the equipment and closed the ports locking them down so they can't be easily opened.

Bucky lifts his arm and moves it around. "Feels fine, no pain, good work as usual." He looks at the group, "Anyone have any questions about the arm?"

"Is it true it could crush a man's skull?" One of the boys in Flash's group asked.

Bucky with a slight smirk. Opened his hand spreading the fingers out, before making a fist. "A man, no…" he looked at Flash and his group as he continued, "But a boy's…" Bucky leaves the rest unsaid.

The same boy that jokingly asked if Natasha was Peter's mom blurted out. "Hey winter soldier dude, how much do you lift bro?"

Peter looked the group his eyes and voice tight with danger he said. "You will call him Sgt. Barnes and treat him with respect he's due."

The boy scared stuttered out. "Oh sorry, uh Mr. Sgt. Barnes sir. How much can you lift?"

Bucky tried not to smile to much. "I am able to lift almost one ton. Due to the arm and enhancements I got by my previous employer." That was about the nicest way to put he's an ex-brainwashed Hydra super soldier.

Another student asked, "How is the arm powered?"

Peter answered that one. "That's classified I'm afraid."

"Does it have like guns or missiles that come out of it and shit?" another student asked.

"No, but that is on my Christmas list." Bucky answered.

"Okay I think that's about all the time we have. We have one more lab to go to that has another activity for both groups. Everyone, thank Sgt. Barnes." Michael said having been alerted by FRIDAY that it's time to move on to the last event of the day.

They thanked him and a couple of brave ones came up and asked if they could take a selfie with him.

Bucky feigned ignorance about what a selfie is. And bit back the urge to laugh when Peter gave a quiet snort of amusement.

As much as he teases Bucky about being an old man. Bucky is good with technology, and it is a source of amusement for the team, that despite Bucky being a year older than Steve. Steve still has trouble with today's technology.

Bucky takes a few selfies from the group and they start to head towards the door.

While Bucky was doing that, Peter finished putting the tools away, and walked around to the other interns.

Peter didn't pickup on the commotion as the students started to walk out of the lab until he got out the door. He was checking is phone.

Michael suddenly said, "Mr. Stark what a surprise. How can I help you?"

Peter's head whipped up and paled at the sight of Mr. Stark leaning against the wall at the elevator banks.

He is easily able to spot Peter as the class seem to part when he started to look around.

"Hello there, smaller people.", Mr. Stark casually greeted. "You must be those Midtown kids." As everyone excitedly gave affirmative.

Mr. Stark turned right to Peter, looking him right in the eyes as his grin became wider. "And what do you know, my very own intern I personally mentor, Peter Parker is here? Come here, Petey!"

Peter froze for only a moment before sighing, defeated, and then walking up.

He knew that Mr. Stark would make an appearance at some point but in all the craziness of the day he forgot about it.

"Mr. Stark, how may I help you?" Peter said his voice light and polite but showing his father figure his displeasure on his face.

Tony smirked, pulling Peter to him to put his arm around him as he got close enough. "Nat is way to good a teacher." He said quietly, so it wasn't easy for the rest of the group to hear.

Tony looked up, speaking to the group. "I was told you have one last lab to go to and I know it's… well it's borrrrrrinnnnngggg. So instead we are going some place else. The holy land."

Peter stopped, "No, not there… there is top-secret hush-hush stuff there. We can't." Peter whisper shouted like Ned has done way too many times.

Peter knows there is only one place that Mr. Stark calls the holy land... their labs.

"Oh Petey, I put all the good stuff up. You won't want to deprive your classmates of the joys of seeing the Holy land…"

Of the many things Peter would like to say, he bites his tongue. To the amusement of Tony who has no trouble reading the irritation in Peter's eyes.

"Ah, Barnes why don't you join us. You might like this." Tony said as Bucky stepped out of the lab.

"Peter why don't you take half of the group up while I take the other half. Nat and birdbrain are rounding up the other group."

Tony didn't wait for any response he walked towards a blank looking wall. "Now smaller people you are about to witness magic," he raised his hands waved them saying "abracadabra"

FRIDAY opened the private elevator.

Peter knows there is no way he could know, but he just knows that his sister is rolling her eyes at their father's showboating. "FRIDAY you should have waited just a few seconds before opening the doors." Peter said quietly enough for her to hear.

His phone buzzed and as he pulled it out. He saw a message.

