After Trunks defeated the Androids using the remote device, he prepared to go back home and surprise his old mother. His mother had prepared an apple pudding which he always liked.

"Hey Trunks! You finally came home. You have been away for three days. I heard you arrive the night you left, but I was sleeping."

"Hey Ma! Yeah, I arrived back then, but I left as quickly in order to deal with those androids."


"and I defeated them Ma! Using this remote device, I deactivated them. I stole it from Dr. Gero's lab from 5 years back just before he had finished creating 18. I tiptoed my way inside the facility and stole this remote before anyone noticed."

"so you defeated the Androids from the past as well?"

"No Ma! I didn't, they weren't completed and I didn't want to wait that long."

"Oh Trunks! It doesn't matter much now that you are here."

The androids are deactivated? No No No No! This can't happen! I am yet to reach my perfect form. You heartless monster! You stole my food. I shall kill you! No, no, no, I should not try to engage him directly. This can go either way for both of us! Yes! I shall steal his time-machine, go to the past and then consume the androids. Yes! This is a good plan! Ah! Here it is so here I put in the date and time and I press this..

"Trunks dear, do you hear that?"

"What Ma? Oh yes! It's sounds like something is shaking, something metal. Coming from where I parked the time machine"

"Let us hurry and check"

"Hey you ! Who are you and how did you get here?"

Oh no! He found me, I should get out of here fast. CLICK and Cell pressed the launch button for the time machine. The time machine rose in air and sound started coming out of it at an ever increasing frequency.

"He is stealing our time machine Ma!"with that Trunks shot a chi ball at this unkown foe. As soon as the chi-ball made contact with the time machine and exploded."

"Trunks you destroyed my Time Machine! Do you have any idea how much that costs? Bulma yelled

"No Ma! I didn't hit that hard. I only threw one strong enough to make him get thrown out."

"Oh! Then it must mean he went back in time then."

"Who was he Ma?"

"I don't know, I thought it was Picollo, but his Chi was like.."

"Like Frieza! Yes like Frieza. So how do we find out? "

"I don't know , but we will".


Meanwhile the time-machine had taken a serious hit and an error etched its way into it. The time-flux capacitor was charged beyond its limits and instead of going back 5 years, it went back 5 million years and Cell found himself stuck on an unknown planet.

"Dinosaurs are the dominant species? No, it cannot be? Let me check the machine, 5 MILLION YEARS BEFORE AGE?! Ah! I got to travel again" and so Cell sat inside the machine and fixed the date and time and pressed the button.

The time machine started producing really high pitched noise which became low pitched before it finally bursted.

"Ah! Damn you Trunks!" Cell cursed Trunks for interfering in his plans and shifted his attention to his handless arm.

"Curse you! Curse you! Damn!" with some concentrated focus, Cell regenerated his lost hand.

Cell noticed a band of small T-rex fighting over something. When he looked at with attention, he found that it was his hand with five fingers. During the fight, one of Cell's fingers got cut off from his hand and one of the T-rex lapped it up and started chewing on it. Cell felt disgust, agony and annoyed at the same time. In a fit of fury he shot a Ki-blast at the T-rex which died on the spot. The other baby T-rex got frightened and started running. This attracted the attention of the mommy T-rex which was not far behind. She came, she saw and she con smelled the lifeless corpse of her baby. Overcome with rage and sadness she let out a loud cry and started searching the area with her eyes. Her eyes fell on a peculiar green creature who too was looking in her direction. She looked at the creature and then looked down to see the severed hand. She made the connection and after another rage filled wild cry, she dashed at the green skinned creature.

"Oh what the hell!" Cell exclaimed and made a destructo disc and fired it at her. The dinosaur opened her mouth wide and attempted to chew on the energy disc. Alas, due to the unique nature of destructo disc, her jaw got cleaved in half with her upper jaw along with the rest of the skull having been sent flying off in the direction of the disc before falling on the ground. The lower jaw along with the rest of the body came crashing down on the ground inches away from Cell's feet.

