A/N: Some characters from Mondaiji might appear later on in the story, or fanmade characters that I will come up with as to add some kick into the story.



"So, today is the day, huh?"

The voice of a young male could be heard talking from inside of what appeared to be a classroom, the young male that spoke appearing to be around the age of thirteen as his hair was covering his right eye. The school he was currently in appearing to be huge and also incredibly fancy as the building was both expensive.

This school was none other than Yamagatari Middle School, one of, if not the most prestigious school within Academy City or even the entire world. The school was located in one of the larger districts, being District 7, where the technology was highly advanced compared to even some other places within the city and a good chunk of it was taken up by the school's campus on its own.

The campus of the school could actually be considered a small city itself, having all kinds of stores and many more facilities you would normally find in a city. Of course, this was only accessible to those that went to the school, the exception for outsiders being that you had to be allowed and invited by one of the higher class students, basing on the students level as an Esper.

In other words, only those in the top tier of level four espers and level five can give permission for outsiders. The grades you would need to become a Level 5 Esper in this school was immense, compared to other schools, the higher up Level 4 Espers in this school would be equivalent to Level 5 Espers outside of school grounds.

The school was filled with around only one hundred students or so, yet they had such a large campus. Sixty of those students were Level 3 Espers, who were as strong as Level 4 Espers outside the school, and the rest are Level 4 Espers who are as strong as the Level 5 Espers outside the school, at least the higher end Level 4 Espers were.

Other people outside of the school usually feared the students of this school, especially the Level 4 Espers, if they found out that they went to this school. The main reason being for their power, very few people had knowledge that the Level 4 Espers of this school were incredibly powerful. While they weren't considered Level 5, their powers certainly did compare.

The male that was currently looking out the window of the classroom had his arms crossed as he looked down at the empty large sports field. Being a young man with fair skin and a lean yet decently sculpted build, having a pair of crimson red eyes and also straight midnight black hair with vibrant red bangs.

His outfit consisted of tight black pants along with a tight black t-shirt that stuck well to his body, wearing white running shoes along with a black fingerless glove on his right hand. Finally, around his neck were a pair of black headphones with red glowing LEDs on each speaker. His face having a slightly bored expression on it constantly.

While this school was indeed an incredibly prestigious school, it was actually rather lenient for students to wear whatever they wished and found comfortable for themselves. Of course, there were some restrictions such as clothing that was too revealing, which should have been a given as it was frowned upon to wear such clothing in school grounds, every school was pretty much the same.

"Yo, Kazu. You ready for the System Scan?!"

The young male turned his head away from the window to look at who called out his name, he looked to see it was a male that was the same age as he was. Having fair skin as well as a similar build, and also having straight white hair along with a pair of sapphire blue eyes. His attire being rather casual as well.

He was wearing a simple pair of black shorts and a tight white t-shirt, having on black running shoes and a black long scarf that reached down to his waist. He had walked on over towards the boy, who was now known as Kazu, and smiled as he crossed his arms. "You know, everyone is expecting you to be the first person in this school to become a Level 5."

"Really? I didn't know that..."

"Are you kidding me?! Your strength is out of this freaking world, how does an ability even give someone such otherworldly strength?!" The white-haired male said with a roll of his eyes. "Everyone knows that your the strongest in this school, despite having come here last week. Heck, even the teachers all agreed that you were the one who will most likely to be the first-ever Level 5 Esper in our school!"

"I'm sure you're overexaggerating."


True to the white-haired boy's words, Kazu held strength beyond anything the world had ever seen. He hadn't come to this world that long ago, after having perished in his old one, he hadn't expected to be reincarnated into this one with such a powerful ability. He had gained the powers of a character known as Sakamaki Izayoi, which was from one of those animes he had watched a long time ago.

The power was known as Last Future of Embryo, or otherwise known as Code: Unknown, a mysterious power that grants him incredible enhancements in strength, speeds, perception, and much more. The ability was known for being able to negate Gifts, and it seemed to work against Esper powers, he didn't know if the powers Espers had were considered Gifts or not, but he wasn't complaining.

No-one in this world knows about the fact that he had come from another world, nor that his powers were not that of an Esper, but something else entirely, something far greater too. Even so, he had no intention of telling anyone such information. Upon entering this world, he had been given instructions by whoever allowed him to be reincarnated to make his way to this school.

