A/N Yoooo! 100 followers! Let's gooo!Thank you so much guys! (And girls!)
Let's keep on going!
Brief Review Replay
I swear the word "dodging" as become the bane of my existance as a writer.
But fear not! I will make sure to get it right from now on!
Enjoy and please leave a review!
I am the Gamer" talking.
'I am the Gamer' thinking.
{You are the Gamer} Red Mistress talking.
[You are the User] System pop up
Chapter 7:
"Do you think we passed?"
I was currently on a bench in a park, enjoying a milkshake, Ruby sitting beside me, asking me for what feels like the hundredth time the same question.
It's been a week from the writing test for Signal Academy and today the results will be showed.I was pretty chill because the test was all and all pretty easy.Oh sure History was a bitch and an half because I never liked the subject ,but still, I know that I passed because there is no way I failed it with all the hours I spent studying.Ruby...was a ball of nerves this days.She's having some serious problems due to the stress she was putting herself truh.
"*Sigh* Ruby chillll~! We did great! There is no way we failed".
"B-but what if I messed up in Math?!"
I trowed at her the most deadpan look I could muster.
"Seriously Rub? Math? Of all the subject's you could choose to be unsecured about you choose Math?! Your best subject of all?! I could understand you being nervous about...I don't know? Dust studies? But Math?!Ruby you get perfect scores in every single Math test we ever did! And you worry about it?!"
Sighing I place both of my hand on the side of her face, which had a slight pink hue.
"W-what are you doing Zed?!"
Silver met silver as I stared at her.
"Ruby what are you?"
"Ruby I asked you.What are you?"
"H-Human?" Came her squeaky replay.
I chuckled before shaking my head.
"No...you are an idiot sandwich"
"What?" She looked fairly confused.
"Ruby what I'm trying to say is...you need to relax. In these days you had to much stress. Your eyes have bags under them.Your hair is a bit of a mess...more than usual that is.And when was the last time you went to see a weapon shop?"
As I said, in this week the stress got to her to the point where she barley sleept.She took care of herself with less passion.And most importantly, she didn't visit her favourite weapon shop in four days.And we are talking about Ruby!
"So please Rub...just, relax. Don't think about it. You can worry all you want when they hand out the results but until then? Just enjoy a bit of calm."
I removed my hand from her cheeks having to bite down a hiss of displeasure coming from my treacherous reptilian mind, due the lost of warm from the contact.Oh I forgot to say that due to me being a snake Faunus I now have a preference for warm places or things, I can "taste" the air even if I don't have a snake like tongue, pretty neet uh? It's all fine until I "tasted" the air near a park where a dog had just finished is business.
After removing my hand she deflated on the bench like a balloon without air.
"...I-I guess you are right Zed...But...I-I'm scared...w-what if I don't pass? What then? Signal is the first step to get to Beacon and i-if I mess up...t-than I-I will never be able to become and Huntress...like mum"
She was sniffling and the last part was just above a whisper...this was eating her from the inside wasen't it?
I leaned closer to her and with one arm I pulled her in an hug.
She barely protested for such action, she looked so tierd...
"There's still about..." I took out my scroll to check the time " two hours before the result get released...so why don't you rest a bit?"
"M'kay" was her soft reply.
Her eyes half closed and slowly blinking the embrace of sleep itching closer and closer.Carefully I slowly pull her head from my shoulder and into my lap.
'To think I would be the one becoming the lap pillow...'
"...Zed?" Her voice came out of her mouth but she was very,very close to fall asleep.
"Yes Rub?"
"Can-can you...sing me ...that song?"
I raised an eyebrow at that.
"Aren't you a little old for that?"
Incoherent murmurs where my only answer.And thus I started singing a song I had used during one of our paijama parties to make her fall back to sleep after a nightmare.
"Red like roses fills my dreams and brings me to the place you rest~"
What? I was never someone capable of of creating a song, might as well use a fitting one.
Ruby brought her knees near her chest before sighing.