Cell was weak and rapidly growing hungry, thanks to Goku's DNA inside him. He looked at the big T-rex body and smiled. He quickly separated meat from the creature's body and after cooking it with his powers, he began eating it. In no-time there was no meat left on the dead T-Rex.

"Ah this feels good ,but I am nowhere near my full power level. " Cell looked some younger T-rex and remarked "You lot should do good."

Cell cornered a young T-rex and tried to subdue it. The T-Rex also afraid for it's life began fighting. Cell sought to knock out the T-Rex but not kill it. As soon as he accomplished this, he released his tail and lowered it on the unconscious T-Rex and started absorbing him.

"Ah ha! Just what I had expected." Cell did the same to a number of young T-Rex and with the older ones, he simply made a meal of them. After doing this same task a number of times, he sat down in the shade of a huge tree.

"Oh my! What a week it has been. If nothing else I might die out of boredom. My power levels are better as well. I should try and find someone. I need to get out of this boring planet. Thanks to Frieza and his father, I can survive in the vacuum of space."

Cell powered up and and took to air. He quickly exited the atmosphere of earth and with great speed continued in the vacuum of space. Upon exiting Earth's gravity, cell stopped using his Chi-Energy to conserve energy and continued to be propelled. After three earth days he found himself entering the atmosphere of another planet. He slowed down his momentum and landed upon its surface.


"Huh! A desolate place!" Another disappointment for Cell! Wait that resembles a house. I wonder who is inside." Cell went inside a red rock formation that resembled a house with windows.

"Whoa! This place sure is creepy! Uh are those stairs? It seems to be leading underground." After descending down what seemed like a flight of stairs, he found himself looking at what seemed like a cemetery. He tried to read the name of one of the corpses.

"Jam J'amz ! What a silly name" .

He travelled around some more and found another building. It did resemble a library. With literally all the time at hand, he thought that he might as well explore this place.

"A library! This is good news, but where are the people?" Cell wandered around in the library until he got to a certain book with a familiar language. From what he could tell a tragedy befell this place. The two dominant species on the planet fell into a global war and both sides launched their most powerful weapons. The white skinned reptilians launched a virus capable of harming the green skinned polymorphs, while the green skinned polymorphs launched a bomb that burned the skin off of the white reptilians, oxidizing almost all of the planet in the process. The war was over but very few survivors remained. Peace talks on both the sides was made possible. After the war an era of love followed, where survivors from both the sides mixed and bred happily. The author also let the reader(Cell) know that this was their biggest idiocy ever. With no pure species left from either race, an archaeologist dug out some mutated samples. It was no mutated sample, it was sample of a green polymorph which was infected with the deadly virus. The archaeologist didn't know and neither did his team. When each of them reached their respective home, did the virus activate, and it spread again. No one was spared, except for the author, the only pure skinned white reptilian who had been living in hiding due to fear of being ostracized for being too conservative. The author wrote the book in case some advanced space faring civilization ever reach this planet or maybe the remote possibility of any survivor before the author took her own life out of boredom.

"Man that was some knowledge. Changes my whole perspective on fighting." Remarked Cell as he wandered around the library. "Now where would I find a book on creating a spaceship?"

"Huh! No luck, guess I am better off on my own" As Cell was about to leave he noticed a capsule lying there.

Like one of those capsule corporations capsules? Cell thought. He lifted it up and threw it on the ground. However, it was not anything like what Cell had been expecting. It was an experiment, meant to be an antidote for the virus. Upon touching the ground, the capsule burst forth releasing aromatic fumes. Cell was enveloped in it.

"What a disappointment!" Cell remarked and made for the exit. On the way out, his hand brushed against the metallic door and he got a bruise.

Cell powered up again and prepared to leave. As soon as he exited the atmosphere, he noticed the bruise. Why hadn't it healed up yet? Cell thought. Could it be because of whatever was in the capsule. Cell didn't know. Cell continued on his way and was cautious of not getting harmed because his healing ability was not working properly.


