prompt: [leaf emoji] confusion, for unusual-ly

pairing: Zed/Addison

words: 435

original publication: August 19, 2018

rating: K+


"I am so stupid."

"It's not your alphabet, Zed. Chemistry comes easy to no one."

Zed gave her an unbelieving look. "Addy, you did voluntary summer courses. You know what I did in the summer? English 1. Again."

Addison just shrugged. "English isn't your first language, and it's not like you failed it in the school year. And you did better in the summer anyway."

Zed just frowned. "It's not just that, Addy. I'm doing terrible in all my classes. Everything was so much easier in Zombie School. I had four classes a day: mathematics, history, science, and an elective. Now…now there's seven classes and homework and tests and pop quizzes in every single one. And they want you to join clubs and do sports and get eight hours of sleep and that's all just so impossible in a 24-hour day. I can't memorize quotes from people who speak weird English and math formulas and chemistry formulas and historical facts and figures. I'm not smart enough for this."

Addison just looked at him. "Zed, you're one of the smartest guys I know," she explained. "You're creative, quick-witted, and incredibly talented. You come up with plays on the top of your head and think of the most amazing ways to surprise your friends and Zoey and me."

"My grades suck, Addy."

"Grades are a stupid way of trying to make everyone the same and those who aren't feel lesser," she stated. "School rewards people not on their understanding of concepts but how well they can memorize them or finesse the system."

Zed tilted his head at Addison. "Play the right cards," she explained. "You really need to learn your slang."

"Anyway, you shouldn't measure how smart you are based on your performance in school," Addison said. "People are more creative than critical. And you know all this information. All you gotta do is find a way it makes sense to you."

Zed sighed. "You're…you're right. You're always right." He groaned and dropped his head. "You're so smart, Addison. It's not fair!"

Addison knew better than to get frustrated in the circle they'd just gone in. Instead she placed her hand on his arm supportively. "You aren't dumb. Now let's stop wasting time and find you the right study tricks."

"Chemistry gives me a headache."

"Trust me, it gives everyone headaches," Addison stated. "You just have to work around it. Learn tricks, fun sayings to remember them. There's a song to memorize the periodic table. That helps me."

Zed gave her a small shrug. "I do like songs."

Addison grinned and leaned over to kiss him. "Good."