I missed it by a few hours but I noticed a few weeks ago that the 19th marked one year since I've been back to writing fanfiction and since the old field trip trope was one of the first I looked for. It seemed only fitting to post my first one.

The rating is due to a few 'choice' words and possibly several lewd comments made in Peter's vicinity about someone he cares about, that he'll take strong exception to.

I want to thank 1Storywriter1 for helping with the title...

Part of the "Peter vs." universe

- (Chapter 1 – Friday and the weekend) -

Towards the end of Mr. Harrington's AP chemistry class. We find most of the Decathlon team. From their Captain, Michelle 'My friends call me MJ' Jones, to Peter Parker, Ned Leeds, Betty Brant, Cindy Moon, Sally Avril, Abe Brown, Charles Murphy, including the 'alternate' Eugene 'Flash' Thompson, as well as several others that Peter isn't as familiar with.

Peter is fighting to stay awake. A late-night patrolling that led to the 'eyebrow of disappointment' from May that is even more devastating than the ones Captain Rogers gives him.

He had made the mistake of telling the good captain that one to many times when he would try it on him, and he recently spotted Rogers talking to May and they keep glancing at him. He was walking down the hall from training with Natasha at the time, so she of course had to laugh at his look of despair.

However today, he's not overly worried, it's Friday and his last period of the day, and he's decided to head home and take a nap… or rather May made the decision for him and made sure to follow up with Natasha and Karen.

So, he's on lock-down for today.

One of the good things about his abilities is he can hear and process what's being said, even when it looks like he's not paying attention. It has caused more than one teacher to think they got him when they call on him thinking he's asleep and he answers correctly.

Teachers also can't sneak up on him, his sense will alert him no matter how out of it he is, when someone is getting close or if they are about to shout at him.

It's a good thing, because if they manage to surprise him, it could be bad; at best he might rip the top of the desk off, at worst he could cause the person to go flying.

Peter senses alerted him before he felt Ned's elbow. He looked up to see that Mr. Harrington starting to write on the chalkboard.

'F I E L'… at this point the whole class knows what he's writing.

Sure, enough after he put the chalk down the board said 'Field Trip – Next Friday'

It took a few minutes for the class to calm down.

Peter has a bad feeling, his experiences with field trips have been less then great.

Finally, after it is clear, that Mr. Harrington isn't going to say anything. Someone, Betty from the sounds of it, asked the question.

"Where are we going Mr. Harrington?"

"Class, ours and Ms. Warren's AP physics class have been invited to tour… Stark tower." Mr. Harrington said pausing for effect.

It worked; the class was silent for several seconds until the words registered with the class.

Peter didn't realize it at the time but during the silence the whole class heard his head hit his arm with a dull meaty thud.

At the same time, he quietly mutter, "fuck me."

Which caused several of the students around him to snicker. However, nobody said anything maybe because they like Peter and don't want him to get into trouble, or they're afraid of his girlfriend.

Of course, only three people were really interested in Peter's reaction, the rest of the class are currently feeling giddy.

Ned and MJ are very concerned and mildly concerned respectively.

MJ sitting behind him pokes him with her pencil whispering, "hey are you dead?"

While Ned in front of him had turned back in excitement then concern.

Flash while also feeling giddy does so for another reason, calls out. "Hey Penis… are you gonna introduce us to the great Tony Stark."

"Mr. Thompson, that will be quite enough." Mr. Harrington said sharply.

Flash leaned back with a smug look on his face.

"Now, I'm going to pass out the permission slips that are attached to NDA forms that must be filled out and signed by you and your guardians. We will need them to be returned by Tuesday." Mr. Harrington passed out the forms upside down.

As Peter turned his form over, he saw a post it note, on his sheet Peter, please see me after class for a moment. - Mr. Harrington All Peter could think is 'what did I do now?'

Right after the papers are passed out, the bell rings and it's a mad dash to the door. All except Peter who tells MJ and Ned to go on he needs to talk to the teacher.