Cell made it past the solar system into another solar system. Finally he was able to sense some chi from a nearby planet. He decided to land there. Few denizens (3-ft tall) gathered around and started looking at Cell, speaking in strange language. They noticed the bruise on Cell's arm and a bunch of them held Cell by the hand and rushed him inside a building. They made Cell lay down on a bed and one of them attached some wires to his chest.

"A hospital! That is very fortunate"

Another one took a sample of Cell's green blood and the other worked on the computer. Within moments the doctors were ready to administer the medicine and they did by injecting his tail.

"Ouch!" yelled Cell "take it easy doc!" . As soon as the medicine entered his blood stream, his injury healed up.

"That was pretty fast. I was hoping to make a snack out of you people but since you have shown me hospitality , I am going to leave you guys be."

"I don't think you would have been able to do that." Spoke the computer on which the doctor was working.

"A talking computer?"

"No No! I am just connected to the computer. "

"Oh! Who are you?"

"I am Trip, who are you?"

"I am Cell"

"Cell! Where are you from?"

"I am from Earth! Where are you?"

"Oh ! I am in the server room. You can meet me there. I will ask one of them to lead you to me.

"Hello Cell! So tell me more about your Earth."

So Cell narrated him the story leaving out some the parts which would project him in bad light.

"Time Travel? Ha ha ha ha! Good story my friend."

"You don't believe me? Fine! "

"Look it doesn't matter much whether or not I believe you. Looking at you, it does seem like you might be telling the truth as there is no other race which looks this."

"No, I am an amalgamation of some of the mightiest warriors from my time. There is none other like me. "

"Okay! Tell me about the warriors"

Cell explained the different warriors to Trip.

From what you describe I suppose you are talking about the Saladians, and those from planet Refriz."

"Um Okay! But why did you say that I wouldn't have been able to um, make a snack out of you people?"

"Two reasons: those things are not people, those are robots kind of, they are half robots sand half people, dead people. You see, we use dead people's brain to store data as it is much more efficient. If you had eaten them you would have only chewed on metals and some protein. Analysing your DNA , it seems like that is not your normal way of consuming. So , maybe it is your tail!"

"Hey Trip you are really intelligent. I'll give you that"

"Thank you! And secondly because being from a scientifically advanced race, we have our protector of sorts. An android! We have named him CO73-I. He has unlimited energy and should be able to fight anyone."

"An android with infinite stamina! Oh my ! This sounds really interesting. Can I see it?"

"Um ! Yes ! Why not "

Trip pressed a button and 73 arrived within minutes.

"So doc, this is the android? "Cell inquired

"Yes! Cell. This is CO73 wh..ackk" Trip found himself lying on the floor, blood gushing out of his neck.

"Sorry trip but you just made my day, You see I was meant to absorb infinite model androids back on my planet to evolve into my perfect form, but due to being attacked by one of the Earth's protectors , the time machine flung me back to this day and age and I had accepted being stuck in this imperfect form. However, thanks to you, that no longer seems to be the case."

"You ungrateful! He will defeat you! CO73 kill him."said Trip as he crossed over to the other world.

73, having heard his Master's last wish made up his mind to do so:

"As you wish master!" Android 73 threw a punch at Cell who caught it with his hands.

"Not so fast" Cell said as he escaped the hospital facility and decided to take the battle in an open environment.

The two of them battled it out pretty evenly. 73 used a scepter inside the hospital to attack Cell. One attack connected and severed Cell's arm in the process. However, Cell regenerated it again. Cell charged up a Kamehameha and blasted 73 far away. When 73 was still recuperating from the attack, Cell threw a Solar Flare and blinded 73. Using the opportunity, Cell sneaked up behind 73 and absorbed him.

"Haha haha haha, this was exciting. Even though a different android, this one is still better. Now I am Semi-Perfect Cell." And thus Cell, who was imperfect, transcended to his Semi -Perfect form, which turned out to be different from his semi-perfect form had he absorbed 17 or 18.

