Hopefully going to start working on the next chapter for my long fanfiction 'The Only Choice' In the next few days!

Follow my tumblr where you can ask anonymous questions hogwarts-letters

Also, I cannot stress enough, this story will contain corporal punishment; if you know that you do not like this, please do not read and remember, this is fanfiction, not real life. It's just how I imagine canon Snape dealing with misbehaviour.


Harry was sure he had never felt quite so angry in his life.

Currently, he was holding George Weasley back from attacking Malfoy, but he was positive that if the Slytherin's kept singing that awful song about Ron or if Malfoy commented one more time about either his parents or the Weasley's, he was not going to be able to hold back from giving Malfoy what he deserved.

Harry happened to glance over at Fred who was also being restrained, but by three of his teammates; seemingly more agitated than both Harry and George put together.

"Don't say a word against my parents Malfoy! At least mine weren't death eaters." Harry sneered in response to Draco's comment concerning his parents and their death.

"Or, maybe Potter, you feel quite at home with the Weasleys. Their home is probably just as disgusting as that of you filthy mudblood mothers." Draco argued back as he looked rather proud of himself; however, he was also clearly stung by Harry's comment.

Before Harry had even had a chance to realise what he was doing, he had released George and the pair were both running full speed at Draco.

Harry felt his fist connect with Draco's nose as he heard a crunch and his fist throbbed with pain. Not letting that deter him however, the pair continued to punch him as Draco attempted to give the same treatment back.

It was not until Harry felt a jinx force him backwards, landing on his behind a few feet away, that he realised what he was doing and felt the pain in his nose, cheek and hand.

Harry glanced up as his eyes met with his guardians who looked far angrier than Harry had ever seen him before. He saw Snape open his mouth as if to yell something when his Head of House stood in front of both himself and George, who were both now standing.

"How dare you. I have never been so ashamed of my own students. Go and stand outside my office. Now!" The woman practically yelled.

Harry glanced over the professor's shoulder and his eyes locked with Snape's once again who now stood there with Remus Lupin talking in heated conversation with Professor Umbridge. Harry felt his heart sink as he quickly noticed Lupin looked just as irate, if not more, than his guardian.

The teen knew Snape usually dealt with any school misbehaviour and looked for any indication that Snape wanted Harry to go to him. Seeing no such action, Harry ran to keep up with George as they both headed up to their head of house's office, not saying a word to one another.

The school was quiet, everyone was still at the Quidditch pitch where they all jeered and chanted both before the fight and after it. Harry felt his face warm at the thought of the way he had just acted. Snape had told him multiple times in the past that fighting was never an appropriate way to handle disagreements and he had been punished many times for such a thing.

Looking up at George, Harry realised how pink his face was also; both clearly thinking of the way they had acted.

Finally reaching the door to the office, they both stood outside, George slumped against the wall with one foot leaning against it, his hands firmly in his pockets. Harry realised that George seemed much more agitated than he normally would whenever he got in trouble. Harry could only assume that this was because he was without his twin, also known as his partner in crime. Knowing the twins for as long as he had, he also knew, George was the quieter, more reserved twin; Harry was quick to realise however, that Fred had three people restraining him and so would likely have joined in the fight, had he gotten the chance…

"My mum is gonna kill me." George mumbled as he stood a little more upright.

"So will Snape," Was all Harry could force himself to reply.

He was no stranger to how his best mate and his brothers were punished. Ron seemed rather vocal about it to Harry, especially after the chamber and the flying car. Harry noticed that they both sat down rather carefully that evening in the common room, thankfully everyone else seemed oblivious. Harry took some comfort however, in the fact that he was not the only one to be subjected to spankings, it did not completely eliminate the embarrassment, but it did help.

Harry felt himself wonder how Snape might react to this. He knew in the past, especially when he first became his guardian, the man had absolutely no tolerance for misbehaviour, violent or not.

Harry felt his mind drift back to the look on his guardian's face at the quidditch pitch. He had never seen the man's face look so full of pure anger. Sure, after the Chamber, incident or even the last time he found himself in trouble for being out after curfew, drinking last year, Snape had been angry, but his face also showed a look of disappointment.

Today however, it was so different.

Harry felt his mind snap back to reality as he heard the distinct sound of footsteps walking up the corridor and towards him. He quickly realised that there was certainly more than one pair of shoes.