I thought about it. -FRIDAY

"I'm curious how many times did you roll your eyes?" Peter asked again.

Just once. -FRIDAY

Bucky looking over Peter's shoulder gave a quiet laugh, he heard what Peter said.

At that point Tony had as many in the elevator as would fit. "Pete if they don't all fit, have Barnes bring up the last of them."

The door shut and Michael along with Ned and MJ, Betty, Flash and several of his group as well as several other students where left.

The elevator opened Peter waved them all on. The car was almost full when all was left was Flash and his group with Bucky.

Bucky smirked. Looking at Peter he said, "FRIDAY send them I'll take the rest next."

Peter took a breath not sure what to make of that. But now that he's without his team before the doors open. "FRIDAY, I am enacting 'revenge of the Sith' protocol."

"Of course, Darth intern." FRIDAY said amused. She's smart enough to not call him Darth Spider with so many unaware people around.

Peter turned back to the rest of the people. With a slightly evil smile he put his finger to his lips, "Shhh, don't tell anyone I did that. It's classified between FRIDAY, me."

He didn't mention that Natasha is his partner in crime, on purpose.

Peter is thankful that Mr. Harrington went with the first group. And Michael likes him to much, Ned and MJ are the only ones that he might have to worry about.


"It's just a prelude to the next prank war. Nothing dangerous, but I will need the element of surprise."

FRIDAY had moved the elevator slower than normal in part because most of the group are not used to the fast way the elevator move.

Also, she knew Peter would need to explain some of what he did.

Shortly they arrive and the doors opened to see a full hallway.

"Last stop everybody off. Pete get down here and open the door." Tony shouted. "Is that all of them?"

Peter waited until he got down to the end, giving Nat a quick smile before turning to Mr. Stark. "No, Bucky had a group of boys to bring up last." Peter couldn't help the smirk that flashed on is face. The look of pure panic on the boys as Bucky stopped them and sent the elevator.

He knows Bucky won't do anything.

Of course, Natasha picked up on it quick and she laughed. Mr. Stark laughed not long after. "FRIDAY baby, please save that footage."

"Already done, boss." About that time the elevator doors opened the last time and all the boys were spilling over themselves to get out. While Bucky just calmly walked out.

Peter swiped his badge at the door. No sense in delaying the inevitable. He opened the door to the lab.

Mr. Stark held up his hand before there was a mad rush into the lab. "Hold on, before you go in there, ground rules.
1. Do NOT touch anything, unless one of us tells you, you can. If it looks dangerous it is. If it doesn't look dangerous it's twice as dangerous.
2. If you mess up anything you will be banned, and we won't even hire you to sweep the floors.
3. Do not wonder into other areas of the lab stay in the area.
That is all for now. Rules subject to change."

Mr. Stark walked in first followed by Mr. Harrington then several students. Ms. Warren and two of the tour guides followed by most of the rest of the two classes. Ned, MJ, and Betty followed by Bucky and Clint and the last Michael who helped bring the other class up.

Peter eyed the group of boys who it's clear they were not having a good day. They slinked through the door not making eye contact with anyone.

Peter placed his hand on Natasha's hand for a second to stop her. He whispered, "Revenger of the Sith protocol."

Natasha having been expecting it. Smiles and nods then steps in and heads to her usual spot.

Peter closes the door and moves towards his spot.

"Peter why don't you tell your class what's what." Mr. Stark said.

"Oh sure," pointing to the boards on the side. That is a web formula for Spider-man's web fluid. I have homework notes on there. The formula for agent Romanoff's updated widow bites… oh shit I forgot to give that to you."

"Language." Clint said.

Peter not holding back anymore. He just smiles at Clint. "Of course, agent Barton."

Both Tony and Clint get a little pale. Something everyone notices.

"Mr. Stark, agent Barton, are you okay? You look a little pale." Peter asked innocently and sweetly.

"FRIDAY, has this means war been enacted?" Mr. Stark asked.

"No boss, rules clearly state that when that protocol is enacted I will announce it to all relevant parties." FRIDAY said.

Peter going over to his main work area. Takes the gloves he's been working on. He walks over to Natasha who's doing a better job of hiding her amusement then Peter is. "My master…" Peter says as he bows his head holding out the gloves.

Natasha waits until he looks up at her before she regally nods her head. "Well done my Padawan."

They wait a few seconds before they both laugh.

She puts on the gloves and turns them on, seeing the familiar blue lines light up to let her know it's active.

