This is just a fun side story that won't be too long. Most likely less than 10 chapters, just something fun for you guys to enjoy during your quarantine.

I do not own Naruto. I do not get paid for this. This is purely for fun, and your entertainment.


"5,000,000 dollars Sasuke, fucking 5,000,00 dollars!" Naruto shouted gleefully. He mentally jumped into the air shouting eureka. If there was one thing he liked more than ramen it was money to buy more ramen.

"You've got to be kidding me." An unamused Sasuke shook in his head. He shuffled the deck and then passed each person five cards.

"Why didn't they come to me for such a job." The raven-haired was annoyed, of all people, they chose the unkillable brat.

"Well you know, they just knew I would get the job done. Easy peasy, in and out."

"Honestly it's a big job don't screw it up, baka." Kiba threw down his cards with a pout. "I'm out."

"Screw it- screw it up! This job completely beats any other. Did you not hear how much they are paying me!" Naruto eyed his cards, he inwardly smirked. He had a good hand.

"Well, why not put 5,000,000 on the line?" Shikamaru took a drag from his cigarette, sliding a thick stack of cash across the table.

"Dickless doesn't have it in him." Sai pushed 1,000 dollars towards the middle.

"Hey! I got my dick shot off once and it grew back- all nine inches and I'd be happy to show you!" Naruto slapped 20,000 dollars into the middle.



The table groaned with disgust.

"Come on dobe," Sasuke mumbled pushing his 20,000 to the middle.

"Matching me Sasuke? No risks at all." Naruto chuckled.

"We haven't flipped the first set of cards yet." The male rolled his eyes.

"That's why they gave the job to yours trully."

"Some of us can't survive a bullet wound. You wouldn't

be alive to this day if it weren't for your rapidly self-healing cells."

"You wouldn't be alive today if this self-healing body didn't jump in the way of a hundred bullets."

"It would've been more romantic if you'd die." Sasuke flipped the cards revealing the line-up.

"Ugh- hurtful!" Naruto threw in all his cash. "All in!" He smirked.

"It's not even your turn yet." Shikamaru sighed throwing his cards in.

"Out." Sai threw his cards in as well, crossing his arms in front of him.

"2,500,000." Sasuke raised his brow. "I'll match it."

Naruto revealed his cards triumphantly.

"Uh Oh." The group leaned in, almost like a cowboy western battle.

Sasuke threw his cards down, glaring at the blonde.

They both had pretty good hands. Only one card can put it in the other's favor.

"And the final card- Ace of hearts," Sasuke smirked tossing the last card onto the table.

"WOW!" Kiba shouted

"Shame" Sai shook his head.

"Hm." was Shikamaru's only reply.

"Aw... Well hold on... hold on-" Naruto paused Sasuke taking his money. "I- uh kind of need that to buy some things for my next job so..." Naruto quickly grabbed all the money- "I need this for now bye!"

"NARUTO!" Sasuke growled taking out his pistol. Gunshots were fired off as the blonde lept from left and right. Sasuke watched the blond leap across the room and proceed to jump out the window with a salute. He rushed to the window making it just in time to see the male splat against the street and get back up like nothing ever happened.

"Man I never land on my feet- ow!" A bullet hit the side of his arm, he rubbed it looking up at a very angry Sasuke.

"I'll give you half my money when I finish the job- later teme!"

"NARUTOOOOO!" Sasuke's voice rang out into the night as well as bullets shot from his raging gun. The blonde skip away without a care in the world.

"Alright- It's showtime." Naruto stood in front of the mirror of his hotel room, fixing his red tie. He placed a fox mask on his face and winked at himself. "Lookin good." He did a twirl and snapped his fingers, finally leaving the room to breathe in the fresh air.

"To the ball, we go." Naruto made his way to the huge building but before he could reach his destination he heard a soft whimper. He frowned as he went into the garden, the place was like a huge maze. He followed the soft whimper until he stepped into the clearing.

He had released a slight gasp, he couldn't believe the beautiful sight before him. It was a woman with long dark hair, the moon shined on it making it look almost blue. She had pale skin that seemed to glow, and her white eyes were glossed over from crying.

