Hey guys and girls.
After a few days after playing through the whole of Devil May Cry from the very beginning, I decided to create a new fanfic yet again. Now I know some of you are going to get triggered from this, as I need to focus on the others.
I get that, but please understand that I have a lot going on and that everything is a mess right now. I'm doing what I can to ensure I am okay with my life. So please don't flame me.
Anyways, in this fanfic, Naruto will be a 5 star badass. This is a Devil May Cry crossover so Naruto will have the weapons from Devil May Cry. Naruto will have been neglected and such and raised by Sparda. And no, that doesn't mean that Naruto will know of Nero, Dante and Vergil. More like Sparda decided to have a vacation for bit before he settled down with Eva.
So Naruto will more be the older brother to the twins.
There will be a strict pairing. And no, this is before the events of any of the Devil May Cry games. So no Trish, no Lady.
Pairings include:
Mei Terumi
Mikoto Uchiha
Kuroka (Nibi)
Rias DxD
Akeno DxD
Nothing more.
Now for his weapons. He will have the twin pistols, Ebony and Ivory. But not the swords. Ah screw it. Rather Naruto will have copies of the weapons that are in the Devil May Cry games.
As for the pairings, no changes.
Disclaimers: I own nothing.
Chapter 1: The Devil's Awakening.
October 10th. The day of the Kyuubi attack. Many lost their lives in the war with the great beast and their Hokage was nowhere to be found. Reason being was because his wife, Kushina was giving birth to their sons. By the time the children were delivered Minato and Kushina made a unanimous choice to have one of the sons be the new jailor of the beast. The second born, Nakuma was chosen. And so, the beast was sealed within the child. But before the Shinigami did anything, he told Minato a cryptic message, that one of his children holds tremendous potential. Enough to shake the pillars one day. Believing that child was Nakuma, Minato told Kushina and the two agreed to train the boy.
It had been 12 years since that day and Naruto, the first born of the Uzumaki family and yet it felt like another day in his greyed out life. Reason? Well, it had been shoved down his throat countless times that his twin brother Nakuma was the hero of Konoha by his mother and father and anyone who met him. How he holds the great fox at bay and how he will one day be the one to tame the fox.
But when Naruto asked anyone if they knew who he was, they were at a loss for words. He was living in the shadow of his own brother. And yet for some reason, he received the worst of the treatment. A glass bowel was smashed...It was Naruto. You scored a bad mark on a test...It was Naruto. Everything was Naruto's fault. His brother always blamed him for everything. And his parents were dumb enough to believe the lies. Nakuma had everything handed to him on a silver platter while Naruto got the scraps that fell from that platter.
This was what he was reduced to. A dog. Nothing more.
He hated it. He really did. No one treated him with the respect he deserved. So maybe he should do something about it. And it was this something that happened this day, that may happen. Waking to a new morning, Naruto decided that today would be the day he gave his parents and arrogant ass of a brother a piece of his mind. Storming through the house Naruto called for his parents and brother. But no answer.
5 minutes he did this before calling a temporal quits on his search. Heading to the kitchen he found the calender. Showing a circled date. In red marker ink read: Family holiday.
That was right. Minato chose to take the family down to the Land Of Rice and enjoy some R&R. This was the final straw. Knowing that he never meant anything to him now truly was something to be held. Sure they forgot him on a few occasions but this was the final nail in the coffin.
Sitting down on the cold floor, he curled into a ball and began to rock back and forth. As he did that, he began to go through the thoughts in his mind.
Stupid family. Stupid brother. Stupid village. Stupid everything. These words flew through his mind as his rage began to grow stronger and stronger. Until the inevitable...
"Burn in Hell!" he yelled in a demonic voice.
And with that a massive explosion rocked the house and blew it sky high. Naruto could be seen with a demonic right arm as his eyes glowed red. An ethereal blue figure appeared behind the now floating berserker. People who were enjoying their time soon cowered in fear as they were either blasted back by the explosion or from seeing the demonic form of Naruto.
Some shinobi decided to attack Naruto but were killed with a simple attack from the ethereal being. Naruto moved from section to section of the village. Killing anyone that stood in his way.
During this, Hiruzen, one of the people that looked after Naruto from the shadows came to view and saw the demonized child. Naruto never knew it, but Hiruzen was the only one that knew what Shinigami meant. See, the Death Reaper Seal had a loophole. It takes the soul of one person. But if two people perform the seal, then it only takes half the lifeforce from each person mounting to a full soul. Hiruzen performed the sealing with Minato.
What Shinigami said regarding a child holding tremendous potential was Naruto. His reasoning was due to him doing some research. People born on special days. For instance, the attack of Kyuubi. That some people develop demonic powers. All this research was written down in scrolls tracing back to the Old Ways.
Hiruzen, watching the demonic Naruto destroy the village as he searched for his parents and brother to tear them a new one, Hiruzen chose to make a choice.