She can feel the area around her wrist is thicker than before and there is a trigger pad in the middle of her palm. Much like Peter's web shooters.

She likes to play with them sometimes.

Bucky who had been wondering about this upgrade.

Both Natasha and Peter would talk about it a little, but mostly kept it under wraps to surprise everyone. "So, what's this upgrade you made for her."

Tony knows as well as Dr. Bashar who helped Peter tweak the formula.

Natasha looking with a proud smile at her little spider. "This is the new and improved widow bites. They have a new feature I call the widow's kiss… a quick acting knockout gas."

Natasha getting up she walks around. Looking at her left glove, with a wicked smile. "I'm still in need of a victim… I mean a test subject." She paused in front a certain group of boys as she said it, she looked over and said her voice both seductive and dangerous, "Does anyone want a widow's kiss?"

Flash and another kid grabbed the big guy that doesn't realize what she's asking. He starts to raise his hand.

Several of the rest of the group snicker, the boy has just enough book smarts to be in their school but has no common sense.

Which is one of the reasons Flash and the others keep him around.

Peter with a slight smile helpfully says, "There is always agent Barton?"

Natasha ignores the indignant squawk from Clint when she turns back to Peter, with a put-on sigh she says, "I can't, I made a promise."

None of the team say that the promise is the one that Laura made of Natasha to stop using Clint as a guinea pig for her new tech or any new fighting moves. After the last time he spent an hour as a drooling mess.

"Peter how about the rest of this stuff?" Michael asked, wanting to keep things on track. They are nearing the end of the day and the classes will need to head back soon.

"Oh yes, thanks, so over here…" Peter walked over as students part for him. "This is were I'm working on some of the other avengers' gear."

"Where is all the Iron-man stuff?" a student asked.

"Why would there be iron man stuff here?" Tony asked, already knowing the answer.

"Isn't this your lab?"

Tony smiled, "Nope this is Peter's lab. My lab is next door."

Peter muttered under his breath "and of course we can't go to his holy land no they have to come here."

"What was that Peter?" Tony asked, smirking he might not have caught everything that was said but he got the gist of it.

"Nothing Mr. Stark. I was just thinking of something for later." Peter said smiling sweetly at him. "over here is the structure for a BB-8 I'm working on." That caused a few heads to perk up. "I'd like to eventually make a R2-D2 with an AI as some point."

Peter walked towards the back. "These are some of spider-man's gear." FRIDAY turned on the lights in the back to show some of spider-man's suits as well as some of the other avengers. "I'm also working on updating some of the avenger's suits."

"And spidey?" Flash couldn't help but blurt out. "can I go touch it?"

"Only if you want to lose the hand." Tony said, at the group's surprise look. "Security measure. Can't just have anyone touching anything. That's why I said… the rules." Tony said looking sharply at one of the students who was reaching out to touch some of the avenger's gear.

"Okay, unfortunately that's all the time we have. We will need to start to head back down to the lobby so you can catch your buses." Michael said knowing that this many teenagers in an open lab is asking for trouble.

Flash walked up to Mr. Stark and asked. "So did Spidey say when he would be here?"

"No, why would he show up?" Tony asked confused.

MJ, Ned, Betty, Natasha, and Peter all hid smiles at the flush on Flash's face when several of his group and other students started to snicker at him.

Rachael opened the door to start letting out the students.

Bucky walked over to one of the boys. "Put it back." He said simply.

The boy nods scared and pulls out a tool that had been on the table behind him.

Tony said, "that goes for any of you. FRIDAY has been watching so if you exit this room with something that belongs here, you will be prosecuted."

A couple of students quickly put items back.

Peter looks each one in the eye and gives them the eyebrows of disappointment.

Then going over to MJ and Ned he says goodbye. They head out.

As the last part of the classes get to the elevator one student asked why Peter isn't with them.

Peter doesn't have to hear Mr. Harrington tell them about the note he gave him from May in the museum earlier in the day.

Tony said as the last of the group has left the level. "Well, that went well."

Peter just looks at him and gives him the eyebrows of disappointment.

"Ha kid I'm immune to that. You have no power over me." Tony said.

"Not if I get Pepper involved." Peter said smirking.

Clint who had been keeping back and quiet. "Don't think I don't know what you are planning kid."

"I have no idea what you are talking about agent Barton?" Peter said turning on his sweet innocent look.

