Hey everyone so this is my first story so please don't hate, but please review and tell me if you want me to keep going with this story or not. Thanks!
Zed wakes up and looks at the alarm clock for the time 11:30 P.M. is what stares back at him. He'd only gone to bed a couple of hours ago, but the yelling woke him up again. He lays in bed like usual trying to use his pillow to muffle the sounds of his parents arguing, but tonight he's had enough. He slowly creeps out of bed and stops to check on his little sister to make sure she's still asleep. With Zoey only being two-years-old the arguing doesn't affect her as it does Zed, and Zed tries to shield her away from it even if she won't remember because that's just the type of brother he is. He creeps down the steps until he can hear what's actually being said.
"Zora please I'm begging you don't leave! I can't do this without you!" yells Zevon.
"I'm sorry, but I can't do this anymore. I can't handle them. I never wanted to be a mom in the first place let alone with two kids. I can't handle pretending to be happy anymore."
The two stop when they hear a creak on the steps. Zed's cover was blown. "Zed what are you doing out of bed," Zevon asks as he tries to shield Zed away from what is happening. "I heard you arguing. What's going on?"
"Mommy and Daddy are just talking. Why don't you go upstairs back to bed?"
"NO!" yells Zed. "I hear you arguing every night. I'm tired of waking up to you to yelling at each other." Zed looks straight into his mother's eyes. "If you don't like it here why don't you just leave? If you never wanted to be a mommy in the first place then leave! We don't need you! I'll help Daddy take care of Zoey myself!" cried Zed.
With that statement Zora grabbed her bags and walked out the door. Zed turned and hugged his dad while Zevon cried. "I'm sorry Daddy."
After a little while Zed got the courage to ask, "Daddy what did mommy mean when she said she didn't want us?"
"Oh Zed," sighed Zevon. He picked up Zed and walked them to the couch. "I think it's time to tell you a story. When your mom and I got together it was shortly after they developed the Z-bands. The zombies were still new and people were still doing research on us. One thing we didn't know was if zombies could get pregnant or not."
"Daddy what does this have to do with what I asked you?"
"I'm getting there Z. Anyway your mother and I were young and in love and before we talked about what we really wanted in a relationship we found out she was pregnant with you so your mother and I got married."
"So I was an accident?"
"Yes you were, but you were a happy accident."
"Was Zoey an accident?"
"Yes you both were, but I love you guys very much. I always wanted you to be a big brother, but your mother never wanted anymore kids."
"Daddy," Zed questioned with tears in his eyes. "I know you said you love us, but so did mommy. You're not going to leave us also will you?"
"Oh Zed I could never leave you and Zoey." Zevon wrapped Zed tight into his just as he cried for the first time since his mom walked out.
Zed's eyes shot open and he checked the time 1:32 A.M. It was just a dream. The same dream he had every night since that night six years ago. The night when his mom left and never turned back.