Shortly the classroom is empty save for Mr. Harrington and Peter who slowly walks up to the desk at the front, if Peter has to guess he's going to say something about the internship.

"You wanted to see me Mr. Harrington?"

"Yes, Peter I have one quick question for you. Do you have an internship at Stark Industry?"

"Yes sir, I do, I've filed the pro…" Peter started until Mr. Harrington held up his hand.

"It's okay Peter, I knew that the principle had to sign some documents regarding you, but he can't say about what, so I just wanted to make sure it was for your internship. I believe you." Mr. Harrington paused and looked like he is unsure wither to continue or not, "Why do you let Mr. Thompson bully you like that?" he'd always wanting to know why someone as smart and when he wants to be, assertive as Peter would let someone bully him.

"I uh…" Peter not sure how to answer, his usual answer of 'I'm Spider-man and can handle it' won't work in this case. He finds his hand rubbing the back of his neck in the nerves tick that no matter how hard he and Natasha try he can't seem to fully shake. "I can handle his words, better me then someone who maybe couldn't."

"I understand that but why not go to someone to report it?"

Peter let out a sigh, he's had the same argument with May. "If I did, then what?" Peter paused to let that sink in. "I heard a rumor once that there was a teacher fired for coming down on Flash, is that true?" Peter having learned how to read body language from Natasha watched as Mr. Harrington flinched slightly and shut down.

"Um that will be all for now Peter. While I understand you probably wouldn't need to have the paperwork signed, just in case please have the paperwork signed and returned on Monday." Mr. Harrington started to gather his things.

Peter not even disappointed that he didn't get an answer. It's no secret that Flash's parents have a lot of influence with the school board and a blind eye to his activities.

Peter and several of his classmates have seen firsthand how far Mrs. Thompson will go to protect her child.

Back in the 9th grade, before Peter had a run in with a spider.

They had a field trip that Mrs. Thompson was one of the chaperones and she got into a shouting match with another parent when that parent yelled at Flash for bullying their child.

The parents pulled the boy who at the time had been Peter's best friend.

Not long after that Flash decided to make Peter his favorite target, and he met Ned a transfer student, freshman year and they became friends due to mutual love of Legos and MJ started at the start of their sophomore year.

That was kind of the start of his year of extremes he met both of his best friends at school, he got bit by a spider, he got superpowers, he lost is uncle, he got to meet Tony Stark, he kicked ass and got his ass kicked by the avengers, he got to meet THE black widow and she took him under her wing and they have become friends.

For a long time, no-one was more surprised than Peter himself about that last part.

Peter felt the small smile cross his face whenever he thinks about how close he is with his favorite avenger… much to Mr. Stark's annoyance.

"Hey Peter, what was that all about?" Ned asked as he and MJ were waiting by their lockers. Somehow, they got lucky and despite their names being so different they are still close together.

"Huh, oh no Mr. Harrington wanted to confirm that I do have an internship, I guess the principle had to sign some paperwork about my internship and can't talk about it." Peter didn't add the part about Flash knowing it's not worth bring up. Nothing would change and besides they are seniors only a couple of months left.

"Oh, but you are still going to go right? You have to go with us." Ned said bordering on panic.

"Hey, whoa hold on, yes I'm going, I doubt I have a choice, between my family and my friends I'd be dragged there if I didn't." Peter said smirking at his two friends to show he's teasing them.

MJ with her own smirk says "Yeap, I knew you were smart."

"Okay, will I need to get home and take a nap. I'll see you guys sometime this weekend."

"Remember loser, you are coming over tomorrow evening." MJ said quietly she's not one to broadcast their personal life. But she's getting better about PDA with Peter.

"Of course, I can't wait." Peter leaned over to kiss her cheek knowing anything more would be too much for her, and frankly he's not overly fond of PDA either.

Ned just stays quiet, glad his friends stopped dancing around their feelings and before they started the school year started dating. He feels less guilty about dating Betty for almost a year.

They have had a grand total of one double date. Peter was able to use his connect to Mr. Stark to get them into a fancy restaurant and he paid for them all.