And that was what lead him to attend this school, the being that brought him here had altered things around so that he would be considered a transfer student to this school. Thus, it wasn't too long before a whole week a gone by and the people in this school got to know him as well as sometimes witness his strength in action.

He actually hadn't seen much of the outside world in this Academy City yet, though he had a general idea about everything in this world as he had watched the anime concerning this world a really damn long time ago. He wasn't surprised by the fact that he forgot pretty much everything about it, he didn't even know the names or appearances of the main characters anymore.

"Anyway, let's get going, dude! My own test is about to start, and I want you to watch! I want to watch yours too!" The white-haired male yelled as he took hold of Kazu's hand as he began dragging him out of the classroom. Kazu just rolling his eyes as he let his friend drag him through the hallways and down towards the entrance of the building they were in.

"Okay, okay. Calm down, Ren."

The System Scan was currently underway as many students of the school were scattered around the campus taking on their own individual tests based on their kind of abilities, all ranging from elemental manipulation and so many other kinds of powers. Kazu currently standing on the top of a hill and leaning against a tree as he looked down towards where Ren was standing.

He watched as his friend was winding up his arm and cracking his neck, it was currently the boy's test as he had watched as Ren was prepared to take on the last part of his test. The task he had been given was to destroy every single attack drone that was currently flying high above in the sky, which was most definitely in the hundreds, though the boy didn't seem deterred.

"Are you ready to proceed, Mr. Tagoka?"

"Yes, ready as I'll ever be!"

"Understood, you may begin!" The tester said as Ren nodded his head. Ren narrowed his eyes as he looked up at the drones that had big red-eyes that suddenly flashed, they all then fired a red laser down towards him as he didn't flinch at all, he just raised his right arm up towards the lasers as what appeared to be ten swords spinning rapidly in a circle with their handles touching had appeared in front of Ren.

When the lasers had made contact with the swords, they seemed to be completely reflected and shot into the sky destroying a couple of drones in the process. He then smirked before stomping his right foot forwards before bringing his arms up before tossing them both down to his sides as countless hundreds of swords suddenly appeared all around him.

"Let's go!" Ren shouted as he jumped into the air and pointed forwards. That was the signal as all the hundreds of swords he had made appeared all shot forwards at high speeds towards the drones as they all easily pierced right through the drones, all exploding simultaneously as Ren took hold of one sword and quickly dispatched any stragglers as he landed back on the ground. "Alright!"

"Very well done, Mr. Tagoka. Unfortunately, you were unable to destroy all of the drones at the same time." The tester said through the microphone as they typed down the information they had gathered onto a computer that they were standing next to. He then held the microphone back to his mouth and announced. "Overall assessment: Level 4!"

"Impressive, he's improved again. Too bad it wasn't enough..." Kazu muttered as he gave a small smile as he looked down at Ren, who was currently walking up the hill towards him. Ren's ability was to produce weapons out of nowhere, it highly depended on his own imagination as he could create many different kinds of weapons, not just swords. Though, it seemed swords were the best option in this situation.

"Oh man... I was so close." Ren sighed as he had walked back on up to Ren as the other students that were watching all clapped at Ren's display. He just watched at them, he was considered one of the strongest Level 4 Espers in the school, if that little display was anything to go by. "Oh well, maybe next time I'll be able to do it."

"Just give it your best shot, I'm sure you'll be able to eventually."

"Speaking of giving it a best shot, your turn is up pretty soon, huh?" Ren grinned as he crossed his arms and looked at Kazu. The crimson-eyed male rolled his eyes in response as he gave a small smile, Ren then added. "I'm sure everyone is excited to see your test, and the teachers are also expecting a lot from someone like you, Kazu."

"Well, I hope I don't disappoint."

"I doubt you will, you never do." Kazu smiled.

"Mr. Rentaro! Please come down to the field for your test!" The voice of the tester said as both Ren and Kazu looked down towards the field to see that they were setting up for his test. Ren grinned before patting Kazu on the back. "Well, it seems that your turn is now up, Kazu! Best of luck out there, show us your power!"

"Yeah, yeah." Kazu replied with a wave of his hand as he began making his way down to the field. The other students seemed to cheer as they watched him walk down, he noticed how the students all called for the other people that attended the school to head on over here to watch as those who could use telepathy did the same.

Not long after they had done so, he noticed a bunch of students rushing on over, along with the other teachers as they were all eager to watch him do his test. He saw some students using their abilities to come over, such as using them to fly or propel themselves through the air before landing on the ground and rushing over to look down at the field.

