I've always been a fan of the Kyoka and Izuku ship, and I've read some stories about it, but I've never felt like any of them really did it justice, the relationship between the two is fine and all, but they always do it at the cost of other characters development. So I decided to throw my hat in the ring. Not really sure if anyone will like it but here we go!

Me: Writing these chapters sure take a long time don't they.

Also me: Might fuck around and write 6 chapters at once.

30 Days until U.A. Culture Festival...

Aizawa looks upon the 4 intern students whom had just completed the final extra class. On each of their faces he sees a look of relief, but on Midoriya's face in particular, he sees a look of slight regret. "All right, you can all go, but before that. Midoriya, can I have a word with you, the rest of you can wait outside for your classmate." Aizawa states. As he see's the other students outside the classroom, he begins to question Midoriya. "Midoriya, what's wrong? Don't tell me you enjoyed having extra classes." Aizawa looks down at his student, as his suspicions are confirmed when he says nothing.

"Midoriya, look, I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong." he puts bluntly.

Midoriya, with a deep breath, begins to speak. "Mr. Aizawa, I don't think I'm strong enough, I was barely able to stop Chisaki, and it cost Mr. Nighteye his life, and if I had been faster, maybe I could've prevented Togata from losing his quirk." Tears began to fill Midoriya's eyes, as he continued. "I'm beginning to think I'm not good enough, that I'm not a true hero, that I'll never be strong enough, and I don't know what to do sir."

Aizawa looked down at the young boy, he knew that his student was definitely going through some mental turmoil, but this confirmed it was worse than he had initially thought. "Midoriya, I know it's not easy, the path to becoming a hero is one that takes determination, not everyone can make it through that path. I know what I'm saying won't console you, but I will say you do indeed have the heart of a hero. Believe in yourself. Whilst it will take time, I'm sure eventually, you will heal. For the time being, you should use the upcoming festival as a distraction, you're doing a song and dance performance right? Try learning a new instrument, something to distract yourself with. It's what I would do." Aizawa finishes his peptalk with the boy, whilst he wouldn't outright say it, he knew that Midoriya had potential to become a great hero, all he needed was to believe in himself.

"Alright, go back to your dorm now, I'm sure you have plenty of work that needs to be done."

"Yes Mr. Aizawa, thanks for that, I think I will try to distract myself for the time-being." Midoriya, with new resolve, steels himself for what's to come, whilst he returns to the dorms with his classmates, he can't help but feel excited at the prospect of the culture festival.

Meanwhile back at the dorms.

Upon selecting Bakugo as the drummer for the Class 1-A culture festival band, the class continues the discussion in order to figure out what they need to do next. Yaoyorozu chimes in.

"As part of my education, I studied piano from a young age. Will that be of any help?"

"Then Yao-momo, you'll be on the keyboards!" Ashido chimed in excitedly.

"We've gotta have a synth for club music. Yao-momo, it'll be a big help!" Jiro adds, a look of glee covering her face.

"I will do my best!" Yaoyorozu was excited for a chance to help in anyway, she was well aware of Jiro's insecurities regarding her hobby, and wished to use this as an opportunity to help her friend become more comfortable with herself.

"I was gonna have a girls dance group with all the girls. But you'll be cute, so it's fine!" Ashido added, with a somewhat disappointed tone.

"I'll play bass, so we just need guitars and vocals, then." Jiro felt excited at the prospect of showing off her musical talents, but somewhere deep inside she also dreaded what was to come, by exposing her passions to the world.

"So everyone else will be in the dance?" Ojiro questioned.

Iida chimed in. "Yeah. But will that be enough to fire everyone up?" Unsure of how to proceed further.

"In that video with the dance-" Todoroki began to speak only to be cut off by Ashido excitedly yelling. "We've gotta put in some effects!"

"That." Todoroki finished.

Some of the class looked confused as to what they meant by effects.

Ashido quickly grabbed a computer in order to demonstrate her point. "For example, like this. See how they use sparks and streamers and that disco ball to fire everyone up? Effects are there to set the mood!"

"Ooh, let's make it like the parades at the happiest place on earth!" Hagakure shouted with glee.

"We can do it like that with everyone participating!" Ashido added.

"We're using the gym for this, right?" Sato queried.

"Yes, Mr. Aizawa has already made the arrangements." Iida replied.

Ashido, excitedly shouting out her current train of thought. "Then what if, what if-" briefly stumbling on her own thoughts before continuing. "Uraraka makes Todoroki and Kirishima float, and then Kirishima scrapes at Todorki's ice to chip away at it! Then, Aoyama can be a disco ball, and it'll look like lights twinkling down like stardust! I call it 'Team Snowmen'!" Ashido shouts confidently.

"A human shaved-ice machine!" Mineta laughs.

"It's like the teaming up we were talking about before!" Kaminari adds.

"I'm a disco ball?" A look of sadness overcomes Aoyama, before being overcome by a look of excitement. "That's not bad!" he finishes.

"The gym will look spectacular!" Yaoyorozu chimes in, excitedly.