Peter doesn't talk about it, but Mr. Stark insisted that all the work Peter has done, all the patents, are in Peter's name and Peter gets paid well for them.

Most of it is invested on Peter's behalf, some of it, Peter uses to treat his friends and family to nice things.

First thing he did when he got money was to start to help May financially. It took a while for him to convince her to let him, he kind of cheated and ask Pepper to help him convince her.

He then got Natasha a pair of very nice throwing knives that she had been looking at. He paid attention and used the skills she's been teaching him about subtle interrogations to find out what she wanted for her birthday.

When she opened it, her eyes got a little misty and she hugged him tightly and kissing him tenderly on the forehead. Peter felt like he was on cloud nine for the next several days.

Clint teased that of course the way to Natasha's heart would be weapons.

For Pepper and Tony, he did something else, as the billionaires they are, he wouldn't need to buy them something.

For Pepper he got May to take her to a spa and get pampered. As he and Natasha spend a few days working as her assistant to cover as much of the work as possible.

For Tony he spent a long time trying to figure out what to do or get for Tony, when Pepper just told him that Peter being there is all Tony ever wanted. So, Peter spent more time for a few weeks with Tony in the lab. Their bond grew even stronger.

After a few weeks he missed spending time with Natasha in training, so the lab time was back to normal hours, but Tony was fine with that.

For May he put together a trip to Italy for her and him, during this last summer, May had suggested they ask Natasha if she wanted to join given that it's likely that Natasha knew Europe better than they did.

Natasha was overjoyed to join. They flew on Stark's private plane and toured the country. May was able to track down distant family. Natasha acted as an unofficial tour guide and bodyguard to them.

They met with Wanda and Vision while there and hit it off.

In less then a day Wanda had already declared Peter is her little brother. To which he had to endure some gentle teasing from May and Natasha.

At the end of the trip, Tony and Pepper took a few days' vacation to fly out and meet them. For Peter is was the family vacation he'd never got to have.

They all flew back together, sharing stories and having a good time.

Peter spent the next few days back spending time with Ned and MJ. It was a few weeks later before their senior year that at the prompting from Ned and Natasha, Peter asked MJ out on a date and they have been dating ever since.

Peter said goodbye to his friends and headed home.

He put the paperwork on the counter and then still yawning he headed to his room and lay down.

He was asleep before his head hit the pillow.

He woke up a few hours later when May opened the front door.

He yawned and stretched then headed out to see that May had found his field trip paperwork.

May looked over and was torn between laughing at Peter's luck and cooing at how cute he looks having just woke up from his much-needed nap.

She just walks over puts her arm around him kisses his forehead and with a laugh teasingly says, "sweetie, you have the strangest luck."

With more whine then he wanted he can't help but say, "I know, right. I don't wanna go but I know the others as well as Ned and MJ will drag along if I don't." Peter can't help but pout.

It's then he hears the click from May's phone he looks up to see her smirking and holding the phone.

"May! What was that for?"

"Oh, just going to share it with a couple of people."

"Ugh, I'm going back to bed." Peter said fighting the blush knowing that Pepper and Natasha will get the picture.

"Okay, I'll get dinner here pretty soon." May said knowing that he needs to eat, she had guessed he came home and went immediately to sleep.

Peter went back to his room and eyed the bed again but knowing if he want back to sleep it would throw his schedule off so he sat at his messy desk and pulling out what homework he hadn't already gotten done before school was finished. He got started.

The homework was done within 15 minutes, so Peter worked on his final senior project. Then he worked on the term paper due in a few weeks.

Before the bite school was much easier, now between patrolling, training and increased class loads, he's having to spend far more time working on the homework then he ever used to.

Of course, part of it is he's taking several college classes concurrently with his high school classes. His plan is to have a bachelor's degree within a year and if he can pull it off his first PhD within another two.

Thankfully the program is accepting a lot of the internship work he has been doing at SI for college credits.

He spent another hour working on his on-line college classes. Getting all his homework caught up.

That was when May came in and said the food is here.