It took two minutes for her to start sleeping and I dully noted that she was softly snoring...and also drooling a bit...*sigh*.
For her to fall asleep like this, as well as not protesting too much about having a lap pillow in public she must have been running short on fuses.
Debating with myself if I should or shouldn't give her some caressing while she was sleeping, my more logical part won over the emotional one and I decided against it. No need for that now.
Looking down on her I couldn't help but note how frail she looked.
She had yet to start training with Qrwo so she was, for lack of better terms, trash at fighting.The few times we sparred together I easily won.My family was made out of hunterss so they had started training me at the age of five, while Ruby started at six and not with the same intensity as I did...I swear if it was not for the Gamer I would have died for all the stuff my parents put me truh.
While it's true that she's stronger than any civilian, against anyone with an Aura and a bit of brain she would be tosted.
And the word required her to be the hero that saves the world? I scoffed at such idea.
I don't doubt she will become a very strong Huntress, other than the fact that I saw it from the series, but one girl can't save the word alone against Salem, silver eyes or not.
But if there is one thing I'm sure...is that even if the word demeans to be saved by her I'll be sure to be there...
I'll make sure of it...after all what are friends for? Right?
Stiring awake Ruby slowly blinked her eyes.
"Sleept well?"
Turning her head to look up to me I could she the gears in her head began to turn, slowly dissipating the cloud that surrounds ones mind when waking up.
I also got a good view at an intresting situation.
Her face was first confused, trying to understand why she was looking up and seeing my face.The realization, after understanding the situation she was in,which quickly turned into horror when the fact sinked in.And lastly embarrassment that turned her face from her pale normal color to a bright red.
Shooting up from her "seat" she stumbled trying to form a coherent frase and failing miserably all the while flailing her arms like noodles.
"Did you sleep well?"
Repeating my question snaped her out of her funk, but she was still embarrassed, if the massive blush was anything to go by.
"E-Em y-yes? H-How m-much did I-I sleep o-on...y-y-your lap?" She was stammering quite hard and was avoiding eye contact.
"About fifty minutes give it or take it...so are you fealing better now?"
"E-eh? A-ah...y-yes?"
"Good...there's still time till the results sooo...mind coming with me on a stroll in the city?". I always liked the city, the people where great and most importantly there was this air of serenity all around that made you feel comfortable.
She slowly nodded.
I jumped out from the bench and after stretching my back, which gave a satisfying "pop", we started walikng out of the park and into the street.We weren't talking during this due to Ruby still getting her stuff together from the episode.
I was the one guiding our little trip so to make Rub happy I decided to go to her favourite bakery.
It didn't take long for us to reach " Bit Of Sugar". It was a two story building with orange walls, on the front there where two big windows that let you take a peak on the inside, under a small porch two tables rested. Quickly getting inside our presence was made known by a bell on the door entrance.
There where a bunch of other customers but not many. Getting near the cookies section I nudge Ruby.
"Go, chose what you like, it's on me this time" her eyes lit up and I swear there where stars in them.
"Thanks Zed!" A quick hug from her and she was off.
Shiging I made my way towards the counter.
"Ah! If it isn't young Umbras"
Came a croaking voice.
Smiling at the old lady in the counter I replied "Ah! Lady Berry nice seeing you again".
The lady in question was a wrinkly old woman, she was 1 meter and 53 centimeters tall (I had asked when I was younger) she had grey hairs that where collected in a bun.Her eyes where a washed pink.
And from such lady came a snort.
"Brat I already told you call me lady and I will smash some senses in the thick skull of yours!".
My smile only widen "Of course Lady Barry".
"Oh Oh Oh you are on!"
Standing at top of the counter she blurted out of existence, only to re-appeare infront of me with a rolled up news paper.
And smacking me with said news paper on my head.
[Critical hit! 21 DMG recived].
"Okay okay! I'll stop...Grandma"
Yep she was my Grandma, Berry Zederick,ex-huntress and still a kickass woman.
"Good...so how is it with your girlfriend?"
