Hello kitties

I am just working on random chapters awaiting my return or when I can connect with the net once more.

So please enjoy what I have written so far, your entertainment.

Like always I do not own Naruto or Black Lagoon

I just really like Revy and screwing around and making Naruto into a girl.

So here we go


"I just can't believe that Naruko and Shikamaru had kept this from us for so long." Said Sakura with a defeated sigh.

"Well what the Elder's told everyone about her. After she was banished from the village. I don't blame them." Said Neji as he glared over at the pinkette. "She has been living with a curse placed on her when she was just an hour old. Could you blame her for not opening up about that burden as well as telling us all that Shikamaru and herself had to get married to keep her safe." He added.

"Why did you say that last part?" Question Kiba as he was a little confused by it.

"What Neji-nii-san is saying is. That Naruko was in danger, for the burden placed within her. Many who craved power and knew of her secret that was to be kept from the rest of us. They would do anything to use it and control her. So that is why their marriage was kept from the entire village. For as it stood at the time. The Nara clan was the strongest out of all the Clan's to take her in and protect her." Said Hinata as the others just looked at her with shock as she did not blush or stutter once while talking to them.

Sasuke just scuffed at the idea of the Nara's being stronger than his own clan at the time. "Like those lazy fools hold any power.

Ino narrowed her eyes at her childhood crush. 'What did I ever see in him? He almost killed my friend and then he tried killing Shikamaru when he brought the bastard back from that pedo.' "That Nara clan might appear to be wake. But they are far from it. But they just hide it from all others. "Why do you think a Nara has been Jonin Commander since the village was formed? Why not an Uchiha?" She questions knowing that would piss him off. Showing him that his clan was not so grate.

"Hn." Was all Sasuke could reply with.

"As I thought." Said Neji with a smirk. "Anyways it would have been pointless to bring her into the Hyuuga clan as I was the only male close to her age to marry her off to and I am part of the branch family and we have no power. As if Hinata was born a male. Than that would have been a whole different story." He said looking at the others as they nodded their heads.

"Yeah. I don't really think my clan could have handled Naruko." Said Kiba rubbing his right hand behind his head sheepishly. "They already have their hands full with myself and trying to find my sister a husband for the future." He told them as they all nodded their heads.

"Her chakra would have been deadly to my insects if she was brought into my clan." Said Shino as the others knew what he meant by that.

"I am a clanless boy and I wouldn't have been able to do anything for her. But I would fight tooth and nail to protect my comrade and friend." Said Lee with a fire in his eyes.

"We know Lee." Said Tenten letting out a sigh looking at the others. "We where all powerless to do anything to help a friend in need back then. The only one that could do something for her was and will always be Shikamaru." She told the others.

"I wouldn't worry to much about them." Said Choji as they looked over at him. "They will be alright. They always are. As for now. We will see Shikamaru back in a week from his vacation. If he doesn't try to stay for longer." He said with a smirk on his face.

Now Hinata blush along with Tenten, Ino, and Sakura as the guys had also slight blushes from the larger boys comment.

"I guess I'll find out if I'm an m an Auntie when he returns." Said Ino with a grin on her face.

"INO!" Yelled Sakura. "Don't say anything like that. They are still too young to be having children as well. Naruko is still on the run from whoever is after her now." She told the only blonde of the group.

Ino just giggled. "It will be find. I know I was just joking. Just take a chill pill Sakura." Said Ino as she turned to the others. "I also saw the wanted posters for Naruko today. It is worrying me. As well for that Yakuza Kamikaze." She said as she was now serious looking at the others.

"I wouldn't worry to much about the one on Naruko. For Danzo is dead." Said Sakura as she smiled.

"That doesn't matter really Sakura. Once it comes out of the village, she is the last Uzumaki. Kumo or Kiri or even Iwa will want her. They would turn her into breeding stock." Said Hinata with a faraway look in her eyes. "As well she holds the strongest of all the mightiest of Biju's within her. That just paints a larger target on her back." She said looking back at the pinkette.

"That is something you never had to fear for there isn't anything special about you Haruno. But us who have bloodlines. We have to live in fear of being kidnapped and turned into breeding stock for other nations." Said Neji as he just glared at the girl that glared back at him.

But Neji did make a point. Sakura had no bloodline, nor anything that would many any village want her. Yes, she was strong and an excellent medic. But that was as far as her skill went. Other than that she was still the useless little fangirl from the academy still chasing after the last Uchiha that did not want anything to do with her. That was the one thing that all knew but did not voice as they knew it would break the girl. Also they knew Naruko would not want them to be cruel to the girl either.