Peter is thankful that he asked Bucky to teach him how to cook and bake. He's only just started; time isn't something Peter has a lot of.

When Peter asked him about it once. Bucky just said he had a lot of time in-between jobs and towards the end they couldn't put him in cryo-sleep as much without causing damage. So, he had a lot of time on his hands. And after he got away, he needed to survive on little money, so he had to learn to cook to survive.

Since he's been in the tower, he found that cooking and baking relaxes him.

Peter joins May to eat then he gets suited up and heads out to patrol he normally would have been at the tower today, but May's lock-down put an end to that.

It was a busy evening. He stopped 4 attempted muggings, at least 2 attempted rapes, two different bodegas being robbed, as well as his favorite hot dog stand as he was closing. So of course, Peter got a free hot dog as thanks. He stopped 2 attempted car thieves. And someone tried to steal a kid's scooter.

He also took the time to help 7 tourists find where they wanted to go, all of them along with another 3 wanted to have their picture taken with him. He's gotten good at doing physically impossible poses for them so they can prove to their friends back home they got to meet the real Spider-man.

But one of the first things he did was help a little girl whose blue balloon got away he snagged it and returned it to her. He still feels happy warmth from the hug she gave him.

It started to get late, and Karen in her not so subtle way began to remind him of the time. He had hoped for something to get his attention high speed car chase… something.

But the city went to sleep most of the innocents having already gone home.

Most of the criminal elements had smartened up and moved to other areas.

Peter has been widening his patrol lately since major crimes have dropped in Queens, regardless of that blowhard J Jonah Jameson spouts on his big billboard closer to Manhattan.

Peter is thankful that the billboard isn't here. His voice is grating enough without having to hear it all the time. Peter could hear it easily, but he's learned to tune him out.

With nothing calling him he heads for home. He gives his status report to FRIDAY who in turn tells both Natasha and Tony.

Earlier after the balloon event Natasha told him good job via FRIDAY who warned him that Tony is planning something based on the way he started to snicker after seeing the footage.

Peter headed home, he listened to his senses to make sure he's not being followed, the fear of someone finding out who he is and getting revenge against him through May or one of his friends is something he deals with all the time.

He makes it home with no problems and still feeling the lack of sleep, cleans up and is asleep before his head fully hits the pillow.

Saturday afternoon he heads to Ned's house and they work on the Stark/Avengers tower Lego set that was sent to Tony for approval.

He and Peter put it together that first night and Tony approved the designs.

Tony told Peter to give it to Ned since he couldn't join them having gone to visit family.

Later Peter went to MJ's apartment to spend the evening with his girlfriend. He left and heading home to clean up and change he went out to patrol, unlike the night before there was nothing going on, especially for a Saturday.

Peter went to one of the taller buildings in Queens and worked on the Tai Chi that Natasha has started to teach him. It's a way to help him center himself.

He heads for home having only stopped a couple of attempted muggings, and a poorly attempted carjacking. He did stop a guy from trying to rip off an ATM.

Thankfully no alien weapons were involved this time.

He spends a little time working on an idea he had for Sam's redwing.

Sam sometimes gives him shit just because that's his way of teasing the younger man.

However, Sam now just takes any problems to Peter without going to Tony.

Shutting everything off, Peter heads to bed.

Sunday late morning, with May off of work. They spend the day together, just watching TV and relaxing they go shop take care of errands. It's a day for just the two of them. Sometimes others, will come over for a while, or they will go to the tower in the afternoon to spend time with Tony and Pepper, and usually Natasha, sometimes the whole team.

But today it's just May and Peter. They have the TV playing in the background while they relax. Peter is laying on the couch his head on May's lap playing on his phone while May is reading a book that Pepper had recommended, running her fingers though Peter's hair.

She has a soft smile because she'd always wanted a cat but is allergic, so it was a happy accident when she discovered that Peter when he's relaxed will purr.

She had mentioned it to Pepper and Natasha once when they were relaxing with a bottle of wine.

Natasha had of course heard Peter do it, but Pepper hadn't heard it yet.

