Bonnie unwinds her scarf from around her neck and shoves it into her locker along with her jacket. "What can I bribe you with so you can be my escort for the pageant?" she asks Tyler, and Matt sniggers. Bonnie flips him off.
"What, did Stefan reject you?" Tyler asks, raising a brow. His face doesn't have the glazed yet pensive expression he's been giving her the past couple of days, and Bonnie's too stressed out to dwell on that being a side effect of her compulsion for more than a second.
"I'd ask him if he bothered showing up for school," Bonnie mutters, which is a partial lie. She could have gone to the Boarding House, where she knows he's been hiding out, but it might be a bad idea to bring Stefan to a gathering so soon—especially with John watching.
Tyler shrugs. "Go find him. I hate dancing."
"It won't be that bad," Bonnie protests. "Caroline says rehearsals only lasts an hour for the escorts because you guys don't do much, and the best part is the free food when it's all over."
"That doesn't sound so bad," Matt comments, tossing his football into the air. "You get to have a pretty girl on your arm, dance for like 45 seconds, and then get fed afterward just for doing those two things." He winks as Bonnie's eyes roll.
Tyler sighs in joking exasperation and squints. "I'll do it." He holds up a hand at her smile. "On one condition."
"Name it."
"You join me and Matt tomorrow on our morning run, and if you can do it without stopping, I'll go with you," he says, grinning. "And you have to keep running with us after the pageant too for, uh, a month."
She begrudgingly agrees, only so that she can have an opportunity to see if there's anything more werewolf-y about him, and Bonnie's been meaning to get into shape since she caught Caroline doing pushups and air boxing with a stake in her hands.
"You think he remembers anything?" Matt asks as they watch Tyler leave.
Bonnie bites her lower lip. "I don't know. You spend more time with him than I do. Has he been weird?"
"Not really." Matt shakes his head. "I asked him if he saw John at the party, and he says he did, but when he tries to remember more, he'll just stop and stare into space."
Bonnie groans and rubs her face, suddenly exhausted. "I hope I didn't break his brain by accident," she sighs. "Caroline kind of remembers when I accidentally compelled her, but she didn't realize what I did until she saw me and Tyler."
"I'll keep you updated," Matt replies, squeezing her shoulder in reassurance. "We can also keep an eye on him tomorrow morning when you join us on our run."
"Ugh, I can't believe you guys really do that." Bonnie makes a face. "Tyler says you're always cranky. You have to be a masochist or something."
Matt grins. "As much as I hate it, running with Tyler is better than coffee. I don't know why, but something about following his lead is really satisfying, and it makes me forget how sweaty and irritated I am at being up before the sun."
Bonnie hums, mentally filing that piece of information in the part of her brain labeled 'Reasons Why Tyler Is Absolutely A Werewolf'.
The mid-day sun has long passed, and inside Bonnie's bedroom, the lethargic evening light dips into the carpet and draws creatures from the shadows. The smallest piece of the Gilbert device in hand, she meditates, drawing on the magic in the pocket-watch, sensing familiarity, Emily's residue. Elena had given it to her after realizing keeping it under the same roof as John was a bad idea.
She imagines an ocean inside her, washing her clean with wave after wave of a calm tide, instead of the broken jar that tries to futilely contain all its waters. Reflecting on her journey as a witch, Bonnie thinks she's come a long way, and while her own magic has yet to be what it should, Bonnie finds herself able to count on it more often without it backfiring in her face.
Sheila said she'd gotten bigger—expanded into a person with so much more depth and experience and motivation, but there is still something that holds her back. Bonnie thinks of the Old Witch House, of what it can possibly mean for her. Pandora's Box is still the most accurate term she can come up with, and Bonnie doesn't know if she'll ever be ready to open it.
A presence enters the room in the midst of her musings.
"Any news?" Bonnie asks, not bothering to open her eyes.
"That's more of Emily's thing. I just want to sit and talk to my great granddaughter."
Bonnie's meditation is sliced cleanly in half and the ocean collapses into four painted walls. "Amelia?" she says, blinking repeatedly at the woman in front of her. "Hi."
Amelia smiles, a soft and serene one, and kneels in front of Bonnie. Her hair resembles a cloud, streaked with white, as if capable of producing lightning, and she looks so peaceful, most of her wrinkles smoothed out in the dim light. "It's nice to properly meet you."
"Likewise. I've been wanting to talk to the person who calls themselves Team Bonnie."
Amelia laughs, delighted. "You have got me beat when it comes to life's theatrics. A lot of our family members on the Other Side forget you're just seventeen and require more support than any of us needed as seasoned witches."
"Soon to be eighteen, and I don't really feel like it either," Bonnie mutters.
"I can only warn you that it's probably going to get a lot harder, but I trust in the friends you've made and the ones that will meet you in the future." Amelia folds her hands over her lap. "I wasn't able to say it sooner, but forgive me for sharing you my last memory of Kol. I felt it was necessary at the time."
"Why did you show that to me?"
"You were curious. And I wanted to see how you would react."
Bonnie draws her knees up to her chest. "And did I disappoint?"
"No," Amelia answers after a small pause. "In fact, you fascinated me."
"Even though I really hated vampires in that moment?"
"And yet you have opened your heart to three."