Groaning and rolling my eyes I answered "She's not my girlfriend".
There was an amused smile on her lips.
"Sure brat and I'm twenty years old!".
"Whatever" came my very annoyed replay.
"So Grama how's the shop?"
"Meh it's fine, not to many custumers as of lately but still enough to keep everything up and running"
Nodding I turn to look around a bit before spotting my target.
A pastry filled with white creem, my favourite! Quickly snatching one I bite in too it.
[Critical Hit! 21 DMG recived]
Only to be bonked in the head by a rolled up news paper.
"Oy brat! You have to pay!"
"Oh come on! I'm your grandson don't I get something free?"
"Nope and you better pay before I call the police"
I stare hard at her but she won't buldge.
"*sigh* okay okay how much?"
"20 Lien"
I scramble the inside of my pockets before retrieving twenty Lien.
The truth is that I used my inventory but they don't need to know that.
"Here now go choke on it"
She smirked before walking away.
I exit the store and sit on one of the tables under the porch waiting, finishing my small delicious snack.
After three minutes Ruby comes peaking out of the door with her head, looking around before spotting me.
"Hey Zed! 214 Lien please"
Rolling my eyes at her I dig in my pockets before giving her said money.
Moments later she comes out with a small bag filled to the brink with cookies.
"May I have one" I already know the answer but might as well try.
"Nope!" came the quick replay,welp I tried.
Walking around town while Ruby eats her cookies we made our way towards the weapon shop.
A big sign with the words "Cutting Edge" only for the "i" being replaced with a sword.The weapon shop in question is a one story building with a lime color.There was only one window to see on the inside.Going inside with a very exited Ruby in tow we came face to face with the owner of the shop.
A man in his early fourtys with brown hairs and a mustace.
"Ah if it isn't my favourite custumers!I was getting worried seeing that you two hadn't come all week long!".
I nodded a small smile on my face " Hello to you too Woodly"
"Hi!" came from Rub.
A bunch of small talk later and we where around looking at the weapons in the shelf.
"Oh Zed look at this!"
She had dragged infront of a war scythe, it wasn't mech-shift but it's still impressive in it's own right.
Anddd Ruby has stars in her eyes.
"It's beautiful! It's like uncle Qrwo scythe mode! Hey Zed do you think I would look cool with a scythe?"
"Yep a totall badass, but a scythe isn't an easy weapon to wield you know?"
She nodded and mutterd an "Uh-Uh" her silver eyes locked on the weapon in question like it was the most beautiful of visage.
Growing bored of staying there I started wondering to the section where daggers and trowing knifes where held.
Most of the weapons where mediocre, they looked cool but that was it,many dumb hunters buy them only for that reason and then regret it when in a fight the things breakes because it's made with cheep materials.
A bunch of Observe here and there when something caught my eye but nothing truly worthy of ever buying.
'Whyyy! Why did they have to remove my noble phantasmas?! The God are so cruel! I only wanted a weapon of mass destruction!'
Shaking my head I sigh before opening up my inventory, my gaze quickly setting on a box occupied by a red orb.
'Soon Red...just wait for me'
Going back to where Ruby was I could see she was still looking at the scythe.
Calling her name did nothing, same for small nudges.
"Welp you asked for it Rub!"
A flick to the forehead later and me and a grumpy Ruby exited the shop.
There were still twenty minutes before the result get revealed, enogh time to arrive while walking.And thus we walked.
Eight minutes later and we where at the entrance of the school.
Ruby had grown quieter during the small trip and she was nervously looking around.
Meanwhile I was looking around the small crowd that surrounded us.
I swear when in the series they depicted un-important character as shadows it must have been translated to this: they are so normals the moment you stop looking at them you forget.
Like in Doctor Who with those aliens.
Twenty minutes of waiting with a Ruby that could go feral with nervousness where rewarded when the gates of the academy slowly opend.
Pepole began pouring inside the courtyard infront of a stage.
A giant screen which would show us who passed towerd upon us all.