They all cheered for him as he just gave a small smile and waved at them, he then walked calmly over towards the place where he was going to be taking the test. He saw that there were people setting up some kind of massive machine as one of the testers was standing in front of the machine and smiling towards him as he walked over.

"It seems that everyone is excited about your test, Mr. Rentaro." The tester chuckled as Kazu just smiled and shrugged his shoulders. The tester then gave a thumbs up to the people preparing the machine as they did the same back before stepping away from it. "Your first test is simple, we simply want to test the force of your punch."

"So, just punch this machine?"

"Yep, go ahead when you're ready." Kazu nodded as he walked towards the machine, he looked up as the machine was absolutely massive. It seemed that it was probably an incredibly durable machine that could take an incredible amount of force, but that didn't matter to him. He just needed to punch it. "Here we go..."

Kazu bent his legs as he reeled his right fist back, he didn't want to punch TOO hard as he could definitely remember that a punch with this kind of power could shake an entire star if he really wanted it to. He then sent the fist forwards as it made contact with the face of the machine, which didn't last long as the machine gained a massive dent in it.

It didn't stop there though, they watched in absolute awe as the machine ripped off of the ground and was sent flying into the sky in absolute pieces. The pieces of the machine not stopping as they had been sent flying out of their view, all the students laughing as they clapped their hands at the incredible force he had produced with the punch.

"Huh, guess I needed to hold back a bit more..."

"It seems that the force of you punch has exceeded the capabilities of the machine we had produced, which is the absolute top-notch we could manage. Truly incredible, young man." The tester laughed as he wrote down 'Exceeded' on the section where it asked for the force of the punch. It seemed that everyone kind of expected the machine to go flying.

"Hahaha~! Heck yeah, Kazu!" Ren cheered as he gave a loud laugh as the students seemed to join him in doing so. Kazu was infamous in this school for being incredibly powerful, no-one dared to try and fight him. They were all smart enough to know that it would be an absolute curb stomp, they felt bad for those that try to pick a fight with him if he leaves the campus.

"Alright, the final test is simple as well, Mr. Rentaro." The tester said as he walked on over to the boy and handed him what appeared to be a round metallic ball. Kazu stared at it as he tossed it up and down in his hand, he had a good idea as to what the test was going to be. "You are to simply throw the ball as far as you can, simple, right?"

"Hm, very much so." The tester nodded as he walked back on over towards the other testers that were sitting by the machine that was detecting everything. The tester then gave Kazu a thumbs-up as the boy nodded in response. He tossed it up a few times before smiling as he looked up at the sky, grinning before gripping the ball slightly as he reeled his right arm back.

Kazu then widened his eyes before stomping forwards as he swung the ball forwards as fast as he could, he made sure to aim for the sky as it would have caused disastrous damage otherwise. They all had to cover themselves as the force in which the ball was thrown was immense, having caused ripples in the air and also cracks in the ground to appear as well as some windows shattering due to the speed.

They all watched in amazement as the ball pierced right through the sky, they wouldn't be surprised if the ball was now somewhere in space. The ball had even created a decently large circular gap in the clouds as they had all noticed the ball catching flame when Kazu threw it, speaking volumes of how fast it must have been going.

"Pr-Projectile velocity is uncalculatable! Velocity is estimated to have gone past even the first cosmic velocity!" The tester that was manning the machine shouted as everyone was surprised by the news, except for Kazu and Ren, as they all soon clapped for Kazu as it didn't seem to be hard for them to believe as they knew how strong Kazu was, at least from what they had seen of his strength thus far.

The students all began talking to each other in wonder as they all contemplated on what the results were going to be, Kazu calmly standing on the field on the same spot he was before as he had his arms crossed over his chest. The testers all working and talking as they looked over the results, which soon ended as the entire school went silent.

They watched as one of the testers walked up and grabbed the microphone and spoke with a big smile on his face, all of them listening with held back breaths as they were anxious to find out just what the man was going to say. To which he then said. "The results have been looked over and I am happy to announce this. Overall Assessment: level 5!"

It was silent all over before it soon all erupted into loud cheers and whistles, Kazu just smiled as he waved up at them all with one hand. This was the first time ever since this school opened up that a Level 5 Esper had been chosen in this school due to its incredibly ridiculous criteria in becoming one, criteria which Kazu had passed.

