Chapter 4

The influx of fresh air fueled the flames in the gallery, increasing both the smoke and heat in the room. Lady Jaye immediately started moving toward the broken window, and she was climbing up the windowsill when someone grabbed her, pulling her to the outside. An arm wrapped under her shoulders, helping her up and dragging her away from the burning building.

Fighting down a coughing spasm, Lady Jaye pulled free and headed toward the tearoom her family had been in. They should have been able to make it to the terrace, and from there to the grounds, but she had to check. She only made it a few steps before her rescuer seized her arm again, this time yelling, "They're safe. We got them out first."

Looking up, she noticed the crowds on the far side of the lawns, with an abundance of emergency personnel milling around the stunned guests. "Your family is safe," her rescuer said again, this time her Southern accent registering with Lady Jaye.

Am I hallucinating?

"You … hospital … coma …"

"I got better," Scarlett said, slipping her arm around her friend's waist to help support her.

"What about the Verndts? The robbers," she clarified when Scarlett stared at her in confusion.

"Holed up in the stables. We'll get them."

"No guns. Only knives," Lady Jaye said, a fresh coughing spasm stopping her report.

Scarlett tugged to get her moving again. "Come on. Let's get Doc to check you out."

Damn! They're getting away.

She shook her head as she tried to catch her breath. "Zarana?"

"What? The Dreadnoks were here?"

"Just her and Road Pig. Went down the cliff. Fire was a diversion."

Scarlett nodded, then called out loudly. "Breaker! Over here! Dreadnoks went down the cliff."

Their communications specialist ran towards them, ahead of the firefighters pulling heavy fire hoses. When he reached them, Breaker handed Lady Jaye the mask from a portable oxygen tank, which she took with a grateful smile. He went to her other side, helping Scarlett support her and using his free hand to radio in a report on the bikers.

As they cleared the smoke from the fire, she noticed they were heading toward an outbuilding being used as a triage center. Her first reaction was relief – only Doc and some ambulance attendants were there, with no signs that anyone else had been treated.

"Family?" she got out as she took a seat on a gurney.

"So far, you're the only casualty," Doc said, quickly checking her pupils and the injuries to her head.

"I'm okay," she told the team doctor, pulling the oxygen mask from her mouth. She rolled her eyes when the coughing started again. "Some smoke inhalation."

"How observant," he said dryly, putting the mask back before cutting off her charred blouse and listening to her breathing.

"You're going to have a lot of bruising," Scarlett noted, frowning at the multiple red marks already showing up. "What happened in there? Why didn't you tell us you were planning on taking on the Dreadnoks alone? Why the bloody hell were you planning on taking on the Dreadnoks alone?"

"I wasn't, and I didn't send the message," she said, frowning as she noticed Scarlett's panting; she might be back on missions, but she wasn't back to full strength yet. Lady Jaye held out the mask to her, and after a moment, the redhead took several several deep breaths of oxygen before handing the mask back.

"Thanks. Someone informed the local officials a terrorist attack was going to happen. If it wasn't you, who sent it?" Scarlett asked, hopping on the gurney beside her.

What do I tell her? She's in no condition to go after the Baroness.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you," Lady Jaye said.

She narrowed her eyes and spoke levelly. "Try me."

"The Baroness." Lady Jaye shrugged her shoulders at her look of disbelief. She then passed the oxygen mask back to Scarlett. "Sorry I couldn't kill her."

"That explains the Cobra chopper that took off from the roof," Breaker said as he walked over with a wet towel. "It was out of range before we could get a lock on it. We'll get her next time, Red."

"Yeah." She gave Lady Jaye a long look before smiling. "You're damned lucky to be alive."

After a moment's consideration, she decided to tell her the truth; Scarlett would read her debriefing sooner or later. "The Baroness saved my life, actually. Her original plan was to set up Zarana, but then she realized I was in there. She figures she repaid Destro's debt of honor for the time Flint and I broke him out of prison."

"By saving you from a trap she set in the first place? I bet Destro won't agree with her," Scarlett said eventually.

She's taking this better than I expected. I figured she'd want revenge.

"Okay, you managed not to break any ribs for a change. Hmm, you won't need any stitches," Doc said, examining the cuts on her face more closely before taping them shut. " Stay still, catch your breath, and get cleaned up before your family gets here."

"Speaking of which, they're on their way now," Breaker said, handing her the towel. "Cross Country was rounding up a wheelchair for your granny? Adele, I think."

"Great-granny," she said, handing the oxygen mask to Scarlett while she wiped the blood away from her face. "You have time to escape. Trust me – she's a force of nature."

"Oh, that's not going to happen. We left you alone long enough to take a vacation, and you start an international incident," Scarlett joked.

"Just what the hell are you doing here anyway?" Lady Jaye finally demanded.

Scarlett raised her eyebrows. "Well, it's nice to see you, too. Here I thought you'd be happy to see me," she said, a hint of a smile playing around her lips. "Especially since I had to rescue you – again."