Bonnie frowns. "That's different. I'm not in love with any of them. I don't think I could ever be."
"Regardless, they are still vampires," Amelia argues, smile never leaving her face. "A part of me is glad that you do not have Sheila's blind hatred."
"I don't blame her for having it. You did scream over a jar of sand."
Amelia ignores the second comment. "Nor do I, but she places herself in a tight corner by denying valuable allies for what is to come."
"She doesn't need them," Bonnie protests. "She has me, and all the Bennetts on the Other Side. Grams is too old to fight my battles. I just have to keep her safe."
Amelia raises a brow. "By keeping her in the dark until you have no choice but to tell her everything?" she asks wryly.
"I keep her in the dark because the first thing she'll do is forbid me from helping," Bonnie huffs. "Not to mention she doesn't really trust my magic."
"Sheila can't stop you from doing anything, and she doesn't trust it because you don't trust it."
Bonnie deflates. "What do you mean?"
"There are things I wish I could tell you," Amelia sighs. "So many things that will alter the way you look at yourself and your friends, but it isn't my place. You have to discover it on your own."
"Like in the house the witches were burned in?"
"Perhaps," Amelia responds cryptically, much to Bonnie's growing frustration.
"Sometimes you guys think you're helping, but you're not," Bonnie complains. "It just leaves me more confused, and I end up making mistakes."
Amelia shakes her head, hands twitching as if she wants to gather Bonnie into a hug. "You are on the right path. Emily and I have been doing everything to assure it. I know you will make the better choice when the times comes."
"Better choice? Don't you mean right choice?"
"Many will not see it as a right choice."
Bonnie sighs, pressing her forehead to her knees. "Does it, by any chance, have anything to do with Katherine and Klaus?"
"Everything does," Amelia replies, and it's by far the most helpful thing she's said this entire conversation. "I doubt she will even realize it herself, but Sheila is close to finding something that may prove significant."
"And you're not going to tell me what it is," Bonnie drawls.
"No, but I want you to know that your mother loves you and everything she did was for you."
And as if she were the clever wind, Amelia vanishes with a small wave, and Bonnie throws her hands up into the air, exasperated.
"No more talking to dead people," Bonnie grumbles. And she means it.
The first thing she notices is that Tyler is fast. Really fast. And he purposely has to slow himself down, so Bonnie and Matt don't lose him through the trees.
"Tired yet?" Tyler taunts, observing Bonnie's sloppy and panting form with a crooked smile.
"Cheerleading was tougher than this," she snaps, breathing through her nose and exhaling through her mouth, like Mrs. McCormick taught her. Bonnie is lasting longer than she expected, no doubt thanks to the rigid routine of ballet, but she horribly paced herself, starting at a sprint when Bonnie should have just eased into it.
Tyler snorts. "I'm sure it was," he replies, dodging a low branch and running straight through a bush. Bonnie winces, expecting cuts to form all over his bare calves. "You can do better!"
Matt dabs his sweating face with a small towel as he jogs beside Bonnie. "I forgot to mention he can also be a real asshole even though he means well," he states, sounding relieved when a strong gust of wind washes over their heated skin.
"You're going to be my escort whether you like it or not!" Bonnie hollers and then instantly regrets it when she almost trips on uneven dirt. Matt steadies her with a quick hand.
"Am I?" Tyler asks, running in place at a small clearing as they catch up. "We're only halfway done. Think you can do the rest?"
Bonnie nods stubbornly. "I'll make you eat your words," she replies, sticking out her tongue.
"Good. That's what I want to hear, Bennett."
"Sometimes he sounds like Mr. Tanner," Matt drawls when Tyler goes ahead of them again.
Bonnie shudders. "Don't remind me. The way he would yell at you guys on the field was downright scary. I'm glad he didn't coach the cheerleading team."
"I don't think my blonde hair was insulted as much as it was on practice days," Matt laughs, and his expression becomes wistful. "Mr. Tanner wasn't the best person, but I can't help missing him. He was basically the last defense we had to remain normal, if you think about it."
"I totally get it," Bonnie says, grimacing as she feels her baby hairs cling to her forehead and curl as if it were humid. "His death was like a catalyst. My visions have never been the same since."
Matt gives her a curious glance. "Anything new lately?"
"Just some small thing with Katherine," Bonnie admits and nearly smiles at the sight of buildings over the trees. Almost there. "Didn't really tell me much. All it did was confuse me. Again."
"You think we'll be ready when she finally shows up?"
"No," Bonnie says after a moment. "From what I read, she's bad. Real bad, and it isn't easy to go against her. Which is probably why John is working with Katherine instead of trying to kill her." They share grim expressions and continue their even pace.
Tyler checks his watch at the spot where dirt meets pavement and whistles. "I can't believe it. Good job. It took you less than an hour. Better than Matt's first time." He puts his arm over Bonnie's shoulders, almost…proud about the fact she did it. His bare bicep brushes against her neck, and something ripples under her skin, making Bonnie's magic react. "A deal's a deal. I get to be your escort. What color is your dress?"
Bonnie desperately wants to shower. "Um, it's like a cherry blossom pink? At least that's what Caroline calls it. Why?"
"…It's best you send me a picture," Tyler replies, blinking. "I need to buy a matching tie."
"Oh, right."