"Hell yeah, man! Great job!"

"W-Woah!" Kazu felt Ren jumped onto his back as he almost fell over in surprise. He looked up behind him to see the white-haired male grinning widely as he cheered for Kazu, Kazu only being able to give a small chuckle as he let the boy down from his back. "Dude, we have to go hang out after this! How about it?!"

"You mean outside campus?"

"Yeah! We haven't really been out to explore ever since enrolling here. So, it would be fun to go out and see what the outside is like." Ren explained. Kazu raised an eyebrow at the boy as he then added. "You make it sound like we've been isolated from the rest of the world. But, it does sound interesting. Why the heck not?"

"Yes! I'll meet you after school ends!"


"Oh, Kazu! You're here!"

Ren could be seen leaning against the wall near the entrance of the school campus, which looked very much like one of those entrances you would find for a train station, having the gates and also the booth area where you could speak with one of the staff that man the area. Kazu could be seen walking over as Ren pushed himself off the wall.

"So, ready to get going, Mr. New 5?"

"Please, don't call me that." Kazu rolled his eyes as Ren gave a small laugh in response. Both of them then began to walk into the entrance area where they looked to see a man standing at in the reception space wearing a suit as he was operating a computer stationed there. They both took out black and gold cards and scanned them on the machines on the gates as they opened and let them through.

"We're off to explore the city for a bit, sir. Just wanted to let you know."

"Understood, have a great time." The man smiled as both of the boys nodded their heads in response. They then proceeded to walk out of the school campus, which they were greeted by the view of outside where there didn't appear to be many people at all walking around, if any at all. The people that were though seemed to most likely be students of their school.

Which was understandable as they knew that a good bit of area outside near the entrance of the school was forbidden for outsiders to walk around in as it was the place where the student's main dorms were located, all the huge buildings around the place here were that of just the dorms for the students, which were pretty futuristic as each dorm resembled that of small skyscrapers.

Ren and Kazu hadn't really been outside of this area and into the areas where the rest of the populace resided, mainly due to being that they focused on improving their abilities within the campus. Well, Ren did that at least, Kazu didn't exactly need to. But, now was a good opportunity to head on outside and check everything out.

"So, where should we go?" Ren asked as they were now walking through what appeared to be a decently busy street. They looked around curiously as it didn't seem as advanced as the facilities inside the school campus, but still decently advanced as they looked around with interest. Kazu having music blasting into his ears through his headphones.

The music he was listening to was that of one from his old world, which he was glad he could listen to as he really liked the songs that were produced back in his old world. He had noticed that the person who reincarnated him allowed him to keep whatever he had on his person at the time, which were his clothes, phone, and his headphones.

"Not sure, this seems to be more of the food area. So, how about we go and get something to eat?" Kazu suggested. True to his words, the facilities that were around this particular area seemed to be mainly food-based. Ren seemed to be holding onto a tablet of sorts as he was searching through it. "What do you have there?"

"Well, just looking up the different restaurants that are around here. Seeing if any catch my attention at all." Ren answered as they stopped walking and both looked at the tablet. Ren scrolled through the different facilities that were marked down. They didn't pay attention as a group of guys walked up to them from in front.

"Hey, you two brats. You look like you have some money, why don't you hand it over before things get ugly?" The person who was supposedly the leader demanded as he glared down at the two of them. Though, they seemed confused when neither of the boys even looked at them nor responded as they continued to look at the tablet. "Oi!"

"How about this sweets place? Could be pretty nice to check out."

"Hey, are you listening?!"

"Sounds good, let's go there. What's it called?"

"Stop ignoring me, damnit!"

"It's called Joseph's. Should be somewhere around here actually."

"Damn you, brats! Don't ignore me!" The leader shouted angrily as he then gathered what appeared to be flames in his right hand before throwing it towards the two boys. As soon as it made contact, an explosion of flames occurred as the people nearby watched with worry. "Ha! That's what you get for ignoring me! Too bad we didn't get their mon- what the?!"

"Hm? What's with this weak ass flame?" Ren asked as he looked up from his pad as they both noticed that they were currently standing in burning flames. Both blinking as they hadn't even noticed until a few seconds later, Kazu shrugged as he simply waved his hand as the flames dispersed due to the force that was behind the swipe.

