"Are you guys sure about this?" I ask lowly.
"Stop being a baby," says Kirishima. Bakugou rolls his eyes at his boyfriend of two years. I'm not use to this. It is a popular spot for college students and celebrities alike downtown. I'm so nervous.
"Stop fidgeting," says Bakugou. Don't worry Bakugou is my childhood friend. He always sounds so rough, but he really cares about me at the end of the day. Took years for him to admit he even cared about me a little bit. For a while people thought the spikey hair blonde wanted to hook up with me. He only had eyes for Kirishima at the end of the day. We get up to the door with Kirishima paying for Bakugou, me, and himself. Mineta, Sero, Jirou, Momo, and Kaminari are behind us. They get in with no issue. We wait for them off to the side just pass security. I look down at the jeans and tee shirt I am in hoping I don't look too underdressed. My tee shirt has a small design in the bottom right corner but otherwise not much else going on. "You look fine." I give Bakugou a nervous smile.
"Where are we starting at?" asked Jirou. "This club has 3 dance floors, no pop music for me." Mineta snickers.
"Of course no pop music for you," he states. Jirou gives him her middle finger before turning her attention back to us.
"You're no fun," pouts Momo looking at her glitter nails. I usually don't notice things like that but the light seems to be catching the glitter just right in the dim hallway. She tilts her head as she continuing to stare as her nails. Her hair is in a body wave style making her look way older than she is. Not in a bad way!
"Why don't we start at the main floor," suggests Sero. "We can go from there."
"Does everyone have their cell phones in case we get separated?" asks Kirishima.
"Yes dad," drones Mineta earing a chuckle from Kaminari. "Come on, I'm ready to go already."
"I bet you are," chuckles Kaminari. "Come on buddy." I can only imagine what they will be up to. I watch as Kaminari, Sero and Mineta walk off towards the main club room. The rest of us slowly follow them down a hall past the coat room heading to the main floor. It is summer time so need for us to have to check in coats. We have the great month of May weather on our side. We walk into the main floor it is huge! The dance floor is at the center of the room crowded with people. I can barely make out what is happening on the dance floor. I just see a sea of people moving to the music. The poles that are helping hold up the structure of the building are chrome looking like mirrors. They have two bars, one to the right and one to the left. Both have lines full of people ready to get really wasted. Above the bars I notice balconies that make me think of a concert hall. Kirishima chuckles gaining my attention.
"This is nice….." says Kirishima. He starts bobbing his head to the music. "Let's do this….." I watch as he grabs Bakugou hand pulling him to the dance floor. Momo and Jirou walk to the other side heading to the bar. I look around seeing my friends are already off doing their own thing. I'm alone. I sigh remembering how things recently have gone for me. My boyfriend well ex boyfriend Shinsou ended things. He is going to another school, but I still didn't think he would break things off with me. I thought we were so good together. I wonder over to a chair sitting down trying not to think about my nonexistent love life. I can be outgoing but this not one of those times. Maybe I would feel better if I got something to drink.
I get up making my way over to the bar that is close to me. I decide to stick to a margarita, for me it is strong but mellow. I'm not trying to get completely wasted in a club environment. I don't recommend anyone do that even if you travel with friends. After a good 15 minutes of waiting in line I finally get my hands on my drink. I make sure to leave a tip in the jar on the counter before walking away. II always believe in tipping even if the service is bad. They need to make a living despite being rude or just having poor work ethics. I sip the drink realizing it was made well. I don't drink often but when I do it is usually at home or in my dorm.
I sigh beginning to walk the main dance floor looking around. I notice a roped off area catching my attention. What is that? I look up the flight of stairs seeing this leads to one of the balconies above the bar. It appears to be a VIP of some kind. I search the area with my eyes seeing Endeavor. I'm completely shocked as he is not dawning his hero uniform but rocking a suit. I must admit he is handsome. His hair is slicked back appearing dark brown in the clubs lighting. His muscles are showing through the suit as he flexes his 260lbs. He is drinking from a glass looking around the dance floor his eyes land on me. I immediately glance away. I continue walking sipping my drink. I bob my head as I continue to sip my drink. I kind of like this song a little.