Matt stretches his arms behind his head. "I can't wait to see you dance, dude. Mrs. Lockwood is going to record it and hold it over you for the rest of your life."
"She's going to have a heart attack first and then record it," Bonnie corrects, and they all laugh. "You better be a good dancer, Tyler."
Tyler mockingly bows. "Anything for the future Miss Mystic Falls."
"Don't tell Caroline or Elena, but I totally want you to win," Matt states, rubbing the back of his neck. "Vicki does too," he adds, probably to absolve some guilt.
Bonnie smiles, shaking her head. "Caroline wants me to win too. I have no idea if Elena even wants to do the pageant after the Trudie inci—ah, erm." She purses her lips, inwardly berating herself for the slip up.
"Who's Trudie?" Tyler asks, looking back and forth between Matt and Bonnie. "Did something happen to Elena?"
Matt pats him on the shoulder. "It's really private to Elena, and it's not our place to go around telling her business."
Bonnie shoots Matt a grateful look at his save. "Let's go," she says after a moment. "School is going to start soon, and I refuse to go without smelling like soap and moisturizer."
"Alright," Tyler agrees, obviously still curious, and they all start to head back into town.
Damon is leaning against her car after school. He waves at a group of giggling girls passing by and wiggles his eyebrows. "We need to talk, witchy," he greets Bonnie when she approaches.
"I'll give you the five seconds it takes to take out my keys and unlock my car," Bonnie says, reaching into her book-bag.
"It's about Stefan," Damon answers flatly, and she looks up, giving him her full attention. He rolls his eyes. "You know, if there's someone on this planet that can handle my brother, it's you. That's as far as my blessing goes."
Bonnie's brows furrow. "What does that even mean?" she asks.
"Don't worry about it. What matters right now is that Stefan is off the rails, and Lexi intervening might not be enough this time."
Bonnie looks around with a frown. "Get in the car." They both enter, and she turns the ignition. "What's going on?"
"Someone has been stealing a bunch of blood bags from the hospital, and John is forcing me to investigate with him in exchange to not out me to the rest of the Council," Damon explains, taking off his shades and tucking it in the collar of his shirt. "Annabelle told me it's not her or Pearl, and I believe her. I think it's Stefan."
"I don't get it. I thought Annabelle and Pearl helped him get the human blood out of his system."
"Cravings don't go away because you want them to," Damon drawls, sniffing. "Stefan has a…special relationship with human blood that's different from my own. Way different. And if we don't help him fast, it'll be bad news for the rest of us."
"He's becoming a ripper?" Bonnie questions and can see the way Damon stiffens from the corner of her eye as she stops at a red light. "I'm right, aren't I? What is a ripper?"
Damon shrugs. "Your worst nightmare," he admits. "Thankfully, he's not there yet. We can stop it before that happens."
"Does Lexi have a plan?"
"Isolation and starvation. It's the best way."
"Sounds painful."
"It's supposed to be," Damon mumbles, chin dipped. "Annabelle and Pearl no doubt did the same thing to him. Among other things."
"He said the exercise was helping," Bonnie points out, taking a right.
Damon shakes his head. "It's temporary. So is alcohol. Stefan was never able to handle human blood. Nothing will help him except pain."
"How come he's so different from you?" Bonnie asks quietly, grip tightening on the wheel.
Damon notices. Of course he does. "I know when to stop," he says after a moment, and the air is heavy as Bonnie continues to drive home.
Bonnie parks the car and exits the same time he does. "Are you going to confront Stefan about the blood bags?" she asks, pulling her scarf up over her nose.
"I haven't found proof that he has them yet," Damon reveals, scowling. "Only that he's really suspicious and won't let Lexi keep an eye on him."
"Anything else I need to know, bodyguard?"
Damon shoves his hands into his leather jacket and looks up at the sky. "I came here to warn you not to trust him. Humans are one thing, but the blood of a witch is like ambrosia. He'll drain you dry and hate himself for the rest of eternity."
"Noted," Bonnie mutters, rubbing at her arms, suddenly feeling a chill despite her multiple layers. "He told me how I smell."
Damon's gaze is piercing. "There's no way to accurately describe it," he confesses, stepping closer to Bonnie, and she stills when he takes a deep breath. "I'd eat you and worship you at the same time, Bon Bon. You can drive any vampire wild."
"Step back, or I'll burn you."
"Fine." Damon puts his hands up, smirking. "Remember what I said. Oh, and have fun at the pageant. May the prettiest girl win."
He disappears instantly, but Bonnie doesn't know how long she stands there, staring at the space he occupied and imagining Stefan's black eyes from her old visions over and over again.
Bonnie wishes she could take a picture of Mrs. Lockwood's face when Tyler shows up for rehearsal. He's in sweatpants and an old Timberwolves shirt, but he might as well have shown up in a full tuxedo from the way she's looking at him like some ghost. Her mirth is completely dissipated when Elena shows up with Stefan, Damon's warning repeating at the back of her mind.
"Oh, that's why you didn't ask Stefan," Tyler mutters to her, and she elbows him in the side.
"No," Bonnie replies through gritted teeth, waving at Caroline when she arrives with Tiki. Matt must be working. "I had no idea he was going to be her escort."
Tyler shrugs. "His loss."