Cell continued on his journey through space landing on and meeting people from several races. On his journey he landed on a planet called Patata. There were several humanoids on that planet. However, like most other races they didn't come about as a result of union of different people or even through fission, they came from beneath the surface of the planet. They spent the next part of their lives enjoying by doing various different things ranging from dipping in pool of hot oily substance to getting themselves divided into different shapes and sizes usually with the help of the sharp equipment commonly found at their amusement park. Towards the end of their lives, they would begin a pilgrimage of sorts and would drown themselves in water where they would turn into a foul smelling substance. There were some who would turn into the said substance before they were able to immerse themselves in water. Friends and family would cry at such happenings and such Patatians would be buried underground. Cell was amused at their lifestyle and took out the opportunity to consume some of the Patatians. His favorite was when he consumed a Patatian who had immersed himself in the pool of oily substance until he turned brown. On another occasion, he was slapped by a Patatian because he saw a bunch of them undressing before going into the pool. Cell had enough of this planet and started his journey towards exploring the rest of the universe.


He continued his journey towards the stars and landed on a planet with tall fat humanoid creatures. Many of them were devoted to what called mastery of the spirit. There were warrior types also who were the first to greet Cell. They didn't directly attack Cell. First they gathered around Cell and started analyzing him. Then one of them adopted a warrior stance and that is when Cell knew what they wanted. Cell wasn't one to back out from a fight and so he fought. Since none of them were using energy based attacks, Cell also decided to not use any energy based attack and he fought them one by one, then all of them at once. After being defeated, the creatures got up and bowed in respect of this mighty warrior. They then took him to his elder who called himself Bellpeppara. The elder was impressed with the mighty warrior and decided to show him some of his abilities. One of them included gigantification, the other included moving so fast that one could hardly say he moved at all. This reminded him of Goku's instant teleportation stored up in his data-base. The elder then left Cell to one of acolytes who was busy learning a new move: transmutation of objects. The acolyte showed him transmuting tree to rock and rock to tree. Cell got interested in the art and tried learning it. He however failed. He then instinctively held the acolyte's neck for a few moments and then left him. The acolyte got relieved at being let go of and asked Cell what it was all about. Cell then explained to him that he had an idea and to show what exactly he accomplished by this, he got to show the acolyte his newly learned ability of transmuting objects just like the acolyte. The acolyte was surprised and asked him to show more. Cell showed him different things, even transmuting some things to present day earth objects. The acolyte was happy with it. However, after 30 minutes Cell lost that ability which confounded him. Cell decided to hold the acolyte by the neck again and left him and regained his ability. Both the acolyte and the Cell got happy by this ability being back in Cell's skillset. Cell pondered over a moment and said

"It seems like my abilities last only for 30 minutes long. I need to extend this ability to more than 30 minutes."

"Yes why not! I think we can be friends forever and I will always be with you. You can get this ability from me whenever you want."

"Yes! What a brilliant idea!" Cell said and turned towards the acolyte. Before the acolyte could understand anything, Cell had him turned into a chocolate. Cell picked up the chocolate from the floor and ate it.

The elder named Bellpeppara who was busy meditating abruptly halted his meditation. It took a few moments before he realized ,through his abilities, what had transpired. He hastily reached where Cell was and banished him to far reaches of the universe calling him a Majin.


Cell was flung to a desolate area, a rocky patch of land. Cell found that there was no one Cell could talk to or even consume, but then why would he need to? He spent next several days turning rocks into all sorts of food and consuming it. He got bored beyond death at one point. Once when he noticed a bunch of purple skinned humanoids landing on a nearby planet and decided to scoop around. As he got closer, he started getting more and more confounded. None of them emitted a chi. Were they androids? Cell got excited at the idea. At last he was going to transform into his perfect form, even if that form will not resemble anything he had imagined. He landed on the planet and started following them closely. What were they talking about? Something about life. At one point one of the androids/life-form got suspicious and turned around.

"Hey! Why did we stop?" said one them.

"I think there is someone here, following us."