"I thought you didn't keep track of that type of stuff. Besides, I saved you last time," Lady Jaye teased back.

"I don't think so. But Stalker told me you and Flint looked after Snake Eyes when I was in the hospital. Thank you," she said sincerely.

"I'm surprised Snake Eyes let you out of his sight."

Scarlett shrugged. "He's busy taking care of Storm Shadow."

She stopped wiping away grime and blood long enough to give the redhead a concerned look. "Why? What happened to him?"

"I stabbed him," Scarlett stated simply as she handed the oxygen mask back.

Lady Jaye took another deep breath of oxygen before fixing her friend with a steady glare. "I've always said you're very cranky when you wake up."

"Oh, laugh it up, buddy," Scarlett said to Breaker who was chortling happily as he dug through the supplies trying to find something for Lady Jaye to wear.

Their joking was broken up by the sound of people rushing into the triage area. Alpine and Thunder were helping an injured firefighter, and Scarlett slid off the gurney as Lady Jaye's parents rushed to her side.


Now the fun starts …

"Hi, Mom, Dad. Some day, huh?"

Her father already had his sports coat off, wrapping it around her shoulders gently. "What did they do to you, my baby doll?"

"Daddy!" she exclaimed in embarrassment. He'd been using that nickname her whole life, but it wasn't something the team needed to learn about. She narrowed her eyes when Breaker started laughing quietly. "Not a word to anyone."

"It's a secret I'll take to my grave," Breaker said, winking at her. "Baby doll."

Yeah, that's going to get around base when he gets back from the Trucial Abysmia mission. They saved my family; I can't complain if they make a joke at my expense. I'll have to do something to thank them later.

"Is everyone all right? No one was hurt, were they?" she asked around her parents' hugs.


"I'm fine, Mom," Lady Jaye said, taking care not to wince. "Nothing a shower won't take care of."

"Dear, we are happier than you cam imagine to hear that, but don't think for a moment you're going to get away without some sort of explanation. You knew that, that," Elizabeth Hart-Burnett said, struggling to find an acceptable word.

"Technically, 'woman' works," Alison said, looking at Scarlett. "Zarana blew my cover."

She just rolled her shoulders. "It happens."

"The robbers were ethnic Verndts. Their people are getting slaughtered in Borovia, and they're trying to get money to get them out of the country. The others were people I've run into before," she told her parents.

"I think that is probably a gross understatement given her reaction to you. You really work in an anti-terrorist unit?" she asked before looking at the other Joes in the room. "Unless your friends are all 'personnel clerks' as well."

"Oh, no, ma'am. I'm an accountant," Alpine said, pausing in the inspection of his ropes long enough to shake hands with Richard Hart-Burnett and then his wife.

"I'm a drummer in the Army band," Thunder said, giving them a salute before leaving.

"I'm a doctor," Doc said as he finished with the injured firefighter.

"Don't bother asking," Lady Jaye said when her parents turned their attention to Scarlett. "She won't tell you. But she's a good friend when she's in the mood."

"Be nice, or I can share some stories about you and Flint that Daddy won't want to hear," she whispered before giving the Hart-Burnetts a smile. "I'm in Intelligence as well. I'm sure you understand why we don't advertise what we do."

"Just tell me today isn't a typical day," Richard urged, kissing the top of his daughter's head.

"No, it's not," she said, her lips twitching slightly. Her family really didn't need to know any more details; they were already upset enough.

They talked quietly for a few moments until Duke joined them. He waited until Doc reassured him that Lady Jaye was fine, asked her a few questions and mentioned the Verndts had surrendered. The firefighters had the flames under control and damage was limited to a small area of the hotel. Unfortunately, there was no sign of Zarana or Road Pig, but the authorities had been alerted. He then asked her parents to not share any details of her career, and let them know she was a valued team member when a bellow from outside caught their attention.

"Richard!" They all turned to see Cross Country pushing a wheelchair-bound Adele Hart-Burnett toward the triage area. She sat upright, her posture unyielding even as the chair bounced over ruts left by the emergency vehicles. Except for a few hairs out of place, there was no sign she had been held captive by terrorists earlier in the day.

"This is entirely your fault. I told you not to let Alison listen to Clarice's stories," Adele said firmly before looking over her shoulder to address Cross Country in a more friendly manner. "Her great-aunt Clarice let the French Resistance hide in her home outside of Nice during the war, but you'd think she was Mata Hari based on her stories."

"That was still a brave thing to do," he answered in a friendly manner.

"Well, yes, but her stories were entirely inappropriate for a young girl. They gave Alison an unrealistic view of what that type of life was like."

"Alison," Cross Country said, flashing his teammate a wink, "knows how to take care of herself. I wouldn't want to get on her bad side."


Alison slid off the gurney and knelt before her great-grandmother, taking her hands and squeezing them gingerly. "Are you all right?"