Bonnie raises a brow at him, confused, and Carol clearing her throat cuts their conversation short before she can clarify what Tyler means.
"Every year, the pageant begins with a dance," Carol explains, eying the five girls and their partners. "You are to be elegance and grace. How well you dance proves that you have the right to gain the crown. Ladies, line up in a row, stand in front of your partners."
Bonnie and Tyler move, Caroline to her left and Tina to her right. Elena is at the far end, and she's glancing at Bonnie repeatedly, though she's unsure as to why.
"Honor your partner," Carol continues seriously, as if she's instructing the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater and not a bunch of a teenagers at their high school. "Stay focused. Right hand around. Flirt with your eyes. Left hand around."
Bonnie tries to hold in her giggles as Tyler grimaces the more his mother speaks. The entire dance, in summary, is utterly boring and cringey, and Tyler is unafraid to voice his enthusiasm when it's finally over.
"How did you manage to convince him?" Carol asks, approaching Tyler and Bonnie with a frown.
"We made a bet, and I won," Bonnie explains, laughing into her hand. "He just bought his pink tie to match my dress, so I know he's serious."
Carol crosses her arms and eyes her son. "Really?" she says wryly. "Must have been one hell of a bet. No one has ever managed to get him to participate in the pageant."
"I'm pretty stubborn," Bonnie replies, hoping Mrs. Lockwood isn't suggesting what she thinks she is.
"This is the only year I'll participate," Tyler warns. "Don't get any ideas, mom."
Carol huffs. "I should have figured."
Bonnie breaks off from the two to go over to Caroline and Elena, who are whispering profusely and gesturing.
"You guys okay?" she asks, growing more concerned as she nears them, and they stop their quiet argument abruptly.
"I'm telling her it's a shitty idea to have Stefan as her escort," Caroline answers flatly, and Elena hushes her loudly. "What? You totally saw his face just now. And who knows where he just wondered off to."
Bonnie looks around, noting Stefan's absence. He hadn't even said hi to her, and it's more disappointing than it should be. "Did Damon or Lexi tell you guys what's going on with him?"
"Lexi did," Elena sighs, "but he said he had it under control enough to be my escort. I also had no idea you were going to be in the pageant too, Bonnie, or I would have let him go with you."
Bonnie tilts her head, not really understanding why that's an issue. "Don't worry about it, and it was a last-minute thing. I'm just as surprised as you are."
"Regardless," Caroline interjects, "as much as I hoped for Stefan to be with Bonnie, I have a bad feeling about all of this."
Elena snorts, muttering something about matchmaking that Bonnie doesn't quite catch because Tyler walks up to them, rubbing his stomach.
"You guys up for some food at the Grill?" he asks, seemingly oblivious to the tension between the three. "Matt's working, right? Maybe he can hook us up with some free appetizers."
Caroline clicks her tongue. "Doubt it. He whined when I wanted free mozzarella sticks."
"No harm in trying," Tyler chirps, and Bonnie smiles as they grab their coats, and he leads them out of the school. Her eyes water at the cold breeze outside. "We're gonna be seniors in three months. You guys believe it?"
Elena groans. "Nope," she replies. "I don't even want to think about the college applications."
"Well, I can't wait for homecoming and prom," Caroline squeals, linking her arms with Elena and Bonnie, Stefan momentarily forgotten. "Then we're off to France, right Bonnie?"
"Of course," Bonnie reassures her. "My ballet career is probably not going to go anywhere, so fortune telling is still my main plan."
"France? Fortune telling?" comes from a baffled Tyler.
"Long story," Caroline and Bonnie answer together.
Elena squints inquisitively. "What do you mean your ballet career isn't going go anywhere?" she asks.
"I did a bunch of research recently, and honestly, I don't stand a chance competitively. Ballerinas usually start dancing when they're kids, and I barely have a year under my belt. No Company is going to want me."
"Not with that attitude they're not," Caroline huffs, nudging Bonnie. "Did you do any research about principal dancers that started late? I'm sure there's plenty, even if it's technically a small number. Don't count yourself out yet."
"She's right," Tyler adds. "You don't seem like the type to just give up, Bonnie. You ran from one edge of the forest to the other just so I can be your escort."
Bonnie's shoulders sags. "I don't want to get too into ballet just to be told I'm not good enough for it, you know. It would be disappointing."
"That's a possibility, yeah, but it'll suck just as much to think back and hate yourself for not trying," Elena points out, smiling softly. "Didn't you say there's an intensive program this summer? Do it. Maybe it'll push you the way you need to be."
"Maybe," Bonnie echoes.
They enter the Grill, and there's hardly anyone in at this time. By the kitchens, a bored Matt perks up, greeting them while Vicki grabs menus, even though they've ordered enough from this place to not need them. Bonnie smiles at the two, happy to see the siblings, but her happiness dims at the sight of John and Alaric sitting together at the bar.
"Yikes," Caroline mutters. "That must be awkward."
"Alaric knows?" Bonnie asks Elena.
Elena grimaces. "That John had me with Isobel? Yes he does."
"Yikes," Caroline says again, and Bonnie silently agrees. For the duration of lunch, Bonnie's gaze continuously lands on the two men until John looks over his shoulder and gives her a small smile.