Ordering an Anbu to go to the Land Of Rice to get back Minato and his family while he himself made his way back to his home and grabbed a mirror. Pushing chakra into the mirror a man with slicked back black hair came into view in the mirror.
"Hiruzen. What a pleasant surprise. I thought we agreed that you will use this in cases of emergencies. And at the same time, why are you disturbing my vacation?" said the man in the mirror slightly angry at how his holiday was ruined.
"I did Sparda. But this is an emergency. We have a problem." said Hirzeun with Sparda nodding.
"I'll be there in 5 minutes." said Sparda tranforming into a demon and moving out the room he was in with the mirror turning black.
5 minutes later.
Sparda arrived to find half the village destroyed and many people dead. And in the midst of it all was Naruto himself.
Giving a whistle at how much destruction there was as he walked to Hiruzen's side, he looked at the boy.
"I'm surprised he has been going on this long." said Sparda looking at Naruto's demonic tantrum
"Sparda, do you know what's going on?" asked the elderly man.
"I do." replied Sparda pointing at Naruto. "That is a pre-mature awakening of a Devil Trigger. A person who has demonic blood or power in them will only have their Devil Trigger surface when they reach 17 or 18 years old."
"Naruto is only 12." said Hiruzen.
"A pre-mature Devil Trigger awakening will chew through the lifeforce of the person. By all rights, the kid should be dead by now. It's incredible that he is still alive." said Sparda with Hiruzen grabbing him.
"Please, help him. Save him." begged Hiruzen with tears beginning to form.
"Keep your pants on, old man." said Sparda swatting Hiruzen off him and turning into his Devil Trigger. "I'll save the kid."
And with that, Sparda charged to Naruto knowing full well that he will stop Naruto from going any further and burning through his life force. But he knew that he may have some scars after this.
With Minato and the family.
Enjoying the food in the Land Of Rice, the family enjoyed a hearty breakfast together. The sounds of the flowing stream next to their house put them at ease.
The clinking of utensils was all that was heard. Accompanied by the sounds of water being poured into glasses and then drunk. Too bad it was disturbed when an ANBU shunshinned into the room.
This made Minato lose his cool and point a kunai at the ANBU.
"You have 30 seconds to tell me why you disturbed us." he barked.
"Sir, you're needed back. Your son has caused something horrible." said the ANBU not even flinching.
"I didn't do anything. It was all Naruto's fault." barked the arrogant ass being Nakuma.
"Oh shit." said Kushina realizing her mistake.
"We left Naruto." she said.
Grabbing his son and wife, Minato teleported to the house only to find them in the Hokage office. Confused by this, he looked outside to where his house was. What he saw was beyond anything. Half the village was destroyed. Dead bodies littered the area as houses burned with people desperately trying to get the fires under control.
Hiruzen was soon seen walking into the office. And he didn't look happy.
"Follow me." he barked before walking out.
Following the old man to the hospital they found a man in pure black with slicked back black hair talking to one of the council members that also secretly tried to help Naruto.
"...I suggest I take him with me. That way I can train him to better harness his awakened powers and ensure he can handle anything." said the man.
"I agree. The boy must learn to control his powers." said the councilman.
"Who are you?" asked Kushina.
"The name is Sparda. I am a pure blooded demon and the saviour of your son." said Sparda looking to the family with disgust.
"Thank you for saving our son." said Minato walking to the room that they were standing in front of knowing that was the one that had Naruto in it.
Sparda merely swiftly stepped in the way, blocking him entirely.
"What is this? Let me pass." growled Minato.
"Sorry. Can't do that. You have failed as a family. And as parents. I learned from Hiruzen here, that you never cared for Naruto. Pushing him aside as if he was mothing more than a used cloth. For that, I am taking the boy." snapped Sparda.
"Like Hell you are." growled Kushina. "That is my son. I gave birth to him. You will not touch him."
"Look whose talking you stuck up bitch." growled Sparda making Kushina recoil from his venomous tone. "If there is one thing I hate, it is people who can't take care of their family. You are not worth anything to me. Only now do you choose to help the boy despite putting him through the grinder when he should never have been put through it."
"I'm demoting you Minato." spoke Hiruzen. "I'm taking the position over and have already authorized it with the others to have Naruto go with Sparda when he wakes up."
"But Hiruzen-"
"Don't but Hiruzen me. You brought this on yourself. Not me. Maybe this will clean up your act and by some miracle Naruto decides to come back, you had better pray he doesn't hold grudges."
And scene.
So there you have it.
Naruto turns out to have demonic powers and has awoken a pre-mature Devil Trigger. This wasn't good and so Sparda was called. More on these in future chapters.
But what did you guys think of that. A child that has demonic power within them through a certain method. Either through blood or power. Naruto seems to be leaning towards the latter.
Chapter 2: Devil's Training.
Coming soon.
Thank you for reading.
Please rate and review.
BlackSpirit 101 out. ;)