"Yes, I think it's a great idea!" Iida adds.

"In that case, we need people working behind the scenes for the effects, huh?" Hagakure adds, before hearing a tired voice coming from the entrance to the Class 1-A Heights Alliance.

"Hey!" Kirishima interjects, a look of relief on his face. As the class sees the 4 intern students, back from their extra classes.

"Sorry we're late." Midoriya chimes in, with a smile on his face, looking forward to working on the culture festival concert with the rest of his class.

"We've finally made up all our can help out for real now!" adds Uraraka, with a look of both relief and excitement on her face over what's to come.

The rest of class 1-A fills them in on what they've discussed, so they can all understand what's happening.

"I see. We've decided on a new rave type club rock for the music, huh?" Asui states bluntly.

"I understand Jiro on bass and Yaoyorozu on keyboards..." Kirishima adds, unsure if he should say what he was thinking.

"But Bakugo on drums is kind of... how do I put it...?" Uraraka similar unsure on if she should continue what she was saying.

"Unexpected!" Hagakure boldly states.

"You got a problem with that?!" Bakugo angrily retorts.

Uraraka, Kirishima and Asui all shake their heads, not wanting to put themselves on Bakugo's bad side.

"So, who will sing the all-important vocals?" Asui questions the class.

"Well, we haven't decided yet..." Jiro nervously responds.

"Huh? You're not going to sing, Jiro?" Uraraka asks, confused.

"Huh?!" Jiro shouts, getting slightly embarrassed at the prospect.

"If it's vocals you want, I can do it! It'll make me popular!" Mineta adds boldly, wanting to boost his status with the girls at school.

"I can be a disco ball and sing!" Aoyama interjects. A sparkle in his eye.

"Yeah! I can't play any instruments, but I'm a pretty good singer!" Kirishima continues, before he starts singing a song, completely unrelated to the style of song they've selected for the culture festival. Uraraka comments on this. "Isn't that a different genre?" Only to be ignored by the red-headed boy. Whilst Mineta inexplicably begins yelling gibberish. Prompting Ashido to ask if he's just yelling. Whilst Aoyama attempts to show his musical talents by attempting a falsetto, much to the classes surprise.

"I'm with Ochaco. I think it should be you, Jiro! When you were teaching us in your room, your singing was super cool, too!" Hagakure adds, unable to stop herself from complimenting her friend.

"Hey, don't make this harder by making people expect-" Jiro begins doubting herself, only to be interrupted by a microphone in her face, and Hagakure yelling "It's fine, it's fine!"

"You're just gonna disregard the shouts of our souls? Just how good is she, huh? HUH?" Mineta asks, a hint of jealously in his voice.

"I wanna hear your singing, Jiro! Sing something for us!" Kirishima says expectantly.

The class pauses as Jiro begins to sing, leaving the rest of her classmates in awe.

While she thinks Midoriya begins thinking to himself how beautiful her voice is, there was something awe inspiring about it, like her voice was looking out to the future in hope, and Midoriya began to be inspired by that same hope. Midoriya had already found Jiro's passion for music and heroism inspiring, and hearing her only further cemented this fact. Deep in the back of his mind, he even began thinking of Jiro as cute, but that was washed away by the awe he felt within her talent.

After completing her mini-performance, Jiro looks up nervously, unsure if they enjoyed her performance, and beginning to doubt herself more when she hears nothing at first. However this doubt is washed away once she hears the uproar of applause her class gives her.

"My ears are so happy!" Yells Hagakure.

"What a husky, sexy voice!" Ashido adds.

Whilst Kirishima, Aoyama and Mineta, the ones who doubted her, stood speechless, unable to say anything at all.

"All right!, It's unanimous, then!" Iida yells with a look of excitement.

"Then, let's leave that aside... So we still need guitars! I want two!" Jiro yells, unable to completely wash away her embarrassment at what just happened.

"Let me do it!" Yells Mineta.

Mineta is handed a guitar, before tears start rolling down his cheeks, as he realises he is too short to be able to play guitar. He runs away cursing his small stature.

"I want to dance!" Claims Sato, with a look of anticipation in his eyes.

"Me too! I can move pretty well with my tail" Adds Ojiro, looking forward to being able to prove himself to his classmates.

"I want to work on effects with my tape!" Sero adds, before being cut off by the sound of a guitar.

"What a heartrending sound!" Kirishima states in reaction to Tokoyami playing guitar.

"You can play? Why didn't you say anything?" Shoji questions his classmate.

"I quit once at the F chord." Tokoyami states, with a look of disappointment in his eyes.

Jiro can't help but emphasize with Tokoyami, as she also understands how difficult it can be to learn an instrument.

"Mineta, if you are giving up on the guitar, then I will strum for you, as well." Tokoyami pledges, wanting to help his classmate feel better.

Mineta wallows in his own self-pity for a bit, until he cheered up by the prospect of having a harem part within the dance performance.

"Okay well we need one more person to play guitar, any volunteers?" Jiro speaks up, hoping to find someone else willing to play in the band.