She shoves a fry into her mouth, unsettled.
"Thanks for helping me," Bonnie hears Elena tell Jenna as they all get ready for the pageant in the Founders Hall.
Jenna snorts. "Don't thank me until you're sure your hair isn't gonna burn off," she jokes.
Bonnie peers at Jenna's work through her mirror. The curls remind her a little bit of Katherine, but she doesn't dare voice that out loud. "I think you're doing a good job," she comments. A part of her wishes Sheila was helping her with her hair too, but her grandmother had called last night, stating that she would only be back in time for Bonnie's birthday.
Jenna grins, clearly touched. "Thanks, Bonnie."
Elena fiddles with her dress. "You know I remember when my mom and I were first applying for this, she was so excited because she won it back then." She sighs softly. "I just...I think I'd be enjoying it a lot more if my mom was here."
"Well," Jenna starts. "I can tell you one thing: your hair would have a better chance if she was."
Caroline laughs as she's putting on her eyeliner. Bonnie is jealous her hand doesn't even shake. "Put it this way," Caroline adds. "Your mom is probably happy—wherever she is—that you're still even participating. Think of it as paying homage to her memory."
"Wise words," Jenna says, impressed and turning off the curling iron. "Didn't know you had it in you."
"Advice doesn't come cheap. First one is free, she'll have to pay for the rest after."
Elena rolls her eyes, considerably happier, and checks her hair in the mirror. "It looks great, Aunt Jenna. Thanks."
Bonnie heads into the private dressing room, clutching her dress to her chest, and finds Amber standing there staring into space.
"You okay?" Bonnie asks, frowning.
"I hate being the center of attention," Amber mutters, wringing her hands and stepping closer to the door. "I get panic attacks."
"Anything I can do to help?"
"Actually I'm just—I'm gonna go get some air."
Bonnie shrugs, watching her go, and quickly changes into her dress. She twirls in front of the body length mirror, examining the color against her skin with a satisfied hum. As always, Caroline has great taste.
"Gorgeous," comes from behind her, and Bonnie smiles.
"Lexi," she greets, turning around and hugging her friend briefly. She refrains from rubbing at her arms to return the warmth into the skin. "What are you doing here?"
"I was going to say that I wanted to check up on you," Lexi starts, smiling apologetically. "But I came here to tell you something about Stefan."
Dread overspills in Bonnie's stomach and into her other organs. "Which is?"
"Damon and I found a fridge full of blood bags in the cellar. It's Stefan's, and he's already been through more than thirty bags in less than a week."
Bonnie presses her hand against her forehead. "Shit," she states.
"Shit indeed," Lexi agrees. "I also caught Annabelle downstairs. Looks like her and Jeremy are back together again. Elena should know."
"Can this day get any worse?" Bonnie mutters.
"We both know it might. Best to not say it out loud."
Later, Bonnie stands beside Tyler at the top of the stairs as Carol starts calling down the contestants. She wants nothing more than to rip off her dress and go straight home.
"What's with you?" Elena whispers. "You're distracted."
(Carol: "Miss Caroline Forbes and her escort, Jeffrey Lockwood-Hamilton.")
"I'm worried about Amber," Bonnie lies and feels bad about using the girl as an excuse. "It's weird that she flaked out."
"Not really," Elena replies. "Amber isn't the type to do pageants. Caroline said Mrs. Lockwood forced her into this."
(Carol: "Miss Elena Gilbert, escorted by Mister Stefan Salvatore.")
Bonnie bites her lower lip as Elena walks down the stairs, unable to dispel the horrible queasiness that's making her want to vomit.
"Miss Bonnie Bennett with my son, Tyler Lockwood, as her escort," Carol calls out, and Bonnie takes a deep breath, descending the staircase.
"You look great," Tyler mumbles, grabbing her by the hand.
She smiles, or at least tries to. "Thanks. Nice tie."
"I made sure it was the right shade."
The turn like they're supposed to, and Bonnie nearly stops in place at the sight of Damon being Elena's partner instead of Stefan. Amber is still missing. She can't find Lexi anywhere among the crowd.
When the song reaches its end, Bonnie practically bolts out of the Hall, barely giving Tyler an excuse for her panic.
Her feet guide her outside, and she's back where John got his neck snapped, and Bonnie practically jumps the stone staircase and heads into the woods, unsure as to why she desperately needs to go in this direction.
She nearly screams when she crashes into someone. "Stefan?" Bonnie questions cautiously, taking a step back when she sees the blood at the corner of his mouth.
"Bonnie," he breathes, eyes widening. "You…look beautiful."
"Stefan," Bonnie tries again, clenching her fist and glaring. She doesn't want to give him an aneurysm. "Where's Amber?"
He reaches out to her, and she flinches. "No, no. Don't be afraid of me."
"I have to be afraid of you if you hurt someone, Stefan."
Stefan shakes his head repeatedly. "No, I didn't...I don't hurt people," he mutters, growing frantic.
"Bonnie, get away from him."
She looks past Stefan to see Lexi holding an unconscious (Bonnie hopes she is) Amber and inhales sharply.
"Is she still alive?" Bonnie whispers.
Lexi nods, much to her relief. "Stefan managed to stop just in time. I gave her my blood, but right now, you need to go back to the pageant."
