He was back on the roof of the Juban Odyasseia apartment complex. An unconscious Sailor Moon kneeled in front of him. It was Usagi. His Odango Atama. Any single moment of their lifetimes spanned love had returned to him and was supposed to stay in his heart forever. It has been a tremendous input for his soul but he was blissfully happy to possess all the bits he shared with her. He was glad that his biggest wish was granted to him.

The wonderful princess who stepped into his lifes like a messiah. Every first encounter with her had been unconditional love at first sight to him. Regardless if it was hidden by teasing in front of a jewelry store or during the introduction of a formal masked ball back in the days of the Moon Kingdom.

This girl has fascinated him in any possible way and he was born and reborn to be her protector. Again and again. Without any hesitation he would continue his mission in the future. This was unalterable.

While the angel in front of him refused to open her eyes, Mamoru attempted to waken her up and called out for her several times.

„Sailor Moon. Sailor Moon. Sailor Moon!"

Slowly she became aware of a soft, dark voice trying to reach her. After her encounter with the unmasked Moonlight Knight, Usagi was not sure if she had dreamed those moments or if they had been for real. She stepped out of this blurred scenery in order to answer the calling voice. With now wide open eyes she gazed back at his civilian form and called him by his name.


She was rewarded with his firm response

„Sailor Moon...or Tsukino Usagi...my Odango Atama."

Tears were running down her cheeks. This was reality. Every word of it. Utterly relieved that this nightmare finally had come to an end she spoke with a tearful voice

„It is true. You do remember us."

She couldn't keep it any longer. Everything she had been holding back since the day she remembered her past life and what happened within the last year broke through. Sobbing heavily she fell into his arms and was immediately embraced by his entire love.

‚That is what I have been waiting for since the first time I saw you, Usako. In any of my lifes.'

In this moment, Mamoru realized that this was what he would always find by holding her in his arms.


She was his family now.

Exactly this emotion he experienced a blink of an eye later.

Even twice.

„Let me see her, let me see her!" The little princess of Crystal Tokio stormed through the corridors of the palace, accompanied by four really exhausted Sailor Senshi who tried to keep hold with the little but abnormal fast child. Small Lady entered the King's and Queen's chambers and spotted her father who was standing next to a big window. He was turning his back to her.

The tiny newborn princess was laying in his arms. Curious and pretty sky blue eyes starred back at him, framed by tingly little dark pink curls. King Endymion smirked. He was certain he could divine her sparkling and fascinating character in them.

„Awwww my little sister! Come on, I want to see her!" Chibiusa was utterly delighted to greet the newborn baby and gently laid her hands onto the baby's face when her farther turned around. „She is so warm and has so soft skin." Out of her skirt pocket she pulled a little white cat face ball, unwrapped with a red ribbon. She positioned it next to the babies head. "Here, it's name is Artemis T. It shall protect you and be at your side whenever you need him. It's my birth present for you."

„Small Lady?" A weak voice coming from the room on the left to where Endymion and her were standing called out for the little crown princess.

"Mum? Are you alright?" She asked worriedly. Her father stroke her light pink hair and explained in a calmed tone

"You can go to her. She is still exhausted but will recover shortly. You know your Mum. Meanwhile I will introduce your sister to the public."

Chibiusa smiled at him and cheerfully hopped into the other room. Endymion turned his attention back to the small bundle in his hands. His loving eyes set on her face.

It had been a long and sometimes very exciting journey to this date of her birth. A new Kingdom was in place, ruled by him and his precious Queen. When Chibiusa arrived, it was a deep change for him since he never thought that love could grow more than he felt for his Serenity before. Now she was born in this world eventually and with her unique presence she completed his family. With a gracious voice he spoke to her

„I've been waiting quite a long time for you, little princess. But since you are here now I finally have the possibility to say...hello! I love you so much already and I am utterly grateful to have you here with us. You complete our family." A single, silent tear ran down his face when he smirked at her, overwhelmed by his feelings.

"We will be having so much fun together!"

He got out of the room and headed over to the throne room, the baby still holding in his arms. A certain amount of people were gathered and already awaited the King and the little princess.

He cleared his throat and turned to the crowd.

„Ladies and Gentlemen. Today is a special day for the Neo Silver Millenium. Queen Serenity, Crown Princess Usagi and me, King Endymion are delighted to announce the advent of our newest member of the royal family. Everyone, please give a warm welcome to her Royal Highness!"

He took another glance at the little princess who was still watching him with her sky blue eyes. King Endymion raised his voice and proudly announced

"Meet Kousagi."