George seemed to have noticed the sound too as he removed his hands from his pockets and stood up a bit straighter.

Harry felt his stomach drop as he realised that his guardian was following behind his head of house. Harry could not help but think, if looks could kill right now, he would most certainly be dead...

"In," McGonagall commanded, her voice thick with anger.

George entered first with Harry following behind, holding the door open for Snape to pass though also.

McGonagall walked round to behind her desk with Snape joining her to her right. Harry and George stood in front of the desk, finding their shoes much more interesting than usual.

"You best have the decency to look at me when I am speaking to you." McGonagall scolded as the two boys' eyes shot up to look at her.

The Professor instantly noted the clear remorse on her lions faces, that mixed with a sense of embarrassment for their behaviour. George was sporting a swollen lip and bruised forehead, Harry's nose was bleeding very slightly, and he had a clear bruise forming on his cheek. The professor was quite positive that, combined with Harry's Father and Sirus Black, she had never been quite so ashamed of two students from her house.

"What you did to Mr Malfoy out there was not only foolish but also extremely cowardly. How dare you attack another student in such a violent manner, without magic or not. I am absolutely ashamed of you both." McGonagall lectured, struggling to keep her voice below a yell.

"He was insulting my parents and my brother, Harry's mother too." George attempted to protest.

"Mr Malfoy had just lost a match and wanted to taunt you into a reaction. One that he very clearly got." McGonagall continued. "The traits of Gryffindor house are bravery and courage; I can confidently say you have both acted in a way that showed the complete opposite today. Had someone have not been restraining you twin brother, I am absolutely positive he would have done exactly the same as the pair of you; absolute cowardly behaviour." McGonagall scolded.

Harry took a glance up at Snape whose anger had not yet faulted; Harry silently prayed Snape was not about to scold him in front of George and McGonagall. He knew his guardian had promised not to punish him in front of others, but he was not sure that extended to being told off.

"Professor Umbridge of course had very much to say however, the power to punish my pupils still lies with me; for now," the head of house added on the end. "I am banning you both from quidditch until Christmas and I want your broomsticks handed to me by the end of the day. Failure to do so will only increase your punishment."

Harry felt his face fall at the Professors words. It was a punishment Snape used many times and one that Harry hated almost as much as a walloping. With all the hassle he had had from Umbridge this year, quidditch was one of the only positive things he had remaining at Hogwarts. He also realised however, that is wasn't as harsh of a punishment as it seemed, they only had one game left until the Christmas holidays which was against Hufflepuff, the Gryffindor team had enough sub's to cover the missing players.

"Additionally, in order for you both to understand the seriousness of what you have both done, I will be writing to your mother Mr Weasley and you will both be unable to attend the Hogsmeade trip on Saturday as you will be serving detention with me for the next three weekends.

"So, Malfoy gets to say stuff like that to us and just gets away with it all. He called my mother a mudblood, but everyone is only remembering what we did to him after." Harry commented, his voice thick with attitude.

Harry instantly regretted his comment as he saw his head of house open her mouth to reply, before his guardian got there first, cutting the women off.

"That is not the case at all. Mr Malfoy's behaviour will be dealt with appropriately by me." Snape replied feeling disappointment rise from within him. He had punished Malfoy many times previously for using profanity like that; clearly not harshly enough. "Furthermore, if you have any respect for your Professor not to mention your social life, you will apologise and watch your tone."

Harry felt his face blush crimson at his guardian's words and muttered a soft apology.

"Weasley, you will return to your dormitory and I will be in later to inform you of your mother's reply. You are to stay there until I come and collect you. Potter, I am sure your guardian would like to speak to you further so I will allow you to spend the night in Professor Snape's quarters." The professor paused slightly, "make absolutely no mistake, should anything of this nature happen again, I will have no choice but to employ much harsher consequences and that is not a threat but a promise. Am I understood?"

"Yes Professor." The boys replied, almost in unison.

George exited first and practically ran to the common room.

Harry stayed put for all but a second as he felt Snape take a firm, but lighter than expected grip of his arm.

"Apologise for your atrocious behaviour please."

Harry felt his nose wrinkle at his guardian's words as he said an apology to the Professor. He then felt the grip on his arm tighten slightly as Snape guided him out of the office.