"I can assure you I have been in worse situations in my life. We will be discussing your career in more detail later, but introduce me to your friends, Alison."

If I didn't know better, I'd say she sounds impressed. Maybe it was being a 'clerk' that had her upset, not my being in the military.

The next several minutes were spent with introductions, and her family thanking each member of the team as they stopped by to check on Lady Jaye. She smiled as her mother kept giving her questioning looks at each male member.

"Here comes the young fellow who rescued us from the hotel," Elizabeth said.

"You?" Lady Jaye asked, walking over to stand in front of him.

"I knew you'd be worried about your family and could take care of yourself," Flint said with a lopsided grin. "Besides, you're always telling me I need to work on my first impressions."

"That's true," she agreed softly. He was seeing her injuries up close for the first time, and it was obvious – to her at least – that he was worried about her.

"What happened? The robbers were worried about 'Greta', and you look like hell," he asked softly.

"Zarana wanted some payback," she said, holding her hand out to stop his questioning. He ran his eyes over her, double-checking the extent of her injuries, clenching his fists, fighting to keep his cool. The lug-head might not say how he felt about her, but it was clear how much he cared. If they were alone, she had no doubt how he'd be reacting.

I'll have to be sure to let him know how I feel about him when we get a moment alone. The big dingbat. He's upset and trying so hard not to show it.

She wasn't in uniform, and they weren't really in public. After a beat, she tugged on his shirt to get him to bend over.

"Thank you," she whispered before wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him. When Flint realized this wasn't just a quick peck, he pulled her closer, deepening the kiss and ignoring the catcalls from the guys.

"He did have help, you know," Alpine finally said. He held up his hands defensively when they broke the kiss to fix him with matching glares. "Just pointing out the facts."

"Thank you, Alpine," Lady Jaye said with a smile.

"And that's all the thanks you're getting," Flint added, letting out a huff when she elbowed his stomach.

"What? No pizza even?" Alpine shook his head in disappointment.

Flint laughed as Lady Jaye slid her hand around his waist and leaned into him. He wasn't expecting her public display, but he did nothing to discourage it. "Tell you what – you find some place that delivers, and it's my treat," he said.

"Nonsense! I believe we can do better than delivery pizza," great-granny Adele insisted, using her cane to tap Cross Country on the shoulder. "Come along, young man. The hotel manager is by the entrance to the gardens."

"Yes, ma'am!"

Adele held up her cane to signal him to stop in front of Flint, looking him over carefully for a moment. "Alison, we'll be expecting you and this young man at the symphony gala this summer. No excuses."

"That's kind of you, ma'am, but I'm not sure we'll both be able to get off then."

"It's a black tie dinner. Your dress uniform will suffice. Alison can fill you in on the details," Adele directed, waving her cane as she looked over her shoulder. "You did say you're from Greensboro, didn't you? Do you know the McArthur family? They own a chain of grocery stores in your area."

Cross Country started pushing her out of the room. "Over by Winston-Salem? I do believe my parents did some work for them, but I wouldn't say they cottoned to them."

"I would hope not! They're horrible snobs. They like to pretend they're old money, but they made their fortune as bootleggers during Prohibition. Make sure you give Alison your parents' contact information. Our cousin Horace works for the state. I'll be sure to recommend them for any contracts that come up. "

"Well, that's right kind of you, ma'am!"

"Don't be fooled," Lady Jaye said quietly to Flint. "Horace is on her bad side. She'll want to get some information out of them in exchange for the recommendation."

"She doesn't seem to understand what 'no' means, does she?" Flint asked.

"Oh, she understands perfectly. Great-granny just doesn't think it applies to her," she answered, wincing slightly as he pulled her closer.

"Did you manage to break your ribs again?"

"What?" her parents asked in unison.

"So much for your first impressions. You started out so well, too," she said, giving him a mock-glare. "Mom, Daddy, I'd like you to meet someone … special."

After their introductions, her mother raised her eyebrows in approval while her father sized him up for a long moment. After shaking hands, Richard motioned to the outside. "I think it's time you and I had a talk about your intentions with my daughter."

"Sir?" Flint looked surprised as Lady Jaye slipped away from him, her amusement at the situation clear. "I'm afraid now's not a great time. I have to finish the reports …"

"Oh, I'll take care of those, Flint," Duke said, giving him a shove toward the entrance. "What are friends for? Go talk about your intentions."

"Thanks, Duke. You're a real friend," Flint muttered darkly.

Lady Jaye stopped her father, leaning in and whispering. "Don't scare him away, Daddy. I do love the big goofball."

"Baby doll, you wouldn't be interested in anyone I could scare away."

Lady Jaye smiled at Flint's look; he'd overheard her admission and was grinning happily, giving her a jaunty wave as he let himself be led away by her father.

Maybe, just maybe, Daddy will have his chance to walk me down the aisle some day.

A/N: Yes, it is totally stupid that Scarlett was up and about like that, but it's canon in the comic book.

The End