"So, I'm guessing you were the one that sent those flames?" Kazu asked as they both looked to see the group of male delinquents stepping back in shock at what they were witnessing. Kazu narrowed his eyes at them as he saw the flame in the leader's palm, his cold gaze making them shiver they felt like they were facing death. "Mind telling me why you attacked us?"

"J-Just hand over your money, then things won't g-get u-u-ugly!" The leader stuttered, trying to act intimidating. Though, they could all clearly hear the fear and nervousness clearly lacing his tone as he spoke. Kazu and Ren looked at one another before scoffing as Kazu crossed his arms over his chest and gave a chuckle. "Wh-What's so funny?!"

"It's just that we find it hilarious that you would think that such empty threats would intimidate us." Ren shrugged as he then snapped his fingers. When he did, the group of older males all recoiled back in shock as a bunch of swords appeared all around them. Ren had a cold look in his eyes as he glared at them with the same amount of coldness as Kazu did.

"Truly, you lot are pathetic. So, I suggest you leave our sights immediately..." Kazu said with a dull tone as he stomped his foot on the ground. The delinquents fell onto their bottoms as they saw the ground produce a large crack with a mere weak stomp of Kazu's foot, and they now knew they were way out of their league with these two.

"Wh-What kind of monsters..."

"Monsters? Nah, we're students." Ren smirked as he held his student card in front of the leader's face. The leader's face drained itself of all colour as he read what was one the little black card that Ren held, it was the name at the top of the card that made him hold fear in his eyes. "Y-Y-Ya-Yamagatri... middle school."

"Yeah, that's right. So, I suggest you lot leave before things have to get seriously ugly." Kazu glared as he cracked his knuckles. The sound echoing through the area as it made the group shiver immensely, to which they immediately struggled back to their feet before rushing away as fast as they could as fear was plastered clear on their faces.

The people watching were all stepping back in surprise as they knew the power that those of Yamagatari Middle School had, while they didn't know the exact power, they knew that the school held the most powerful Espers from what had been rumoured. Ren and Kazu sighed as the latter cracked his neck before turning.

"Are all people outside of the school this annoying?" Ren sighed as he held his tablet underneath his right arm. Kazu just shrugged his shoulder as he placed his headphones back over his ears as he gave a small sigh. "I wouldn't say that all of them are, probably a good deal of them though. I'm sure people out here are just like students back in the school, just some are less tolerable."

"Whatever you say, bro." Ren shrugged his shoulders as he quickly followed on after Kazu after having snapped his fingers as the swords disappeared. Ren then blinked before taking out his tablet once again and showing it to Kazu as they continued walking. "Still want to go to that place? It's actually just around the corner."

"Sure, we have time to kill."

"You guys sure caused a bit of a ruckus. Though, I'm not surprised since it was the both of you." Both Ren and Kazu stopped walking as they blinked a few times as they turned around to look at who had spoken. When they did, they were greeted by the sight of a male that appeared to be four years or so younger than them, the male smiling as they had their arms on their hips.

The kid had slightly pale skin along with a lean build, also having straight vibrant blue hair along with icy blue eyes. The boy's attire consisting of a white t-shirt with a black tight hoodie over the top and long tight black pants, also having on white running shoes as well. The kid appearing to be an elementary school student.

"Arato? Didn't expect you to be out here." Ren said in surprise as the blue-haired male shrugged before walking up to them. This person being none other than Arato Yujima, an eight-year-old Esper, and a fairly powerful one. Kazu then decided to ask. "So, how come you decided to come out of the school?"

"I got bored, there wasn't anything to do. Plus, I overheard you guys were going to come out, so I followed after you." Arato explained as the two older males nodded their heads in understanding. Despite his young age, Arato did indeed go to the same school that they did, Yamagatari Middle School.

Arato was more mature than children his age, and his Esper powers were greater than those of his age. At Yamagatari Middle School, Arato was a higher-ranked Level 3 Esper within the school. Which meant that he had the power equivalent to the Level 4 Espers outside of the school, having been able to enter the school due to passing the criteria along with having gained recommendation by both Ren and Kazu.

"Well, since you're here anyway. Want to come with us to go get some sweets?" Kazu offered to Arato as the boy seemed confused. Ren noticed as he took out the tablet and held it out for Arato to look at, the boy soon looking over the screen as he blinked a few times before smiling. "Sure, sounds like it could be nice."

"Nice! Then let's get going, you two!"

"Yeah, yeah. Slow down..."