She sat on the fountain side with a purple cloth to her cheek. Her long purple dress bunched up a little to reveal her slender legs. The way the moon shined on her made it seem like she had descended from the sky to sit upon this fountain and weep.

The woman looked up catching the boy off guard. Her piercing eyes stared into his soul and he wanted to strangle whoever dare made this beautiful woman cry.

"Um...H-hello..." She whispered. She sniffled a little, her red nose twitching.

Her VOICE! AN ANGEL. So soft and loving like a lullaby.

Naruto blushed slightly.

"Uh...- he-hehe-." Naruto laughed nervously.

WHAT WAS WRONG WITH HIM. He has talked to girls before so why can't he form words! He was making a fool of himself!

The woman fiddled with her handkerchief nervously, shifting her legs to get up.

"Wait-" Naruto stopped her.

"Um... why are you crying?" Naruto asked with a gentle tone. He walked over to her and sat down next to her.

The beauty put her head down shyly, hiding under her hair. Her cheeks were red in embarrassment.

The sound of the water from the fountain was all that could be heard as there was an awkward silence in the air.

"I-I'm not trying to be weird or anything! Sorry Sorry. You are just...really pretty" Naruto scratched his head not knowing what to say.

The girl perked up placing the cloth to her lips.

"Y-You th-think I-I'm pretty?"

Naruto met her eyes, they seem to light up.

His lips pulled up into a smile, "The prettiest girl i've ever seen."

"Y-You are just saying th-that." She looked away quickly.

Had he offended her?

"No no! I'm being serious" He touched her arm with a warm hand making her jump from the contact. He pulled away apologizing.

"It's fine." She sighed, her body visibly relaxing. Her lips perked up to a little smile.

Naruto grinned, "There that smile is, you look pretty when you cry but you are even more beautiful this way-I MEAN! " Naruto slapped a hand over his mouth.

He ruined it! He ruined it big time! Sasuke's taunting laugh could be heard in the back of his head. He's no romantic, never was, never will be. He should just take out his gun and end himself. She will think he was dead and he'd never show his face again.

Maybe he'd show up and become a different person- she doesn't know his name. She will just think he'd look similar to the weird man that had died in front of her in the garden. She'd never bring that up to new Naruto, that would just be awkward.

He will have to try again. Start a new story, maybe form an accent the next time he met her, chicks dig accents.

'Just gotta ...' Naruto slowly reached for his gun but froze when the woman giggled. She pressed a fist to her lips, her little body tingling with laughter.

Naruto let out a chuckle, clasping his hands in front of him and leaning forward.

"So... What's your name, mines Naruto,"

"Hinata... " The girl blushed.

"Hinata." He let the name roll off his tongue."Pretty name." He gave her a toothy grin.

The two began to talk, having an engaging conversation. They were practically encaptured with each other. Hinata's eyes going big as Naruto used his hands to describe something. He was very expressive, nothing like the people that she had grown up with.

Naruto was so caught up in the moment he forgot what he was there for. His phone began to beep, signaling he needed to be at the party to eliminate his target.

"Well- I gotta go..." Naruto turned his phone alarm off getting up. "Are you coming to the party?"

Hinata looked down, "I wasn't going to attend..."

"You can't sit out here all night. Come to the party and dance with me yeah?" Naruto smiled.

"O-Okay, I have to go get my mask. I'll meet you there." She fiddled with her fingers.

"See you there hime!" Naruto ran off before she could say another word.

'Shit shit shit.' He cursed to himself. He had to hurry up and take out his target so he can enjoy his peaceful night with his moon princess.

He busted into the ballroom, searching the place with a quick scan of his eyes.

'Bunny- no... bunny- no... DUCK!' Naruto stopped behind a man with black hair that resembled a duck's butt. The man turned to smile at the blonde wearing a weasel mask.



"Looks like you weren't the only one to get the job."

"Why didn't you wear a duck mask teme, would have matched the ass in the back."

Sasuke rolled his eyes, "Don't forget you owe me 2,500,000. Seeing as I will be receiving the reward tonight, be sure to do more side jobs to pay your debt."

"Fat chance, I'm gonna kill bunny." Naruto jabbed a thumb at himself.