"Following us? No no, you are just being paranoid."

"What if he is not"?

"Maybe he is. Look at this planet! Life is not supposed to be on it for another 1000 years."

"Maybe you are right! I was being paranoid." And they continued walking.

No life in another 1000 years? What are these fortune tellers? Whatever abilities these androids possess, those will be mine. Cell mused hiding from behind a rock. While he was lost in his thoughts, his tail brushed against the rock and a part of it fell down with a THUD.

"Who is there?"one of them shouted.

"So there actually is someone following us?"

Another shot a chi-ball at the rock which exploded on impact. When the smoke cleared, there was no one. These humanoids were alerted to a foreign and possibly hostile presence. The four of them stood back against back and started looking for the intruder from all directions.

"Dammit who else is there?"

"Do you sense a chi?"

"I do, but not one chi, I detect around 5 or 6 chi."

"Yeah ! Me too"

"So where are they?"

"I do not know?"

"Do you see anything?"

"No, do you?"

"Me neither!"

Just then a beam of light came at them from one direction. The creatures noticed it and one of them deflected it with a wave of his hand.

Damn! They deflected my special beam cannon with a wave of their hand. I have got to take up a new strategy.

On instinct, one of them fired a energy ball in Cell's direction and Cell saved himself with a hair's breadth.

Damn these guys are very powerful. Can't engage them directly.

Cell thought and Cell thought hard. Then he finally came up with a plan. He used telekinesis on a rock and made it explode. Everyone then looked in the direction of the sound and poured all their attention to it. This however was a mistake. Cell banked on this opportunity and leapt at them like a tiger would leap at its prey. He successfully caught one by the neck. The being, however was strong and got itself free from Cell's grip. Cell having successfully executed the first phase of his plan. The four of them now faced in the direction of Cell having finally glimpsed at their foe. Thus an intense battle began between them and Cell who would apply a range of techniques at his disposal from Kamehameha to last emperor to even their own signature attacks. With time running out fast, Cell blinded them with a solar flare and hastily absorbed one of them as he would absorb an android. There was one tiny problem, they were not androids. However, to Cell's amusement and satisfaction the absorption worked. The problem was that since the being absorbed was not an android but a biological being and with a Chi Cell had never encountered before. With the slots for androids being full inside cell , he began changing into his perfect form. The combination of these factors changed Cell from the very.. um cell! With an already purple skin, Cell's body began to destabilize into more purple or should I rather say pink gooyey substance. Thunders crackled and hot wind blew from where Cell was. The onlookers, those creatures could only look in horror as Cell underwent metamorphosis. Not only did Cell's body was undergoing a rapid change, so was his mind. As a nature of consuming a creature with a weird energy signature, Cell's mind and body began to deteriorate. His body took an amorphous form before he sprouted hands, legs and a head. Oh also a small tail, but on the top of his head. When Cell finally ascended to his perfect form he looked at his body and seeing his body resemble a bubblegum started getting mad and steam started blowing out of his head. He then sought to make a mockery of how his body turned out to be by the only word that came in his rage filled brain ,shouting : "Boo! Boo!"

"What is that creature saying?" asked one of the onlookers.

"Who knows? Maybe he is shouting his own name!"

"That is no creature, it is Majin!"

Cell having heard the word Majin for a second time started shouting "Boo! Majin Boo! Majin BOO! Buu Buu! Majin Buu." And then stopped saying anything at all.

The next thing the onlookers knew was a pink beam shot from the creatures tail and hitting one of them who turned into an egg instantly. Cell then used telekinesis to get the egg and ate it and smiled for the first time in this new form.

The onlookers became terrified and and started attacking. The two remaining shot a huge energy ball at the creature which blasted away its limbs, its head and made a huge hole in the center of his chest. The humanoids became happy and took a sigh of relief. However, their happiness and relaxation was short lived as their foe soon began to regenerate its lost body parts including its head and the tail atop it.

Fear stricken, they did the only thing they could. They used a special skill unique only to their race and teleported to their planet/their world.