That lead to Pepper showing up one Sunday later afternoon without Tony. Peter not sure about why, but doesn't worry about it, he trusts them completely.

Pepper ended up reading a book on one end of the couch while May was on the other. They convinced Peter that he was fine to lay on the couch like he normally does.

The couch is long enough that he is able to curl up in the middle without bothering Pepper. He lays sideways with his phone, his head once again in May's lab as she runs her fingers through his hair.

One side effect of the spider bite is how light he is, partially because of his smaller stature.

About an hour in and Pepper looked up with a smile as May looked over, they could hear him purr softly in the quiet room.

Pepper had to bite her tongue to keep from coo at the situation. May and Natasha had mentioned that Peter tends to be self-conscious about it. So, she stays quiet.

Later she takes them out to dinner at this great little mom and pop place that her assistant had told her about. It's right across the street from one of the boardwalks that dot the city.

Both May and Pepper tease Peter that he should bring a date here sometime. To which Peter agrees he likes the atmosphere and the dishes doesn't cost more then May's monthly apartment rent.

Later Pepper dropped May and Peter off at their apartment and went back to the tower and found Natasha they spend a half an hour cooing over how cute the purring is.

Peter put on his suit and went out to patrol for a little while, aware that he has school tomorrow and knowing that due to the upcoming field trip he would need to be on toes for whatever crap Flash tried to pull this week.

He sat perched on one of the many water towers in New York, his senses attuned to listen for trouble, but his mind trying to figure out how to keep Flash from being killed or seriously maimed by his family on Friday.

Not that he can't help but kind of fantasies about the preverbal and in some cases literal beat-down Flash would get, knowing that he can't help but run his mouth.

"Peter, большой паук (big spider) asked me to tell you she can feel your apprehension from the tower… relax маленький паук." (Little spider)

Peter snorted and smiled, he missed spending time training with Natasha and working in the lab with Mr. Stark this weekend.

That was the real punishment from May, for staying out way to late on a school night.

"Tell her I'm fine… Wait do they know about this Friday?" Peter asked suddenly worried, he didn't even think about what the team will do.

"I am unsure Peter; would you like me to inquire?" Had Peter not had a small panic attack he would have picked up on Karen's amused tone, knowing what he would say.

"WHAT?! No, uh I mean, no please don't say anything to anyone."

"Of course, Peter my electronic lips are sealed." Peter definitely picked up on her tone this time.

"Oh, ha ha, that's not funny Karen giving me a heart attack like that."

"I detected a silent alarm from a shop one block over. Video shows 4 men entering a jewelry store." Karen said as she put the route up on the mask's HUD and in the corner showed the footage noting what weapons she can detect.

"Finally, something to stretch the legs." Peter said leaping shooting his webs out to pull himself along faster. He reached the back of the building in mere seconds.

Looking down he spotted the getaway vehicle a van sitting idol in the alley. The driver looking around nervously.

Peter smiled, "huh a noobie, let's immobilize the van and help the nice scared driver then we can go see if his friends can be shown the error of their ways." He whispered as he started to crawl down the side of the building next to the van.

Peter waited until the driver was looking away from the driver's side towards the back entrance waiting for the rest of the crew. Peter dropped down and silently webbed the door shut. The nearly silent 'pooft' covered by the background noise of the city.

Peter snuck to the back and webbed the back doors shut to. "Karen send droney to the engine compartment and at the right time send an EMP pulse to knock it out. He's glad they got a newer model vehicle, older models will still run even if an EMP hits it, with no electronics to disrupt.

Peter then snuck around the passenger side of the van, his senses on high alert now, because either the driver could see him in the side mirror or one of the crew could spot him. He works quickly to web the sliding door shut then silently opening the passenger door he quietly stuck his hand in, "Psst, hey buddy can I get a ride?"

Not waiting for a response Peter triggered his web shooter in a wide net setting, trapping the driver to his seat and against the door. He then quickly shot a small glob to cover his mouth to keep him from calling out. "Shh, don't go anywhere." Peter said quietly.