"Not if I kill him first." A man with a dog mask spoke over his shoulder.

"Kiba? You are here too!" Naruto frowned, "Who else is here?"

"Yo." Shikamaru turned to him with a koala mask.

"Dickless." Sai joined the group with a panda mask.

Naruto groaned rolling his eyes.

"It's not just us either." Sasuke nodded his head behind him. "Take a good look at who's here."

Naruto scanned the area, really looking this time. Some people were mean-mugging him discreetly but he caught on to who was there.

"The Akatsuki is here too...shit." Naruto grabbed a shot from one of the waitresses walking by, taking it back just as swiftly. "I'm surprised you guys haven't already killed bunny with how many of you are here."

"The target hasn't appeared yet," Kiba spoke between bites of his chicken wing.

"Maybe you guys missed it?" Naruto looked around some more, a shock of pink hair coming their way.

"I knew it was you." Sakura crossed her arms stopping in front of the blonde boy. She wore a butterfly mask. "So loud no matter where you go."

"Sakuraaaa good to see you." Naruto smiled about to give her a big hug. Her hand was thrown out stopping his advances.

"Nah uh, mister. You took my kill last time. I will not let you take this one." She wagged a finger in his face.

"Yeah this is our kill~" Ino spun around to join the group, leaving her dance partner wanting more. She wore a cat mask. "Hey Sasuke~" She dipped in a flirtatious manner.

Sakura jabbed her with an elbow. "Eyes on the prize girl!" Sakura chided her.

"Ino. Sakura." Sasuke nodded to both of them.

"H-Hey Sasuke." Sakura blushed while twirling a piece of hair around her finger.

"Eyes on the prize girl-" Ino mocked

"Sh-shut up." The two girls bickered leaving Naruto feeling awkward as he slipped away.

"So no sign of bunny huh?" Naruto talked to Shikamaru as he grabbed something to eat.

"Nope. Sasuke was here early, so unless the mark hasn't arrived yet, someone took it out before it even got here. That would've been a good plan." Shikamaru scanned the area casually. "Or maybe this is a set up... shit It's here-"

"Hm?" Naruto was about to grab a piece of cake when there was a light tap on his shoulder.

"I-I'm ready f-for my dance..." the soft voice whispered.

"Ah my precious hime-" Naruto turned around chocking on his saliva.

The woman he met in the garden.

She wore a-

"Bunny." He clicked his tongue.

"Fox..." she giggled.


The eyes in the ballroom were zeroed in on the two. The hostility seeming to go up to 100. Naruto began to sweat.

"Wh-what's wrong Naruto?" She asked worriedly. The silly beauty seemed to not realize that half of the party was out to kill her for a hefty reward.

"DANCE- yes dance we shall." Naruto grabbed her hand bringing her to the dance floor. She smiled excitedly, placing her right hand in his and her left hand on his shoulder. His hand gripped hers while the other held her waist.

The two swirled around playfully, Naruto trying his best to avoid all the eyes that were glaring daggers at him. He saw some of the bystanders starting to get restless.

"Hmmhmm." Naruto hummed dancing them out of the ballroom and into the hallway.

"Naruto?" Hinata looked confused.

"I know you just met me Hinata but you gotta trust me when I say- RUN!" Naruto grabbed Hinata's hand dashing down the hall.

"What's going on?!" Hinata shouted worriedly as she threw a glance behind her. People were chasing them. Naruto looked back as some of them grabbed out guns to point in their direction.

Shit. shit. shit. Why did his beautiful princess have to be the target? WHO would target her? She was so sweet. On top of that for such a big price. Someone wanted her dead. Bad.

He looked towards her, her eyes wide with shock.

"Ugh- come on hime." Naruto pulled her forward swooping her up princess style. She hugged his neck as he ran through the crowd of people jumping up on tables and dashing out the window.

"NARUTO!" Hinata screamed holding tightly to him, burying her face into his neck.

"NGH-" Naruto landed with a crack of his ankles but they healed quickly, allowing him to push forward.

Naruto was out of breath, carrying his princess for what seemed like forever. Until it seemed they were out of harms way he slowed down.

There were no words spoken between the two. Police sirens were going off in the distance, making them feel anxious.