Seeing them returned one of the natives enquired them about the other two. They told him their tale about how they encountered a fearsome creature which called itself Buu. Majin Buu. The native told them not to worry as they would find a solution to this problem and eradicate the creature called Majin Buu. They started to go to report the situation to their elder/superior and to formulate a plan to go and kill the Majin. However, as it turns out they would not have to travel far to meet their foe, as it had teleported to their world using the same skill that they employed.

"It is him! It is that Majin" shouted one of them.

"Don't worry Shin! Get behind me!" said the bulkier one of them.

Cell or as we should call him Buu engaged one in fight and after fighting for a while made a lollipop out of him and ate him.

The one called Shin observed all of this in horror while being unable to move due to fear. The other one who Shin had called Southern Supreme Kai fought bravely. When he managed to strike Buu down to the ground, Buu's tail(horn?) detached. The Kai didn't pay any attention to it continued pummeling the creature. A grave mistake! Buu's detached body part crawled up behind the Kai and engulfed him. Resistance was futile. This brute was too absorbed by the Majin, increasing his strength and power considerably. He laid his eyes on Shin next. Before he could reach Shin, another one of the same race, a fatter one appeared and engaged him in battle. Thanks to his added strength, this battle lasted for a short amount of time and even this Kai, the Great Lord of Lords, ended up being absorbed.

Unbeknownst to all a small green alien was looking at all this with keen interest. He noticed the Majin becoming calmer after absorbing the Grand Supreme Kai and sensing an opportunity used its magical powers to calm the creature and after having successfully done so, he imprisoned the creature inside an egg like ball. Happy at his success, he laughed out hysterically.

Shin who was still alive saw the intruder and thought this green creature to be behind everything.

"So it was your doing Bibidi! I should have known" and proceeded to blow Bibidi to bits.

Bonus Chapter

In a different timeline, Cell after fighting the warriors on the planet mentioned in chapter 5, met the elder and the acolyte. However, instead of learning matter transmutation, the acolyte was learning shapeshifting. He showed Cell how he shifted into chairs, tables, rocks and candies. When the acolyte named Gummy turned into a candy, Cell ate him and absorbed his abilities. It was weird because Gummy had only shifted into a candy and not become it. It tasted just like raw meat. The elder having learnt of this flung Cell into a different timeline.

Cell woke up semi-amnesiac in his semi-perfect form and of a three eyed monster and after analysing the place was overwhelmed with joy! He was back! Back on earth! However, the questioned remained which era it was. He stopped a man walking by and took the newspaper from him.

"Hey! Get your own newspaper!" shouted the man but Cell paid no attention to it. He read the date and was ecstatic!

"Yes! I am back to the correct time!"

The man snatched back his newspaper

"Lunatic!" remarked the man!

Cell then flew away and noticed the Z-fighters hanging around somewhere. He approached them and challenged them wanting to fight the most able opponent.

"Hey Punk! Who do you think you are? Barging in like this? This is a private gathering."

"Its Okay Vegeta! He just wants to fight! We should honor his fighting spirit!" Goku said.

"Huh! Kakarot! You can never pass away any opportunity to fight!" Vegeta commented.

"Yes I want to fight you! That's why I am here!"

"Alright! Atleast tell me your name!" Goku said.

" ..I don't …Majin Uh just what"

"Majin Uhjustwhat?" Goku said

"I think he said Majin Ozotto Goku", Kuririn corrected him.

"Uh .. no." Cell tried to tell them that he just wasn't able to remember his name but was cut short!

"Alright Majin Ozotto let's fight but not here, this is a crowded place. Follow me!" and Goku flew away!

Cell and the other Z fighters followed him to a deserted place.

They began with Goku who defeated him after a long battle.

"Come on Vegeta, it is your turn now! He said the best of us, that's us two"

"Don't even think about it! You couldn't even defeat Kakarot! What hope do you have of defeating me?"

