
It was Christmas again. Georg sat in the big armchair in the music room and looked around wistfully, thanking the Lord for all the blessings.

Gretl and Maria were happily decorating the tree, just like they did last year. Gretl's blonde hair, which had all fallen off during her chemotherapy, had started growing back again. Her short blonde curls bounced up and down as as she jumped around excitedly, making her look even more like Maria now. Her cheeks had gotten pink and her eyes had their sparkle of life once more. He could not ask for a better gift for Christmas.

He thought back at the past year and shook his head, almost in disbelief. There were many scary moments when they thought Gretl might not make it. The bone marrow transplant itself was a success but she had contracted pneumonia while her immune system was suppressed. There were days when they thought the fight was over, but Gretl pulled through and clawed her way back. It took several weeks before they finally breathed a sigh of relief and took Gretl home.

Maria flashed him a smile and started walking towards him. She leaned down and kissed him on the lips.

"Why the frown, darling?" Maria asked her husband of four months.

"Oh sweetheart, I am just remembering those days when we thought Gretl wouldn't make it," Georg replied softly, patting her hand. "Just look at her now."

Maria smiled and nodded. She remembered too, every one of those difficult days. "I know. It's such a blessing isn't it?"

Georg stood up and nodded. "And to find you as well. You saved us both. I love you," he squeezed her hand and kissed it.

"I love you too, Georg," Maria breathed as he pulled her into his arms.

"Father, Mother, look!" Gretl exclaimed as she looked out the window. "It's snowing!"

Gretl ran out to catch the first snowflakes of the season onto her tongue. Georg and Maria laughed at her antics. Just a few months ago, she was still so fragile that she wasn't even allowed out of the house. Georg smiled, their worry over Gretl's health was now behind them.

"Darling," Georg turned to Maria. "I cannot wait til tomorrow to give you your Christmas gift. May I give it now? So that you can wear it already when we go to mass tomorrow." He pulled out a small box from his pocket and offered it to her.

Maria looked at the small velvet-covered box with wide eyes and opened it carefully. It was a necklace with a heart-shaped pendant.

"It's beautiful, Georg!"

Georg reached over to get the necklace out of the box. It was a locket. He opened it, and inside was a picture of Gretl.

Maria gasped and flung her arms around him. "Oh Georg! Just having you and Gretl in my life is already the best Christmas gift I can ever get," she whispered as Georg moved behind her to clasp the necklace on her nape. He kissed the back of her neck and hugged her from behind.

"I hope that locket can hold more than one photo, though," Maria continued softly as she turned to face him. "I'm pregnant, Georg. I was also going to wait til Christmas to tell you. But, well..."

Georg's eyes widened in surprise and his mouth hung open as he digested what Maria just said. I am going to be a father again! Georg hugged Maria and gleefully spun her around.

"Maria, I thought I already got the best Christmas present this year... Gretl getting well and marrying you. I never thought it could get any better, but your news just blew my mind away! Oh my love!" Georg placed his hand tenderly on Maria's still-flat belly.

"Darling, I can barely believe it myself," Maria admitted shyly. "When I left Gretl at Nonnberg, I thought I would never become a mother again. And now, I have more than just a daughter to love. Gretl, you, and this little one," gesturing to her belly, "complete me."

Georg pulled Maria back into a hug just as Gretl came bounding back into the room. She didn't know what was going on but was happy to see her father and mother sharing a warm embrace. She flung her arms around them both. It would be years before Gretl learns the truth about her parentage. For now, she was simply content to have a father and mother who loved her completely.


A/N: Thank you for all the reviews, follows and favorites. Wheee, I did finish it! I wish I would get an inspiration for another story soon! Take care, everyone!