Harry followed the man down the numerous flights of stairs, managing to avoid almost everyone but as they neared the entrance hall Harry noticed the sound of many voices as he struggled to remove his arm from his guardian's grip, to little success.

"Struggle out of my grip one more time and you will be far more embarrassed than you currently are." Snape almost whispered in the teens ear.

Harry's face regained a pink colour once more, heat almost radiating from it.

Thankfully, they had somehow managed to walk through the entrance hall before a new group of students entered. Harry was silently relieved; the very last thing he needed right now was for Malfoy to see Harry's situation and tease him further for it.

As they approached Snape's quarters, he opened the door silently with magic, releasing the grip on the teens arm; Harry followed quickly behind. The door almost slammed behind them as Harry stole a glance up to his guardian.

"I do not know what on earth has gotten into you today but let me make this very clear, you are in more trouble than you have ever been in, you will go upstairs and sit on your bed where you will wait for me." Snape said in a tone that seemed to leave little room for argument.

"Can't I even explain." Harry attempted to protest, continuing before his guardian had a chance to open his mouth, "Malfoy is always teasing me and the one time I stand up to him, I get in trouble."

"You can, and you will, however not right now." The man paused anger still written all over his face. "You have all but 5 seconds to go to your room before I give you an incentive to do so."

Harry stayed put for a long second, glaring at his guardian before turning and hurrying up the stairs and to his room.

Snape began pacing while he tried to formulate a plan of how to deal with the teen's misbehaviour. He knew the boy was feeling rather remorseful for his actions however, Snape was positive he was feeling such a way because he was in trouble and not because he got in a fight with Malfoy. He would have to ensure the teen saw the errors in his ways and that his behaviour was absolutely unacceptable.

The fight did bring back harsh memories of his schooling days, being attacked two on one, sometimes more. He knew this situation however was different and Draco was far from innocent and the attack far from unprovocted.

Then came the issue of Draco's behaviour. With Malfoy being in his house, the teens misbehaviour fell to him to punish. He knew the boy's father's methods of discipline were very much similar to his own, however he was also uncertain whether Lucius would see an issue with his son using the term 'mudblood'. Snape quickly decided that, in that moment, he would not write to the boy's father but instead discipline the boy at Hogwarts.

The man walked over to his office and opened the top draw, withdrawing a thin wooden paddle, slipping it into his robes as he climbed the stairs to his sons' room. One thing was for certain, if the teen was determined to act like a child, we had no issue with punishing him like one.

Harry sat on his bed feeling quite sorry for himself.

The pain in his face and hand had, fortunately, subsided to a dull ache where the bruises were forming.

He knew from previous experience that whenever he was sent to his room to wait for the man, the outcome was never good for his behind. However, he was still clinging onto the hope that perhaps the man had finally decided that he was too old for all that and let him off with a few detentions. It was an overly optimistic hope, but there was still a possibility.

Harry also could not help but note that the last time he had found himself in huge trouble like this, had been almost a whole year ago. Sure, he had earned a few swats here and there but nothing as serious as the paddling he had received for drinking alcohol the last time. He felt his stomach drop as he wondered whether he would be in for the same treatment today, that paddle hurt like hundreds of bee stings at once; the last time, he vowed he would never do something so bad as to earn it again.

Clearly he had managed to break that promise to himself.

The distinct sound of footsteps filled the teens ears as he quickly laid down, turning his back towards the door.

Snape knocked once, instantly questioning why he would bother when it was only the pair of them in his quarters. He opened the door and instantly noted that Harry was laying in the same way he always did whenever he was in trouble.

"I hope you are thoroughly ashamed of yourself." Snape scolded as he saw the boy squirm slightly at his tone. "You could have seriously injured Mr Malfoy, not to mention yourself. I've told to multiple times in the past, it only takes one punch to seriously hurt someone and you'd do well to remember that."

Harry made no reply to the man's words, instead he nestled his head further into his pillow, hoping that perhaps by some lucky chance, he might suffocate and then he wouldn't have to face his guardian.

"I do not know what has gotten into you today, but it ends here." Snape continued, rapidly loosing patience with the boy's lack of response. "I would also expect that, by now, you would respect me enough to at least sit and look at me when I am speaking to you."

Harry slowly pushed himself to a sitting position and raised his eyes so that they met his guardians.