Bonnie protests, "But," and falters at the way Stefan just keeps staring at her. "Okay."
"Stefan," Bonnie hears Lexi hiss as she gathers her dress and turns away. "Stay fucking put, or so help me…"
Bonnie returns to the pageant just in time. She climbs onto the stage, ignoring Caroline and Elena's worried looks.
"Before I crown the winner," Carol says into the mic. "I'd like to offer a personal thank you to all of these young ladies for their efforts to better our community."
Everyone applauds, and Bonnie grits her teeth, wanting this whole thing to be over already. She spots John standing near Jenna and Alaric, and hopes he doesn't try anything.
"So, without further ado, it is my honor to announce our very own Miss Mystic Falls," Carol continues. She looks down at the index card in her hand and clears her throat. "Bonnie Bennett!"
Bonne's jaw drops in disbelief as the banner is placed around her shoulders and a crown on her head.
"Congratulations!" Caroline and Elena scream together, hugging Bonnie between them.
"I don't…I don't know what to say," Bonnie states dumbly, blinking owlishly.
"Then don't say anything," Carol advises and steps away from her. She is clearly ignoring Tyler's loud whistling. "Just accept that you won and relish in the victory."
Bonnie tries her best, waving slowly at the cheering crowd, but she can only think about the blood that currently stains Stefan's mouth and an unconscious Amber who may as well be his first victim of many down the line.
The Boarding House is freezing. The heater must have broken, and Damon silently burns logs at the fireplace.
"Where's Stefan?" Vicki asks what they're all thinking, and Bonnie is glad she's not the one who spoke up.
Damon grimaces. "Locked in the basement. Not sure when Lexi is going to let him out."
"What the hell is going on with him, Damon?" Elena puts her hands on her hips, not sitting down like the rest of them.
"Isn't it obvious? He has no idea what normal is—his entire existence isn't normal," Damon explains, clenching his jaw and staring into the fire. "Normal to a vampire is drinking human blood, but he spent all this time fighting it when he should have been learning to control it, and now it's controlling him instead."
"So, what, you're going to keep him trapped in the basement until he gets over it?" Caroline summarizes, chewing on her thumbnail. They three of them are still in their dresses, and Bonnie thinks it's ridiculous, coming here to discuss a bloodthirsty vampire after taking part in a pageant.
Damon sighs. "Thing is, barbie, I don't think he's going to ever get over it," he admits. "Lexi is more optimistic than I am, but she has no clue it's a cycle. Stefan goes on animal blood, accidentally tastes a human, then he starts a frenzy, gets consumed with guilt, goes back to animals. This isn't the first time, and it won't be the last, either."
Matt eyes him. "You're actually worried," he comments simply.
"No shit, blondie number two. He's my brother, and while I would have partied with him over this a month ago, the Town Council is going to stake him seven ways to Sunday when they find out he's behind Amber's attack."
"Someone is going to notice he's suddenly missing," Bonnie speaks up, picking at her dress. "And by someone, I mean John."
Damon grimaces. "Don't remind me of that asshole," he complains. "Alaric and I have been trying to find info about Isobel through him when I told him about Trudie, and he's like a maximum-security vault."
Bonnie hopes Damon hadn't blatantly spied on her and Elena the entire time when she showed up to her house covered in blood.
"I had no idea you two were that close," Elena drawls, lip curled as if Damon were a bug beneath her shoe.
"What can I say? No one can ignore these good looks, fantastic taste in alcohol, and not want to be my friend."
Caroline rolls her eyes. "Don't do anything stupid," she sneers. "Alaric doesn't deserve to be roped into your games."
"Did you not hear a word I just said, barbie?" Damon glowers. "Besides, your mom is scarier than you are. Liz heard about Amber, and she's on my ass about it too."
Bonnie drums on her kneecaps, growing anxious by the minute, and Caroline puts her hand over Bonnie's to get her to stop. "I thought Lexi healed her."
"She still missed out on the pageant, and Stefan's compulsion put holes in her memory that Lexi forgot to override," Damon grumbles. "Liz knew it was a vampire attack immediately. Not to mention there was blood on her dress."
Elena drags her hands down her cheeks. "What the hell are we going to do?" she groans. "Things just keep getting worse. Jeremy might find out about vampires because of Annabelle, and I don't want to drag him into this mess at all."
"I don't even want to think about when Katherine finally shows up," Vicki mutters, sinking into the couch.
"Don't speak her name," Lexi says, entering the living room, and her expression is grim. She grabs an open bottle of bourbon and drinks straight from it, much to the disgust of Damon. "I injected Stefan with a vervain shot. From the amount of blood he's had, it'll take a week for it to get out of his system, and that's when I'll be able to start with his rehabilitation."
Bonnie cringes. "Is he going to be okay?" she asks, rubbing at her arms. The fire hardly warms her.
"I don't know," Lexi admits, taking another large gulp and wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. "That's always the issue. I just hope we can make enough excuses so no one can come looking for him."
"I'm here if you need me," Vicki speaks up, smiling comfortingly.
Elena nods. "I can try asking Annabelle what she and Pearl did. Maybe they have advice."
"Their methods are barbaric," Lexi deadpans, grip tightening on the bottle, and is considerably vague. "It's a last resort."