Once I finish my glass, I sit it down on a nearby table. I giggle as I realized that drink was a lot stronger than I thought. I'm still aware of my surroundings so nothing for me to be worried about. I feel much better deciding to head to the dance floor even though I'm alone. I begin swaying my hips to the music allowing myself to be taken away. I wonder if I should have one more drink. I open my eyes feeling like someone is watching me. I continue to dance but look around checking the area. I hope no one is planning to do anything stupid. I continue to scan the room with my eyes landing in a dark corner. I stare at the corner knowing someone is there. Should I go over there? Do I really want to know? I sigh deciding to let it go. Whoever it is isn't doing anything wrong. If they do, I will stop them.
"There you are," smiles Momo. "Are you having fun?" I nod my head.
"The drinks here are hitting," says Jirou. I nod in agreement. Jirou chuckles tossing her hair behind her. She use to rock a bob but her hair is a little bit longer. She has grown out her bangs a year ago. Her hair comes to her collar bones with the tips of the hair dyed purple. "You're buzzing, aren't you?"
"Yesssss," I chuckle nodding. Jirou laughs again leaning close.
"Can I get a dance?" she asks surprising me.
"Sure," I reply.
"Me too!" exclaims Momo. Just that quick they made me feel better. I don't even know if they realize how much I needed this. Jirou is not a girlie girl but she can certainly dance her ass off. I must admit she looks pretty attractive. Momo is dancing a little slowly but she is wearing heels compared to Jirou wearing boots. It's the summer and she doesn't care. Those ankle boots are her thing all year around. I'm beginning to sweat with the alcohol coursing through my system.
"Whew," says Jirou after a couple of songs. "Time for another drink."
"Ditto," I reply wanting another drink myself. I follow Jirou to the bar.
"Did you see that Endeavor was here," she says. "Who the hell wears a suit to a club? I mean this is a college club at that. What the hell is he even doing here?"
"Robbing the cradle?" I suggest shrugging. Jirou begins to laugh.
"Drunk Midoriya is always hilarious," she replies.
"Glad you think so," I reply. We chat more while we wait for our turn in line. I buy Jirou and Momo drinks being the gentlemen that I am. We make our way back over to Momo seeing some big beefy guy talking to her. When I say beefy this guy is tall, wide and looks like he can bend metal.
"Who's this?" asks Jirou as we get closer. I can sense she is ready to take this guy. Momo turns around grinning like crazy. "Oh god what?"
"I have been invited to VIP!" she exclaims.
"Are you serious?" questions Jirou. I'm not surprised. Momo has a body most girls dream of. Full bust, tiny waist, thick hips, long flowing hair. She also has a strong quirk on top of that.
"Yes," she replies. "Endeavor has invited me to his section."
"Momo!" I exclaim. Endeavor is like twice our age. Okay maybe I am stretching the truth a bit but still.
"Are you coming or what?" asks the beefy guy looking impatient.
"Yes!" she exclaims. "Can my friends come with me?"
"No," he replies sternly. "The offer for you only." Momo looks like she is thinking. She turns back looking at us.
"Sorry, I'm going," she informs us. She turns back to the guy. "Take me to him." He nods signaling for Momo to follow him. I watch as Jirou face drop.
"I can't believe her…." she says still in shock. Jirou is still holding Momo's drink gazing as she is lead away. "Like what if he finds out the truth. He is going to kill her."
"I don't think he would take things that far," I state watching Momo be lead behind the ropes. Jirou growls drinking her drink. I stare at her wondering is there more to her being upset. I don't really know for sure. "Let's drink, forget about our worries, and dance."