"I'm sorry," Harry offered in a rather feeble voice.

"I've never heard such nonsense in my life. You are not sorry that you got into a fight, but rather that you've found yourself in trouble."

It always amazed Harry how easily the man could read his thoughts and feelings as thought he spoke them out loud.

For the first time, the man noticed the boy's injuries and instantly felt guilty for not healing them sooner.

"I need to go and get something to heal your bruises. I trust that you will be able to behave and stay here?" Snape questioned as Harry nodded and mumbled a quiet 'yes'.

The man walked out of Harry's room and down the stairs, into his laboratory grabbing a small glass jar. He silently prayed that his son had obeyed his orders and stayed put in his room; Snape knew it was unlikely the boy could be so stupid as to leave their quarters, but, until today, he had also thought the teens days of behaving like a child were over.

Harry decided that it wasn't worth the man's wrath to try and make a run for it and so stayed on his bed, picking at a small piece of skin on his thumb. It seemed to be a nervous habit he had developed, and one he struggled to shift.

"So, you can listen to my words." The professor stated as he walked back to the bedroom, jar in hand. The man pulled out Harry's desk chair as he placed the jar on the small bedside table next to him. "Pity, you cannot listen to me when I tell you that fighting with your wand or fists is never appropriate."

"I know it was wrong, but he made me so angry. He's been saying stuff like that for years and no one ever does anything about him."

"Did you ever report this to a teacher?" Snape questioned, despite being sure he already knew the answer.

"Well – no, but" Harry trailed off as Snape spoke once again.

"I also struggle to believe that this argument was one sided." Snape commented, eyebrow raised as he saw the guilt written all over the boy's face. The man unscrewed the lid of the first jar and took a light hold of Harry's hand. "I need to tend to your injuries; this might sting a little."

Harry watched as the man dipped his fingers into the jar and then gently rubbed contents on the teens hand. At first Harry felt very little but then his hand began to tingle slightly and finally burned.

"Owww," Harry said softly as he attempted to withdraw his hand from the grip.

"Keep still. I know it might burn slightly but you only have yourself to blame."

The potions professor quickly healed both the bruise on his hand and worked on the boy's cheek with a small fuss being made from the boy. The man then and worked on cleaning up the dried blood on Harry's nose.

Whilst Harry was thankful that his guardian was healing him, his aches and pains almost melting away, he couldn't help but feel sorry of himself.

Snape finished up on Harry's nose as he placed the lids back on the jar, pushing it to one side. The man leaned forward so that his elbows were resting near his knees, hands clasped together.

"What was the fight about?"

Harry felt almost confused as to why the man was asking him that question. He had already said in McGonagall's office that Malfoy had been insulting his and the Weasley's parents. "I already told you."

"And I asked to hear it again. You keep reminding me how unfair it is for you to be punished and for everyone to ignore Mr Malfoy's role. I am giving you the opportunity to explain yourself, you best take it." Snape snapped at the teen.

"Well, he was saying really horrible things about the Weasley family, that they smell and stuff. Then he said that I must like it at the burrow because my mother was a mudblood." Harry replied quickly, feeling as though he was snitching even if the perpetrator was his sworn enemy.

"And what did you reply to that." Snape questioned.

"How do you even know I replied." Harry couldn't help but ask.

"I have raised you since you were eleven years old, do you really think I haven't taken note of your habits?"

Harry felt rather stupid, of course Snape knew him well; he just didn't realise the man took quite so much notice.

"I told him not to talk about my parents like that and –"Harry felt himself involuntarily pause.

"Go on,"

"That at least my parents were death eaters." Harry replied, in a voice barely above a whisper. He watched his guardian closely as the man had now moved so that he was leaning back in the chair, hand rubbing his temple, eyes closed.

The man counted slowly back from ten as he attempted to control his feelings. He had told the teen multiple times before that he had to be careful in what he said, especially with the ministry against him about the return of he-who-must-not-be-named.

"I really am sorry. It was an accident, it kinda just fell out." Harry said, wanted to force his guardian into replying, the man was completely silent, and Harry knew from experience that this was hardly ever a good sign.

"Perhaps I might accidently paddle your backside until you remember that you are being watched by the ministry and everything you say is bound to be printed in the Daily Prophet." Snape snapped as Harry felt himself blush crimson at his guardians' threat.