Damon looks ready to yank the bottle out of her hand. "I'll make sure John doesn't come by the house. Now paws off my alcohol, you heathen."
Bonnie shakes her head as the two start to bicker and gathers up her dress. She needs to go home, take a nice bath, and pretend she hadn't seen any of this coming. From the looks on the rest of MFG's faces, they all more or less have similar plans.
"This is safe, right?" Bonnie asks, sniffing the fruity drink. It doesn't smell like anything she'd buy from the grocery store.
Caroline pouts. "Don't you trust me? It's your birthday, and you deserve to let loose. It won't get you drunk or hungover, I promise."
"That's not what I asked," Bonnie answers dryly but takes a sip anyway. Her party is in full swing, at least in her standard's in a nice, quiet setting, and Stefan's absence is glaring.
"Stop thinking about him," Elena interjects, adjusting the string of her ridiculous cone hat. She raises a brow at Bonnie's confused glance. "You know exactly who I mean. Today is about you. Stop stressing."
Bonnie snaps Elena's string, and she yelps. "Yes, mom." She half-smiles. "I just really hope my Grams doesn't come through the door."
"She's supposed to come back today, right?" Caroline asks, eying the front door as if expecting just that.
Elena tilts her head. "Why did she leave?" she questions. "It was kind of weird for her to just up and go when she hardly leaves Mystic Falls except to go to Whitmore."
Bonnie sighs into her red cup. "Honestly? Grams went to go look for my mom."
"She what?" Caroline chokes. "Why?"
This is the last thing Bonnie wants to talk about, but her fruity drink loosens her lips, and she is thankful Matt and Vicki are distracted by Tyler and Tiki arguing over their board game. Lexi wasn't able to come, for obvious reasons. It's a miracle Bonnie still wanted the party to happen.
"She had a vision about her," Bonnie explains, shrugging, as if they're discussing the weather. "Something has been stopping Grams from using a locator spell, and she thinks my mom isn't behind it."
Elena frowns, folding her arms and rocking back and forth on her heels. "But it's been years. Why now, and not the day your mom actually left?"
"Guilt? Maternal instincts? Who knows?" Bonnie finishes the rest of her drink. "I don't want anything to do with it. Dad says she abandoned us without even saying goodbye. No note. Didn't even bother taking her clothes, just her wallet and car."
Caroline chews on her bottom lip. "Maybe your mom didn't know she would have to say goodbye," she states, and the light starts to flicker. "Sorry. Was just pointing it out."
Bonnie shakes her head, and the lights go back to normal. Tyler hollers something about Bonnie needing to get that fixed. "No, it's fine. We may never really know for sure unless Grams found something in South Carolina."
"This is too depressing," Elena announces, grabbing Bonnie's cup with the intent to refill it. "We should be dancing and not thinking about our crappy moms. We can do that crap tomorrow."
Her phones rings, and she excuses herself, going into the backyard because it's the nearest door. Bonnie doesn't feel the cold wind despite her short dress and wonders if her magic has anything to do with it.
She answers without looking who's calling. "Hello?"
"Happy birthday."
"Stefan?" Bonnie moves her phone away from her ear to see that it's Lexi's number. "How did you get Lexi's phone?"
"She gave it to me. I told her I wanted to wish you happy birthday since I couldn't go to the party."
"Oh. Thank you." Bonnie pauses awkwardly and sits down on the swing, not really wanting the conversation to end there. She can almost imagine him sitting there, like back then, pressed against her as they go over Emily's grimoire. "How are you feeling?"
Stefan sighs. "Like shit but hearing your voice again definitely helps."
"Should I bring some candles?" Bonnie jokes. "Maybe a bath bomb?"
"No. Just you would be fine." He sounds so serious that Bonnie sobers immediately.
"That's not a good idea."
"I know. Just wishful thinking. I messed up really bad, Bonnie."
Bonnie grimaces and stares into the darkness past the wooden fence. "It was…hard seeing you like that," she admits. "But I know you can get better. Lexi says you will."
"Don't sound so sad. It's your birthday, you should be having fun." Stefan doesn't acknowledge at all what she said, and Bonnie thinks he hung up from how quiet he gets. "I miss you. Happy birthday, again." And then he does hang up.
Bonnie looks down at her phone, remembering she's had better conversations than that, and her shoulders sag. She goes back inside, tossing her phone onto the couch, and demands that Caroline and Elena start dancing with her. Matt turns up the volume on the radio at her insistence, saying something about hoping that the neighbors don't complain, but Bonnie frankly does not care right now.
"Who called you?" Caroline practically has to yell over Rihanna's voice.
Bonnie waves her off with a fake smile. "It was just my dad."
In the middle of her night care routine, Bonnie hears the knock from downstairs and races to the door. "Did you forget something?" she asks, expecting Elena or Matt on the other side.
Sheila raises a brow. "That's hardly how you're supposed to welcome back your grandmother."
Bonnie squeals, practically jumping into her arms, and kisses her on the cheek. "Welcome back!" she yells.
"Not so loud," Sheila scolds, letting Bonnie pull her into the house. "It's late. I thought it would be better to come over tomorrow morning, but I have never missed your birthday before, and I'm not going to start now."
"What's that?" Bonnie questions, eying the rectangular box in Sheila's hand.