"Best thing you have ever said to me," says Jirou. We both share Momo's drink while drinking our own. We begin to dance while laughing and having a great time. I'm so glad things are now working out although I feel bad that Jirou is a little upset. I glance over at Momo. She is not even talking to Endeavor but his son Todoroki. So fucking weird. I would never go to a club with my dad. I turn in time seeing the look on Jirou's face knowing she saw the pair. "I need another drink." Jirou goes to get another drink for us.
I must admit Momo may have gotten lucky. Endeavor son Todoroki Shouto is just as good looking as his dad if not better. Number two hero to his father and went to U.A. He seems like a private person as it is hard to find anything about him online. We are lucky enough to even know his birthday. I know he left the area traveling or doing business. No one really knows for sure.
"Hey hey," shouts Kaminari coming over to me. His blonde hair is actually sticking to his face letting me know he must have been moving a lot. Although I must admit it is hot as hell in here.
"Hey," I smile. "Looks like you are doing well."
"I am," he replies grinning.
"What happened?" I asked knowing there is more behind that smile. "You're grinning way too much."
"Just got my dick sucked," he says in my ear. I begin to blush.
"How is that even possible?" I ask him as he moves away to make eye contact. "I mean where?"
"In the bathroom," he replies. "Mineta is getting his right now. You want in?"
"Want in?" I question trying not to sound disgusted. I have nothing against being sexually active, but I prefer to do it with someone I like, someone I care about. Like Shinsou…
"Yeah," he replies. "It's a group of girls! A fucking sorority I think…..I don't fucking care. Like their skills kill the girls at school."
"Did you tell them you just want to smash?" asked Jirou walking up. Kaminari turns around seeing Jirou close in on us. She hands me my drink which I happily take. I drink from my cup curious to know the answer to that myself.
"No," he replies. "I mean why the fuck would I do that?"
"You pig!" exclaims Jirou. "But on the other hand, you could be doing them a favor."
"What are you trying to say?" he asks glaring at Jirou hard. "Stop trying to kill my vibe."
"Oh whatever," says Jirou rolling her eyes. She drinks heavily from her cup.
"What is her problem?" asks Kaminari in my ear. Lucky for him Jirou isn't using her quirk. I tilt my head over towards Momo. He catches my drift looking over seeing Momo. "What the hell? Momo is in VIP?"
"Fucking Endeavor," hisses Jirou. "That fucker…." Kaminari turns around looking at her.
"Well then…." he replies.
"Just dance with me shock boy and shut the fuck up," says Jirou. Kaminari shrugs and we all begin to dance trying not to let the mood be dampened. I feel that vibe again, like I'm being watched. I begin to look around the dance floor again. My senses have me looking into that dark corner again. I stare for a minute as I begin to stop dancing. The feeling is so strong…who the hell is watching me. I begin to slowly make my way over to the corner. The music is fading in my ears as I focus ahead of me. I get stopped by Kirishima before I could reach the dark corner.
"Dude!" he exclaims.
"Um hey….." I mutter.
"What!" exclaims Kirishima over the music.
"Nothing," I replied. Kirishima looks at me a little concerned.
"Are you okay?" he asks me.
"I'm fine," I reply folding my arms.
"I haven't seen you dance with anyone," he notes.
"I have," I say defensively. "I…I have been dancing with Jirou, Momo, and Kaminari when he is not grabbing some girls ass." I shake my head much rather forgetting that.
"I mean with a cute guy," he replies. "Or girl. I want you to not think about him." I don't think I never going to not think about Shinsou. I loved him. I accepted him for who he was while others feared him and then he did this… "Midoriya…" Kirishima reaches out wiping away a tear from my cheek. I immediately feel embarrassed.
"I-I'm going to go step outside for a minute," I choke out. Kirishima nods slowly looking gloomy. I rush towards the exit passing Bakugou who is dancing. He looks normal, no scowl at all. I walk out the exit breathing in the night summer air. I'm so happy to be out here. I really wish Kirishima wouldn't have brought up Shinsou but I can understand why he did.