Looming like a tree ready to fall on the unlucky guy who passed.
A man walked on stage.
He wore a business suit colored a bright orange with yellow accents.
That dress was like a punch in the eye and demanded attention to all those who looked at it.
"Welcome all initiatives! Today the results of your test will be showed! I must warn you, many have failed and many have succeeded, BUT! Even if you fail does not mean you can not retry the next year.
Having said that congratulations on all of you who passed and welcome to Signal Academy!"
And with that the giant screen lit up, a see of names on it.
In green to those who passed and in red to thos who didn't.
There where chears! There where cries of sadness!
My eyes surfing in search of my name resulted to me looking smugly at my name.
I had achived eighty-seven point thus earning the sixth place.
Ruby having achived ninety-one and placed fourth.
Ruby had yet to look from the bottom of the list of names beliving that her name was amist the see of red failures.
"Look up to the fourth place!"
Her gaze immideatly shooting up to where her name rested and after a second her eyes widen in shock/joy.
Tears began to form at the edge of her silver orbs, before she erupted in a cry of joy, engulfing me in a bone crusing hug fpr any other lesser mans.
And we cheard! Oh if we cheard! We cheard until we reached my house where our two families where patiently waiting for us to return with the veridcts.
When they spotted us they immediately cheard as well seeing our happy expression.
And thus a party was ensured.
It lasted till midnight when Ruby along with Yang an her father had to leave.Unfortunately Qwro couldn't come, but if the crow I had spotted cawing happly in a trench of a tree nearby was who I tought he was then everything was fine.The next morning I had to deal with an hungover dad and an angry mother due to dad...*sigh* what a brag.
Time skip: one year.
"Come on Zed! Today is the day!"
Ruby was, for the lack of better terms, a bubble of joy and happiness the likes of which my poor self could never hope to achive.
The reason? Today our teachers where going to give us a full month for the creation of our weapons schematics.
Two month if, like me, you wanted to forge it your self.
Getting inside the classrom 3-A we took our usual sits.
The air smelled of excitement, today was the day we will begin the creation of our own personal weapons, or as a wise girl once said "An extension of yourself".
Cracking a smile for such silly thought I shake my head before gazing around the class.
After the ring of the bell, Professor Cobble made it self known with a loud whistle.
"Alraight everybody welcome back to class, today as you may know, we teachers will give to all of you a month to design your weapon" at that I raised my hand "Yes Mister Zederick, everyone will be granted an additional month if they wish to forge the weapon them self"
I had asked a lot of time...you can never be sure.
"At the end of this month, or the second one, I will personally inspect your weapons to make sure they are functional, do not worry your self, even if you fail to produce one by the end of the month a teacher will personally help you fix any and all mistakes you may have made, with this out of the way, everyone, you can now start your projects" He clasped his hand before starting to walk towards the door of the classroom, only to stop by the entrance " I forgot to mention that you can not help each others out during this period".
And with that he was gone.
Now for a whole month we wont do nothing but design/ create our own weapons.
Ruby immideatly took out a paper and started scribbling on it.
I stood up which earn me a questioning look from Ruby.
"I have already created my blueprints...so now I'll just go to the forge".
A nod from a surprised Ruby and I was off.
I went to the forge of the school where I booked the room for an hour.
The plan?
For the first month I'll go farm the materials for my projects, then by the second I'll craft the pieces and assemble the thing.
Opening up the skill menu I scrolled down until I hit the Mecha-Shift crafting skill.
I had maxed out said skill with all the weapon drawings I did.
This skill does NOT boost the quality of your creation but instead it makes you able to create more complicated mecha-shift gears.
This skill allowed me to become a very good smith, a very good gun-smith and most importantly how to smash the two together to create something straight up from a sci-fi movie.
Closing the door behind me I locked it before cracking my knuckles.
'All right here we go'
Time skip: 1 month.
Droping all the materials needed down on the table in front of me I began looking each and everyone of them to make sure I got them right.
[Dark Iron bar] x 10.
