Piper Pov

Hi, I'm Piper Mclean. Yes the daughter of the famous actor, Tristan Mclean. I go to Goode high with my friends Thalia Grace, Annabeth Chase, and Hazel Levesque. I used to be friends with Jason Grace, Thalia's twin brother,Nico di Angelo, Percy Jackson and Frank Zhang before they turned popular. Now they are dating the school sluts, Drew Tanaka, Khione Snow, Rachel Dare and Reyna Amirez.



When I got to my lunch table, Annabeth was already there, writing lyrics for a song. You see, we love to sing and compose songs, all four of us. My dad once caught us in our studio singing, and offered us a record deal. We said we would come back to him since we were not so sure.

"Hey guys" Thalia said while sitting down "What's up?" Hazel then joined us "Hi guys" she said.

Then Annabeth told us "Guys, we have to think about Mr. Mclean's offer." "I personally think we should." I vouched "But what about school?" Annabeth said, always the braniac. "Annie, you of all people should know that they will provide a-"

Before she could continue, someone snatches the music notebook from Annabeth's hands.

"Hey!" Annabeth shouted " Give it back" " I don't think so Annie" sneered Rachel,while Drew said " Everyone! I have something our little Anniebeth has to say."

Piper sneaked a glance at Jason's table. All of them were looking at Drew. Percy kept glancing at Annabeth who looked like she was about to cry.

Drew suddenly screeched out the lyrics to one of the songs "Can't you see that I'm the one who understands you/Been here all along so why can't you see/You belong with-"

Before she could screech one more word, Annabeth grabbed the notebook and stormed out of the cafeteria. Me, Thalia and Hazel hot on her trail. We knew what she would say. So without a word, we went in my car, drove to my house, went inside and Hazel said "Mr. Mclean, we are taking up your offer."

This is my first fanfic. Pls. don't judge. Also pls review. Any advice how to make it better...