"Your gift. Here."
Bonnie giddily grabs it, moving to sit down but avoiding the couch because it's still wet from Tiki spilling her drink and Bonnie desperately rubbing at the stain until it was gone.
"I'm so glad you're back," Bonnie states. "It's so weird not having you around. I thought the worst was going to happen."
A silence fills up the living room that is unlike the one left behind after everyone left. Sheila gives her a fixed stare from across the dining table. Very slowly, she remarks, "If you did something you weren't supposed to, now is the time to speak up."
Bonnie looks up from the gift she'd just unwrapped from her, the lightheartedness of their reunion deteriorating faster than she could grasp. The pretty silver moon necklace is cold in her palm. "Huh?" comes out of her mouth intelligently.
"I saw the garbage bag full of red cups by the mailbox. Please tell me there wasn't any alcohol at your party."
Bonnie gestures toward her own face, hoping Sheila doesn't find the relief there. "I am very sober. Not even tipsy."
"You didn't answer my question," Sheila says dryly.
"Um. Anyway. How was South Carolina?" Bonnie asks, folding her legs onto her chair despite the tight fit. "Did you find clues about mom?"
Sheila gives her an unimpressed look but lets it slide. "I picked up a trail, but I couldn't find anything substantial. I knew I had to stop if I wanted to make it for your birthday."
"Great grandma Amelia thinks you were close," Bonnie says, tapping her fingers on the table as Sheila's eyes widen. "She visited me before the Miss Mystic Falls Pageant, which I won by the way. I couldn't tell if Mrs. Lockwood was annoyed or accepting. Probably both."
"Of course, you won," Sheila comments about the safest topic. "I would have beat sense and something else into Mrs. Lockwood if you didn't."
Bonnie shrugs. "I didn't really care, in the end. I was more worried about John and all the crazy stuff happening."
"Do I want to know?"
"Not really," Bonnie admits. "And I kind of don't want to tell you because you'll take it out of proportion, and then we'll fight."
Sheila sighs, massaging her temples. "Are you in any danger at least?"
"No. It's more, uh, vampire business, I guess. Whatever you do, don't trust John."
"Why's that?"
Bonnie grimaces. "He's working with Katherine. Over what, I'm not sure. We're still trying to figure that out." She eyes her grandmother, suddenly curious. "Did you know Elena was adopted?"
Sheila doesn't even blink. "Yes, I did," she replies.
"What? Was it that big of a secret none of us were supposed to know about?"
"No," Sheila says. "Miranda told Abby, because they were best friends, and Abby told me. That's all there was to it."
"Do you know that her biological mom is now a vampire?"
"That, I had no clue about. How did you find out?"
Bonnie stares up at the ceiling. "Damon turned her. She was obsessed with discovering the existence of vampires, and when she finally found one, well, you know."
"Rabbit hole," Sheila mutters, and Bonnie tries not to smile.
"What's even crazier is that while Isobel was trying to find vampires, she found out about witches too. Specifically, our family."
Sheila leans back into her seat, crossing her arms, and asks, "Anything we should be worried about?"
"Besides the whole Bennett witches disappearing, not really," says Bonnie. "There's just a bunch of weird, confusing stuff. From what I learned, there's something called the game of power."
Sheila falls silent, and Bonnie leans forward, not expecting that response.
"You know about it," Bonnie comments, squinting in suspicion.
"Not much," Sheila admits, shrugging. "Just that the supernatural world and its politics have got nothing to do with me. Vampire business is one thing, but the game of power has lasted centuries and dragged even innocent people down under. Keeping your nose out of it is the best thing you can do."
Bonnie groans. "I don't think I can," she complains. "Katherine's interest in me is proof of that."
Sheila purses her lips. "Still, if you can avoid it, do so. You're supposed to be focusing on your grades and ballet practice. Don't let these vampires steer you away from your future."
This is what Bonnie wanted to avoid. Sheila thinks she can just ignore everything and keep her head down, but Bonnie knows better. Amelia had been wrong. Bonnie doesn't really keep Sheila in the dark, Sheila purposely does it to herself too because she thinks it's safer.
"Okay," Bonnie says after a moment, drained.
Sheila nods and gestures to her necklace. "Let me put it on you."
Bonnie stares into space as Sheila clasps the necklace, and she pinches the tiny crescent moon with her thumb and index finger. I only hope the two of us make it out of this alive, Bonnie prays silently, half-listening to her grandmother talk about how wet Tennessee is in the winter.
Her phone vibrates on the table.
Happy birthday, comes in as a text from her dad.
Bonnie closes her eyes, ignoring the sting of fatigue and something else too similar to loneliness.
This chapter was really hard to write, and I want you all to know that your reviews is what forced me to finish this as fast as possible. I genuinely re-read everything you guys send me, and I commit your names to memory, getting really happy when I see the notifications in my email. I can't thank you guys enough for taking the time to not only read this monster of a fic (100k words jesus christ) and actually write your thoughts, feelings, and satisfaction with my writing. If there's any mistakes and typos, I'll fix them eventually. Right now I just want this damn thing to be posted lmao
Next up, Isobel makes her appearance, and a wild ride comes after. It'll probably be a really long chapter cause I want to get the Gilbert device stuff already out the way so I can make way for Katherine.