"I'm sorry." Hinata finally said.

"What?" Naruto looked at her questioningly.

"They were after m-me. I'm sorry- I can't believe I got you entangled in this." She began to whimper, her lip wobbling.

"No- Hinata...It's ok."Naruto huffed, leaning his head back. His eyes looking upon the moon. How did his night turn out like this.

"Th-Thank you for saving me..."

"They're going to be looking for you." Naruto got out his phone, it was blown up with loads of notifications no doubt his friends asking him about the mark.

"Don't worry about me!" Hinata said with a smile. "I-I'll be fine."

"Huh." Naruto raised a brow

"Don't worry, please. I have plenty of people who can protect me." She smiled cheerily, but there was sadness in her eyes. "I had a great night."

"I'll protect you." He smiled.


"Sh sh. Not another word hime. I'm your knight in shining armor. Here to protect you." He smiled brightly.

"You don't understand-"

Naruto shook his head defiantly, "I don't think you understand that you are not going to convince me otherwise."

"Do you know how m-many people are after m-me, how dire this situation is?"



"Oh...Well...I kind of got the job too..."

Hinata gasped.

"You're- you're a hitman..." Hinata began to struggle, "No wonder you were so nice! I-I knew it you were only lying!"

"Hey hey! " Naruto tried to hold his struggling princess. "I would've killed you a long time ago if I wanted the money." Naruto rolled his eyes, stopping as he realized how insensitive he sounded.

"Ugh!" Hinata pushed off him and ran

"Ah...I didn't even get her number." Naruto mumbled to himself, kicking a can out of his way. Something just didn't feel right. His chest stirred uncomfortably. She didn't seem to want his why should he care?

'Well...maybe I should check on her...' Naruto secretly followed her as she threw her mask in a trash can. She walked quickly down the street. He ducked behind a car watching her with his 'hand binoculars'.

A group of drunk men came spewing around the corner.

'Oh no cross the street Hinata...'

"Ex-excuse me," Hinata called to one of the men.

'DONT TALK TO THEM!' Naruto pressed his hands more into his face.

"Heelllooooo pretty ladyyyyy." One of them slurred nearly falling over.

"H-hello. C-can I use one of your phones? I had m-misplaced mine."

'WHY DIDN'T YOU USE MY PHONE!' Naruto paled the more he watched.

"Of courssss' ya can- hehe. Come theeees wayyy~" The men crowed her bringing her down a back road with a broken light.

'GAH!' Naruto nearly fainted watching the men usher her into the dark path.

"Thank you for letting me use your-hey-" Hinata was pushed to the ground roughly. She looked up at the men, frightened.

"Letssss have so fuunnnn prrty ladyyy."

"HAVE FUN WITH MY FIST!" Naruto jumped in punching the guy in the face then turning around to do a spinning kick to his gut.

Hinata hid her face as she heard the punching and grunting of the fight. When she moved her arms away a very displeased Naruto stood above her.

"You said not to worry about you! I am very worried young lady! How could you just walk with these clearly intoxicated men! Did your parents not teach you stranger danger!" Naruto stopped his rantings when he saw the tears peaking at the corner of her eyes.

" no no don't cry... I'm sorry."

"No, I j-just didn't want you to get involved." Hinata sniffled wiping her tears away.

"The reason I was crying at the fountain... my bodyguard tried to kill me. Ever since they had elected me to be the head of the Hyuga clan I've had nothing but assassination attempts. I-I just don't want you to get involved. You will only die in the process...You should just kill me now and get it over with." Hinata sniffled some more, hiding her face.

"Pshhh as if." Naruto scoffed, he got down to push the hair out of her face.

"Why didn't you kill me when you saw me...You didn't know me..."

"Well...I didn't know you were the target. To be honest even if I did I wouldn't have killed you." He tapped under her chin with two fngers so she'd raise her face to meet his. His eyes were so warm.

"Why?" Hinata looked at the way he smiled. It hadn't changed from when he met her at the fountain, to now.

"Because I knew I wanted to protect you the moment I saw you crying, and I will. Believe it."

If you have the chance please take your time to review, I will respond to any in the next chapter. Even if it is just a simple hi.