[Extracted from the depths of the abandoned dwarf mines a mineral that is dark as the darkest night.].
[Quality: Uncommon.
Durability: 200.
Special: Dark Iron can get imbued with more energy of magical origin, when imbued it's durability increases].
A mineral I had personally mined from the lowest level of the abandoned mines.I had to fight my way against giant ants to get it, fucking zergs wanna be with their never ending numbers.While this material is only uncommon the real deal is it's special ability.
It becomes harder with the more energy you place in it.And now you ask, but Zed why? You can't produce magical energy!
And that's where you are wrong.
What do you think Aura is?
It's the magical manifestations of ones soul. When you looked at the RWBY series did you ever wonder how Aura came to be? Someone didn't simply yank out from their ass their soul and wore it like a hat, no not at all, the first Aura was probably unlocked by magic.
So Dark Iron can drink Aura and become stronger and now think! Think! Do I have something that I can exploit to make myself an indestructible weapon?
I give you a second to think.
Okay times up!
The answer?
[Red Mistress essence:
A orb that represent the soul of Red Mistress: can be infused in a weapon to give it a sentient attribute as the "Red Mistress"]
I have the equivalent of a soul, a soul that can produce Aura.
I simply make a weapon out of Dark Iron then slap Red soul in it and ask her to dump it full of Aura twenty-four/seven.
Mwahaha! Fear me! For I'll have a fancy weapon!
Now unto the next material.
[Pure Jade orb] x3
[Jade of the purest type, traded with the monks of the mountain.]
[Quality: Rare.
Durability: 1000.]
I had to take a lot of quest from the head monk to gain this much and let me tell you. MONKS.ARE.A.PAIN.IN.THE.ASS.
They where all like "You must find your centre, only then you shall find peace".
They turned everything in a life lesson.
Next material!
[Blessed Steal bar] x 1
[Steal blessed by the bishop of the great church of Afaros].
[Quality: Epic.
Durabilty: 2500.
Special: Deal 20% extra damage to creatures of darkness.]
If you are in a word full of creature of darkness and you don't get something blessed than there is something wrong with your head.
On a side note the bishop was a pleasant guy to talk to and was not a fanatic in any way shape or form.
[E. Red Dust cristal] x 1.
[E. Red Dust cristal or "Experimental Dust cristal" an experiment between alchemy and Dust.
Quality: Rare.
Dust Grade: A.
Durability: 10.
Special: This cristal will not be consumed instead it will need to be recharged by infiusing other Red Dust into it.].
Il prossimo!
[E. Yellow Dust cristal] x 1.
[E. Yellow Dust cristal or "Experimental Dust cristal" an experiment between alchemy and Dust.
Quality: Rare.
Dust Grade: A.
Durability: 10.
Special: This cristal will not be consumed instead it will need to be recharged by infiusing other Yellow Dust into it.].
Funny thing. Introduce an alchemist to Dust and you get a very giddy alchemist.
This is not the law of equivalent exchange you fiend! Give me back my twenty cristal of Dust!
Shaking my head to remove the anger that was still deep within me I grumbled a curse at that stupid alchemist and I start working.
Time skip: one month
After a month of crafting every single piece, gear, blade and what not I marvel at my creations.
I had spent hour against the heat coming from the furnaces.
I had spent hours hammering down at the same fucking pice until it was perfect.
I had spent hours upon hours of making sure each gear I had created was just about right so it could work once put together with out breaking.
And now? Now this...
[Poisonous Pride].
[A dagger created by Umbras Zedrick using Dark Iron, Blessed Steal and Pure Jade.].
[Durability: 500.
Attack: 100 (120 against creatures of darkness).
Special: By absorbing magical energy the durability will be increased, consume 10 energy to gain 1 durability.].
It was a simple dagger this one, the reason? Red hated mecha-shift weapons with a passion so I rather not have her inhabit one.
To understand what it looked like you need to picture this: a sacrificial dagger, the ones all curvy, all of it a deep black exept for the edge of it where Blessed Steal was used, it gave the edge a silver lining.