Peter listened to the noises and seeing the footage from the cameras the robbers hadn't taken out. He saw that none of them are by the door.

Peter crawled in from the top of the door. Karen automatically darkening the suit, to mute the bright colors.

He made his way across the ceiling his training with Natasha taught him a long time ago that 99% of people don't look up. Even if they know he's in the area. It makes stealth so much more fun for him.

He's not sure wither the sigh or laugh when once again the robbers are wearing cheap toy avenger masks.

'Still no spider-man… oh well. Probably better given if someone robbed a place with a cheap mask of me old JJ would have a field day.' Peter thought to himself as he silently moved over to the closest robber.

He slid down his webs like a spider, "Psst, hey Mr. Stark aren't you like a billionaire why would you need to rob a place?" he whispered and as the robber turned his weapon coming up, Peter holding his web line with his feet webbed the mouth shut and grabbed the weapon. He then after Karen changed the web shooter's setting to cocoon hit the robber and encased him with it.

'Two down three to go.' Peter thought to himself, he's not taking them down fast, he's trying to get them silently without alerting the others. He's always trying to get better at stealth. His goal is to surprise Bucky and Natasha… not that he'll ever say it out loud.

He regularly surprises/scares the rest of the team.

Sam is his favorite target.

He jumped back up to the ceiling and quickly moved to the next one, captain America this time. He once again slid down, "Mr. Rogers that's not very captain America of you." Doing the same thing of putting him in a cocoon and removing his weapon.

He moved on to 'Thor' next, "Psst, where's your hammer?"

His last target is all the way across the room and by now 'Hulk' is on alert his friends seem to be missing.

"Hey, where are you guys? This isn't cool." The guy said looking around but once again not looking up as Peter has to bite his tongue to keep from laughing out loud.

"Psst, I gotta say Mr. Hulk you are much smaller in person, and a lot less green." With the last guy safely encase in a web cocoon. Peter dropped down. "Karen let the cops know what's going on… where are they by the way?"

"The nearest cruiser is two minutes away. I have updated the dispatcher."

Peter works quickly to drag all four bodies out and hang them upside down from the side of the building. "Don't worry guys, the police will be here shortly, and they can get you out of the webs. So once again thank you for choosing Spidey security for all your security concerns." Peter said as he walks down the line patting each robbers' cheeks ignoring the evil looks from them.

"Karen please be a dear and shut off the engine." Peter said as he turned back to the van seeing the driver frantically trying to wiggle out of the webs enough to get away.

"Of course, Peter." they heard a short pop and the engine died. Then Peter watched as drony flew back and attached itself to his chest.

Peter lovingly patted it gently, "you are so much better than redwing." Peter said and leaped up to the building's roof as the police cruiser came tearing into the alley.

Peter moved down another building to not be too close, the NYPD's policy on vigilantes isn't very clear, so while most of the cops are happy, he's around, there are a few that don't like him.

He watches as the two officers exit their vehicle on the radio informing the dispatcher of the situation.

The older one looks around and spots Peter. Peter can see the officer smile and nod in his direction. Then he turned to his partner. "Go grab the kit from the trunk. We'll release them one at a time and search them, the wagon will be here soon."

Peter waited until the other officers showed up to make sure nothing happened then slipped away. As he headed home. He got a text from Natasha 'Not bad, your stealth is getting better, 8 out of 10.'

Natasha will sometimes watch Peter's baby monitor footage, she tells the others it's, so she knows what areas he still needs more training in. However, she knows she worries about her little spider and wants to make sure he's okay.

Peter makes it home with no more stops and barely gets home in time for curfew. May steps in when she hears Peter moving around to check him over. Making sure he's not gushing blood or missing a limb. She then kisses him good night and heads to bed.

Peter cleans up and heads to bed himself, he's not overly tired but spends a while texting both Ned and MJ about this week and the field trip first question Ned had was to make sure Peter had the paperwork signed and to remember to bring it tomorrow.

After an hour they all put their phones down and fell asleep.