"It's not fair. Why do I have to watch what I say when no one else does."

"I know it is not fair but in case it has escaped your notice, life it not fair. Do you think I want to be spying for both the order and the Dark Lord, risking my life multiple times a week?" Harry shook his head as the first tear escaped his eye despite his desperate attempts to keep them at bay. "I am doing everything in my power to keep you shielded from the media; forcing yourself to be the centre of attention at a Quidditch game with the entire school in attendance is not going to help the matter."

Harry noticed the slight shift in his guardians' tone, albeit only a small shift but the man's anger was starting to subside.

"I know, I just got so angry. I didn't even realise what I was doing until someone hexed me to stop."

"Anger is an emotion you are certainly allowed to feel; however, you seem to be having much more trouble with controlling it this year." Snape had many theories in his head as to why Harry was much more hot-headed. He was sure the child was nothing but overwhelmed with the death of Cedric, his trial and the detentions from Umbridge. "I understand your feelings and the need to defend yourself, however, using your fists or wand will always land you in the same situation you are in currently." The man paused once again as he watched Harry shift slightly further back on his bed. "What could you have done to avoid what happened today?"

"Come and told you, or Remus about Malfoy.

"You certainly could have done. I am Mr Malfoy's head of house; do you really believe I would allow him to say such things to you?"

"I guess not."

"You could have also just walked away and let him talk; that would have been far more powerful than fighting him."


"I think we need to get your punishment over with Harry." Snape said, a bit too calmly for Harry's liking. It sounded almost as though the man was upset.

Harry lifted his eyes so they met with his guardians, he could now see the visible sadness on the mans face. Harry remembered back to when he first came to stay with Snape and how he thought that man almost enjoyed doling out a spanking. However, he quickly realised that, especially in recent years, the man seemed to hate it just as much as he did.

"We don't have to do that though." Harry feebly attempted. "I really won't do it again and I'm already banned from Quidditch and in detention."

"I made it very clear, if you get in trouble at school and a professor feels the need to notify me, you will also accept whatever punishment I give you at home, in addition to any consequences you receive at school. As it stands, when I first saw of you fighting, I intended to paddle your behind and ground you for the foreseeable future however, I had decided to let you off from being placed on restriction. Do not make me change my decision." The sternness that had vacated the man's voice only moments ago had returned.

"But I'm too old for it."

"I am almost certain that this will be your last one. However, I thought the one before now and the one before that were also your last. Clearly you are determined to continue acting like a child, therefore I will continue to treat you as such." The man replied, once again leaving little room for argument.

Harry could tell by the man's tone; he was done discussing his fate. He had to admit, he knew the second after the hex brought his mind back to consciousness, he would be finding himself in this position; he didn't want to admit it, but he knew.

"On your feet, lets get this over with."

Harry gave the man one last pitiful look and, seeing no sign of the man changing his mind, Harry slowly slid himself off the bed to stand in front of the man, a little too far away to be in the mans reach.

"Over my knee or the desk, the choice is yours." Snape said. He felt almost guilty at asking the boy such a question, especially when the teens's usually pale face blushed to his ears once more, but he recognised that the newly turned fifteen year old may have an objection to being place over his knee like a small child.

Harry considered the question. He knew it was only himself and his guardian in the room and who were privy to his punishments, but he would still rather die on the spot than discuss anything to do with the way he was punished.

"The first one." Harry replied as he involuntarily took a step back. He knew it was childish, then again so was this punishment, but he had always been over his guardians' knee before, he knew how it went and that Snape would calm him down after by patting his back. He hated the entire ordeal, anyone in their right mind would but he knew afterwards, Snape would tell him he was forgiven and comfort him until he felt ready to talk.

Harry watched as the man withdrew the thin wooden paddle that he was unfortunately familiar with and the man motioned for him to stand at his side. Harry obeyed after taking a deep breath and removed his glasses, handing them to the professor who placed them neatly on the bedside table along with the, now empty, jar.

"I do not think I need to spell out to you how disappointed I am with your actions today."

Harry shook his head as another lot of tears escaped.

"Should anything like this ever happen again…" Snape said as he let the threat trial off as he unpopped the button on the teens trousers.

Before Harry realised what was happening, he found himself over the man's knee, trousers and underwear down, taking a grip of the man's trouser leg.