At the center of the guard a green hollow orb made out of Pure Jade sitted smugly, it's appearance that of a green snake like eye.
The whole blade was hollow with micro holes that littered the surface.
The reason?
I am a snake Faunus that produces poison, if I didn't exploit it I would be dumb.
The handle of the blade was slightly curved and also hollow, from there you could unscrew the bottom of it to pump the poison inside, where it would be stored inside the Jade orb.
A small almost unnoticeable button at the side would allow the poison to flow from the storage orb down to the hollow blade where the micro holes would then soak the blade in it.
It was my baby!
Next baby!
[Deadly Jealousy].
[A mecha-shift weapon created by Umbras Zedrick using Dark Iron, Blessed Steal, Pure Jade, E. Red Dust, E. Yellow Dust.
Disability: 600.
Red Dust capacity: 1000.
Yellow Dust capacity: 1000.
Attack: 190 (228 against creatures of darkness).
Special: By absorbing magical energy the durability will be increased, consume 10 energy to gain 1 durability.
Special: By igniting the Red Dust cristal super heat the blade to 200 C, consume 100 Red Dust energy.
Special: By igniting the Yellow Dust cristal electrify the blade for 100000 volts.] (A/N I searched on google how many volts does a zap from a taser have, I'm not sure because 50000 volts seems to many for me, but oh well...in any case please tell me in the reviews if it's the right amount or not because I used that as a base.).
Ah my fist ever mecha-shift weapon!
It was a combination of a large dagger, kusarigama and a folded from.
For those of you who don't know what a kusarigama is, it's the scythe on a chain.
Sadly I didn't put any guns in the mix but I do have enogh range with my attacks and if not, then all the trowing knifes I have crafted with spare materials and other exotics one then beg to differ.
The blade it self was very similar to that of Meliodas from the Seven Deadly Sins.
It only had two holes in it where the. E. Dust cristals sitted smugly.
I had basically reshaped them as orbs, the process to do so was simple, just drain all of their energy and then shape the cristal.
The size does not matter in this case because it still helds the same amount of energy storage.
Now back to the blade.
It was slightly curved up giving the blade a schyte like look but not as much curved, it didn't have the dented side so it cutted from both.
Both sides had silver edges due to the Blessed Steal.
The handle was straight, to the side a small switch to change form, from dagger to kusarigama.
Just switch the switch and the blade bends ninety degrees to the curved edge and ta-dah! A kusarigama!
At the bottom of the handle a black cain of Dark Iron of about two meters hanged.
Now unto the Dust mechanism.
To the other side of the handle two small buttons where presents.
The first for the fire one and yellow for the zappy one.
By clicking one of the two a small mechanism would trigger and lightly tap agains the selected orb while isolating the other.
A third button was below the switch and when pressed the blade would close in like a serrated knife folding back inside the handle.
The balde was wide enough to house all of this and still have a lot of space left.
This was my baby number two!
It was a fairly simple mecha-shift weapon but I don't care! It's mine so it's the best!
I had to wait a whole month of Ruby showing off her Cresent Rose in front of me and now I can fight back!
I admit that Ruby weapon is nothing to scoff at but she still dosen't know how to use so it dosen't count!
Hopefully Qrwo will fix that.
I heard a ding and I looked at the new pop up.
[Dagger mastery-- Mecha-Shift weapon mastery].
[Mecha-Shift weapon mastery LVL 36 (Passive)].
[Daggers/Dagger form mastery:62
Kusarigama/Kusarigama form mastery: 1
Increase proficiency at handling Daggers
31% increased Dex while wielding Daggers.Increase proficiency at handling Kusarigama 0.5% Dex while wielding Kusarigama.].
'An unexpected change but not an unwelcome one...Now it's time to say hi to Red.'
Pulling out her orb I remain there for a few seconds just enjoy looking at it and feeling it's pulsing warmth.
Taking Poisonous Pride or P.P for short
I take a deep breath.