Kaminari, about to speak, is not given the opportunity as Midoriya begins to speak. "Umm, Jiro, I was wondering if, uh, maybe, I could play guitar. I've never actually played an instrument so if you'd rather someone who has experience, that's fine, but I would be interested in learning an instrument."

Jiro can see a hint of sadness in Midoriya's eyes, as if he has alterior motives for wanting to learn guitar, wanting to help him feel better, she begins to accept. "Alright Midoriya, you can-" only to be cut off by Bakugo who angrily shouts.

"Deku, it isn't a matter of if you want to learn or not, I don't care if you've never played or not, but are you going to murder it?!" Bakugo did his usually angry scowl, but this time it seemed like he had a sense of purpose.

Midoriya is initially unsure of what he means, but sees a look of determination in Bakugo's eyes, as if he's trying to help himself move forward despite his doubts, like Midoriya had once helped Bakugo do. Midoriya responds "Alright Kacchan, I'll do it, I'll murder it!" he states, with a look of determination on his face.

Jiro looks at Midoriya and can't help but admire his desire to move forward, and the look of determination in his eyes.

"Alright then it's decided. Midoriya, I'll help you learn the guitar, so I'm gonna need to try your hardest, we don't have much time. Alright?" Jirou firmly states.

"You got it, I'll do my best!" Midoriya responds, a look of resolve in his eyes, that is noticed by Jiro.

After several more hours of deliberation, after 1 a.m, everyones roles had been decided upon, and everyone was ready to begin working on the performance. And they were all going to be very busy starting tomorrow.

As everyone returned to their rooms, Midoriya remained briefly to clean up some things that were left in the common area, as he was focused on some of the things Jiro had told him that would help him learn guitar, he muttered to himself, as he usually did, in order to get his thoughts across to himself. As such, he didn't notice the footsteps behind him, and jumped in shock as someone had tapped him on the shoulders from behind.

Midoriya turned around to see who it was, only to see it was Jiro. She laughed to herself "Haha, sorry for startling you, I actually came over to see if you were okay, you were muttering to yourself again." A look of worry over her face.

"Oh sorry, that's just what I do to get my thoughts across, sorry that I worried you." As he spoke, Jiro noticed that his eyes become slightly lifeless, or that they had a hint of sadness to them. Unable to figure out what the problem was, but knowing that something was wrong, Jiro steeled herself, ready to help the green-haired boy.

"Midoriya, I just wanted to let you know that if you ever need to vent, or need help with anything for that matter, I'm here to talk, I don't know what's got you so down but I do know we need our resident hero nerd back. Anyways if you're ready to start learning guitar, come meet me at my room tomorrow after school. Alright." Jiro smiled, before she turned around and began returning to her room.

As she walked a way, her face was overcome by a dark shade of red. 'Oh my god, I can't believe I just invited him to my room, I need to go back and say we'll do it in the common area, that makes more sense, people might get ideas if I invite him to my room alone.' Whilst she thought these things in her head, she couldn't bring herself to do it. She returned to her room, still a dark shade of red and laid on her bed. 'Well I guess it doesn't matter, at the end of the day, I'll just be teaching him how to play guitar. Who knows, maybe I'll get to know him a little bit more.' Jiro began closing her eyes, but she couldn't help but have a smile on her face.

Midoriya, who was still cleaning the common area, was in a similar shade of red, and began to get lost in a whirlwind of his own thoughts. 'Jiro, invited me to her room to learn guitar, her room, a girls room, a girl invited me to her room. No, I'm overthinking it, there's no extra meaning here, she's just going to help me learn guitar, it's not like she likes me or anything, it's not like I like her right. I mean sure, she's attractive, and sure I would go out would her-' Midoriya got caught on his own thought process, he couldn't believe he actually thought that, but the more he thought about it, the more it seemed true, he always had admired Jiro's passion and drive to improve as both a musician and a hero, in fact, she was arguably trying harder than most of the class as she was trying to improve at both at the same time. 'I mean, sure, she's a cool girl, a cute girl, a cool hero, but that doesn't matter, she's a friend and she's going to help me learn guitar, regardless of how I feel, I need to push those feelings aside and make sure I try my hardest so I don't fail everyone...' Midoriya briefly paused his thoughts, 'I don't want to fail everyone again, I need to do better.' Midoriya finished cleaning up the common area, before returning to hear room, and as hard as he tried not too, couldn't help but burst into tears, disappointed in himself due to his own short-comings and failures. But he had to move forward, whilst it might be hard, he couldn't be stuck in the past. He had to move forward. Midoriya rested up against his bed, and began to sleep.

Jiro, who was also trying to sleep, had recently heard someone crying for the past few nights, ever since the interns had come back from the Yakuza raid, she was never 100% sure who it was, but now it seemed obvious. The person who she could hear crying was Midoriya. The very person she was going to teach how to play guitar. Jiro had resolved to help her friend, and she planned on using the guitar lessons to do so, and whilst she wouldn't do it immediately, she planned on trying to make him feel better. With sadness in her heart, Jiro decided to call it a night.