"Come on Vegeta! He is not that bad! Think of it as a training! Don't you have anything interesting to fight with Ozotto? Like bringing something new to the table"

"Something interesting? Hmm…how about this?" With this Ozotto shapeshifted into Goku.

"Now that is interesting" Vegeta chuckled.

The two then began to fight. Cell even transformed into Vegeta once and hit him with Galick Gun, surprising Vegeta.

"Huh copycat, but you will never be as good as me!" and with that Vegeta defeated Cell.

"Am I next?"Piccolo enquired.

"Don't bother he is just some copycat magician guy!" Vegeta said. "And you don't even bother trying to participate in the Cell games!" Vegeta commented.

"Cell games?" Cell pondered for a while and then said.

"Yes! Yes that is me! That is my name! Yes Yes! I remember from the newspaper the Cell games. It is after 9 days right. That was me in the newspaper." Cell then transformed into the form he saw in the newspaper.

"Yes this is how I should look like!"

"What are you babbling about! You idiot? You wouldn't even last a second against Cell " Vegeta commented

"What? I am Cell!"

"He has just lost his mind" Bulma commented "What a dweeb!"

"Cut him some slack people, he is just disturbed is all, after all he did train pretty hard for the Cell games."

"Let's go everyone!"

"Yeah lets go"

After the Z fighters left Cell pondered and pondered and realized that even in this universe, he wouldn't become perfect. So he adopted the moniker given to him by Goku and left the planet.

A few years later, Cell, having travelled countless worlds, learnt of new techniques. One fine day he sat and pondered and was reminded of the fight with the Z-fighters. He was certainly stronger than before but not the strongest. Not even amongst those he had met. If only it was as simple as absorbing them or touching them by the neck. Even that required getting in close proximity to those people. Putting up a façade was no use either. Most of the warriors, or people were able to smell deceit in his words.

So how should he get powerful? Cell or Ozotto, the name he goes by now, decided that he would train. Train like he never had before. After all, he had the dna of the best warriors in him. If they could get stronger by training, then so could he. So Ozotto decided to train. For four months non-stop Cell trained himself. Don't believe me? Ask Cell!

(Four Months Later in an alien bar) "So I trained non- stop for four months and trained hard until I broke my limit and gained a golden yellow skin. Well not exactly yellow but more orange, you know my body is already purple-pink and if you mix in the aura, you get orange skin but more like a metal. I think I should call Orange Ozotto."

"Really? So why isn't your skin that color now?"

"It happens when I power-up"

What else you got other than this brass transformation of yours?"

"Well there is one another thing you know, I had an intuition that if I had four more Saiyan genes, I would have had red hair of sorts"

"Red hair.!You don't have any! You're drunk man! Give it up! " and the octopus like alien leaves the chair besides Ozotto and proceeds to walk out.

"Hey wait! I haven't told you about the other thing I did to make myself even more powerful in my base state. I generated a fake moon from the palm of my hand and began gigantification and ended up turning very different from what I had expected."

"So I did that and to make that permanent, I ended up consuming the fake moon, reverting back to my original form but retaining all the power up. I think I would call it Ozotto grade 4. I can still use that form though."

"Huh! Talker! Sober up first! Geez! Next you are gonna say you ate a planet once!Ha Ha Ha."

"What is it you don't believe me? " "Hey where are you going?"

"So he didn't believe me" Ozotto said.

Few moments later Ozotto is approached by someone and when he turns to see him, he gets knocked out hard. He later gains consciousness on an unknown planet. He wanders around and then gets bored and tries to fly away only to be surprised at how he is unable to leave the atmosphere due to some shield surrounding the planet. His captor decides to break the ice and explains him the rules about leaving the planet.

A few days later he decides to pass his time by wandering around and when he is roaming over the waters, he senses a presence behind. His tail instinctively deflects an attack and he decides to turn around to see the attacker: some Saiyan guy in a mask. Just then he notices Son Goku? in a totally new form getting ready to fight the other Saiyan. He looks around for a moment and decides to go somewhere else, as it wouldn't be wise to interfere in the battle.