"Yah right, kid. I know you are hatching some nefarious plan. You only get sweet and innocent when you want to lull us into a false sense of security." Clint said narrowing his eyes.

"Maybe I'm only letting you think that I have some sort of… what did you call it nefarious plan." Peter responded. "maybe just letting you sweat is the only plan I have?"

"No, I know that you know that I know you have a plan. You and Darth Widow would never do that."

"Are you sure? I mean sure you know that I know that you know that I know that you think you might know what I might be planning something. But do you really?"

"I know that you know that I know that you know that I know that you would not do all this just as a fake set up." Clint said eyeing Peter closely.

"Clearly you are a dizzying intellect that I can't hope to match. Superspy agent Barton." Peter said bowing his head subserviently.

"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders…" Clint said

"Never get involved in a land war in Asia?" Natasha said smiling just short of laughing.

"Nah those are easy. I've been in enough of them over the years." Bucky said with a smirk.

"No, I believe agent Barton is thinking, of the only slightly lesser known one: never go in against a Cicelean when DEATH is on the line." Peter said working to keep from laughing as well.

"Inconceivable." Tony said adding his own to it.

Clint can't help it starts to laugh but adds. "You keep using that word, I don't think you know what it means."

Clint getting up goes over to ruffle Peter's hair and pull him for a hug.

He then starts to head out of the lab but turns back pointing two of his fingers at his eyes and then turning them to point at Peter. The universal way of saying 'I've got my eyes on you.'

Peter just gives him the innocent wide-eyed look.

Bucky gets up next also pulling Peter in for a hug before he heads out. Not needing to look back.

Tony has to work on some stuff in his lab, he hugs Peter as well. "Remember, not to bite the hand that feeds."

"I would never bite Pepper or May." Peter said with the same wide-eyed innocent look.

Both Tony and Natasha can't help it they laugh.

"Nat, please stop teaching him he's already too dangerous, that isn't fair to the rest of us." Tony said jokingly to Natasha.

Natasha smirked and added, "Who said life is fair…"

Peter finishing the quote, "Where is it written?"

Natasha took up another quote. "Life is pain. Anyone who says different…"

Peter added, "Is trying to sell you something."

Tony puts his hands up. "Okay, okay I surrender." He does laugh as he walks out to go into his lab next door.

Peter walked over to Natasha and she pulled him into a hug smiling when he relaxes into her arms.

"Wanna tell me what that was all about before with MJ and the elevator?" Natasha whispers to him.

Peter sighs, "I think she's worried about college and she knows that I know about Berkeley." Peter felt the urge to start the 'I know that you know' thing again but doesn't want to.

"I'm sorry baby." Natasha said feeling bad for Peter and MJ.

Peter looked down at the widow bites. Natasha had taken them off after the classes left. "I have a test subject in mind. May I do it?"

Natasha can see the evil smirk on Peter's face. "I assume this won't be a student or an employee?"

"Of course, that would be outside of the rules. This is someone on the team."

"Well I guess if you do it, then it wouldn't be breaking a promise I made to Laura." Natasha said assuming that he will use it on Clint.

Peter just smiles wider. "I'll wait until later this weekend. Let the suspense build."

"Oh, my apprentice you make me so proud." Natasha said her pride coloring her voice.

"Thank you, Darth Widow." Peter said his voice turning, more happy, then wicked. He loves it when she is proud of him.

"Come on, May is upstairs let's get a snack, since FRIDAY said you didn't get enough to eat at lunch, then we can watch a movie before dinner." Natasha said get up to put her arm around Peter.

"As you wish." Peter said smiling at her.

Natasha smiles back at him. "What movie do you want to watch?"

How about Princess bride, or…" Peter smirked, "We could watch Austin Powers."

Natasha looks back and her eyes narrow at him. "Hmm, I'm thinking either Batman…" she smirked at Peter as she watches him added, "…or Pretty woman." She started laughing when Peter's eyes grew wide knowing why she said Pretty Woman a movie about a prostitute.

They know about what Susan said down in the lobby.

He doesn't know about the group chat that the team had been shown.

"Fuck me…"

FRIDAY shut off the power to the lab and locked the door and opened the elevator so they could go up to the common room.

Her audio senses on this level caught the sound of Natasha laugh loudly as the elevator doors closed.

Author's Note:

I wanted to thank 1storywriter1 who helped me come up with the 'class meets Tony Stark' scene.

There are a quotes from two movies. One is easy... the other might not be so easy.