Slowly I hitch the two closer and closer until the orb rest against the flat side of the blade.
With a steady push I witnessed the orb sinking inside the metal like it was water.
Like a living heart the weapon trumed in my hands.
After minutes of silence finaly something.
{*yawn*~ Morning Master~}
Tears swelling up at the corner of my eyes I can not help but smile.
"Yes...Goodmorning Red"
Status/Skill recap.
Name: Zed Umbras.
Title: The Gamer.
Race: Snake Faunus.
Age: 13 years old.
LVL: 27 (3740/27000).
Hp: 390/10 (END x 10).
Ap: 889/847 (27%) (INT x 10).
Hpr: 19.5 Hp/min (END/2).
Apr: 26/min (WIS/2).
STR: 31.
DEX: 77.
END: 39.
INT: 70.
WIS: 52.
CHS: 21.
LUCK: 5.
Sp: 0.
[Gamer Body LVL.MAX(Passive)]
[The User has a body that acts like that of a videogame character, resting restores Health and Aura,however you can still get dismembered and all the injuries you recive will heal like that on any other person, if your health is full the healing process is faster].
[Gamer mind LVL.MAX (Passive)].
[The User ,while in combat, suppress his emotion and is able to think with a clear mind, the User is also immune to mental type attacks].
[Reptilian body LVL.MAX (Passive)].
[The User has now to grace and the flexibility of a snake, allowing him to twist in intresting ways without breaking something].
[Venom LVL 21 (Passive)].
[The User is now able to produce poison, the strength and the effect of the poison increase in time, this ability does not have a limit cap LVL instead it will always be of the same LVL of the User.
The User can chose to modify his poison as he pleases making it deadly or armless.]
/Gift of Oum/
/The God Oum as a gift has left you this skills, however all the creature inside the I.D are all Grimms now./
[Observe LVL. MAX (Active)].
[ Mp cost=0; This skill makes possible for the user to Observe another entity stats].
[I.D create LVL. MAX(Active)].
[MP cost=10; This skill allows the User to create an Insta Dungeon, the higher the LVL of this skill the higher the quality of the loot and the level of the mobs].
[I.D escape LVL. MAX (Active)].
[Mp cost=0; This skill allows the User to escape from an Insta Dungeon]./
#Gift of The God of Light#
#The God of Light as a gift has given you this special eyes#
[Silver Eyes Tier 1(Active)].
[Having Silver Eyes means being of pure soul, as long as you have such aspect you will be always in the more righteous side, whichever that might be.
This ability will be locked until the age of 16.
Silver Flash (Tier 1): Let the light shine thru your eyes and blind the foul Grimms.]
#Gift of the God of Darkness#
[Aura LVL 27 (Passive)].
[Aura is the manifestation of ones soul it protects,heal and strengthen.This skill grows with the LVL of the User and has no LVL cap.
All the damage recived is converted in Ap loss.
Hpr 100% faster when Aura is still active.27% Stats Boost. (Cap. at 75%).
Quantity of Ap 27% more (No cap.)].
[Aura manipulation LVL MAX(Passive)][This skill determines how much the user is capable of manipulating aura.70% Aura cost reduction].
[Aura reinforcement LVL 42 (Active/Passive)].
[The User can reinforce himself or his equipment.Passive: The equipment the User wears gets passively strengthen.15% boost to all equipment stats.
Active: The User can overflow himself or his equipment to give a boost 42% boost to all stats. Cost: 60 Ap/s].
[Mecha-Shift weapon crafting LVL MAX.(Passive)].
[The User is now able to grasp at the concept behind mecha-shift weapons and is able of creating one].
[Mecha-Shift weapon mastery LVL 36 (Passive)].
[Daggers/Dagger form mastery:62
Kusarigama/Kusarigama form mastery: 1
Increase proficiency at handling Daggers
31% increased Dex while wielding Daggers.Increase proficiency at handling Kusarigama 0.5% Dex while wielding Kusarigama.].