"I sincerely hope this is the last time I have to do this." The man said as he reached to the side and picked up the paddle before raising it, bringing it down hard on his son's behind.

Harry hissed in reply as it made impact; he had forgotten just how much that thin piece of wood could hurt.

The man continued to pepper the small backside with swats and it wasn't until the eighth smack that he heard the boy let out a soft sob.

The man felt his stomach twist from guilt at the teens sob but forced himself to harden his heart and continue with the task at hand. If there was one thing the man was sure of, it was that he was never going to allow any son of his to get away with such violent behaviour.

Snape continued to let the paddle fall and it wasn't until the thirteenth swat that Harry found himself begging for the man to stop.

"I'm sorry, Snape - really!"

"I appreciate you are sorry but that does not eliminate your poor behaviour." The man replied as he landed two of the hardest swats yet.

"Oww, please!" Harry tried once more.

"I am not sure why you think you are above the rules but I assure you, you are not. Fighting will always land you in the same position you are in right now." The man scolded as he landed two more swats.

Harry couldn't bring himself to reply verbally and instead he released a deep sob.

Snape knew the begging and pleading was over; the teen was exaushted in every sense of the word.

Landing the final 3 swats, Snape instantly tossed the paddle on the ground and began lightly patting the teens back, occasionally rubbing small circles.

"Take deep breaths for me. You are okay." The man lightly comforted.

Harry stayed put for almost five minutes before pushing himself up, pulling up his clothes and falling into the man's arms.

"I really am sorry." Harry sobbed.

"I know you are and you are forgiven. However, I want you to promise me that you will never use your fists to resolve an issue." The man lightly scolded as he tightened his grip on the teen.

"I promise, I'll never do anything like that again." Harry replied sincerely, and he vowed to try extremely hard to keep that promise. He fought hard to stop his tears; he was crying in the man's arms as though he was a six year old not fifteen.

"I am pleased to hear that." Snape replied as he tapped the boys back lightly. "I'm going to go and sort out some dinner for us both. You can either stay in your room or join me downstairs where you can have a lay down on the sofa."

"Can I come down with you?" Harry replied as he had, by now managed to control his tears.

"Yes, but I would like you to try and have a nap, I am sure you are quiet exhausted."

"Hmmm." Harry replied as he moved to a standing position. "I'm not really that tired."

The man placed the desk chair back to its rightful place and held the door open for the teen to walk through, "at least bring a book to read of some sort."

Harry turned around to grab a book from the small shelf above his bed before leaving his room through the door that his guardian held open.

Harry stepped down from the last step before walking over to the sofa and sitting down causing him to visibly wince. Quickly rolling over so that he lay on his stomach, he opened the book and began scanning the words, none actually going in.

Snape seemed to notice from where he was setting the table for dinner that the boy's face was not concentrated on the book but rather his own thoughts.

"What is it Harry?" The man asked, suppressing the chuckle that reached his lips when the child gave him a confused look.

Harry mentally scolded himself; for the second time in a day, the man had managed to read his thoughts just through his face, he would certainly have to work on that. "Will Malfoy at least get more than one detention."

"As is always the case, you know I do not share other students' punishments with you, that is between me and the student. I am sure you would not like it if I shared your punishment with Mr Malfoy?" Snape asked knowingly.

"I guess not." Harry replied truthfully.

"You are, however, correct in assuming Dracos behaviour warrants more than one detention. I will see to it that he understands the gravity of his words."

Harry nodded in reply, sensing that that was all he was going to worm out of the man.


"Yes," The man replied as he laid the final mat on the table.

"I really didn't mean to act like that today."

"I know, you clearly acted foolishly out of anger. However, I would not be doing my job as a parent if I did not show you the error with your behaviour. I think I have finally managed to ensure the message has sunk in?"

Harry quickly nodded in reply. His backside didn't hurt half as much as it had done almost fifteen minutes prior. He knew that, if he wanted to be trusted and treated like an adult, he would have to show the man that he had matured.

"As always Harry, you are forgiven for your behaviour."

Harry felt himself release a small smile at the man's words, he knew that would be the case; the man could scold him until he was red in the face but after any punishment whatever it may be, he was always forgiven and the behaviour forgotten. Harry was sure he wouldn't want it any other way.