Up in the trees the Jonin-sensei's all stood up there listening to their students talk about the two missing rookies.

"I never knew Naruko was married at such a young age." Said Kurenai as she looked over at Kakashi and Asuma.

"We didn't either. It is a shocking truth about what happens in the shadows of the clans and in the village to keep one safe." Said Gai as he lost his youth talk and boosting.

"I knew my father was up to something that say when I saw him with a tiny white kimono, but I didn't question him as I thought it was for a doll that he was going to give Naruko or my sister." Said Asuma letting out a tried sigh.

"I was a stupid and blind fool. I should have done more for my sensei's daughter back than and once she became my student. But I was being blacked mailed by the elders and civilian council." Said Kakashi as he closed his lone eye.

They looked over at him. "What do you mean?" Question Kurenai as she looked at the silver hair Jonin.

"At the time Naruko and team 7 became Genin. Danzo found out I have a daughter and wife hidden in the Land of Fire's Capital. At the time, my daughter was just a year old and my wife. She was still to weak to fight off root agents or anyone else. So I did what I had to. I placed my family first over my two female students and trained the Uchiha mostly." Said Kakashi with a burnt out look on his face.

"What of your family?" Question Gai.

Kakashi looked at him. "They are now hiding in the Land of Spring. As Naruko found out about my wife and daughter and saw the threatening letter I had from Danzo. She pulled a few strings and had my family moved without anyone ever finding out and later told me." He told them as tears rolled down from his uncovered eye. "I am scum and she still help me. She could have just turned a blind eye to my worries and allowed my family to die. But she didn't and now they live in the Palace of the ruler of the land of Spring and my daughter is getting private training from a retired shinobi that Naruko knows." He said with lighter tone in his voice.

"The girl is truly great isn't she." Came a voice from behind them. There standing there was Jiraiya and Shikaku.

"My daughter always but the needs of others before her own." Said Shikaku with a smile on his face.

Kakashi only nodded his head.

"Will she ever return?" Question Kurenai.

"I'm not sure for now. It is best that she is where ever that is. For she is being hunted like an animal for the tail beast that is held within her." Said Jiraiya with anger in his voice and if those bastards that should have died that night Danzo ordered Itachi to kill his clan are still alive. IT is best for her to stay away from here." He told them.

Just then all the rookies appeared before the sensei's. "You know. You guys talk to loud." Said Tenten with a smirk on her face as she looked at all the shocked Jonins.

"We heard everything." Said Neji as he looked at them all. "We want to do everything we can to help our friend." He told them. As the others nodded their heads.

"What do you mean Itachi was ordered to kill my clan?" Demanded Sasuke.

"You know what Lady Hokage told you. You clan planned to turn on the village and kill everyone until they got what they wanted. But those fools did not know at the time Shushi and Itachi had been candidates for Hokage. They also panned to kidnap Naruko and set the nine-tails loose on the village killing all those innocent people not caring if they could control the beast or not." Growled out Jiraiya at the little bastard before him.

"Itachi told me his father had ordered him to kill your sorry ass to get the final stage of your accursed eyes. But at the time the boy could not do it. He could not bring himself to kill his adorable little brother who looked up to him as if he was his hero. So the only thing he could do was report back to the Hokage what his clan was planning and the Hokage wanted to handle this though peaceful talks and anyway he could think of. But the damn old war hawk saw this as his chance to kill two birds with one stone. If he had Naruko the village was still powerful if they lost the Uchiha clan. They would not be hurting for power. But if they lost the girl and the clan at once. Than we would have been attack by Iwa or Kumo as we where still at war with those two Hidden Villages at them time." Said Shikaku Nara glaring at the boy.

"How….How do you know all of this?" Question Sasuke as he was feeling shaky and sick to his stomach.

"Before a few days before the Hokage's death. He called me into his office and told me. He needed to talk to someone about the sins of the past. Sins he was powerless to stop. Sins that had cost many lives or destroyed them." Said Shikaku. "That is how I know of this. As well he gave me his journals of all accounts that happen that night and now that Itachi is a spy. To protect the village that has taken so much form him to protect the little girl he would watch over while he was in ANBU. The little girl that he could cuddle with after the villagers tried attacking her or not sell her food. The little girl he saw as his little sister that he was powerless to do more for. But he had always made sure she had food and clean clothes and anything she might need. Even after the villages burnt down her first little home and broken into her next home. That is why he would always beg me to keep her at night at my home. I would never turn her away. My wife loves Naruko and always was happy to have her at her home. She was heartbroken the night Itachi brought Naruko to us after the girl was attacked. That was the night I told the Hokage she will marry my son and be protected by my clan. Yes, villagers tried getting into my home and tried to hurt her. But they had another coming at them. They had the wrath of the Nara clan coming down on them. Many lost our business along with the Ino's and Choji's clans following our lead. Hadn't you ever noticed several places closing down and people leaving the village?" He question them as they all slowly nodded their heads.

"We hold more power than what people think. As well we make all the medications for the hospital and pharmacy in this village. Choji's clan holds pretty much all the land deeds and owns pretty much very farm and ranch around this village. As Ino's clans hold all the deeds for silk factories and other factories. Without us. They could not get their good and had to leave and close down. Not even the civilian council held the power over us to make us do what they wanted. That is why more shops in this village are now ran by these three clans. As well as the Hyuuga's as Hisashi never hated the girl and was part of our little plan to run a lot of those bastards as Hyuuga's own a lot of the banks and deeds to a lot of stories in the village as well as Kiba's wild mother as she was having fun. Shino's father joined us as well. For he was tried of how his and other clans had been tried in the village and found it Benfield to aid where he could." Said Shikaku as he smirk at them all.

Sakura's mouth dropped open. "So that is why daddy couldn't buy the silks for mom's shops from the land of fire no more." She said with shock lacing her voice.

"My dad never had an issue with Naruko and always sold her weapons she would need and all her gear and even tried selling her outfits without too much orange." Said Tenten with a smile on her face.

This little revolution shock all of the rookies. Mostly more Sasuke as he had always thought of the other clans as weak and powerless. But here right now he saw that they truly own and run Konoha. He was powerless to them all.

Revy's Bedroom

Naruko laid with her head on Shikamaru's chest, listening to him breath as he slept from their midmorning and afternoon activities.

There was a knock at the door. "Revy you go a call." Came Rocks voice from the other side of the door.

Slowly she sat up and let out a sigh as she placed her hedge back into place and grabbed a baggy shirt from her dresser and panties and shorts. "Yeah I'll be out in a minute." She called back.

"Okay." Said Rock as he left to go back to the office.

Shikamaru woke up hearing her talk to someone. "Hey." He called to her.

Slowly she turned her head to see him as she finished getting dressed. "Hey. I have to take this call, I guess. You can go back to sleep." She told him.

Shikamaru let out a yawn. "Nah, I'm kind of hungry now. Why do not you wait, and I'll get something on and when your done we can get something to eat." He told her.

She nodded her head. "Sounds good."

Shikamaru got up and quickly dressed as he slipped on his boots as Revy slipped hers on. "Come on. Do not forget to call me Revy. Alright Tony?" She asked him with a smirk on her face.

"Yeah I know Revy." Said the now named Tony.

Revy open the door to her room and walked up the stairs as Tony followed behind her. They walked up to the office and walked in as Dutch as sitting behind his desk as he arched a brow at Revy's messy hair and outfit and over to the man next to her as his hair wasn't any better but he was trying to calm it down and pull it into a ponytail.

"So whose calling me?" Question Revy letting out a yawn.

"Your buddy at the Rip off Church." Said Dutch with a smirk.

"What does Eda want?" Growled out Revy as she walked up to the phone picking it up. "Yeah Eda what do you want? I'm kind of on vacation for the week." She told the blonde on the other end of the phone.

"Hey Revy, I was just calling to make sure it wasn't you dressing up as a maid and raising hell in town." Came Eda's voice from the other end of the phone.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Asked Revy now to confuse and less annoyed.

"Well a woman matching your disruption is running around town looking for some kid and is dressed up as a maid. She took out a fool form a lesser gang." Said Eda.

"Well Eda. I can tell you I have been in bed all day today." Said Revy as her eyes traveled over to Shikamaru as he had finally fixed his hair and was now fixing his boots.

"Oh yeah some hot date?" Question Eda wanting the dirt.

Revy grinned. "Yeah something like that." She told the other woman.

"WHAT!" Could be heard from the phone as Revy pulled the phone as Eda was screaming. "You never gave anyone the time of day! What Changed now?" She demanded.

"You'll find out tonight when we all meet up for drinks." Said Revy with a playful but dark smirk on her face.

Tony looked up and smirked shaking his head. "Troublesome." He said as he sat back.

Revy stuck her tongue out at him. "Well I'll see you in two hours and you can tell me more about this maid look alike." She told the other woman.

"Alright. See you than Revy." Said Eda as she hung up the phone.

"So what's going on two-hands?" Question Dutch.

Revy looked over at him as Benny was now in the office as well as Rock. "Eda called to tell me I have a twin running around town dressed as a maid looking for someone. But she will give me more details in two hours when we go to the bar. I think she also needs to get more info as well. For this could bring more trouble to the Church as well as us." She said yawning and running a hand though her hair. "But for now I'm hungry." She said as she walked over to the office door. "Time for dinner." She told the others as they just shock their heads at her.

"Why don't you go get ready Revy. While Tony hangs out with us for a while." Said Dutch looking over at the raven hair man sitting on his couch.

"Eh. Fine." Said Revy as she let out another yawn and walked out of the office and back down to her room to get a shower and change for the night.

Tony looks over at Dutch and Benny who was now sitting on the corner of Dutch's desk. "Let me guess. Your going to tell me. 'If I hurt her. I am dead.'" He question the two men as Rock just watched on.

"Yeah pretty much. But what she has told us. You have been taking care of her since she was little." Said Benny with a smirk.

"Two-hands is part of our family and we don't want to see anything happen to her." Said Dutch as he kept his eyes on the man before him.

"She is my wife and I would never do anything to hurt her. I killed the bastard that placed the bounty on her, and I brought back the bastard that tried killing her before she was part of Black Lagoon." Said Tony fixing both men in a glare. "So I would move heaven and hell for that woman." He finished.

"Your married to Revy!?" Question a stunned Rock.

Tony looked over at the lacky of Black Lagoon. "Yeah we have been for the past 8 years." He told the man like it was not a big secret or anything.

"B-But Revy is only 16. How could that be?" Question Rock.

"Where we are from before we went to New York. It is allowed to get married as children." Said Tony as he knew he screwed up a little.

Rock let out a sigh. "I hate those third world countries. But at lease you got her out of there safely." He said missing the looks that Benny and Dutch shared.

'Thank kami he is a fool and it was true what Naruko told me. There places here that allow you to marry as children.' Thought Shikamaru as he dropped back on the couch.

"One more thing. I do not want little two-hands running around my office. So make sure you wrap it up." Said Dutch with a shit eating grin on his face as he saw the boy turn bright ass red as Rock blushed as well.

"Troublesome." Said Tony as he let out a sigh. 'That man is bad as Anko.' He let out another sigh.

After awhile Revy appeared back in the office in a black tank top, shorts open showing off her black boy short panties and socks with her combat boots with her guns on her shoulder holsters as she worried that Tony might set one of her guns off it was on her waist. Her hair was also pulled back into a ponytail.

"Alright boys. Did you all play nice?" Question Revy as she looked at them all. Her brow rose as Rock blushed looking at her and then looked away.

"Okay. What happen while I was in the shower.?" Question Revy looking at Dutch and back to Tony.

"Big mouth there let it slip your married." Said Benny with a grin pointing at Tony.

Revy's mouth open into a large O. "Well it was bound to come out anyways." She said as if it was not a big deal. "I just can't wait for the shit storm from back home when they find out." She said with a large grin.

"Well your old team looked like they had a heart attack when it told them. But it came out more in anger." Said Tony.

"Eh. Who cares what they think. They never cared enough to get to know me before I left. Why should I even care what they think about me now after they know my secret." Said Revy as she sat down on top of Tony.

"Well Benny already pulled the car around. So lets go. And Two-hands. No driving this time. I love my classic." Said Dutch as he glared at the purplette. Revy just pouted at him. "Well it isn't my fault no one has taken the time to teach me how to drive. Well beside how to drive a boat and fly a plane and helicopter." She said with a large grin on her face.

"How about we find a tank and let you have a field day with that." Suggested Benny.

Dutch looked over at the blonde hair man and smacked him across the head. "No." He said.

"But I'm sure if I call Balalaika, she could get me one." Said Revy with a larger grin now.

"Dammit. How in the hell did you get the Russian Mob to love you again?" Question Dutch.

"I Dunno. I'm just a likeable person." Said Revy with a grin.

Tony just shook his head at his wife's antics as he placed an arm around her shoulder. "Come on troublesome woman. Lets go eat and then talk about you destroying the world." He said with a smirk on his face.

Revy grinned. "Hey, I could take the tank home and territories those bastards." She told Tony with a grin.

Tony looked at her for a second. "That might work." He said as he looked at Dutch.

The larger man just shook his head. "I don't think they are ready for Two-hands over there yet." He said with a sigh.


A woman with twin braids sat in the far corner in the dark. She watched all those who came in and went. 'Don't worry Master Garcia. I will save you.' She thought to herself as she tried to spot the men that took her young master and killed his father.

I love Roberta and I wanted to set this chapter up for her. Yay.